The Washington Redskins will now be....that's right...

Sports has ALWAYS been a part of politics and to try and act as if it hasn't is bullshit. From Jack Johnson on up until today.

Race is tied up with economics due to systemic racism in the US, but that doesn't mean the two are necessarily intertwined.
Bookies and the gambling industry. Most normal people can't afford to take their families to a pro sports game any more, it's exclusively for gamblers, sociopaths, drunks, and corporate organized crime execs.
Pretty much.

lol only morons care about hockey, and of course bookies and degenerate gamblers. Hockey would be worth maybe paying $2 a seat for. It's way overpriced at $25. It's just thugs on skates mugging each other for an hour.
Your ignorance is not really all that charming. There is not a more exciting sport to watch live than hockey. Non-stop action, no breaks after every play, no sitting around waiting for the pitcher to throw a pitch and then wait another 15 seconds for it to happen again.
I'm short sighted so would never see the puck. Even my glasses would fog up. Besides, I'd much rather watch a Cricket Test Match; all FIVE DAYS. Well; not so much anymore. The real fun was on the "Hill", a sloped area without formal seating. Just put down a blanket and watch. Sunbake if one was that way inclined; beers in the cooler (esky), fantastic experience. But usually attended only one day per test.

But overpriced today and no Hill. .

What? You don't like the NFL grooming a new "GOAT" to replace Brady? There is a growing market in the tri-state area surrounding the city of Cincy. They need a new stadium paid for by THE PEOPLE in order to accommodate the greedy NFL team owners who share in revenue. No one is going to build a new stadium for a losing team. You might as well accept the fact........the BENGALS are coming and there is a new sheriff in town being groomed to replace BRADY........ world met Joe Burrow......KITTY GOES MEOW!

Anyone that thinks that the NFL conducts a real sporting event is living in the dark ages, with those who bet on the fixed spreads some of the most ignorant people on earth. Its all scripted just like Roller Derby and Pro Wrestling.......its for entertainment purposes only. Its all about the Benjamins. Read the disclaimer in the fine print on any NFL ticket. In fact the NFL has been sued numerous times with the courts always declaring the NFL has the right to put on any type of show they want for the entertainment value.

The NFL has not been a real football league since the days of Vince Lombardi. The first fix was in when the Jets supposedly beat the Colts. This was done so the 2 leagues could join forces and create a "monopoly". The owners do not care who wins what as every team in the NFL is ruled by "revenue sharing"...........

Ever wonder why there is always a BIG MARKET city team in the Super Bowl?

Did you really think that Brady was the "greatest of all time"? He existed because he was manufactured just like the MONKEY'S band was in the 60s. The NFL is nothing but a circus show.

Pay attention when watching any see tanked plays, fake calls by the refs.....etc. in order to manipulate the outcome and point spread of every game played. Also note on any given regular season matchup there are always 2 teams that lose that were not supposed to lose and 2 teams that win that were not given a chance to win........the FIX is in so the boy's in Vegas can cash in....especially now that online sports booking is now legal in every state in the Union.

Never get your panties in a wad over the outcome of any NFL game.......the outcomes are preplanned. ITS ALL A SHOW........the greatest show on earth.
I only watch the ten minute highlights and only since Brady was on fire last year. Now he's retired I'm back to rugby and cricket.

Actually I lie. I did watch a couple of games on TV about 5 years ago. The highlights are more interesting. (imo only)

As for the Wash Meh.

So Snyder and company decided to pull the name because it was “offensive” and replaced it with a name honoring the people that actually oppressed the indians
Trademark/copyright issues plus virtue-signaling revenue loss fears.

All about the ducats, bra.
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I only watch the ten minute highlights and only since Brady was on fire last year. Now he's retired I'm back to rugby and cricket.

Actually I lie. I did watch a couple of games on TV about 5 years ago. The highlights are more interesting. (imo only)

As for the Wash Meh.

Rugby - aka proto-football - is THE game!
Rugby - aka proto-football - is THE game!
I've stood on the Hallowed Field of Rugby; had to be quick as it really IS a school. I literally had only one foot on it near a gate. I have also walked on the Hallowed Turf of Cardiff Arms park; amazing "feeling", and at Lords while the poms were practising. They won the Ashes that year; upon reflection I would gladly have given them plague had I known!!!! I shared the moment with a Yorkshireman; damn fine chap.

Bizarre correlation.

You make it hard for people to take you seriously.

But is that part of your game?

If people reject your bad/outrageous arguments, you can avoid taking responsibility for evolving better arguments, and instead just call them racist?

Self-fulfilling prophecy?

