There Is No 'Environmental Science.'

Well, at least it kept you from hanging out on the street corners.

What made you think your recitation of your hobby had anything to do with the OP?

You, being fooled, hardly seems anything new.

Now....if you'd like to refer to the OP.....don't hesitate....

Hobby? Don't you want to know what is happening to our world because of our wanton greed, wastefulness and apathy? Of course you don't... you're a corporate stooge. Well, I do, as do most sane people.

How did I not refer to the OP? You said "There is no environmental science". I proved you wrong yet again by giving an example of a scientific expedition I went on that absolutely was ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE. You really should read real science books if you've got this much time on your hands.

1. "our wanton greed, wastefulness and apathy" Lefties are soooo good at bumper-stickers.

Not so good at reality.

2. " an example of a scientific expedition I went on.."

Actually, that was statist busy work. It's really designed is to find a way for big government to prove how essential it is.

I may do an OP on the Hegeiian basis for all totalitarian philosophies of the last century....after all, that's the nature of environmentalism.
You up for that?
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Judging by your outrage, it was all original to you!

But you still haven't disputed a single thing in the OP...
...contrary to what you 'learned' in government schools, referring to ' right wing nutjobs' blogs' doesn't counter any of the OP. have encouraged me to write another one tomorrow.

I hope you'll do a better job than you've done today.
Otherwise.....there's really no hope for you.

Your prize for today's efforts… tickets for the first row at a Gallagher concert. Wear your raincoat.

Oh good lord. You really can't argue with stupid...
NOTHING IN YOUR OP IS TRUTH OR FACT. God dammit, you righties will do ANYTHING to discount common sense when it comes to environmentalism and science. You don't even need to read a book. Just look around you. Look at that floating garbage island in the ocean.
Huge Garbage Patch Found in Atlantic Too

Or how about the fertilizer run-off dead zone in the gulf:
The Gulf's Growing 'Dead Zone' - TIME

And how about Monsanto's proud part in their evil hearts in the bee die off (we really need bees):
Honeybee Deaths Linked to Corn Insecticides - ABC News

All of the examples above are very real and very MAN MADE.

Oh, and this past year? Our hottest year ever. But by all means, deny deny deny. I wish we could rocket all of you that think this way off to a different planet so that you can mess that one up to your heart's desire, not caring that one day, it will become unlivable. I just don't get it.

"you righties will do ANYTHING to discount common sense"

'Common sense' is what tells you that two plumb lines are parallel

Pretty clear you have no concept of what science is.

But....not to worry: Like Mighty Mouse, I'm here to save the day!
Who gives a shit what some right-wing "philosopher" (oxymoron, if I've ever heard one) thinks about environmentalism - obviously he's going to be against it? I can find just as many left-wing philosophers on the other side.

This scientific expedition is not paid for by this or any other government. I paid to go and the expedition was led by Sussex University in the UK and the Ecuadorian local people that make up the Santa Lucia nature reserve.
Judging by your outrage, it was all original to you!

But you still haven't disputed a single thing in the OP...
...contrary to what you 'learned' in government schools, referring to ' right wing nutjobs' blogs' doesn't counter any of the OP. have encouraged me to write another one tomorrow.

I hope you'll do a better job than you've done today.
Otherwise.....there's really no hope for you.

Your prize for today's efforts… tickets for the first row at a Gallagher concert. Wear your raincoat.

Oh good lord. You really can't argue with stupid...

That's the kind of comment folks make when they're stumped...and can't come up with a rebuttal....

And some of the other Oompa Loompas are really good at making chocolate.

I love chocolate.

See....they know science too!

Well yes, there are chemical reactions that take place in making chocolate. There is an aspect of science. Well, this has been less than stimulating, but I've got a train to catch. Nice work trying to discount the works of Hegel, Newton and Darwin as solely a made up political agenda to denounce Christianity and bring about... fascism? Holy shit, you righties are scaring me with their ignorance.
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1. "our wanton greed, wastefulness and apathy" Lefties are soooo good at bumber-stickers.

Not so good at reality.

How is that not a reality? It is everywhere you look? Do you even look?

