The West shall stop to waste money for support of so-called Russian Opposition!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Why western governments waste money for support of so-called Russian 'opposition'? There is not any opposition, it is chimera. Almost 90 % of all Russians are behind Putin, they know what would happen if (((democrats))) get power again ( see perestroika, Yeltsin time and Ukraine ).
A bunch of crazy thieves are not opposition, stop to waste money for nothing and give them better to own poor.
Most of Russians are laughing when they hear western condemnation of Putin!
The majority of Western "leaders" (except for Trump) seem to be in Soros pocket. Victor Orban complains Soros has at least 1/3 or EU parliament in his pocket and this influences the EU decisions, speaking about real influence, not alleged like Soros puppets have been screaming about Russia.

But you are right, Baron, Russian people watching the war, chaos, corruption and misery in Ukraine under the control of Soros and his puppets, don't want it.

Most Russians support both the internal and foreign policies of the current administration, according to a poll conducted by US company the Pew Research Center. The report says that 87 percent of the Russian public are confident their president is making the right decisions on foreign policy, with just 12 percent believing the opposite to be true.
Russians overwhelmingly back Putin policies – US pollster
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban upped the ante in his political fight against George Soros, the mega-rich financier and philanthropist who reportedly just ploughed $18 billion into his “Open Society” foundation, the controversial NGO that is seldom shy about manipulating domestic policy in Western capitals.

Orban commented that he has instructed his intelligence agencies to expose Soros-backed initiatives, which include opening up EU borders to mass migration, and the Hungarian nationals who support them both in Budapest and in Brussels.

According to Orban, individuals connected to Soros are members of the European Parliament and other institutions that comprise the 28-member bloc. Orban believes these officials are not representing the views of the European people, but rather that of the Soros "empire," working to create “a Europe of mixed population.”

Viktor Orban Takes Battle Against Billionaire George Soros to Next Level
The majority of Western "leaders" (except for Trump) seem to be in Soros pocket. Victor Orban complains Soros has at least 1/3 or EU parliament in his pocket and this influences the EU decisions, speaking about real influence, not alleged like Soros puppets have been screaming about Russia.

But you are right, Baron, Russian people watching the war, chaos, corruption and misery in Ukraine under the control of Soros and his puppets, don't want it.

Most Russians support both the internal and foreign policies of the current administration, according to a poll conducted by US company the Pew Research Center. The report says that 87 percent of the Russian public are confident their president is making the right decisions on foreign policy, with just 12 percent believing the opposite to be true.
Russians overwhelmingly back Putin policies – US pollster

The majority of Western "leaders" (except for Trump) are in Soros pocket.
Why western governments waste money for support of so-called Russian 'opposition'? There is not any opposition, it is chimera. Almost 90 % of all Russians are behind Putin, they know what would happen if (((democrats))) get power again ( see perestroika, Yeltsin time and Ukraine ).
A bunch of crazy thieves are not opposition, stop to waste money for nothing and give them better to own poor.
Most of Russians are laughing when they hear western condemnation of Putin!

Who told you that anybody supports the oppositon? And maybe you'll mind your own business in Brooklyn? :) Why everybody thinks that he should put his nose in our affairs?
Why western governments waste money for support of so-called Russian 'opposition'? There is not any opposition, it is chimera. Almost 90 % of all Russians are behind Putin, they know what would happen if (((democrats))) get power again ( see perestroika, Yeltsin time and Ukraine ).
A bunch of crazy thieves are not opposition, stop to waste money for nothing and give them better to own poor.
Most of Russians are laughing when they hear western condemnation of Putin!

Who told you that anybody supports the oppositon? And maybe you'll mind your own business in Brooklyn? :) Why everybody thinks that he should put his nose in our affairs?

Why everybody thinks that he should put his nose in our affairs?

Golden words, Comrade! Why haven't you said that to old fat bag Mr. Tefft who kept inviting the opposition leaders to US Embassy in Moscow every time he had to instruct them almost on daily basis.

I remember prankers fooling them on 1st of April a few years ago and they all showed up to the Embassy like soldiers, 5th column soldiers, you must be one of them since you are denying the obvious.
Golden words, Comrade! Why haven't you said that to old fat bag Mr. Tefft who kept inviting the opposition leaders to US Embassy in Moscow every time he had to instruct them almost on daily basis.

Ah, I forgot that you are a close friend of Mr Tefft (sorry, I don't know this guy) and a member of the Russian opposition. And no doubt that you go there every day and know what they do there.
And sure it is a terrible crime to visit an embassy. Tell me how much money they get every time they go there? You should know the price.
I remember prankers fooling them on 1st of April a few years ago and they all showed up to the Embassy like soldiers, 5th column soldiers, you must be one of them since you are denying the obvious.

You meant those two idiots who fooled such guys like you telling how they allegedly talks to presidents and ministers? :) Don't be so naive, my friend. Now everybody is tired of them and the guys are disappeared as you probably know.


almost on daily basis.

Mr Goebbels would envy you :badgrin: Or you stayed there and counted their visits? :)
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Another thread of anti-Americans kissing the ass of the man who certainly tried very hard to determine our elections. Foreign affairs experts, see this as an attack on the US, just like when Russia attacked/hacked the Pentagon's technological infrastructure. How many billions of taxpayer dollars did that cost, let alone the intelligence they gain?
Don't ever claim to be patriots, you aren't, you are just useful tools of Putin's goal to further divide America.
Golden words, Comrade! Why haven't you said that to old fat bag Mr. Tefft who kept inviting the opposition leaders to US Embassy in Moscow every time he had to instruct them almost on daily basis.

