There are rich black people and poor white people...


VIP Member
Oct 5, 2016
but that doesn't make the rich black person white, or the poor white person black. There are also good black people and bad white people, but same point.

Look, that's just the truth. Race is something genetically inherited, and it is something genetically passed on. We all try to deny this, but it is true.

The reason why we deny this is, being an aspirational and optimistic culture, we like to think that all natural differences can be transcended. We like the feel good story, the story of the motivated person from a humble background who strikes it rich or becomes famous.

But think about it. Isn't it true that such a person most likely is genetically better than others from his background, and they are just asserting that in the end?

So even this example does not refute the importance of genetics.
Not to sound racist or anything, but I'm still waiting to hear why Europe has monumental cathedrals, castles, highway systems, and works or art, while Africa is what's always been.
Not to sound racist or anything, but I'm still waiting to hear why Europe has monumental cathedrals, castles, highway systems, and works or art, while Africa is what's always been.
The richness of Africa left alone, without European involvement would still be rich in diamonds and gold, natural minerals, rich cultivated land, historic monuments and exotic pristine forest with animals and you tell me why its so fucked up today....and do include white greed and keep on including it to slavery and today....where corrupt governments sell their souls to whitey.
Genetically, blacks are less intelligent than whites. But, culture is the biggest factor in how white or black someone is. Unfortunately, blacks are trained to be blacks (n1ggers, really). Blacks don't have to play the victims while preying on whites. They're just trained to be that way.
Not to sound racist or anything, but I'm still waiting to hear why Europe has monumental cathedrals, castles, highway systems, and works or art, while Africa is what's always been.
The richness of Africa left alone, without European involvement would still be rich in diamonds and gold, natural minerals, rich cultivated land, historic monuments and exotic pristine forest with animals and you tell me why its so fucked up today....and do include white greed and keep on including it to slavery and today....where corrupt governments sell their souls to whitey.

The truth is,all the diamonds and gold, natural minerals, rich cultivated land, historic monuments and exotic pristine forest with animals and such were absolutely worthless until white settlers moved there to develop and utilize those resources. They provided jobs, built cities, roads, highways, and farms to feed the people.

Before the settlers moved there, there was nothing but tribal feudalism, starvation, slavery, cannibalism, animal worship, and every tropical disease known to mankind.

Since the white people were driven out or murdered in their sleep, Africa seems to be intent on reverting to its previous state.
Genetically, blacks are less intelligent than whites. But, culture is the biggest factor in how white or black someone is. Unfortunately, blacks are trained to be blacks (n1ggers, really). Blacks don't have to play the victims while preying on whites. They're just trained to be that way.
Ya know, when I was a little girl, I use to think white people had it going on, that yes, being a product of the 60-70's culture, never being exposed to whites, yeah I thought maybe it is true, white people are better....that was until I joined the US Navy and as I matured....Fact: In my journey, I found out truth....that most ww are promoted based on looks, not what they know, but based solely on looks and white skin. I have come across in my lifetime of 60 plus years some of the dumbest people I swear to God I have ever met in my life, to be that of whites. Fact: To compare a child born in poverty, raised by a single mother until her death who graduated from Harvard to become the first black president in all history, to a man born of privilege, who can't tell the difference between a McNugget and a tampon.....renders your stupid white ass as of this day, a non motherfuckin factor...YOU NO LONGER HAVE CREDS....FIND A HOLE AND STAY THERE.
Not to sound racist or anything, but I'm still waiting to hear why Europe has monumental cathedrals, castles, highway systems, and works or art, while Africa is what's always been.
The richness of Africa left alone, without European involvement would still be rich in diamonds and gold, natural minerals, rich cultivated land, historic monuments and exotic pristine forest with animals and you tell me why its so fucked up today....and do include white greed and keep on including it to slavery and today....where corrupt governments sell their souls to whitey.