1. Each year, Earth Day -- April 22 -- marks the anniversary of what many consider the birth of the modern environmental movement in 1970. The height of hippie and flower-child culture in the United States, 1970 brought the death of Jimi Hendrix, the last Beatles album, and Simon & Garfunkel’s “Bridge Over Troubled Water”. Earth Day: The History of A Movement | Earth Day Network

2. We are about to witness a worldwide pagan rite – the worship of the earth, the worship of Gaia, (Earth Mother). Earth Day is the worship of nature — rather than Nature’s God.

Though touted as, somehow, NEW, worship of the earth is likely the oldest religion on earth. Born of child-like ignorance, it has survived centuries and is, once again, robust and thriving among those people of earth who have lost their way and have reclaimed this form of paganism …” Earth Day, The High Holy Day of Paganism | The Silent Majority Earth Day, The High Holy Day of Paganism | The Silent Majority
Earth Day

3. It is no accident that April 22, Earth Day, is also the birth date of Vladimir Lenin, an acolyte of Karl Marx, the lunatic who invented communism as an alternative to capitalism. Earth Day is naked communism. To begin, it substitutes a worship of the Earth, Gaia, for the worship of God, creator of the universe and the instructor of moral behavior for mankind. The Earth does not demand a moral code of personal behavior. While America was established to ensure “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”, environmentalism exists to exert more and more control over our lives by limiting our choices, our liberty.
Warning Signs: The Naked Communism of Earth Day
Warning Signs: The Naked Communism of Earth Day

Sure hope I'm not insulting your religion.....
Who gives a shit what some right-wing "philosopher" (oxymoron, if I've ever heard one) thinks about environmentalism - obviously he's going to be against it? I can find just as many left-wing philosophers on the other side.

This scientific expedition is not paid for by this or any other government. I paid to go and the expedition was led by Sussex University in the UK and the Ecuadorian local people that make up the Santa Lucia nature reserve.

Are you referring to Karl Popper???

Right wing???

You dolt, he was George Soro's mentor!!

Now....what were you saying about arguing with 'stupid'?
Who gives a shit what some right-wing "philosopher" (oxymoron, if I've ever heard one) thinks about environmentalism - obviously he's going to be against it? I can find just as many left-wing philosophers on the other side.

This scientific expedition is not paid for by this or any other government. I paid to go and the expedition was led by Sussex University in the UK and the Ecuadorian local people that make up the Santa Lucia nature reserve.

OK....ok.....I'll write about the link between environmentalism, the universities and totalitarianism.....

....don't miss it!
It can't come a minute too soon for you!
And some of the other Oompa Loompas are really good at making chocolate.

I love chocolate.

See....they know science too!

Well yes, there are chemical reactions that take place in making chocolate. There is an aspect of science. Well, this has been less than stimulating, but I've got a train to catch. Nice work trying to discount the works of Hegel, Newton and Darwin as solely a made up political agenda to denounce Christianity and bring about... fascism? Holy shit, you righties are scaring me with their ignorance.

Tune in tomorrow....same time....same station.
a. One spin-off of the Enlightenment was the desire to find new myths that would transcend daily existence and take one to a higher level of purification. Proto-fascist, and founder of ecology, Ernst Haeckel, invested nature-worship with the belief that all matter was alive and possessed mental attributes. In ‘monism,’ he brought together hostility to Christianity and propaganda for Darwinism, a nature cult and theories of hygiene and selective breeding.
J.W. Burrow, “The Crisis of Reason: European Thought, 1848-1914,” p. 218-19

Oh! That damn Wicca religion!
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1. The intellectual history of environmentalism reflects an amalgam of congregationalism, pantheism, the religious elements of Native American environmentalism meeting Hegelian philosophy and Rachel Carson. The rising diaspora of activism metastasized throughout the culture, until it was strong enough and pervasive enough to force legislation. The mistake is in believing it is based on science.

