The unsustainability of "green" energy

people earning millions or billions from oil will never pay their dues, they fuck nations , have fucked nations for 100 years

oil billionaers think its fun to fuck nations

these people think its fun to fuck million of people, so they can fuck children
i imagine i would be at a billionaers party in new york with diplomatic immunity and security

i start shooting billionaers, my security kills their security

i scream : " i got diplomatic imunity !"

while killing useless billionaer scum
people earning millions or billions from oil will never pay their dues, they fuck nations , have fucked nations for 100 years oil billionaers think its fun to fuck nations these people think its fun to fuck million of people, so they can fuck children
Spoken like a true uneducated, uninformed, irrational progressive. Nobody has more to harm humanity than the progressive masters you worship. Al Gore and his pals have cheated millions out of billions. They've done it by convincing progressive minions such as yourself that the world is about to explode because of CO2 emissions - while they fly around on private jets and own 5 mansions giving each and every one of them a carbon footprint equal to a small third-world country.
i imagine i would be at a billionaers party in new york with diplomatic immunity and security i start shooting billionaers, my security kills their security i scream : " i got diplomatic imunity !" while killing useless billionaer scum
Once again spoken like a true uneducated, uninformed, irrational progressive minion. Always resorting to violence out of envy.
people earning millions or billions from oil will never pay their dues, they fuck nations , have fucked nations for 100 years

oil billionaers think its fun to fuck nations

these people think its fun to fuck million of people, so they can fuck children

Darn them! Providing the product that makes our high tech economy possible.
And making a profit while they do it. Unforgivable.

Here is the bottom line mamooth - "Global Warming" has been proven to be a scam. Unequivocally, indisputably proven.

No, you're parroting whiny cult nonsense, because that's what authoritarian lackeys do.

Now, I understand how you don't understand that you're parroting nonsense. You're kind of slow, hence you don't have the brainpower to understand that you're being played for a a fool. Your cult leaders fed you some stories, and then they simply counted on your sheeplike nature, knowing you'd never try to investigate things independently. You didn't disappoint them.

I'm sorry if that shakes your precious little progressive foundation and that the realization that your progressive leaders have spent over a century lying to you is more than your fragile little psyche can handle, but it doesn't change the truth.

That's right, the whole world is wrong, and only your tiny fringe of barking right-wing loonies knows the RealTruth about the VastSecretGlobalSocialistPlot. I bet it makes you feel real important to believe that. That's what your masters were counting on, and why it was so easy to suck you into the cult. You get to define yourself as brave and brilliant, and you don't have to do any thinking, or any work at all! You just have to parrot the proper cult mantras. After all, that boring sciencey stuff with the boring facts and data is all a big liberal plot anyways. Your conspiracy theory is much easier to understand, and much more exciting

  • Not one but two rounds of scientists caught discussing how they falsify their data for progressives

And so you start with an outright lie. Predictable, and boring.

  • Rebranding it from "Global Warming" to "Climate Change"
That's something the conservative Bush adminstration did, because they thought "Global Warming" sounded to scary. It's amusing, how ignorant of history you are, just as your masters intended.

  • Predicting the polar ice-cap would be completely melted by 2014 when it actually expanded 60% (over 900,000 sq miles)
No. One scientist, Wadhams, makes a lot of bad predictions, but nobody except deniers pay attention to him. All the other scientists have been very good, but deniers, who depend entirely on cherrypicking, will ignore them and focus on the one bad scientist.

And 2016, second lowest Arctic sea ice extent ever, continuing the steady decline. The data says you're totally wrong.

  • Al Gore being forced to provide an astounding 88 pages of corrections to his movie "An Inconvenient Truth" in an England court as part of a law suit
In addition to that being some sort of denier urban legend, it also invokes the Gore Rule, which states that whoever brings up Al Gore first forfeits the thread for their own side. Those who can talk about science, do. Those who can't, they rave about politicians who have nothing to do with the science.

Only a progressive would continue to believe something which is false in the face of such overwhelming evidence.

