There IS NO anti-incumbent mood!

Reid, Boxer and Feingold are all in races that are considered "toss ups"... Not even "Likely Dem"...

These are normally safe incumbent seats...

Please explain why these races are not at least 10 points+ for the dem right now...
Feingold is now a tossup? Go Rob Johnson Go! His ads are really shredding him in a very solid way. I'm sure Madison is howling in rage. Have to ask my friend.

I didn't know that Feingold has never held a private sector job for over 30 years.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2010 - Wisconsin Senate - Feingold vs. Johnson

Definitely close.....
I saw the video ... she didn't make any kind of legit comparison with the numbers, IMO.

She needs to put them up against other years to make the assertion that there is no "anti-incumbent" fervor this year.

How many incumbents lost in the primaries in 2008? 2006? 2004? Etc?
What is not legit about counting 7 incumbents who were thrown out this year? Are her numbers wrong? Did she miss somebody (besides the Alaska/Murkowski race which was after her story, bringing it to 8)?

I'm missing your point here, Article 15.

Big Fitz: Yeah, everyone wants to throw the other bums out - just not their own bum.

My point is that without knowing how many incumbents lost primaries in previous elections there is nothing to compare her numbers to. Those eight could represent the most in twenty years for all we know.
She isn't making a 'compared to other years' argument, though. She's demonstrating that the actual facts don't match the media rhetoric.

I am assuming you watched the video link I provided. She contrasts the way the media is wording their stories before and after the voting, with the 'after' story invariably saying that the incumbent avoided the anti-incumbent frenzy. But THEY ARE ALL avoiding the anti-incumbent frenzy, which tells me that there is no anti-incumbent frenzy when it comes to each voter's own incumbent.
There is no doubt that democrats will lose seats. That is a given. But it is doubtful if there will be any kind of mass turnover.

First because Americans are the dumbest voters in the world.

Second because even though there is great dissatisfaction with incumbents in general. MY representative is just fine. After all he has been there for half of his life.

I saw a report recently that claimed there IS an anti-incumbent mood, but that it's limited to YOUR incumbent. Many people who claimed they wanted to "throw the bums out", also said that their guy was OK!!!

Exactly Rachel's point.
Just seem pleased that there is not this anti-incumbent sentiment.

Really? You like the way our congress has been behaving on our behalf? Yopu like the fact that they voted themsleves raises? You like the fact that they refused to openly agree to be part of any "public option" if one were part of the HC law?
You like backroom deals? You like them criticizing people that exercise their right to free speech?

I mean...really?

You like how our congress is behaving?

I dont. Havent for about 12 years now.
There IS NO anti-incumbent mood!

I see that you have brought over your insightful political analysis from, si modo.
Last edited:
Reid, Boxer and Feingold are all in races that are considered "toss ups"... Not even "Likely Dem"...

These are normally safe incumbent seats...

Please explain why these races are not at least 10 points+ for the dem right now...
That tells me that the Democrats and Independents are disillusioned with the pace of change, not that the wingnut teabaggers are taking over.
Just seem pleased that there is not this anti-incumbent sentiment.

Really? You like the way our congress has been behaving on our behalf? Yopu like the fact that they voted themsleves raises? You like the fact that they refused to openly agree to be part of any "public option" if one were part of the HC law?
You like backroom deals? You like them criticizing people that exercise their right to free speech?

I mean...really?

You like how our congress is behaving?

I dont. Havent for about 12 years now.

I hate having to explain what I've written to remedial readers.

Re-read the first sentence of my OP. Note the single word sentence at the end.
Reid, Boxer and Feingold are all in races that are considered "toss ups"... Not even "Likely Dem"...

These are normally safe incumbent seats...

Please explain why these races are not at least 10 points+ for the dem right now...
Feingold is now a tossup? Go Rob Johnson Go! His ads are really shredding him in a very solid way. I'm sure Madison is howling in rage. Have to ask my friend.

