The Washington Redskins will now be....that's right...

Fuck the pandering social justice pussy ass bitches redskins.

Fuck the entire NFL honestly. I hear commercials on SiriusXM everyday "the NFL leads the fight for racial justice". First time I heard that and saw a Bengals inzone that had shit about racial justice written on it I turned off NFL games and have never watched one again. Infact I hope the fucking Bengals lose the Superbowl so badly they quit the game by half time because they are so far behind.
What? You don't like the NFL grooming a new "GOAT" to replace Brady? There is a growing market in the tri-state area surrounding the city of Cincy. They need a new stadium paid for by THE PEOPLE in order to accommodate the greedy NFL team owners who share in revenue. No one is going to build a new stadium for a losing team. You might as well accept the fact........the BENGALS are coming and there is a new sheriff in town being groomed to replace BRADY........ world met Joe Burrow......KITTY GOES MEOW!

Anyone that thinks that the NFL conducts a real sporting event is living in the dark ages, with those who bet on the fixed spreads some of the most ignorant people on earth. Its all scripted just like Roller Derby and Pro Wrestling.......its for entertainment purposes only. Its all about the Benjamins. Read the disclaimer in the fine print on any NFL ticket. In fact the NFL has been sued numerous times with the courts always declaring the NFL has the right to put on any type of show they want for the entertainment value.

The NFL has not been a real football league since the days of Vince Lombardi. The first fix was in when the Jets supposedly beat the Colts. This was done so the 2 leagues could join forces and create a "monopoly". The owners do not care who wins what as every team in the NFL is ruled by "revenue sharing"...........

Ever wonder why there is always a BIG MARKET city team in the Super Bowl?

Did you really think that Brady was the "greatest of all time"? He existed because he was manufactured just like the MONKEY'S band was in the 60s. The NFL is nothing but a circus show.

Pay attention when watching any see tanked plays, fake calls by the refs.....etc. in order to manipulate the outcome and point spread of every game played. Also note on any given regular season matchup there are always 2 teams that lose that were not supposed to lose and 2 teams that win that were not given a chance to win........the FIX is in so the boy's in Vegas can cash in....especially now that online sports booking is now legal in every state in the Union.

Never get your panties in a wad over the outcome of any NFL game.......the outcomes are preplanned. ITS ALL A SHOW........the greatest show on earth.
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What? You don't like the NFL grooming a new "GOAT" to replace Brady? There is a growing market in the tri-state area surrounding the city of Cincy. They need a new stadium paid for by THE PEOPLE in order to accommodate the greedy NFL team owners who share in revenue. No one is going to build a new stadium for a losing team. You might as well accept the fact........the BENGALS are coming and there is a new sheriff in town being groomed to replace BRADY........ world met Joe Burrow......KITTY GOES MEOW!

Anyone that thinks that the NFL conducts a real sporting event is living in the dark ages, with those who bet on the fixed spreads some of the most ignorant people on earth. Its all scripted just like Roller Derby and Pro Wrestling.......its for entertainment purposes only. Its all about the Benjamins. Read the disclaimer in the fine print on any NFL ticket. In fact the NFL has been sued numerous times with the courts always declaring the NFL has the right to put on any type of show they want for the entertainment value.

The NFL has not been a real football league since the days of Vince Lombardi. The first fix was in when the Jets supposedly beat the Colts. This was done so the 2 leagues could join forces and create a "monopoly". The owners do not care who wins what as every team in the NFL is ruled by "revenue sharing"...........

Ever wonder why there is always a BIG MARKET city team in the Super Bowl?

Did you really think that Brady was the "greatest of all time"? He existed because he was manufactured just like the MONKEY'S band was in the 60s. The NFL is nothing but a circus show.

Pay attention when watching any see tanked plays, fake calls by the refs.....etc. in order to manipulate the outcome and point spread of every game played. Also note on any given regular season matchup there are always 2 teams that lose that were not supposed to lose and 2 teams that win that were not given a chance to win........the FIX is in so the boy's in Vegas can cash in....especially now that online sports booking is now legal in every state in the Union.