Wake up, brother.
Says the man whose avatar is a Nazi Jackass.
Says the man whose avatar is a Nazi Jackass.
You're not helping your credibility...

You can choose to continue reinforcing your preposterous negative view that EVERYTHING is racist, or you can grow up and have real discussions about issues, including those that negatively impact the Black community.

As it is, you're a ridiculous stereotype working against everything you claim to value.

Wake up or remain in angry slumber - your call.
What? You don't like the NFL grooming a new "GOAT" to replace Brady? There is a growing market in the tri-state area surrounding the city of Cincy. They need a new stadium paid for by THE PEOPLE in order to accommodate the greedy NFL team owners who share in revenue. No one is going to build a new stadium for a losing team. You might as well accept the fact........the BENGALS are coming and there is a new sheriff in town being groomed to replace BRADY........ world met Joe Burrow......KITTY GOES MEOW!

Anyone that thinks that the NFL conducts a real sporting event is living in the dark ages, with those who bet on the fixed spreads some of the most ignorant people on earth. Its all scripted just like Roller Derby and Pro Wrestling.......its for entertainment purposes only. Its all about the Benjamins. Read the disclaimer in the fine print on any NFL ticket. In fact the NFL has been sued numerous times with the courts always declaring the NFL has the right to put on any type of show they want for the entertainment value.

The NFL has not been a real football league since the days of Vince Lombardi. The first fix was in when the Jets supposedly beat the Colts. This was done so the 2 leagues could join forces and create a "monopoly". The owners do not care who wins what as every team in the NFL is ruled by "revenue sharing"...........

Ever wonder why there is always a BIG MARKET city team in the Super Bowl?

Did you really think that Brady was the "greatest of all time"? He existed because he was manufactured just like the MONKEY'S band was in the 60s. The NFL is nothing but a circus show.

Pay attention when watching any see tanked plays, fake calls by the refs.....etc. in order to manipulate the outcome and point spread of every game played. Also note on any given regular season matchup there are always 2 teams that lose that were not supposed to lose and 2 teams that win that were not given a chance to win........the FIX is in so the boy's in Vegas can cash in....especially now that online sports booking is now legal in every state in the Union.

Never get your panties in a wad over the outcome of any NFL game.......the outcomes are preplanned. ITS ALL A SHOW........the greatest show on earth.

Cool story Bro. You have one heck of an imagination.
You're not helping your credibility...

You can choose to continue reinforcing your preposterous negative view that EVERYTHING is racist, or you can grow up and have real discussions about issues, including those that negatively impact the Black community.

As it is, you're a ridiculous stereotype working against everything you claim to value.

Wake up or remain in angry slumber - your call.

Dude, you are the one that choose to honor that Nazis with your avatar, do not blame that on anyone else
You're not helping your credibility...

You can choose to continue reinforcing your preposterous negative view that EVERYTHING is racist, or you can grow up and have real discussions about issues, including those that negatively impact the Black community.

As it is, you're a ridiculous stereotype working against everything you claim to value.

Wake up or remain in angry slumber - your call.
Superbummer really has a ridiculous pov on race. Whoopsy highlighted it in one: there are only TWO races, Black and white. That way the ONLY victims of racism are black folk and there is a collective white guilt. I find that incredibly offensive even though I consider there really is only ONE race; the Human race...but that's another story. Take for example the slavery issue. Far more WHITE slaves were taken by "Blacks"(Arabs) in Europe and Nth Africa than were taken to the USA from the 1500s to the 1800s. He doesn't see that as racism at all. Frankly, he's a political liar!!
My own preference is to use the term 'ethnicity' but that also is another story.

Superbummer really has a ridiculous pov on race. Whoopsy highlighted it in one: there are only TWO races, Black and white. That way the ONLY victims of racism are black folk and there is a collective white guilt. I find that incredibly offensive even though I consider there really is only ONE race; the Human race...but that's another story. Take for example the slavery issue. Far more WHITE slaves were taken by "Blacks"(Arabs) in Europe and Nth Africa than were taken to the USA from the 1500s to the 1800s. He doesn't see that as racism at all. Frankly, he's a political liar!!
My own preference is to use the term 'ethnicity' but that also is another story.

He's choosing to make himself cartoonishly irrelevant.

It's a real shame.
Only to a Nazi are facts trolling. Do not be shy, be proud of whom you are my little Nazi
GG; wtf are you trying to pull? You're Toobin it!!!!. There are a handful of nazi slime in the US, and frankly your judgement of them is compromised!!!

GG; wtf are you trying to pull? You're Toobin it!!!!. There are a handful of nazi slime in the US, and frankly your judgement of them is compromised!!!


Dude, the person literally has a swastika as his avatar.

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