The War In Damascus

Syrian “Intelligence” Dubious and of Israeli Origin, warn Analysts

“The priority Israeli objective is becoming crystal clear.” A large number of senior analysts, CIA officers, senior U.S. military personnel, judges and even the Deputy National Intelligence Officer for the Middle East have written an open letter to the Obama warning that the “intelligence” being used to promote an attack on Syria is “dubious” because it comes from Israel.

The astonishing and unprecedented warning is signed by an impressive list of people, which includes: Thomas Drake, Senior Executive, NSA (former); Philip Giraldi, CIA, Operations Officer (ret.); Matthew Hoh, former Capt., USMC, Iraq & Foreign Service Officer, Afghanistan; Larry Johnson, CIA & State Department (ret.); W. Patrick Lang, Senior Executive and Defense Intelligence Officer, DIA (ret.); David MacMichael, National Intelligence Council (ret.); Ray McGovern, former US Army infantry/intelligence officer & CIA analyst (ret.); Elizabeth Murray, Deputy National Intelligence Officer for Middle East (ret.); Todd Pierce, US Army Judge Advocate General (ret.); Sam Provance, former Sgt., US Army, Iraq; Coleen Rowley, Division Council & Special Agent, FBI (ret.); and Ann Wright, Col., US Army (ret); Foreign Service Officer (ret.).
Syrian ?Intelligence? Dubious and of Israeli Origin, warn Analysts | David Duke
"Until the declaration by Israel’s Ambassador to the United States Michael Oren on Tuesday, Israel’s precise position on the Syrian civil war was ambiguous, but now it is clear that Israel again is lining up with its new de facto ally, Saudi Arabia, in a regional conflict to undermine Iranian influence.

“'The greatest danger to Israel is by the strategic arc that extends from Tehran, to Damascus to Beirut. And we saw the Assad regime as the keystone in that arc,' Oren told the Jerusalem Post in an interview scheduled for publication on Friday but excerpted by Reuters on Tuesday.

"Saudi Arabia, which is spearheading the military and intelligence assistance for the Syrian rebels, is concerned itself about what is called the 'Shiite crescent' extending from Iran through Iraq and Syria to the Hezbollah enclaves of Lebanon.

"The Saudis, who follow an ultraconservative form of Sunni Islam, are now viewed in the region as the geopolitical bulwark against the Iran-led Shiite coalition."

Israel Sides with Syrian Jihadists | Consortiumnews

Conservative Jews and Saudi fundamentalists are spearheading the NATO offensive for a New Middle East. If they continue to encounter stiff global resistance, look for another "next Pearl Harbor."
Syrian “Intelligence” Dubious and of Israeli Origin, warn Analysts

“The priority Israeli objective is becoming crystal clear.” A large number of senior analysts, CIA officers, senior U.S. military personnel, judges and even the Deputy National Intelligence Officer for the Middle East have written an open letter to the Obama warning that the “intelligence” being used to promote an attack on Syria is “dubious” because it comes from Israel.

The astonishing and unprecedented warning is signed by an impressive list of people, which includes: Thomas Drake, Senior Executive, NSA (former); Philip Giraldi, CIA, Operations Officer (ret.); Matthew Hoh, former Capt., USMC, Iraq & Foreign Service Officer, Afghanistan; Larry Johnson, CIA & State Department (ret.); W. Patrick Lang, Senior Executive and Defense Intelligence Officer, DIA (ret.); David MacMichael, National Intelligence Council (ret.); Ray McGovern, former US Army infantry/intelligence officer & CIA analyst (ret.); Elizabeth Murray, Deputy National Intelligence Officer for Middle East (ret.); Todd Pierce, US Army Judge Advocate General (ret.); Sam Provance, former Sgt., US Army, Iraq; Coleen Rowley, Division Council & Special Agent, FBI (ret.); and Ann Wright, Col., US Army (ret); Foreign Service Officer (ret.).
Syrian ?Intelligence? Dubious and of Israeli Origin, warn Analysts | David Duke
Why don't we give three cheers to Yousef Mohammed for showing us that he is a fan of the NeoNazi/Islamicfascist hate sites? David Duke indeed. Meanwhile, Yousef closes his eyes to what the extremist Muslims fighting in Syria say -- that Syria is a stepping stone to the worldwide Caliphate. Of course, Yousef Mohammed is salivating over that fact. He can't wait for this to happen.
Syrian “Intelligence” Dubious and of Israeli Origin, warn Analysts

“The priority Israeli objective is becoming crystal clear.” A large number of senior analysts, CIA officers, senior U.S. military personnel, judges and even the Deputy National Intelligence Officer for the Middle East have written an open letter to the Obama warning that the “intelligence” being used to promote an attack on Syria is “dubious” because it comes from Israel.

