The Warmers blew it! Greta should have been at Daytona 500.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
What could have been better? A surprise appearance by Greta von Iceberg sporting knee socks and pigtails. A Mano-a-Girlo confrontation with the Orange Menace on his home turf at the Daytona 500. Lecturing the Red Neck Trump Horde, fighting back tears as she rages about all the smog produced by race cars. Oh the drama, the anger, the smugness! And President Trump unable to fight back against a Wittle Girl.

What were you guys thinking? CNN would have been re-running coverage until the election. If you are going to save the planet, you need to up your game.
All these tRumplings so thoroughly triggered by a little handicapped girl.

It's be funny if it wasn't so fucking pathetic.
All these tRumplings so thoroughly triggered by a little handicapped girl.

It's be funny if it wasn't so fucking pathetic.
No one is triggered by her, she's just a stupid little bitch like you and we make fun of them. But you knew that so you're just a liar as always.
All these tRumplings so thoroughly triggered by a little handicapped girl.

It's be funny if it wasn't so fucking pathetic.
No one is triggered by her, she's just a stupid little bitch like you and we make fun of them. But you knew that so you're just a liar as always.
Says the triggered closet homo.
nov 3.jpg
I just read about someone who believes in global warming saying he doesn't go "full Greta," but...… :)
All these tRumplings so thoroughly triggered by a little handicapped girl.

It's be funny if it wasn't so fucking pathetic.
No one is triggered by her, she's just a stupid little bitch like you and we make fun of them. But you knew that so you're just a liar as always.
Says the triggered closet homo.
Says the triggered closet homo.

Calling people Homo as a derogatory attack, typical homophobic Leftard.
All these tRumplings so thoroughly triggered by a little handicapped girl.

It's be funny if it wasn't so fucking pathetic.
It's like AOC all over for them....they sure can't handle outspoken women/girls without crying all over the place.
That you lie about people making fun of those two idiots says all we need to know about you. Have you a nice bowl of CRC. Confused retarded crybabies.
Good joke: the OP actually referred to the orange whore as a "man."

But this is Daytona, where thousands of people come to watch people drive cars at high speeds around and around an oval track for hours and think that it is a sport, so this just more humor to add to the mix.

There should be a Cuisinart Classic, where we can all watch our blenders go whirling around for hours and hours and see which one breaks down first.
All these tRumplings so thoroughly triggered by a little handicapped girl.

It's be funny if it wasn't so fucking pathetic.
No one is triggered by her, she's just a stupid little bitch like you and we make fun of them. But you knew that so you're just a liar as always.
Says the triggered closet homo.
Says the triggered closet homo.

Calling people Homo as a derogatory attack, typical homophobic Leftard.
No, I'm just telling the truth.

He came out for a while, then changed his mind and backed up I'm just trying to help him out.

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