Never get your panties in a wad over the outcome of any NFL game.......the outcomes are preplanned. ITS ALL A SHOW........the greatest show on earth.
You take cynicism to a level that’s even beyond me.
Alex Smith’s leg suggests things aren’t as scripted as you suggest.
As for the Jets/Colts 1968 season, I watched that game in its entirety recently and I’m not nearly as convinced it was thrown as I used to be. I think someone got to Earl Morrall but the Jets still played the Colts evenly.
That's bullshit, athletes were a huge part of the Civil Rights Movement along with actors/actresses, entertainers, etc. Maybe you are to young to know that.
They are, but now you commie titty babies are involving it INSIDE THE SPORTS AND ENTERTAINMENT sector to the point of being forced to suck Chinese dong to survive because we (Americans) have tuned out.
The NFL lost so many viewers for that shit because we don't watch football for politics. Football is supposed to be an escape from the bullshit, but you motherfucking pieces of shit can't help but ruin everything. That's why we need to exterminate you.
Lefties aren’t going to be happy until they remove minorities completely from pop culture.
So Snyder and company decided to pull the name because it was “offensive” and replaced it with a name honoring the people that actually oppressed the indians
The Washington Commanders

You take cynicism to a level that’s even beyond me.
Alex Smith’s leg suggests things aren’t as scripted as you suggest.
As for the Jets/Colts 1968 season, I watched that game in its entirety recently and I’m not nearly as convinced it was thrown as I used to be. I think someone got to Earl Morrall but the Jets still played the Colts evenly.

Of course these players are talented and take risks....but they get paid to PLAY not to WIN. What? Are you telling me that Pro Wrestling is not fake because there have been injuries........some fatal while entertaining the crowd? No one is saying there is no risk, hell you can walk down the street and slip off the sidewalk and break an ankle.

I also watched it.........and it was obvious the colts were tanking plays. There is no cynicism......just facts that prove the NFL is not a legitimate sports league, its an "entertainment" industry just as described in fine print on all NFL tickets. The courts have proven there is no guarantee of any expectation of winning, all one purchases is a seat to be entertained however the NFL dictates.

Tom Brady was a manufactured champion just like Hulk Hogan represented the WWF and later the WCW.

What? Did you really think that rock bands like the Monkey's and all the Boy Bands that came later were a product of self creation? The same applies to NFL have your hero's and villains. The most recent manufactured villain is or was the Coach of the Raiders and the hit job the NFL accomplished on his (John Gruden) reputation. Its all a show, and its geared to please the teams with the greatest fanbases.

In the Jets/Colts game the Jets were 18.5 point underdogs going into the game and ended up winning by a margin of 16-7........making the odds makers off by 27.5 points. A few years later, (1983) Colts star Bubba Smith (defensive lineman) admitted in his autobiography that the game was fixed in order have the 2 leagues merge and create a pro football monopoly (never again having to worry about some upstart league. And their combined strength demonstrated itself when Donald Trump and company attempted to force the NFL to accept a new league (USFL) was no contest as the NFL was to established and soon ended the threat from the USFL.

The NFL has a federal license to print money.....Hell the NFL itself was tax exempt until the mid 2000s.

Why where the Redskins rebranded the "Commanders" ............because that is where the power base of the NFL actually exists, the courts and the government protect it. Consider the title "Commander" nothing more than a Freudian Slip.
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I also watched it.........and it was obvious the colts were tanking plays. There is no cynicism......just facts that prove the NFL is not a legitimate sports league, its an "entertainment" industry just as descripted in fine print on all NFL tickets. The courts have proven that is no guarantee of any expectation of winning, all one purchases is a seat to be entertained however the NFL dictates.

Tom Brady was a manufactured champion just like Hulk Hogan represented the WWF and later the WCW.

What? Did you really think that rock bands like the Monkey's and all the Boy Bands that came later were a product of self creation? The same applies to NFL have your hero's and villains. The most recent manufactured villain is or was the Coach of the Raiders and the hit job the NFL accomplished on his (John Gruden) reputation. Its all a show, and its geared to please the teams with the greatest fanbases.