The astonishing and unprecedented warning is signed by an impressive list of people, which includes: Thomas Drake, Senior Executive, NSA (former); Philip Giraldi, CIA, Operations Officer (ret.); Matthew Hoh, former Capt., USMC, Iraq & Foreign Service Officer, Afghanistan; Larry Johnson, CIA & State Department (ret.); W. Patrick Lang, Senior Executive and Defense Intelligence Officer, DIA (ret.); David MacMichael, National Intelligence Council (ret.); Ray McGovern, former US Army infantry/intelligence officer & CIA analyst (ret.); Elizabeth Murray, Deputy National Intelligence Officer for Middle East (ret.); Todd Pierce, US Army Judge Advocate General (ret.); Sam Provance, former Sgt., US Army, Iraq; Coleen Rowley, Division Council & Special Agent, FBI (ret.); and Ann Wright, Col., US Army (ret); Foreign Service Officer (ret.).
Syrian ?Intelligence? Dubious and of Israeli Origin, warn Analysts | David Duke
Why don't we give three cheers to Yousef Mohammed for showing us that he is a fan of the NeoNazi/Islamicfascist hate sites? David Duke indeed. Meanwhile, Yousef closes his eyes to what the extremist Muslims fighting in Syria say -- that Syria is a stepping stone to the worldwide Caliphate. Of course, Yousef Mohammed is salivating over that fact. He can't wait for this to happen.
While Hossie the Kosher joker salivates over Israel's role in Armageddon:

"In political space one of the great mysteries is why / how the tiny state of Israel achieves such capture over U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East?

"The typical less than helpful answer is ‘the Israel lobby,’ one step removed from ‘Israel’ but no more illuminating.

"According to the CIA the GDP of Israel in 2012 is, depending on the method of calculation, between $240 and $252 billion USD and U.S. GDP is about $16.6 trillion. $16.6 trillion is sixteen thousand and six hundred billion dollars.

"There is no direct economic relationship to explain the power of Israel over U.S. foreign policy because the scale is so wildly imbalanced on the side of the U.S.

"The answer then must be geo-political and a quick glance at a map of the Middle East places Israel in the vicinity of Iraq, Iran and Saudi Arabia, the very centers of oil geo-politics by the U.S. for the last century.

"Before the Iranian Revolution in 1979 Iran, Saudi Arabia and Israel were strategic allies of the U.S. in the region.

"Following the revolution—largely unforeseen by the U.S. at the time, U.S. allies dwindled to Saudi Arabia and Israel.

"Israel’s ascendance as close strategic ally of the U.S. dates to this period. With the Cold War now ‘officially’ over, the only plausible geo-political ‘value’ of Israel to the U.S. is its proximity to Middle Eastern oil.

"And to be clear, the oil and gas industry has been among the most profitable capitalist enterprises in the history of the world."

Capitalism and US Oil Geo-Politics » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

And to be even more clear, Syria is a stepping stone for the capitalists of the oil, gas, and arms industry to redraw some new blood-soaked borders in the Middle East.
Syrian “Intelligence” Dubious and of Israeli Origin, warn Analysts

“The priority Israeli objective is becoming crystal clear.” A large number of senior analysts, CIA officers, senior U.S. military personnel, judges and even the Deputy National Intelligence Officer for the Middle East have written an open letter to the Obama warning that the “intelligence” being used to promote an attack on Syria is “dubious” because it comes from Israel.