Your masters think of you as a Useful Idiot. If you had any pride, you'd ask your masters why they lied to you so egregiously. But you won't. You'll do what you always do. You'll drop to your knees, lick their boots with gusto, and beg for more lies.
The Clinton's continue to taunt coal miners and promise to put the industry out of work. Typical idiotic progressive policy - destroy jobs and destroy energy options.

And so you start with an outright lie. Predictable, and boring.
Wait....wait....wait....let me get this straight. The best you've got to explain away "Climate Gate" is to pretend like it never existed and proclaim it a lie?


Sweetie...I've filled this thread with facts, links, video, etc. The only thing you've done so far is yell "I'm're glue". It's ok sweetie - we're all use to progressive minions such as yourself. Some people just aren't capable of growing up and being independent. After 18 years of being cared for and parented, progressives are too scared to not have someone telling them what to do and what not to do. The problem is, you failed to properly vet your progressive masters before giving them the power to think for you.
Wait....wait....wait....let me get this straight. The best you've got to explain away "Climate Gate" is to pretend like it never existed and proclaim it a lie?

Deny Climategate? You're kidding, right? After all, that's when your liars' cult got humiliated after getting busted repeatedly for faking all their data. After Climategate, everyone on the planet knew with 100% certainty that all denier cultists simply make up everything. We never tire of pointing that out. The more interesting question is why you want more of such humiliation.

Sweetie...I've filled this thread with facts, links, video, etc.
No, you've spouted a bunch of unsupported cult conspiracy theories, and then squealed and ran when they got shot down. Typical cultist behavior.

I'm happy to give you a chance to demonstrate otherwise. Since you've proclaimed yourself so into real facts and data, I'll be happy to discuss any ClimateGate emails with you, and point out specifically where you're lying about them. Are you up for that? Make sure you quote full emails, with full context, and not just what your cult blog claimed about them.

Sadly, we all know you'll evade and run now. You know nothing except what your cult blogs told you, so you're not capable of anything except parroting lists of talking points.

The only thing you've done so far is yell "I'm're glue". It's ok sweetie - we're all use to progressive minions such as yourself. Some people just aren't capable of growing up and being independent. After 18 years of being cared for and parented, progressives are too scared to not have someone telling them what to do and what not to do. The problem is, you failed to properly vet your progressive masters before giving them the power to think for you.

Tissue? When you try this hard to deflect, I know I've whupped you good. I think it was this piece that really deflated you and left you crying, so I'll repeat it.

That's right, the whole world is wrong, and only your tiny fringe of barking right-wing loonies knows the RealTruth about the VastSecretGlobalSocialistPlot. I bet it makes you feel real important to believe that. That's what your masters were counting on, and why it was so easy to suck you into the cult. You get to define yourself as brave and brilliant, and you don't have to do any thinking, or any work at all! You just have to parrot the proper cult mantras. After all, that boring sciencey stuff with the boring facts and data is all a big liberal plot anyways. Your conspiracy theory is much easier to understand, and much more exciting.
Wait....wait....wait....let me get this straight. The best you've got to explain away "Climate Gate" is to pretend like it never existed and proclaim it a lie?

Deny Climategate? You're kidding, right? After all, that's when your liars' cult got humiliated after getting busted repeatedly for faking all their data. After Climategate, everyone on the planet knew with 100% certainty that all denier cultists simply make up everything. We never tire of pointing that out. The more interesting question is why you want more of such humiliation.

Sweetie...I've filled this thread with facts, links, video, etc.
No, you've spouted a bunch of unsupported cult conspiracy theories, and then squealed and ran when they got shot down. Typical cultist behavior.

I'm happy to give you a chance to demonstrate otherwise. Since you've proclaimed yourself so into real facts and data, I'll be happy to discuss any ClimateGate emails with you, and point out specifically where you're lying about them. Are you up for that? Make sure you quote full emails, with full context, and not just what your cult blog claimed about them.

Sadly, we all know you'll evade and run now. You know nothing except what your cult blogs told you, so you're not capable of anything except parroting lists of talking points.