2. Karl Popper is generally regarded as one of the greatest philosophers of science of the 20th century [The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy(Summer 2009 Edition) ]; he watched the rise of Hitler, and the Nazis, and analyzed the conditions that allowed fascism to arise. He realized that all the totalitarian philosophies of the 20th century owe their origin to Hegel.

a. Hegel:“All the worth which the human being possesses - all spiritual reality, he possesses only through the State.” Hegel Quotations and Totalitarianism

b. Hegel managed to combine elements of religion with those of science, so that science took on a kind of religious significance.

3. In science, the straight line goes from Hegel to Ernst Haeckel, the man who coined the word ‘ecology.’

a. One spin-off of the Enlightenment was the desire to find new myths that would transcend daily existence and take one to a higher level of purification. Proto-fascist, and founder of ecology, Ernst Haeckel, invested nature-worship with the belief that all matter was alive and possessed mental attributes. In ‘monism,’ he brought together hostility to Christianity and propaganda for Darwinism, a nature cult and theories of hygiene and selective breeding.
J.W. Burrow, “The Crisis of Reason: European Thought, 1848-1914,” p. 218-19

b. Hegel to Haeckel to Hitler, or Marx and Engels to Soviet science or Nazi science. Both forms are corruptions of science.

4. After Lenin’s death, the effort was to create a proletariat science, based on the view that authority can change nature itself; "The human species, the sluggish Homo sapiens, will once again enter the stage of radical reconstruction and become in his own hands the object of the most complex methods of artificial selection and psychophysical training... Man will make it his create a higher sociobiological type, a superman, if you will"
New Soviet man - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

a. In fact, the Soviets, under agriculture minister Trofim Lysenko, fervently believed that they with the proper conditions they could change the genetics of crops, the idea known as ‘the inheritance of acquired characteristics.’ The Soviets actually banned the teaching of Mendelian genetics.
Science and politics

b. All humanities and social sciences were additionally tested for strict accordance with historical materialism. These tests were alleged to serve as a cover for political suppression, to terrorize scientists who engaged in research labeled as "idealistic" or "bourgeois.”
Suppressed research in the Soviet Union - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

5. Along came radical environmentalism’s Lady GaGa, Rachel Carson. Romanticizing nature, targeting humankind as the grand evil, in a book filled with anecdotal ‘science,’ she stole the hearts of Progressives.

a. Carson’s book was dismissed in ‘Science’ magazine as a “prosecuting attorney’s impassioned plea for action,” not a book based on scientific data. I.L.Baldwin, “Chemicals and Pests,” Science, September 28, 1962, p.1042-1043.

Progressive science? Environmentalism?
Corruptions of science propped up with taxpayer funds and 'targeted' academic grants.

And swallowed by the willfully ignorant.

Raise your paw if you're one.....

Back in the old days, the subject was totally covered in Geology. There was no Earth Science to be taught at a univeristy. I had to take a lot of elective courses. to get through college as a Chemistry major. When stationed in Camp Lejeune, I took courses in Cultural Archaeology and Physical Anthropology. I took every course you can imagine, when it comes to science or anything related to it.

I admit I was chasing the money, because I grew up poor. Now, look at the reality back then. I grew up during a time when the minimum wage was the highest in history. I look back and think I'm fortunate, because these people who live in America today don't have that opportunity.

Is it possible you have some comment related to the OP, or did you merely wonder in to warm up?

What does it take to melt ice? Do you know how much heat is required? What happens to water after you melt ice and add the same amount of heat to melt it? The amount of heat required to melt ice at 32 degrees and make it liquid water at 32 degrees is enormous. Now, how hot will the water become if you melt it and give it just the same amount of heat?

You can warm a water planet and still have lower temperatures. Ignorance will never save you.

Don't get me wrong, it isn't that I like cold, and it can go right to the bone. I believe if we continue down this path of making rapid changes, we're going to wipe out over 90% of the life on Earth and be the most destructive event our Earth has ever faced.
Back in the old days, the subject was totally covered in Geology. There was no Earth Science to be taught at a univeristy. I had to take a lot of elective courses. to get through college as a Chemistry major. When stationed in Camp Lejeune, I took courses in Cultural Archaeology and Physical Anthropology. I took every course you can imagine, when it comes to science or anything related to it.