The astonishing and unprecedented warning is signed by an impressive list of people, which includes: Thomas Drake, Senior Executive, NSA (former); Philip Giraldi, CIA, Operations Officer (ret.); Matthew Hoh, former Capt., USMC, Iraq & Foreign Service Officer, Afghanistan; Larry Johnson, CIA & State Department (ret.); W. Patrick Lang, Senior Executive and Defense Intelligence Officer, DIA (ret.); David MacMichael, National Intelligence Council (ret.); Ray McGovern, former US Army infantry/intelligence officer & CIA analyst (ret.); Elizabeth Murray, Deputy National Intelligence Officer for Middle East (ret.); Todd Pierce, US Army Judge Advocate General (ret.); Sam Provance, former Sgt., US Army, Iraq; Coleen Rowley, Division Council & Special Agent, FBI (ret.); and Ann Wright, Col., US Army (ret); Foreign Service Officer (ret.).
Syrian ?Intelligence? Dubious and of Israeli Origin, warn Analysts | David Duke
Why don't we give three cheers to Yousef Mohammed for showing us that he is a fan of the NeoNazi/Islamicfascist hate sites? David Duke indeed. Meanwhile, Yousef closes his eyes to what the extremist Muslims fighting in Syria say -- that Syria is a stepping stone to the worldwide Caliphate. Of course, Yousef Mohammed is salivating over that fact. He can't wait for this to happen.

I also like the cutting and pasting from such tabloid websites as "counterpunch" - "Tells the Facts, Names the Names"... while appealing to every slack-jawed, gullible, conspiracy addled loon.
When it comes to Jewish issues and political situations it's always about money.

Money seems to be their secular god and many are named after their numismatic deity of choice.

ie. Goldberg, Silver, Goldstein, Silverstein, Gold, Goldman, Goldbaum, Silverman, Goldblatt, Silverberg, Goldfarb, and dozens of other variations. .. :cool:

bigoted derail reported.
What's happening to the Syrian people today has been on the Israeli drawing board for generations:

"1. The idea that all the Arab states should be broken down, by Israel, into small units, occurs again and
again in Israeli strategic thinking. For example, Ze'ev Schiff, the military correspondent of Ha'aretz
(and probably the most knowledgeable in Israel, on this topic) writes about the 'best' that can happen
for Israeli interests in Iraq: 'The dissolution of Iraq into a Shi'ite state, a Sunni state and the separation
of the Kurdish part' (Ha'aretz 6/2/1982). Actually, this aspect of the plan is very old.

2. The strong connection with Neo-Conservative thought in the USA is very prominent, especially in
the author's notes. But, while lip service is paid to the idea of the 'defense of the West' from Soviet
power, the real aim of the author, and of the present Israeli establishment is clear: To make an Imperial
Israel into a world power. In other words, the aim of Sharon is to deceive the Americans after he has
deceived all the rest. "

Millions of civilians in Iraq and Syria have been maimed, murdered, and displaced to enhance Israel's Imperial Superpower status with millions more waiting in Lebanon, Somalia, Sudan, and Iran.
[arab economic malaise7875328]What's happening to the Syrian people today has been on the Israeli drawing board for generations:

"1. The idea that all the Arab states should be broken down, by Israel, into small units, occurs again and
again in Israeli strategic thinking. For example, Ze'ev Schiff, the military correspondent of Ha'aretz
(and probably the most knowledgeable in Israel, on this topic) writes about the 'best' that can happen
for Israeli interests in Iraq: 'The dissolution of Iraq into a Shi'ite state, a Sunni state and the separation
of the Kurdish part' (Ha'aretz 6/2/1982). Actually, this aspect of the plan is very old.

2. The strong connection with Neo-Conservative thought in the USA is very prominent, especially in
the author's notes. But, while lip service is paid to the idea of the 'defense of the West' from Soviet
power, the real aim of the author, and of the present Israeli establishment is clear: To make an Imperial
Israel into a world power. In other words, the aim of Sharon is to deceive the Americans after he has
deceived all the rest. "

Millions of civilians in Iraq and Syria have been maimed, murdered, and displaced to enhance Israel's Imperial Superpower status with millions more waiting in Lebanon, Somalia, Sudan, and Iran.[/QUOTE]

Oh shoot, now everyone knows.
Last edited:
[arab economic malaise7875328]What's happening to the Syrian people today has been on the Israeli drawing board for generations:

"1. The idea that all the Arab states should be broken down, by Israel, into small units, occurs again and
again in Israeli strategic thinking. For example, Ze'ev Schiff, the military correspondent of Ha'aretz
(and probably the most knowledgeable in Israel, on this topic) writes about the 'best' that can happen
for Israeli interests in Iraq: 'The dissolution of Iraq into a Shi'ite state, a Sunni state and the separation
of the Kurdish part' (Ha'aretz 6/2/1982). Actually, this aspect of the plan is very old.

