The Vigilante From South Bend~Liar, character assassin, bigot, natural leader for DemonRATS

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Him being gay is the least of my fear of this guy. When you read about his dad you realize what a wolf in sheep’s clothing he is. It appears that all of these Rats come from a long line of commies. And when you inform people of the fact that these candidates are literally communists they either say “so what?” Or they say your paranoid. It’s incredible and concerning. This “soft” communist revolution is insidious and there are only 2 ways to stop it!

Long article but worth the info
Frontpagemagazine ^ | April 15, 2019 | David Horowitz

Liar, character assassin, bigot – Pete Buttigieg is a natural leader for the Democrats.


Pete Buttigieg is the latest star to emerge from Democrats’ 2020 pack, which is no surprise since he exhibits all the tropes we have come to associate with this party in the era of its Trump derangement. On the evidence just of his attacks on Vice President Mike Pence, Buttigieg is a shameless liar, a calculating character assassin and an anti-religious/anti-free speech bigot, motivated by a virulent hatred of his political opponents, especially those who have been good to him like Pence.

Buttigieg’s chosen target is one of the most decent human beings in politics, who was supportive of Buttegieg both before he revealed he was gay and after. Indeed, when Buttigieg made his public announcement, Pence, then governor of Indiana went out of his way to praise his achievements as mayor – a bit of political hyperbole since Buttigieg’s city, South Bend, is a violence-ridden mess. Mayor Buttigieg Runs for President While His City Bleeds Yet, even after Buttigieg’s outrageous attacks, Pence has not had an unkind word to say about him.

Using a gracious and decent opponent as a prop in a hate campaign against Christians for political gain, tells you how low Democrats have sunk this electoral season.........
The fact that this lightweight thinks he has a chance (and raised a million bucks) shows how screwed up the democrat lineup is.
BootyJudge is a vain Democrat hope. A white Obama. It ain't gonna happen.

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