The "Unabomber"


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
Why in the world did the Clinton "justice dept" offer Ted Kaczynski a plea deal in 1996 when they had him dead to rights in three murders and 23 injuries resulting from his bombing spree? It should be noted that Ted's brother received the was awarded a million dollars for turning him in.
Ted has a genius IQ
a lot of serial killers do
...good question..they must not have had too much, because prosecutors love to over charge/etc
Why in the world did the Clinton "justice dept" offer Ted Kaczynski a plea deal in 1996 when they had him dead to rights in three murders and 23 injuries resulting from his bombing spree? It should be noted that Ted's brother received the was awarded a million dollars for turning him in.

Probably to save money. Do you have any idea how much court cases like his cost? Not to mention... if they turned it into a federal capital case it would have been even more. It was obvious he was guilty, so offer a plea deal that will put him behind bars the rest of his life and save the trial.
The best thing the victim families could have had was closure with a trial and subsequent execution. Kaczynski was a die hard left wing, back to nature freak. It's possible that left wing radicals didn't want to bring up old emotions about terrorist bomber Bill Ayers who was exonerated by a friendly federal judge. I recall that Al Gore's book which was found in his shack was a big part of the research for his manefesto.Today he would be a global warming fanatic. It's likely that the Clinton administration (and Al Gore) wanted to avoid the embarrassment of a trial circus with Kaczynski surely wanting to take the stand and state his case.
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How did I know this thread would be not about the Unabomber, but just some excuse to talk to somebody about the Clintons?
How did I know this thread would be not about the Unabomber, but just some excuse to talk to somebody about the Clintons?
How do you talk about the Unabomber who was offered a plea deal by Janet Reno and the Clinton Justice Dept without talking about the Clintons? Was it Bush's fault?
Why in the world did the Clinton "justice dept" offer Ted Kaczynski a plea deal in 1996 when they had him dead to rights in three murders and 23 injuries resulting from his bombing spree? It should be noted that Ted's brother received the was awarded a million dollars for turning him in.
Saved an insanity plea
Why in the world did the Clinton "justice dept" offer Ted Kaczynski a plea deal in 1996 when they had him dead to rights in three murders and 23 injuries resulting from his bombing spree? It should be noted that Ted's brother received the was awarded a million dollars for turning him in.
Saved an insanity plea
Maybe you have it mixed up with the guy who shot Reagan who was clearly sane but was found not guilty by reason of insanity. The Unabomber always insisted he was sane and he was but the Reno justice dept. not only decided not to seek the death penalty but declined to hold a freaking trial when they had all the evidence they needed including testimony of victims and family members who were murdered by Kaczynsky
Ted has a genius IQ
a lot of serial killers do
...good question..they must not have had too much, because prosecutors love to over charge/etc
Psychoses of an Escapist Theoretical Mathematician

Because he was treated like a freak by his high school classmates, his mind was numbed or he would have figured out that education is designed by the ruling parasites, not by the nerdbashing students, to humiliate the intelligent. That mistake made him hate his own High IQ and seek to destroy all the advances that creative intelligence has brought to all classes of society.
Why in the world did the Clinton "justice dept" offer Ted Kaczynski a plea deal in 1996 when they had him dead to rights in three murders and 23 injuries resulting from his bombing spree? It should be noted that Ted's brother received the was awarded a million dollars for turning him in.

Probably to save money. Do you have any idea how much court cases like his cost? Not to mention... if they turned it into a federal capital case it would have been even more. It was obvious he was guilty, so offer a plea deal that will put him behind bars the rest of his life and save the trial.
The Stoned Want Us to Use Only Stone-Age Technology

All GreenHeads secretly admire the Unabomber. Clinton wanted their votes; that's why he was lenient.
Why in the world did the Clinton "justice dept" offer Ted Kaczynski a plea deal in 1996 when they had him dead to rights in three murders and 23 injuries resulting from his bombing spree? It should be noted that Ted's brother received the was awarded a million dollars for turning him in.
Saved an insanity plea
Maybe you have it mixed up with the guy who shot Reagan who was clearly sane but was found not guilty by reason of insanity. The Unabomber always insisted he was sane and he was but the Reno justice dept. not only decided not to seek the death penalty but declined to hold a freaking trial when they had all the evidence they needed including testimony of victims and family members who were murdered by Kaczynsky

Every crazy person insists he is sane
Kaczinsky was batshit crazy and belonged in a mental hospital. Reno got him to plead guilty
Why in the world did the Clinton "justice dept" offer Ted Kaczynski a plea deal in 1996 when they had him dead to rights in three murders and 23 injuries resulting from his bombing spree? It should be noted that Ted's brother received the was awarded a million dollars for turning him in.
Saved an insanity plea
Maybe you have it mixed up with the guy who shot Reagan who was clearly sane but was found not guilty by reason of insanity. The Unabomber always insisted he was sane and he was but the Reno justice dept. not only decided not to seek the death penalty but declined to hold a freaking trial when they had all the evidence they needed including testimony of victims and family members who were murdered by Kaczynsky

Every crazy person insists he is sane
Kaczinsky was batshit crazy and belonged in a mental hospital. Reno got him to plead guilty
The thing of it is that Kaczinsky would not plead insanity and did not take an insanity plea. He belonged on death row but Reno avoided a trial by allowing him plead guilty to the indictment including three murders to avoid the death penalty and he went to prison instead of getting what he deserved.
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Ted was frighteningly bright. One of the brightest minds of the 20th century as was one of the very few who was correct in his vision of the future. Also, his calculating how to get his message was depressingly accurate and successful.
Ted was frighteningly bright. One of the brightest minds of the 20th century as was one of the very few who was correct in his vision of the future. Also, his calculating how to get his message was depressingly accurate and successful.
Wow, a unabomber fan. Kascinski was a monster who admitted to the indictment to avoid the death penalty. He murdered three innocent people and wounded a dozen more. What maniac would see him as a freaking hero?

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