2. The strong connection with Neo-Conservative thought in the USA is very prominent, especially in
the author's notes. But, while lip service is paid to the idea of the 'defense of the West' from Soviet
power, the real aim of the author, and of the present Israeli establishment is clear: To make an Imperial
Israel into a world power. In other words, the aim of Sharon is to deceive the Americans after he has
deceived all the rest. "

Millions of civilians in Iraq and Syria have been maimed, murdered, and displaced to enhance Israel's Imperial Superpower status with millions more waiting in Lebanon, Somalia, Sudan, and Iran.

Oh shoot, now everyone knows.[/QUOTE]
Except you.

"The Arab Moslem world, therefore, is not the major strategic problem which we shall face in the
Eighties, despite the fact that it carries the main threat against Israel, due to its growing military might.
This world, with its ethnic minorities, its factions and internal crises, which is astonishingly self-
destructive, as we can see in Lebanon, in non-Arab Iran and now also in Syria, is unable to deal
successfully with its fundamental problems and does not therefore constitute a real threat against the
State of Israel in the long run, but only in the short run where its immediate military power has great
import. In the long run, this world will be unable to exist within its present framework in the areas
around us without having to go through genuine revolutionary changes. The Moslem Arab World is
built like a temporary house of cards put together by foreigners (France and Britain in the Nineteen
Twenties), without the wishes and desires of the inhabitants having been taken into account. It was
arbitrarily divided into 19 states, all made of combinations of minorites and ethnic groups which are
hostile to one another, so that every Arab Moslem state nowadays faces ethnic social destruction from
within, and in some a civil war is already raging."
"The Land letter was a letter sent to U.S. President George W. Bush by five evangelical Christian leaders on October 3, 2002, outlining their support for a just war pre-emptive invasion of Iraq. As its foundation for support, the letter refers to the "criteria of just war theory as developed by Christian theologians in the late fourth and early fifth centuries A.D." The letter was written by Richard D. Land, president of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention. It was co-signed by:
Chuck Colson, founder of Prison Fellowship Ministries
Bill Bright, chairman of Campus Crusade for Christ
James Kennedy, president of Coral Ridge Ministries, and
Carl D. Herbster, president of the American Association of Christian Schools
All of these church leaders are huge supporters of Israel and are rabid christian zionists. .. :cool:

That is true , or I should say likely is true, of those named person who signed that letter. But among individual Christians I have known attending Baptist Churches in Arkansas and California for 25 years and an Interdenominational Community Bible Study for over 5 years in Arkansas, I have never met a single Christian who called themselves a Christian Zionist. Idolatry is not a thing all Christians embrace.
The Iranian clerks at the Valley Produce Market in Reseda miss you, Frau Sherri. They have been waiting for you to pick up the headscarf they purchased for you as a goodbye gift. You forgot to stop by and say "Khodahafez" to them. By the way, I know many Baptists who are for Israel. Perhaps you and your church members are some of those people who have so much hatred against the Jews.
The only civilized & stable country in the entire Middle East is Israel. Quite a remarkable achievement considering what Israel has for neighbors all around them.

sad when your stability depends upon occupying another peoples' land.
The following was published thirty years ago, yet much of it could've been written yesterday:


"In this giant and fractured world there are a few wealthy groups and a huge mass of poor people. Most
of the Arabs have an average yearly income of 300 dollars. That is the situation in Egypt, in most of the
Maghreb countries except for Libya, and in Iraq.

"Lebanon is torn apart and its economy is falling to
pieces. It is a state in which there is no centralized power, but only 5 de facto sovereign authorities
(Christian in the north, supported by the Syrians and under the rule of the Franjieh clan, in the East an
area of direct Syrian conquest, in the center a Phalangist controlled Christian enclave, in the south and
up to the Litani river a mostly Palestinian region controlled by the PLO and Major Haddad's state of
Christians and half a million Shi'ites).

"Syria is in an even graver situation and even the assistance she
will obtain in the future after the unification with Libya
will not be sufficient for dealing with the basic
problems of existence and the maintenance of a large army.