The truth is,all the diamonds and gold, natural minerals, rich cultivated land, historic monuments and exotic pristine forest with animals and such were absolutely worthless until white settlers moved there to develop and utilize those resources. They provided jobs, built cities, roads, highways, and farms to feed the people.

Before the settlers moved there, there was nothing but tribal feudalism, starvation, slavery, cannibalism, animal worship, and every tropical disease known to mankind.

Since the white people were driven out or murdered in their sleep, Africa seems to be intent on reverting to its previous state.
Not to sound racist or anything, but I'm still waiting to hear why Europe has monumental cathedrals, castles, highway systems, and works or art, while Africa is what's always been.
The richness of Africa left alone, without European involvement would still be rich in diamonds and gold, natural minerals, rich cultivated land, historic monuments and exotic pristine forest with animals and you tell me why its so fucked up today....and do include white greed and keep on including it to slavery and today....where corrupt governments sell their souls to whitey.

The truth is,all the diamonds and gold, natural minerals, rich cultivated land, historic monuments and exotic pristine forest with animals and such were absolutely worthless until white settlers moved there to develop and utilize those resources. They provided jobs, built cities, roads, highways, and farms to feed the people.

Before the settlers moved there, there was nothing but tribal feudalism, starvation, slavery, cannibalism, animal worship, and every tropical disease known to mankind.

Since the white people were driven out or murdered in their sleep, Africa seems to be intent on reverting to its previous state.
Get the fuck outta sound a like a mf, who justifies robbing a bank, cause if left alone the money would just sit there in a vault. Listen, there was a reason the good lord didn't put that shit in Europe and America...think about it fool......listen, no amount of rational bullshit is gonna convince anybody that white people did a good thing for people maybe, but not you greedy brutal demonic bastard children of Satan himself...not in your life.
Not to sound racist or anything, but I'm still waiting to hear why Europe has monumental cathedrals, castles, highway systems, and works or art, while Africa is what's always been.
Did ever occur to you, that not everybody wants to sling meat in a ww, while texting a girlfriend, while the big screen tv is blaring noise that makes you not hear the pizza delivery guy knocking on the door, after he pulls up in a battery charged car....maybe just maybe some people like the simple things in life!!
Fact: To compare a child born in poverty, raised by a single mother until her death who graduated from Harvard to become the first black president in all history, to a man born of privilege, who can't tell the difference between a McNugget and a tampon.....renders your stupid white ass as of this day, a non motherfuckin factor...YOU NO LONGER HAVE CREDS....FIND A HOLE AND STAY THERE.

Obama? Obama is half white, raised by whites, and still only became president because of black privilege (people voted for him because he was considered black, not because of his lack of experience, etc.).

Only a dumbshit buys the argument that because some whites are dumber than some blacks, that therefor whites are not generally more intelligent.
but that doesn't make the rich black person white, or the poor white person black. There are also good black people and bad white people, but same point.

Look, that's just the truth. Race is something genetically inherited, and it is something genetically passed on. We all try to deny this, but it is true.

The reason why we deny this is, being an aspirational and optimistic culture, we like to think that all natural differences can be transcended. We like the feel good story, the story of the motivated person from a humble background who strikes it rich or becomes famous.

But think about it. Isn't it true that such a person most likely is genetically better than others from his background, and they are just asserting that in the end?

So even this example does not refute the importance of genetics.
There are rich black people in the USA. But there are no wealthy black people in the USA.

Poor whites prove nothing.

You have ppl with disabilities who are rich and there are able-bodied folks who are poor but would point to well-off disabled folks and argued that the able-bodied weren’t advantaged ?

Of course not. Able-bodied privilege is a social fact and so is white privilege. I don't give a fk how many poor whites you can dig up.

The proper test of poor whites white privilege would be to compare poor whites in any region with poor blacks and to then ask : Do whites have an advantage ?

In the real world white poor folks are not up against rich black people.

