The warmest summer on record


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
In Florida....

In what has been a year of extraordinary weather, another record has fallen. It's been the hottest combined June, July and August in history.

"It's really been a fascinating year of weather,'' said Mike Clay, chief meteorologist for the Bay News 9.

In Tampa, the average temperature for those three months was 84.5 degrees, breaking the old record of 84.2, set in 1998. In St. Petersburg, the average was 85.6, breaking the old mark of 84.6, set in 1987.
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In South Carolina....

In the hottest summer in Columbia history, not a single daily maximum temperature was broken.

Huh? How does that happen?

We just never cooled off at night.

The low temperatures were higher than normal. The records for highest minimum daily temperature were broken or tied for 10 days this summer at Columbia Metropolitan Airport.

The culprit? Mainly the amount of moisture in the air overnight. Yep, it’s not the heat; it’s the humidity.

Usually, the air cools into the lower 70s at night in July and August. This summer, overnight lows usually were in the upper 70s. Daily records for hottest low temperature were set June 13, 15 and 23; July 20, 25 and 30; and Aug. 13, 15, 20 and 21. All were in the 77 to 79 range.

Hottest summer ever for Columbia - Local / Metro -
In North Carolina....

With two afternoons remaining in the "meteorological summer" of 2010, it appears we're a lock to set a record at the Raleigh-Durham airport for the hottest summer there yet, based on records beginning in 1944. As I write this on the morning of August 30th, we're expecting highs of 94 and 97 to finish off the month. Through August 29th our average high for the summer has been 92.0 degrees, and we should end up either there or maybe 92.1 for the summer as a whole. In terms of high temperatures, that would exceed the previous record year of 2007 by almost a degree.

New summer record in reach - again ::
In Florida....

In what has been a year of extraordinary weather, another record has fallen. It's been the hottest combined June, July and August in history.

"It's really been a fascinating year of weather,'' said Mike Clay, chief meteorologist for the Bay News 9.

In Tampa, the average temperature for those three months was 84.5 degrees, breaking the old record of 84.2, set in 1998. In St. Petersburg, the average was 85.6, breaking the old mark of 84.6, set in 1987.

Forecasters: Tampa Bay area summer is warmest on record - St. Petersburg Times

Climategate U-turn: Astonishment as scientist at centre of global warming email row admits data not well organised | Mail Online

"Professor Jones also conceded the possibility that the world was warmer in medieval times than now – suggesting global warming may not be a man-made phenomenon.

And he said that for the past 15 years there has been no ‘statistically significant’ warming.

Professor Jones has been in the spotlight since he stepped down as director of the University of East Anglia’s Climatic Research Unit after the leaking of emails that sceptics claim show scientists were manipulating data."

Global Temperature

You won't get a straight answer from any PANIC-PANIC-DEATH-AND-DESTRUCTION-LIFE-AS-YOU-KNOW-IT-IS-OVER-BECAUSE-OF-GLOBAL-WARMING site -but we have actually only been keeping records of surface temperatures for a few DECADES. Even for temperatures 100 years ago, they must rely on what we know for a fact was a highly inaccurate way of measuring temperatures that did not block out the effects of direct sunlight, shade and wind chill at all and could easily add or subtract as much as 10-20 degrees off the REAL temperature. Much earlier than that and they are just guessing today. But man has been around for at least 10,000 years. Let's take a bet on whether this really has been the warmest June, July and August in HISTORY as this article claims. Wow, a really stunning claim given the FACT we weren't keeping records at all for most of HISTORY but only a handful of decades. Breaking a record since keeping track of surface temperatures -sure. So what? Given reality of how long we've been keeping that record, it actually means the odds that in ANY given year a record is going to be broken for either high or low -is remarkably high and remains high for the next................1350 years. And when you look to see if temperature records are being frequently broken -lo and behold, RECORDS LOWS were recorded just in the last few years which is why global warming enthusiasts dropped the phrase "global warming" for "climate change" and did so for the SPECIFIC purpose of covering their asses no matter what the temperature did.

Climate change cannot EVER be determined on the basis of even a single year, much less three months of one year. It can't even be determined by a decade and isn't even reliable with 100 years. It requires thousands of years to be able to spot a clear climate change -and that is because the range of "normal variations" is incredibly IMMENSE! The big picture: 65 million years of temperature swings « JoNova As is pointed out here, "With so much volatility in the graphs, anyone could play “pick a trend” and depending on which dot you start from, you can get any trend you want." That is what has been done by these "global warming oops let's cover our asses and start calling it climate change instead" liars who got caught red-handed falsifying, destroying and doctoring their findings.

But in fact many climatologists do believe that temperatures in Medieval times were higher than now -and not just this guy. And astonishingly, life as they knew it didn't end after all. But that doesn't work for the Al Gores of the world who want to use this as a pretext for making billions while relieving the rest of us of even more of our hard earned money.
In Japan....

Japan had the hottest summer in at least 113 years, the weather agency said.

Temperatures were 1.64 degrees Celsius higher than the summer average between 1971 and 2000, the Japan Meteorological Agency said in a statement yesterday. It was the hottest summer since records began in 1898.

More than 150 people died from heat stroke and 46,728 were taken to hospital in the three months ended Aug. 29, according to the Fire and Disaster Management Agency.

Japan Has Hottest Summer in 113 Years, 150 Deaths Reported From Heatstroke - Bloomberg
In South Florida...

If you've been complaining about the heat all summer, you now have meteorological records to back you up: It really was the hottest summer on record in South Florida.

In West Palm Beach, earning that record took an average temperature that was 2.4 degrees hotter than normal: a whopping average 84.6 degrees.

It was enough to crush the record set in 1998, which was a mere 84.2 degrees, reports Robert Molleda, the warning coordination meteorologist at the National Weather Service in Miami.

South Florida's summer is hottest on record
In history huh? So you have accurate temperatures from the Summer of 1112AD to compare?
And to follow up to the post I made just is it the hottest year in recorder history when we still have 4 months to go?
The hottest year on record (STILL) is 1934
Then it is:
5 of the hottest years were all before World War II

Sorry to burst your bubble..

Sorry that you are such a fool. The US represents less than 2% of the worlds surface. Worldwide, the hottest years were 1998 and 2005. At present, 2010 is running neck and neck with those years. The hottest decade on record is 2000 to 2009. Second hottest, 1990 to 1999, third, 1980 to 1989. See a bit of a trend there, old boy?
The hottest year on record (STILL) is 1934
Then it is:
5 of the hottest years were all before World War II

Sorry to burst your bubble..

Sorry that you are such a fool. The US represents less than 2% of the worlds surface. Worldwide, the hottest years were 1998 and 2005. At present, 2010 is running neck and neck with those years. The hottest decade on record is 2000 to 2009. Second hottest, 1990 to 1999, third, 1980 to 1989. See a bit of a trend there, old boy?

yeah, you become more facile with each passing day.

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