The only thing you've done so far is yell "I'm're glue". It's ok sweetie - we're all use to progressive minions such as yourself. Some people just aren't capable of growing up and being independent. After 18 years of being cared for and parented, progressives are too scared to not have someone telling them what to do and what not to do. The problem is, you failed to properly vet your progressive masters before giving them the power to think for you.

Tissue? When you try this hard to deflect, I know I've whupped you good. I think it was this piece that really deflated you and left you crying, so I'll repeat it.

That's right, the whole world is wrong, and only your tiny fringe of barking right-wing loonies knows the RealTruth about the VastSecretGlobalSocialistPlot. I bet it makes you feel real important to believe that. That's what your masters were counting on, and why it was so easy to suck you into the cult. You get to define yourself as brave and brilliant, and you don't have to do any thinking, or any work at all! You just have to parrot the proper cult mantras. After all, that boring sciencey stuff with the boring facts and data is all a big liberal plot anyways. Your conspiracy theory is much easier to understand, and much more exciting.

After all, that's when your liars' cult got humiliated after getting busted repeatedly for faking all their data.

I know! Those fucking warmers are the worst.
At least Michael Mann won a Nobel Prize for all his lies and faked data, eh?
Mann didn't fake any data, but Todd just did.

Not only did the deniers all get busted as frauds, they keep on getting busted as frauds.

Mann didn't fake any data,

Except for erasing the MWP and the LIA

And lying about winning a Nobel.
But who's counting?
According to Moot, it takes 1,000,000 people to make 1% of the USA's power if it is Renewable Energy funded by the government, but it takes only 75,000 to make 40% of the USA's power from Coal. I guess once we employ 40,000,000 people in Solar and Wind, ...
to flash flashlights on to solar panels at night and break winds for wind tubines ...
This is the special kind of stupid that could only come from progressives and once again proves that "green energy" is completely unsustainable.

Over $17,000 per household just on the initial install cost?!? That's enough money to pay my energy bill until the day I die.
  • The salt water of the ocean is incredibly corrosive and makes operating such facilities difficult and expensive. Electricity is so comparatively cheap in most parts of the country that offshore wind isn’t generally necessary.
  • Offshore wind is so pricey that early investors in it, like Germany, plan to stop building new turbines to lower the costs of electricity and prop up its ailing power grid.
US Offshore Wind Plant Costs $17,600 Per Home Powered
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Wait....wait....wait....let me get this straight. The best you've got to explain away "Climate Gate" is to pretend like it never existed and proclaim it a lie?

Deny Climategate? You're kidding, right? After all, that's when your liars' cult got humiliated after getting busted repeatedly for faking all their data. After Climategate, everyone on the planet knew with 100% certainty that all denier cultists simply make up everything. We never tire of pointing that out. The more interesting question is why you want more of such humiliation.
Poor little mamooth is showing everyone she is dumb as hell. She's too stupid to realize that "Climategate" was when progressives were humiliated when their liars cult was busted for faking all of their data on "Global Warming". After "Climategate", everyone on the planet knew with 100% certainty that progressives are pathological liars and that "Global Warming" is a scam. Here sweetie - read about the climategate scandal:

Climategate 2.0: New E-Mails Rock The Global Warming Debate
Patriot, when I point out how your liars' cult got caught lying about Climategate, repeating the same lies probably wasn't your best choice of strategy. I mean, linking to an opinion piece from Heartland shill James Taylor, one of the head liars? Pathetic.

Here's a challenge. Point out one of those "lies" that you claim was found. Specifically. Type it out here, and link back to the original source, so everyone can verify it. If you haven't been proudly lying on behalf of your cult, that should be no problem at all for you.

Also, understand that I've got the emails in files on my computer, so I'll know if you posted fudged or altered data, as deniers usually do.

Of course, you can't even do that much. You've never even read any of the emails. You're just a brainless and gutless cult parrot. Your masters tell you what to say, and you say it. You wouldn't dare look at facts and data yourself, because your masters have forbidden you from viewing such heresy.

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