The white poor are competing for jobs, educations and housing against poor black people and in those competitions race matters

Also that whites are the ones u instantly think of when u think of poverty, and the ones for whom u typically express such great sympathy proves my point

And remember to white people race is more important than money that's why many poor whites voted for Trump. When people white ppl are poor, a little boost is needed.

White privilege has been that boost.

In fact, ironically, white privilege matters more to the poor than the rich. When one is rich, one has enough money to stay warm and buy security. But when one is poor and white, skin is all one has left, and it takes on larger-than-life meaning.
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Not to sound racist or anything, but I'm still waiting to hear why Europe has monumental cathedrals, castles, highway systems, and works or art, while Africa is what's always been.
The richness of Africa left alone, without European involvement would still be rich in diamonds and gold, natural minerals, rich cultivated land, historic monuments and exotic pristine forest with animals and you tell me why its so fucked up today....and do include white greed and keep on including it to slavery and today....where corrupt governments sell their souls to whitey.

The truth is,all the diamonds and gold, natural minerals, rich cultivated land, historic monuments and exotic pristine forest with animals and such were absolutely worthless until white settlers moved there to develop and utilize those resources. They provided jobs, built cities, roads, highways, and farms to feed the people.

Before the settlers moved there, there was nothing but tribal feudalism, starvation, slavery, cannibalism, animal worship, and every tropical disease known to mankind.

Since the white people were driven out or murdered in their sleep, Africa seems to be intent on reverting to its previous state.
Get the fuck outta sound a like a mf, who justifies robbing a bank, cause if left alone the money would just sit there in a vault. Listen, there was a reason the good lord didn't put that shit in Europe and America...think about it fool......listen, no amount of rational bullshit is gonna convince anybody that white people did a good thing for people maybe, but not you greedy brutal demonic bastard children of Satan himself...not in your life.

Goodness. Do I detect a hint of surliness in your post?


You really should work on your self-control issue. Nobody seriously believes black folks are lesser than white folks. That just say things because you're an easily manipulated. They know you'll get all pissed off and make an ass out of yourself.
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Not to sound racist or anything, but I'm still waiting to hear why Europe has monumental cathedrals, castles, highway systems, and works or art, while Africa is what's always been.
The richness of Africa left alone, without European involvement would still be rich in diamonds and gold, natural minerals, rich cultivated land, historic monuments and exotic pristine forest with animals and you tell me why its so fucked up today....and do include white greed and keep on including it to slavery and today....where corrupt governments sell their souls to whitey.

The truth is,all the diamonds and gold, natural minerals, rich cultivated land, historic monuments and exotic pristine forest with animals and such were absolutely worthless until white settlers moved there to develop and utilize those resources. They provided jobs, built cities, roads, highways, and farms to feed the people.

Before the settlers moved there, there was nothing but tribal feudalism, starvation, slavery, cannibalism, animal worship, and every tropical disease known to mankind.

Since the white people were driven out or murdered in their sleep, Africa seems to be intent on reverting to its previous state.

Not to sound racist or anything, but I'm still waiting to hear why Europe has monumental cathedrals, castles, highway systems, and works or art, while Africa is what's always been.
The richness of Africa left alone, without European involvement would still be rich in diamonds and gold, natural minerals, rich cultivated land, historic monuments and exotic pristine forest with animals and you tell me why its so fucked up today....and do include white greed and keep on including it to slavery and today....where corrupt governments sell their souls to whitey.

The truth is,all the diamonds and gold, natural minerals, rich cultivated land, historic monuments and exotic pristine forest with animals and such were absolutely worthless until white settlers moved there to develop and utilize those resources. They provided jobs, built cities, roads, highways, and farms to feed the people.

Before the settlers moved there, there was nothing but tribal feudalism, starvation, slavery, cannibalism, animal worship, and every tropical disease known to mankind.