In the Jets/Colts game the Jets were 18.5 point underdogs going into the game and ended up winning by a margin of 16-7........making the odds makers off by 27.5 points. A few years later, (1983) Colts star Bubba Smith (defensive lineman) admitted in his autobiography that the game was fixed in order have the 2 leagues merge and create a pro football monopoly (never again having to worry about some upstart league. And their combined strength demonstrated itself when Donald Trump and company attempted to force the NFL to accept a new league (USFL) was no contest as the NFL was to established and soon ended the threat from the USFL.
You need to watch that Colts-Jets game again. Morrall was the only player who may have been on the take but it wasn’t enough. The Jets 16 points falls perfectly in line with the 10 and 14 the Chiefs and Raiders scored in preceding SB’s respectively. The Chiefs then accentuated the parity by steamrolling the also heavily favored Vikings the next year. Considering that the Vikings came into existence at about the same time as the AFL, the evolution process matched. When you consider the players for the Jets were college stars and high NFL draft choices, too, and that their coach led the Colts to previous NFL championships, that result was not far-fetched at all.
What the NFL did to screw their game up were the rules changes designed to accommodate 4th-grade-level intellects watching the game on TV screens.
You need to watch that Colts-Jets game again. Morrall was the only player who may have been on the take but it wasn’t enough. The Jets 16 points falls perfectly in line with the 10 and 14 the Chiefs and Raiders scored in preceding SB’s respectively. The Chiefs then accentuated the parity by steamrolling the also heavily favored Vikings the next year. Considering that the Vikings came into existence at about the same time as the AFL, the evolution process matched. When you consider the players for the Jets were college stars and high NFL draft choices, too, and that their coach led the Colts to previous NFL championships, that result was not far-fetched at all.
What the NFL did to screw their game up were the rules changes designed to accommodate 4th-grade-level intellects watching the game on TV screens.
I chose to believe someone that Allowed the jets to go unchecked on the offensive line (Bubba Smith......who admitted the fix was in........" Moral was just a distraction, it was the Colts DEFENSE that tanked the game.
I chose to believe someone that Allowed the jets to go unchecked on the offensive line (Bubba Smith......who admitted the fix was in........" Moral was just a distraction, it was the Colts DEFENSE that tanked the game.
Again, the Chiefs scored 10 points in 1966; the Raiders 14 in 1967; the Jets 16 in 1968; the Chiefs 23 in 1969. Pretty consistent.
Players who don’t play at 100% increase risk of injury.
Watch the game again.
Your ignorance is not really all that charming. There is not a more exciting sport to watch live than hockey. Non-stop action, no breaks after every play, no sitting around waiting for the pitcher to throw a pitch and then wait another 15 seconds for it to happen again.

It's for fags and gimps too chickenshit to just go to a bar and start their own fights. Your gayness is not really unique. The same people stop and gawk at car wrecks and train crashes.
Anyone that thinks that the NFL conducts a real sporting event is living in the dark ages, with those who bet on the fixed spreads some of the most ignorant people on earth. Its all scripted just like Roller Derby and Pro Wrestling.......its for entertainment purposes only. Its all about the Benjamins. Read the disclaimer in the fine print on any NFL ticket. In fact the NFL has been sued numerous times with the courts always declaring the NFL has the right to put on any type of show they want for the entertainment value.

The NFL has not been a real football league since the days of Vince Lombardi. The first fix was in when the Jets supposedly beat the Colts. This was done so the 2 leagues could join forces and create a "monopoly". The owners do not care who wins what as every team in the NFL is ruled by "revenue sharing"...........

Ever wonder why there is always a BIG MARKET city team in the Super Bowl?
^This. It's a complete joke, but the dumbasses still pretend it's 'Sports n Stuff'. It's another welfare program for billionaires that suckers in cities, who will ger a few shitty restaurant jobs and a ot of drunken assholes on their streets on Game Night. They sell the yokels on Big Giant Sales Tax Revenues N Stuff, as if that is going to reimburse them overnight, and if you don't beleive that they have some fake numbers all lined up for you to look at.
They're still and will always be the Redskins to me.
Ex-Skins, please.

Of all the final names, they picked literally the worst.

Even Armada or Redhogs or just sticking with WFT would have been better.

Wow your hate for black folks runs deep, would you be happy if the NFL just went back to all white players?
Bizarre correlation.

You make it hard for people to take you seriously.

But is that part of your game?

If people reject your bad/outrageous arguments, you can avoid taking responsibility for evolving better arguments, and instead just call them racist?

Self-fulfilling prophecy?

Wake up, brother.

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