I didn't know that Feingold has never held a private sector job for over 30 years.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2010 - Wisconsin Senate - Feingold vs. Johnson

Definitely close.....

Poll Date Sample Feingold (D) Johnson (R) Spread
RCP Average 6/26 - 8/24 -- 45.3 44.3 Feingold +1.0
Rasmussen Reports 8/24 - 8/24 750 LV 46 47 Johnson +1
Rasmussen Reports 8/10 - 8/10 750 LV 46 47 Johnson +1
Rasmussen Reports 7/27 - 7/27 750 LV 46 48 Johnson +2
Rasmussen Reports 7/13 - 7/13 750 LV 46 47 Johnson +1
Magellan Strategies (R) 7/12 - 7/12 1145 LV 45 43 Feingold +2
PPP (D) 6/26 - 6/27 638 LV 45 43 Feingold +2
Univ. of Wisconsin 6/9 - 7/10 297 LV 33 28 Feingold +5
Rasmussen Reports 6/21 - 6/21 500 LV 46 45 Feingold +1
Rasmussen Reports 5/25 - 5/25 500 LV 46 44 Feingold +2

And UW's polls are usually radically leftwing anyway. They'll keep calling till they get the result they want. So, you can safely knock 3-4 points off that.
Just seem pleased that there is not this anti-incumbent sentiment.

Really? You like the way our congress has been behaving on our behalf? Yopu like the fact that they voted themsleves raises? You like the fact that they refused to openly agree to be part of any "public option" if one were part of the HC law?
You like backroom deals? You like them criticizing people that exercise their right to free speech?

I mean...really?

You like how our congress is behaving?

I dont. Havent for about 12 years now.

I hate having to explain what I've written to remedial readers.

Re-read the first sentence of my OP. Note the single word sentence at the end.

Yeah. An error on my part.
Sometimes it hapopens when you scan throutgh the threads.

I did not think it warranted the jab by you, but I understand that sometimes we must suffer the consequences of our mistakes.
I apologize.
Reid, Boxer and Feingold are all in races that are considered "toss ups"... Not even "Likely Dem"...

These are normally safe incumbent seats...

Please explain why these races are not at least 10 points+ for the dem right now...
That tells me that the Democrats and Independents are disillusioned with the pace of change, not that the wingnut teabaggers are taking over.

Nice opinion, but anyone can have an opinion...

I see no facts presented that tell us the existing usually "safe" democratics aren't being liberal enough... If that were the case then the "safe" D would be tossed on primary day by those unhappy D's who don't see the "Hopeandchange" working fast enough...

I do see the numbers for the R going up and the numbers for the D going down... That doesn't support your theory either...
Just seem pleased that there is not this anti-incumbent sentiment.

Really? You like the way our congress has been behaving on our behalf? Yopu like the fact that they voted themsleves raises? You like the fact that they refused to openly agree to be part of any "public option" if one were part of the HC law?
You like backroom deals? You like them criticizing people that exercise their right to free speech?

I mean...really?

You like how our congress is behaving?

I dont. Havent for about 12 years now.

I hate having to explain what I've written to remedial readers.

Re-read the first sentence of my OP. Note the single word sentence at the end.

Yeah. An error on my part.
Sometimes it hapopens when you scan throutgh the threads.

I did not think it warranted the jab by you, but I understand that sometimes we must suffer the consequences of our mistakes.
I apologize.
I apologize also. You are honorable.

But when you constantly find your words twisted into something you didn't say, it gets tiresome. I thought this was just another case.
Reid, Boxer and Feingold are all in races that are considered "toss ups"... Not even "Likely Dem"...

These are normally safe incumbent seats...

Please explain why these races are not at least 10 points+ for the dem right now...
That tells me that the Democrats and Independents are disillusioned with the pace of change, not that the wingnut teabaggers are taking over.

Nice opinion, but anyone can have an opinion...

I see no facts presented that tell us the existing usually "safe" democratics aren't being liberal enough... If that were the case then the "safe" D would be tossed on primary day by those unhappy D's who don't see the "Hopeandchange" working fast enough...