Since the white people were driven out or murdered in their sleep, Africa seems to be intent on reverting to its previous state.
Get the fuck outta sound a like a mf, who justifies robbing a bank, cause if left alone the money would just sit there in a vault. Listen, there was a reason the good lord didn't put that shit in Europe and America...think about it fool......listen, no amount of rational bullshit is gonna convince anybody that white people did a good thing for people maybe, but not you greedy brutal demonic bastard children of Satan himself...not in your life.

Goodness. Do I detect a hint of surliness in your post?


You really should work on your self-control issue. Nobody seriously believes black folks are lesser than white folks. That just say things because you're an easily manipulated. They know you'll get all pissed off and make an ass out of yourself.

Then don't make racist comments that piss people off.
Fact: To compare a child born in poverty, raised by a single mother until her death who graduated from Harvard to become the first black president in all history, to a man born of privilege, who can't tell the difference between a McNugget and a tampon.....renders your stupid white ass as of this day, a non motherfuckin factor...YOU NO LONGER HAVE CREDS....FIND A HOLE AND STAY THERE.

Obama? Obama is half white, raised by whites, and still only became president because of black privilege (people voted for him because he was considered black, not because of his lack of experience, etc.).

Only a dumbshit buys the argument that because some whites are dumber than some blacks, that therefor whites are not generally more intelligent.

They aren't. For example you are less intelligent than every black person here and most blacks living in America. That can be said for the majority of you idiots here.
Not to sound racist or anything, but I'm still waiting to hear why Europe has monumental cathedrals, castles, highway systems, and works or art, while Africa is what's always been.
The richness of Africa left alone, without European involvement would still be rich in diamonds and gold, natural minerals, rich cultivated land, historic monuments and exotic pristine forest with animals and you tell me why its so fucked up today....and do include white greed and keep on including it to slavery and today....where corrupt governments sell their souls to whitey.

The truth is,all the diamonds and gold, natural minerals, rich cultivated land, historic monuments and exotic pristine forest with animals and such were absolutely worthless until white settlers moved there to develop and utilize those resources. They provided jobs, built cities, roads, highways, and farms to feed the people.

Before the settlers moved there, there was nothing but tribal feudalism, starvation, slavery, cannibalism, animal worship, and every tropical disease known to mankind.

Since the white people were driven out or murdered in their sleep, Africa seems to be intent on reverting to its previous state.

Apparently you are talking about Europe.
Fact: To compare a child born in poverty, raised by a single mother until her death who graduated from Harvard to become the first black president in all history, to a man born of privilege, who can't tell the difference between a McNugget and a tampon.....renders your stupid white ass as of this day, a non motherfuckin factor...YOU NO LONGER HAVE CREDS....FIND A HOLE AND STAY THERE.

Obama? Obama is half white, raised by whites, and still only became president because of black privilege (people voted for him because he was considered black, not because of his lack of experience, etc.).

Only a dumbshit buys the argument that because some whites are dumber than some blacks, that therefor whites are not generally more intelligent.
And you are not...get off this bullshit of thinking white people got it going on when it comes to pink mf's reeeeeekkkkkk of stupid. Look at them southern stupid GOP voters, most on some type of gov. aide and yet they vote for a anti aide republican...that is stupid. And they do so because the republican runs on racist anti everything but white bs. Obama won because Palin and McCain were two clowns undeserving of a win, period. Had nothing to do with race, he ran the better campaign, because he ran on HOPE. Trump ran a better campaign than Hillary, because CNN covered him 25 hours a day, Putin covered him at night..hint hint and he ran on RACISM....something that seems to work in AmeriKKKa.
Look at them southern stupid GOP voters, most on some type of gov. aide and yet they vote for a anti aide republican...that is stupid.

Poor white southerners vote for Republicans because the Democrats are at war with them.

Trump ran a better campaign than Hillary, because CNN covered him 25 hours a day, Putin covered him at night..hint hint and he ran on RACISM....something that seems to work in AmeriKKKa.

