The US Weapon Beating the Moscow bandits in Ukraine


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
The fact that the M270 MLRS was designed to counter Soviet threats in Europe if they invaded NATO countries. So it's not surprising that the HIMARS is performing so well against the horde forces. Using the tactics of the Minutemen from the American Revolutionary War, the Ukrainians are using the HIMARS from concealment and moving on before they are targeted. A little bit we call shoot, move, and communicate. I'm sure a lot of NATO veterans from the cold war are really watching the news on how well NATO military equipment is fairing against the dredded the horde bear.

The US Weapon Beating the Moscow🇷🇺 🐷 bandits in Ukraine

Can you imagine how worse the Russians would have fared against any NATO country?

The Poles would have kicked their asses all the way back to the Urals by now.
This idiot is going to get us involved in a war with out gasoline stockpile down 60plus percent. I think that's what he'd love to do.

It's not really Biden calling the shots.
It's his EuroFascist invader puppet masters calling the shots. He does as told.

Obama is calling the shots. (Hates Murika)
George Soros is calling the shots
Bloomberg is calling the shots
About a dozen other ultra deep pockets
This idiot is going to get us involved
keep sucking muslims´dicks you slave ivan

The fact that the M270 MLRS was designed to counter Soviet threats in Europe if they invaded NATO countries. So it's not surprising that the HIMARS is performing so well against the horde forces. Using the tactics of the Minutemen from the American Revolutionary War, the Ukrainians are using the HIMARS from concealment and moving on before they are targeted. A little bit we call shoot, move, and communicate. I'm sure a lot of NATO veterans from the cold war are really watching the news on how well NATO military equipment is fairing against the dredded the horde bear.

The US Weapon Beating the Moscow🇷🇺 🐷 bandits in Ukraine

Good to see our weapons being used to kill Russians
This is no war for freedom. This money is going into the pockets of elites including our own. The ukrainian people aren't seeing a dime of it.
This is no war for freedom. This money is going into the pockets of elites including our own. The ukrainian people aren't seeing a dime of it.
You may be right but the Russians are getting their asses kicked and I hope that American made weapons are helping.

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