"Egypt is in the worst situation: Millions are
on the verge of hunger, half the labor force is unemployed, and housing is scarce in this most densely
populated area of the world. Except for the army, there is not a single department operating efficiently
and the state is in a permanent state of bankruptcy and depends entirely on American foreign assistance
granted since the peace.6

It isn't a coincidence how the rich are getting richer in Israel, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and the US while the vast majority of humanity are being impoverished economically and spiritually to pay for their lifestyles.
"It isn't a coincidence how the rich are getting richer in Israel, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and the US while the vast majority of humanity are being impoverished economically and spiritually to pay for their lifestyles. "

Got anything to back up those allegations? Seems like the garden-variety agitprop that Marxists have been spouting for several decades now.......
The following was published thirty years ago, yet much of it could've been written yesterday:


"In this giant and fractured world there are a few wealthy groups and a huge mass of poor people. Most
of the Arabs have an average yearly income of 300 dollars. That is the situation in Egypt, in most of the
Maghreb countries except for Libya, and in Iraq.

"Lebanon is torn apart and its economy is falling to
pieces. It is a state in which there is no centralized power, but only 5 de facto sovereign authorities
(Christian in the north, supported by the Syrians and under the rule of the Franjieh clan, in the East an
area of direct Syrian conquest, in the center a Phalangist controlled Christian enclave, in the south and
up to the Litani river a mostly Palestinian region controlled by the PLO and Major Haddad's state of
Christians and half a million Shi'ites).

"Syria is in an even graver situation and even the assistance she
will obtain in the future after the unification with Libya
will not be sufficient for dealing with the basic
problems of existence and the maintenance of a large army.

"Egypt is in the worst situation: Millions are
on the verge of hunger, half the labor force is unemployed, and housing is scarce in this most densely
populated area of the world. Except for the army, there is not a single department operating efficiently
and the state is in a permanent state of bankruptcy and depends entirely on American foreign assistance
granted since the peace.6

It isn't a coincidence how the rich are getting richer in Israel, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and the US while the vast majority of humanity are being impoverished economically and spiritually to pay for their lifestyles.
Survival of the fittest. Ever heard that axiom, George?
The following was published thirty years ago, yet much of it could've been written yesterday:


"In this giant and fractured world there are a few wealthy groups and a huge mass of poor people. Most
of the Arabs have an average yearly income of 300 dollars. That is the situation in Egypt, in most of the
Maghreb countries except for Libya, and in Iraq.

"Lebanon is torn apart and its economy is falling to
pieces. It is a state in which there is no centralized power, but only 5 de facto sovereign authorities
(Christian in the north, supported by the Syrians and under the rule of the Franjieh clan, in the East an
area of direct Syrian conquest, in the center a Phalangist controlled Christian enclave, in the south and
up to the Litani river a mostly Palestinian region controlled by the PLO and Major Haddad's state of
Christians and half a million Shi'ites).

"Syria is in an even graver situation and even the assistance she
will obtain in the future after the unification with Libya
will not be sufficient for dealing with the basic
problems of existence and the maintenance of a large army.

"Egypt is in the worst situation: Millions are
on the verge of hunger, half the labor force is unemployed, and housing is scarce in this most densely
populated area of the world. Except for the army, there is not a single department operating efficiently
and the state is in a permanent state of bankruptcy and depends entirely on American foreign assistance
granted since the peace.6

It isn't a coincidence how the rich are getting richer in Israel, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and the US while the vast majority of humanity are being impoverished economically and spiritually to pay for their lifestyles.
I think we all realize that since the beginning of time there always have been people who have had more than others. Life just isn't fair, Georgie Boy, and I feel for you being in the situation you find yourself now through your lack of initiative, but I think the most important issue on this planet right now and in the future is not who has more than others but the overpopulation of this world.
Overpopulation: Why ingenuity alone won't save us -
"It isn't a coincidence how the rich are getting richer in Israel, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and the US while the vast majority of humanity are being impoverished economically and spiritually to pay for their lifestyles. "

Got anything to back up those allegations? Seems like the garden-variety agitprop that Marxists have been spouting for several decades now.......
Income Main- People and Households - U.S. Census Bureau
The following was published thirty years ago, yet much of it could've been written yesterday:


"In this giant and fractured world there are a few wealthy groups and a huge mass of poor people. Most
of the Arabs have an average yearly income of 300 dollars. That is the situation in Egypt, in most of the
Maghreb countries except for Libya, and in Iraq.

