The War Against the Western Family is the War Against Westernism


Apr 23, 2009
everywhere and nowhere
I've decided to throw PC a bone and lay the Far Left's playbook on the table. This way you'll know where Maddie is coming from- or at least the people whose propaganda she parrots.

This is best achieved using a two-fold approach:

First you use economic incentives to encourage women to have children out of wedlock while undermining the economy so that the average single earner cannot easily support a child, let alone multiple children. Now you're an entire generation without proper parenting and guidance. This ensures that the youth will be diligent in following their programming in step two. Any other economic pressures you can use to prevent the family unit from forming or from spending 'quality time' together furthers the progress made in phase one.

Secondly, you use a vast machine to encourage sexual promiscuity, demonize the opposite sex and the family unit (see: Betty Friedan, Planned Parenthood, anything else Maddie ever cites), and encourage a culture of sexual openness whilst undermining traditional courtship, which once served to ensure faithfulness and commitment in a relationship. The objective is to see an entire generation which freely spreads STDs, encounters pregnancy out of wedlock very often- and can be easily taught that abortion is the easy answer, thereby helping to devalue human life and further undermine the traditional values which innumerable civilizations have been built upon, and which consciously rejects anything once deemed good in favour of the thrill of self-destruction.

Ms. Lukas says women lost the sexual revolution. In this she is incorrect. More accurately, the neofeminists and their ideological and intellectual kin [remember their roots in Marxist feminism] are succeeding in destroying the Western civilization that they view as the source of all the world's ills. They do this because it is the commandment of their neo-Marxist faith, and because the imagine a Marxian Utopia afterwards, where not only gender roles, but sex itself, labour, capitalism, and Western culture no longer exist.

Think of it as an early Christmas present, PC

Much love,

James T. Beukema

Minister of AgitProp,
The highest birth and and STD rate is in Red States. Sorry to burst you're bubble.

Why do you think no one on the right cares about Bristol Palin having a baby out of wedlock? Because the Palin family represents the right wing. Unwed, dropout daughter. Unwed, dropout boyfriend. Typical.
The highest birth and and STD rate is in Red States. Sorry to burst you're bubble.

Why do you think no one on the right cares about Bristol Palin having a baby out of wedlock? Because the Palin family represents the right wing. Unwed, dropout daughter. Unwed, dropout boyfriend. Typical.

One of the democrats I work with has six kids out of wedlock. Take a look at the actual statistics
72% of Black Kids Born to Unwed Mothers | Madame Noire

Unwed Motherhood Increases Sharply in U.S., Report Shows -
The rates increased for all races, but they remained highest and rose fastest for Hispanics and blacks. There were 106 births to every 1,000 unmarried Hispanic women in 2006, 72 per 1,000 blacks, 32 per 1,000 whites and 26 per 1,000 Asians, the report showed.

Hispanics & blacks have 6x as many as whites. Just sayin...
I've decided to throw PC a bone and lay the Far Left's playbook on the table. This way you'll know where Maddie is coming from- or at least the people whose propaganda she parrots.

This is best achieved using a two-fold approach:

First you use economic incentives to encourage women to have children out of wedlock while undermining the economy so that the average single earner cannot easily support a child, let alone multiple children. Now you're an entire generation without proper parenting and guidance. This ensures that the youth will be diligent in following their programming in step two. Any other economic pressures you can use to prevent the family unit from forming or from spending 'quality time' together furthers the progress made in phase one.

Secondly, you use a vast machine to encourage sexual promiscuity, demonize the opposite sex and the family unit (see: Betty Friedan, Planned Parenthood, anything else Maddie ever cites), and encourage a culture of sexual openness whilst undermining traditional courtship, which once served to ensure faithfulness and commitment in a relationship. The objective is to see an entire generation which freely spreads STDs, encounters pregnancy out of wedlock very often- and can be easily taught that abortion is the easy answer, thereby helping to devalue human life and further undermine the traditional values which innumerable civilizations have been built upon, and which consciously rejects anything once deemed good in favour of the thrill of self-destruction.
Yeah....what're the chances some Good Christian Family would blindly chase Celebrity??? :rolleyes:


"In the days after Bristol Palin was voted into the finals of “Dancing with the Stars,” viewers from across the country wrote to the Federal Communications Commission accusing the ABC show of everything from running a “payola type program” to “encouraging and promoting teen pregnancy

Many of the complainants, whose letters were obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request, were upset that, as one Oregonian put it, “the top scores were voted off yet Sarah Palin’s daughter remained on.”

One viewer from Pittsburgh alleged that the show’s voting system had been “fixed by extreme supporters of the Tea Party and Radical Right-Wing. I find that it has become a political platform for Sarah Palin to improve her image and ooze her political slime.” The aggrieved correspondent continued, “Bristol is not a star, what did she do, she had sex and got pregnant. Lets reward her…I made several call to ABC’s complaint line and I hope that their phone lines melt. It has become a political movement, with Tea Party websites instructing on how to vote for Bristol. Ridiculousness!”

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