Ah, I forgot that you are a close friend of Mr Tefft (sorry, I don't know this guy) and a member of the Russian opposition. And no doubt that you go there every day and know what they do there.
And sure it is a terrible crime to visit an embassy. Tell me how much money they get every time they go there? You should know the price.
I see your circus has left you behind again, Clown Johnson.
Цирк уехал, а клоун остался...:itsok:
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I see your circus has left you behind again, Clown Johnson.
Цирк уехал, а клоун остался...

That's the only thing you can say after your lying about 'daily basis', 'paying' and 'instructions'. :) It is lies since you haven't a clue about things you write about.
By the way, my dear Ukrainain clown, Putin is the best leader of Russia indeed (especially in comparison with ghouls Stalin and Lenin and morons Khruschev, Brezhnev and Gorbachev) but he is surrounded by tons of stooges and bootlickers, and don't try to say that all Russians support them. Mind your own Ukranians affairs.

And read and listen less of nonsense. For example, NYT wrote something and that political prostitute Zhurova is ready to ban our sportsmen from the Olympics... Don't believe any lie you read and hear.
Why western governments waste money for support of so-called Russian 'opposition'? There is not any opposition, it is chimera. Almost 90 % of all Russians are behind Putin, they know what would happen if (((democrats))) get power again ( see perestroika, Yeltsin time and Ukraine ).
A bunch of crazy thieves are not opposition, stop to waste money for nothing and give them better to own poor.
Most of Russians are laughing when they hear western condemnation of Putin!

Who told you that anybody supports the oppositon? And maybe you'll mind your own business in Brooklyn? :) Why everybody thinks that he should put his nose in our affairs?

Why everybody thinks that he should put his nose in our affairs?

Golden words, Comrade! Why haven't you said that to old fat bag Mr. Tefft who kept inviting the opposition leaders to US Embassy in Moscow every time he had to instruct them almost on daily basis.

I remember prankers fooling them on 1st of April a few years ago and they all showed up to the Embassy like soldiers, 5th column soldiers, you must be one of them since you are denying the obvious.

All (((Russian))) 'opposition' is instructed by the US embassy and receives money of the western taxpayers. They want 1991-1999 again and to finish Russia for everlasting time.
Golden words, Comrade! Why haven't you said that to old fat bag Mr. Tefft who kept inviting the opposition leaders to US Embassy in Moscow every time he had to instruct them almost on daily basis.
And sure it is a terrible crime to visit an embassy.

Our embassy instructs 'opposition' and give them money for the new color revolution. So-called (((Russian))) 'opoosition' are greedy traitors who want to rob own country and to sell it to the international mafia.
Another thread of anti-Americans kissing the ass of the man who certainly tried very hard to determine our elections.

I voted for Trump, say me please how Putin affected my choice.Not simple claims issued by MSM presstitutes, but serious proofs and argumentation.
Mr Goebbels would envy you :badgrin: Or you stayed there and counted their visits? :)

Any you can get envied by Novodworskaja!

Another thread of anti-Americans kissing the ass of the man who certainly tried very hard to determine our elections.

I voted for Trump, say me please how Putin affected my choice.Not simple claims issued by MSM presstitutes, but serious proofs and argumentation.

Dick Cheney supported Trump in the 2016 presidential election. Fact.
On the Russian meddling of the 2016 election, Dick Cheney said the following:
"There's no question there was a very serious effort made by Mr. Putin and his government, his organization, to interfere in major ways with our basic fundamental democratic processes," he said during his remarks. "In some quarters, that would be considered an act of war."
"I think it's a kind of conduct and activity we'll see going forward. We know he's attempted it previously in other states in the Baltics," he added. "I would not underestimate the weight that we as Americans assign to the Russian attempts to interfere with our internal political processes."

Former Vice President Dick Cheney warns Russia’s efforts to sway US election could be ’act of war’
No "MSM presstitutes" there.
It seems, that only Trump and his ever loyal goose-steppers, are in denial of reality.
Approximately 126 million Americans, may have been exposed to Russian-backed political content on Facebook. That's a lot of people. If just 1% were weak minded gullible people and were swayed, that's 1.26 million people.
U.S. lawmakers release sample of Russian-bought Facebook ads
I wonder what bullshit you can write, Baron, and not to get a 'like' from Mrs Liar :)

Why I as American Taxpayer must approve wasting of my money to so-called 'Russian' 'opposition' which does not exist.
Your f.... 'opposition' try to ignite a war between USA and Russia, if they are crazy, than they all shall go to lunatic asylums.
It must be a Freedom, Friendship between Russia and the West, and not a war what whish your and our liberals.

Shut up!
USA NWO 'government 'controlled almost anything in Russia until one of the biggest thieves Khodorkowsky got imprisoned.
NWO US neocons are guilty on starvation of millions Russians due to their support of Yeltsin and his gang.
It is a DNC lie about any involvement of Russia in the US election.
The Truth is USA controls absolutely all democrats ( so called 'opposition' ) in Russia since 1985 till now and it must be ended.


NWO Clinton destroyed the True Russian Democracy in 1993 and USA broke all agreements put the troops direct to Russian border.


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