I do see the numbers for the R going up and the numbers for the D going down... That doesn't support your theory either...
There may be reasons for, say, Feingold's lesser support that have nothing to do with teabaggers. For instance, he voted against the financial reform bill.

Yes, opinions are nice. You've shown no evidence that the 3 you mentioned are having difficulty because of teabaggers.
It is as much anti-liberal/Big Government as it is anti-Democrat. It just so happens that many Democrats are liberal Big Government politicians. Those Republicans who are also of the same category and up for re-election have been facing challenges throughout the country.

People are sick of Big Government liberalism. Independents and many Republicans voted for Obama.

They now regret doing so - Big Time, and this sentiment has been brewing for some a while. The foolish libs chose to ignore it, dismiss it, or openly mock it, which has only strengthened the sentiment, and increased the numbers of those sharing it.

From a year ago:

If President Obama does not alter course swiftly, if the Democrat Congress does not fully understand the encompassing mistrust against their socialist direction now permeating the American subconscious, the Democrat Party may very well be relegated to the scrap heap of history. The Democrats, under the overtly misguided, impractical, and contradictory leadership of President Obama, have openly turned against those Americans who have the clarity of courage to question the necessity and soundness of their intended policies, equating these outspoken citizens to Nazis, thugs, and all things un-American. Thomas Jefferson, in one of his deepest moments of national reflection, spoke as well as any to the point of a government grown far beyond its own means, and at the expense of the citizens its existence is intended to serve when he stated, “I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just.”

Full article here:

Obama and The Democrats: Are You Listening? | Socyberty
That tells me that the Democrats and Independents are disillusioned with the pace of change, not that the wingnut teabaggers are taking over.

Nice opinion, but anyone can have an opinion...

I see no facts presented that tell us the existing usually "safe" democratics aren't being liberal enough... If that were the case then the "safe" D would be tossed on primary day by those unhappy D's who don't see the "Hopeandchange" working fast enough...

I do see the numbers for the R going up and the numbers for the D going down... That doesn't support your theory either...
There may be reasons for, say, Feingold's lesser support that have nothing to do with teabaggers. For instance, he voted against the financial reform bill.

Yes, opinions are nice. You've shown no evidence that the 3 you mentioned are having difficulty because of teabaggers.

I never claimed their problems were do to Tea Party members...

I do say that your claim of "no anti-incumbent mood" is unsupported by facts...
I hate having to explain what I've written to remedial readers.

Re-read the first sentence of my OP. Note the single word sentence at the end.

Yeah. An error on my part.
Sometimes it hapopens when you scan throutgh the threads.

I did not think it warranted the jab by you, but I understand that sometimes we must suffer the consequences of our mistakes.
I apologize.
I apologize also. You are honorable.

But when you constantly find your words twisted into something you didn't say, it gets tiresome. I thought this was just another case.

I know what you mean. Been a victim of it myself. Gets quite frustrating at times.
I urge you all to viddy this clip, which pretty much proves that there is no anti-incumbent mood sweeping the nation. Sadly.

It is a completely non-partisan clip, but I must warn you that it is presented by Rachel Maddow.

Now, for those of you whose ideological identity is so fragile that you cannot bear to see a few moments of the scary 'Ms. MadCow', just FF to around 2:39.

But the whole 5 minutes is very revealing about ALL the media hyping this notion that "we've had it, and we are throwing the bums out."

It ain't so. It's a lie.

It's reporting like this that makes Rachel Maddow indispensable. Yes, she has a Liberal POV, but she also covers and uncovers truths about politics that few others in the media touches - on either side.

Rachel Maddow Show

This is a joke thread, right?
I tried my best to get McConnel thrown out last time, but those incumbent loving righties just voted him in again.

you'd have done the country a favor if you succeeded.
It's a lot like Harry Reid: when was the last time a sitting majority or minority leader was voted out of office? Tom Daschle, in 2004. Has it happened often? Nope - the last time was 1952.

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