Hillary's loss wouldn't have anything to do with Hillary calling people like white Southerners "Deplorables" while she advocated a mountain of racial, sexual, and religious discrimination against them?
Look at them southern stupid GOP voters, most on some type of gov. aide and yet they vote for a anti aide republican...that is stupid.

Poor white southerners vote for Republicans because the Democrats are at war with them.

Trump ran a better campaign than Hillary, because CNN covered him 25 hours a day, Putin covered him at night..hint hint and he ran on RACISM....something that seems to work in AmeriKKKa.

Hillary's loss wouldn't have anything to do with Hillary calling people like white Southerners "Deplorables" while she advocated a mountain of racial, sexual, and religious discrimination against them?

No, tigerred is right. And Hillary didn't call white southerners deplorables, she called all Trump voters regardless of race deplorables. And hey are. No one advocated any discrimination against these people. Why is it whites make this shot up and expect that we all must agree?

Economic Anxiety Didn’t Make People Vote Trump, Racism Did

Was Donald Trump elected because of racism or economic anxiety? Few questions about the 2016 election have generated more analysis. As we’ve previously written, it is clear racism propelled Trump to the Republican nomination. But how did the racial resentment that powered Trump’s ascent differ from the support for Republican candidates in prior elections? And what was the relative importance of economic peril to voting in 2016 compared to several different types of racism and racial animus exhibited by voters?

The answers can be found in the comprehensive
American National Election Studies pre- and post-election survey of over 4,000 respondents, which we analyzed to explore the impact of racism and economic peril on 2016 voting behavior. The results are clear, and move a long way towards settling this debate.

Our analysis shows Trump accelerated a realignment in the electorate around racism, across several different measures of racial animus—and that it helped him win. By contrast, we found little evidence to suggest individual economic distress benefited Trump. The American political system is sorting so that racial progressivism and economic progressivism are aligned in the Democratic Party and racial conservatism and economic conservatism are aligned in the Republican Party

Economic Anxiety Didn’t Make People Vote Trump, Racism Did

It was the racism, stupid: White working-class “economic anxiety” is a zombie idea that needs to die

On Jan. 20, Donald Trump will become president of the United States of America. Donald Trump is an authoritarian and demagogue who meets the definition of a fascist, as I have argued on multiple previous occasions. His election and the 60 million voters who supported him are a threat to American democracy.

How did this happen?

The first draft of this history is being written now. In the years and decades to come, we will have the benefit of hindsight, as well as more information and context, to make better sense of Donald Trump's victory on Election Day 2016 and its implications for American democracy and global politics.

But in the immediate present, the dominant narrative for explaining the rise of Donald Trump and his fascist movement has been centered upon the "white working class" and its purported "economic anxiety." For a variety of reasons, this is a compelling story for the American corporate news media, the pundits and other elite opinion leaders.

The white economic anxiety narrative is simplistic. It is also the result of a type of "path dependence," whereby the answers offered are largely a function of the questions asked. The white economic anxiety thesis is also a way for the pundit class — with a majority of its members being white and from a very narrow socioeconomic background — to ignore the enduring power of racism and sexism in American society.

Here, a belief that it must be something other than racism (and sexism) that won Trump the election functions as a conceptual blinder for analysts and commentators who want to deny the ugly truth about the values and beliefs held by their fellow (white) Americans. In all, these factors are part of an effort, albeit a superficial one, to empathize with the supposed pain and anger of white working-class voters who feel "left behind" and by doing so normalize their egregious, irresponsible and hateful decision to support Donald Trump.

It was the racism, stupid: White working-class “economic anxietyâ...
Economic Anxiety Didn’t Make People Vote Trump, Racism Did

Yes, the country which elected the negro Obama, with the highest popular vote of any president in US history, wouldn't elect white Hillary because of racism. Dumpshit libtards. Get over your racism.

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