I admit I was chasing the money, because I grew up poor. Now, look at the reality back then. I grew up during a time when the minimum wage was the highest in history. I look back and think I'm fortunate, because these people who live in America today don't have that opportunity.

Is it possible you have some comment related to the OP, or did you merely wonder in to warm up?

What does it take to melt ice? Do you know how much heat is required? What happens to water after you melt ice and add the same amount of heat to melt it? The amount of heat required to melt ice at 32 degrees and make it liquid water at 32 degrees is enormous. Now, how hot will the water become if you melt it and give it just the same amount of heat?

You can warm a water planet and still have lower temperatures. Ignorance will never save you.

Don't get me wrong, it isn't that I like cold, and it can go right to the bone. I believe if we continue down this path of making rapid changes, we're going to wipe out over 90% of the life on Earth and be the most destructive event our Earth has ever faced.

Let's be very clear here....
...nothing the eco-fascists would like better than to rest on the laurels of general science....

The reason?
Junior high school science is, as Kant suggested, based on empirical evidence.
Environmentalism is based on Hegelian monism.

Tomorrow....I'll write about it.
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Is it possible you have some comment related to the OP, or did you merely wonder in to warm up?

What does it take to melt ice? Do you know how much heat is required? What happens to water after you melt ice and add the same amount of heat to melt it? The amount of heat required to melt ice at 32 degrees and make it liquid water at 32 degrees is enormous. Now, how hot will the water become if you melt it and give it just the same amount of heat?

You can warm a water planet and still have lower temperatures. Ignorance will never save you.

Don't get me wrong, it isn't that I like cold, and it can go right to the bone. I believe if we continue down this path of making rapid changes, we're going to wipe out over 90% of the life on Earth and be the most destructive event our Earth has ever faced.

Let's be very clear here....
...nothing the eco-fascists would like better than to rest on the laurels of general science....

The reason?
Junior high school science is, as Kant suggested, based on empirical evidence.
Environmentalism is based on Hegelian monism.

Tomorrow....I'll write about it.

I'm not a fascists, communist or anything like those people. I'm a realist and if you don't think our planet is heading for destruction, then don't believe it. I'm just an old man caring about my kids and grandkids.
What does it take to melt ice? Do you know how much heat is required? What happens to water after you melt ice and add the same amount of heat to melt it? The amount of heat required to melt ice at 32 degrees and make it liquid water at 32 degrees is enormous. Now, how hot will the water become if you melt it and give it just the same amount of heat?

You can warm a water planet and still have lower temperatures. Ignorance will never save you.

Don't get me wrong, it isn't that I like cold, and it can go right to the bone. I believe if we continue down this path of making rapid changes, we're going to wipe out over 90% of the life on Earth and be the most destructive event our Earth has ever faced.

Let's be very clear here....
...nothing the eco-fascists would like better than to rest on the laurels of general science....

The reason?
Junior high school science is, as Kant suggested, based on empirical evidence.
Environmentalism is based on Hegelian monism.

Tomorrow....I'll write about it.

I'm not a fascists, communist or anything like those people. I'm a realist and if you don't think our planet is heading for destruction, then don't believe it. I'm just an old man caring about my kids and grandkids.
Not if you vote Democrat, you don't.

Unless you really don't like them and want to saddle them with crippling debt.
Let's be very clear here....
...nothing the eco-fascists would like better than to rest on the laurels of general science....

The reason?
Junior high school science is, as Kant suggested, based on empirical evidence.
Environmentalism is based on Hegelian monism.

Tomorrow....I'll write about it.

I'm not a fascists, communist or anything like those people. I'm a realist and if you don't think our planet is heading for destruction, then don't believe it. I'm just an old man caring about my kids and grandkids.
Not if you vote Democrat, you don't.

Unless you really don't like them and want to saddle them with crippling debt.

You motherfucker made this debt and you blame a Black President who had to take over after you misdeeds. I can tolerate being conservative, because I was conservative, but I can't tolerate a political party just serving itself. Get rid of all of them, I don't care!

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