"Lebanon is torn apart and its economy is falling to
pieces. It is a state in which there is no centralized power, but only 5 de facto sovereign authorities
(Christian in the north, supported by the Syrians and under the rule of the Franjieh clan, in the East an
area of direct Syrian conquest, in the center a Phalangist controlled Christian enclave, in the south and
up to the Litani river a mostly Palestinian region controlled by the PLO and Major Haddad's state of
Christians and half a million Shi'ites).

"Syria is in an even graver situation and even the assistance she
will obtain in the future after the unification with Libya
will not be sufficient for dealing with the basic
problems of existence and the maintenance of a large army.

"Egypt is in the worst situation: Millions are
on the verge of hunger, half the labor force is unemployed, and housing is scarce in this most densely
populated area of the world. Except for the army, there is not a single department operating efficiently
and the state is in a permanent state of bankruptcy and depends entirely on American foreign assistance
granted since the peace.6

It isn't a coincidence how the rich are getting richer in Israel, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and the US while the vast majority of humanity are being impoverished economically and spiritually to pay for their lifestyles.
Survival of the fittest. Ever heard that axiom, George?
Hitler, Mao, and Stalin did.
Currently the richest 400 Americans own more wealth than the poorest 150 million Americans; do you think that proves your axiom, Hoss?
The following was published thirty years ago, yet much of it could've been written yesterday:


"In this giant and fractured world there are a few wealthy groups and a huge mass of poor people. Most
of the Arabs have an average yearly income of 300 dollars. That is the situation in Egypt, in most of the
Maghreb countries except for Libya, and in Iraq.

"Lebanon is torn apart and its economy is falling to
pieces. It is a state in which there is no centralized power, but only 5 de facto sovereign authorities
(Christian in the north, supported by the Syrians and under the rule of the Franjieh clan, in the East an
area of direct Syrian conquest, in the center a Phalangist controlled Christian enclave, in the south and
up to the Litani river a mostly Palestinian region controlled by the PLO and Major Haddad's state of
Christians and half a million Shi'ites).

"Syria is in an even graver situation and even the assistance she
will obtain in the future after the unification with Libya
will not be sufficient for dealing with the basic
problems of existence and the maintenance of a large army.

"Egypt is in the worst situation: Millions are
on the verge of hunger, half the labor force is unemployed, and housing is scarce in this most densely
populated area of the world. Except for the army, there is not a single department operating efficiently
and the state is in a permanent state of bankruptcy and depends entirely on American foreign assistance
granted since the peace.6

It isn't a coincidence how the rich are getting richer in Israel, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and the US while the vast majority of humanity are being impoverished economically and spiritually to pay for their lifestyles.
I think we all realize that since the beginning of time there always have been people who have had more than others. Life just isn't fair, Georgie Boy, and I feel for you being in the situation you find yourself now through your lack of initiative, but I think the most important issue on this planet right now and in the future is not who has more than others but the overpopulation of this world.
Overpopulation: Why ingenuity alone won't save us -
It appears the initiative of all of us will be sorely tested in the coming century:

"So what are we facing now? In June 2013, the United Nations revised an earlier estimate that population would level off at 9.2 billion by midcentury; it now says our numbers will keep growing, hitting nearly 11 billion by the end of the century, with no sure peak in sight.

"In the next 50 years,' a worried Hans-Joachim Braun, Borlaug's successor at the maize and wheat center, told me, 'we will need to produce as much food as has been consumed over our entire human history...'"

"Moreover, food technologists face another growing problem spawned by growing populations: As ever more of us expel carbon, our overloaded atmosphere overheats the planet.

"Grains have temperature thresholds; for every 1º C of warming, the National Academy of Science reports, harvests drop 10%.

"With our world now headed beyond a 2º C increase at present emission rates, population will be up, food production down, irrigation water scarcer — and coastal dikes may have to protect much of the world's rice production from encroaching sea water. All in all, an expensive scenario.

"Rosy predictions that northern Canada and Siberia will be breadbaskets in a warmer world neglect that their conifer-covered, acidic soils will take millenniums to adapt to the needs of crops."

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