The USA and Israel


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
East Coast or is it actually West Coast?
The USA is the biggest supporter of Israel. Even among american nationalists like Trump. His son in law is a ashkenazi jew, his daughter converted to judaism. The american conservatives are often Christian-zionists. Where does the special relationship between USA and Israel originated?
The tragic events of WWII, evangelical christians, a huge and influential jewish community living in the country and so on...
The USA is the biggest supporter of Israel. Even among american nationalists like Trump. His son in law is a ashkenazi jew, his daughter converted to judaism. The american conservatives are often Christian-zionists. Where does the special relationship between USA and Israel originated?
You're going to get two main responses, those who claim it's primarily the American Jewish lobby and those who understand the real history behind the relationship. The real reason has more to do with the Cold War, popular American opinion and the fact that Israel is the one stable democratic form of government in the Middle East.
Now I'll sit back and wait for the Jewish lobby reason advocates to show up gnashing their teeth and flooding the thread with confirmation bias links........ :D
The USA is the biggest supporter of Israel. Even among american nationalists like Trump. His son in law is a ashkenazi jew, his daughter converted to judaism. The american conservatives are often Christian-zionists. Where does the special relationship between USA and Israel originated?

Does this annoy you as a member of the KKK?
might be simplistic but Jews are better than their surrounding muslim enemies and its easy to see Mortimer .
The bond between America and the Jews was sealed during the Revolutionary War. We would have lost that war if it wasn't for a Jewish financier named Salomon. He raised the money and supplies for Washington's men. He raised and contributed his own wealth to the tune of what would be nearly 20 million today. He bankrolled, fed and supplied Washington's army prior to Washington's campaign at the Battle of Yorktown. He died penniless, never asking to be repaid for his own contributions. Asking only that his people be remembered...
Buy a copy of this book and it will answer your questions. .. :cool:

might be simplistic but Jews are better than their surrounding muslim enemies and its easy to see Mortimer .

It is true, and jews are less visible the muslims the average redneck sees jews are white and muslims are often brown. But it could be that jews created the conflict with muslims, and imported the masses of muslims to change support for jews and israel, and at the same time change demographics. If you look around it is often jewish lobbies who are against islamophobia of gentiles and at the same time also among the right wing to attack islamic migrants too and they always are also Zionist like "national socialists for israel". So they create wars and conflicts and profit in many ways themselfes.
might be simplistic but Jews are better than their surrounding muslim enemies and its easy to see Mortimer .

It is true, and jews are less visible the muslims the average redneck sees jews are white and muslims are often brown. But it could be that jews created the conflict with muslims, and imported the masses of muslims to change support for jews and israel, and at the same time change demographics. If you look around it is often jewish lobbies who are against islamophobia of gentiles and at the same time also among the right wing to attack islamic migrants too and they always are also Zionist like "national socialists for israel". So they create wars and conflicts and profit in many ways themselfes.

Well, Herr Doktor Professor Mortimer, you seem to be a wellspring of misinformation today.
Many people on this board have strong opinions about the Protocols of Zion book.

But I seriously doubt that anyone else besides me has actually purchased the book and read it. ... :cool:
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The USA is the biggest supporter of Israel. Even among american nationalists like Trump. His son in law is a ashkenazi jew, his daughter converted to judaism. The american conservatives are often Christian-zionists. Where does the special relationship between USA and Israel originated?
It's not a question of "where", but rather "when". The special relationship between USA and Israel started after Israel defeated Arab armies in 1967 war, when the US administration understood that tiny Israel actually is a big boy in the region.
might be simplistic but Jews are better than their surrounding muslim enemies and its easy to see Mortimer .

It is true, and jews are less visible the muslims the average redneck sees jews are white and muslims are often brown. But it could be that jews created the conflict with muslims, and imported the masses of muslims to change support for jews and israel, and at the same time change demographics. If you look around it is often jewish lobbies who are against islamophobia of gentiles and at the same time also among the right wing to attack islamic migrants too and they always are also Zionist like "national socialists for israel". So they create wars and conflicts and profit in many ways themselfes.
might be simplistic but Jews are better than their surrounding muslim enemies and its easy to see Mortimer .

It is true, and jews are less visible the muslims the average redneck sees jews are white and muslims are often brown. But it could be that jews created the conflict with muslims, and imported the masses of muslims to change support for jews and israel, and at the same time change demographics. If you look around it is often jewish lobbies who are against islamophobia of gentiles and at the same time also among the right wing to attack islamic migrants too and they always are also Zionist like "national socialists for israel". So they create wars and conflicts and profit in many ways themselfes.

-------------------------------------------- Persians are WHITE . In fact 'iran' means and is the land of 'white Men according to some or certain translations that I have read . And if true , well the USA may be going after WHITE 'muslim iranians' . Anyway , I don't think that 'RACE' has anything to do with why JEW's are preferred by Americans over 'brown' muslims Ringel .
is it true that Jews created the conflict with 'muslims' ?? ------------------ It was 'muslims' that invaded Spain , a Christian White country back about 750 AD [about] . Think that 'muslims' were also invading Spain and other parts of White Christian Europe at that time or a bit later . 'muslims' held Spain for ABOUT 700 years until 1498 when they were kicked out . Anyway , both Jews and Christians are BETTER than 'muslims' Ringel .
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might be simplistic but Jews are better than their surrounding muslim enemies and its easy to see Mortimer .

It is true, and jews are less visible the muslims the average redneck sees jews are white and muslims are often brown. But it could be that jews created the conflict with muslims, and imported the masses of muslims to change support for jews and israel, and at the same time change demographics. If you look around it is often jewish lobbies who are against islamophobia of gentiles and at the same time also among the right wing to attack islamic migrants too and they always are also Zionist like "national socialists for israel". So they create wars and conflicts and profit in many ways themselfes.

-------------------------------------------- Persians are WHITE . In fact 'iran' means and is the land of 'white Men according to some or certain translations that I have read . And if true , well the USA may be going after WHITE 'muslim iranians' . Anyway , I don't think that 'RACE' has anything to do with why JEW's are preferred by Americans over 'brown' muslims Ringel .

I said you did say that? Where? :eusa_eh:
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I was wrong about 'iran' meaning 'land of the White Man but looks like the name of 'iran' translates to 'ARYAN' in Farsi language Ringel . I think that ARYAN relates to the WHITE Race Ringel . --- What is the Farsi translation for the word Iran ---
Uummmmm, You seem to have some sort of psychiatric problem, I'm not the one who brought up race......... :dunno:
------------------------------------- think you [correction is that Mort said] said that visible 'muslims' quite often are BROWN and that's why they are objected too Ringel . And then you describe 'JEW's' as being seen as WHITE by the average Redneck like 'pismoe' [chuckle] . See your post number 14 Rigel . Anyway , looks like the USA may be going after 'muslims' that are WHITE and whose land and ARYAN Pride indentify with being WHITE rather being 'BROWN MUSLIMS' Ringel . So looks like I was responding to Mortimer --- Ringel !!
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