Trying To Make Sense of History


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. On this date, December 4,1783 George Washington met with some of his officers at Fraunces Tavern in NYC to take his leave.

Fraunces Tavern Block
U.S. National Register of Historic Places
U.S. Historic district
New York City Historic District

North and west fronts of Fraunces Tavern on Pearl Street at Broad Street

Fraunces Tavern is a landmark museum and restaurant in New York City, situated at 54 Pearl Street at the corner of Broad Street. The location played a prominent role in history before, during and after the American Revolution, serving as a headquarters for George Washington, a venue for peace negotiations with the British, and housing federal offices in the Early Republic. It has been owned since 1904 by Sons of the Revolution in the State of New York Inc., which carried out a major conjectural reconstruction, and claim it is Manhattan's oldest surviving building. "
Fraunces Tavern - Wikipedia

3. "Fraunces Tavern bombing kills four and injures more than 40 in 1975
...a dynamite powered fragmentation bomb, reportedly planted by an underground Puerto Rican group, exploded and spewed nails and other shrapnel through historic Fraunces Tavern and an exclusive dining club in the Wall Street district."
Fraunces Tavern bombing kills four and injures more than 40 in 1975 - NY Daily News

4. "Obama Commutes Sentence of F.A.L.N. Member Oscar Lopez Rivera"
Obama Commutes Sentence of F.A.L.N. Member Oscar Lopez Rivera

"Bill Ayers ‘Dancing in the Aisles’ Over Obama’s Pardon of FALN Member Oscar López Rivera"
Bill Ayers ‘Dancing in the Aisles’ Over Obama’s Pardon of FALN Member Oscar López Rivera

5. Long time friend and associate of terrorist Bill Ayers ...
"Barack Obama elected as America’s first black president"

How will history make any sense of this friend and facilitator of terrorists becoming President of the United States......?????
Winner, winner,Chicken Dinner

I knew this would all be blamed on Obama or FDR
It should be noted that the members of the underground Puerto Rican group (FALN) were arrested and given long terms in NYS prisons but for some reason they were all pardoned by Bill Clinton. Maybe the Clintons like terrorist bombers since they gave the Unabomber a break by not seeking the death penalty for the three murders he committed.
It should be noted that the members of the underground Puerto Rican group (FALN) were arrested and given long terms in NYS prisons but for some reason they were all pardoned by Bill Clinton. Maybe the Clintons like terrorist bombers since they gave the Unabomber a break by not seeking the death penalty for the three murders he committed.

"....but for some reason they were all pardoned by Bill Clinton."

Because his carpet-bagger wife wanted to run for NY Senator.

" In 1999, her husband offered pardons to 16 unrepentant members of a fringe Puerto Rican terrorist group known as the FALN (Armed Forces of National Liberation), who were based in the U.S., and the Macheteros (machete-wielders), the FALN's island-based branch. They were seeking independence from the U.S. and had virtually no political support on the island

During the 1970s and 1980s, FALN members set off at least 138 bombs in five major U.S. Cities. Six Americans were killed in those attacks. One of those bombings, in January 1975, was at the historic Fraunces Tavern in lower Manhattan while patrons were at lunch. The explosion killed four and injured more than 50.

Despite the Clintons' repeated denials, there is evidence that the pardons were offered to the terrorists with Hillary Clinton's full knowledge. In the Oct. 4, 1999, issue of the New Republic, Jose Rivera, then a New York City Councilman, is quoted as saying that he personally approached Hillary on Aug. 9, 1999. "
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Hillary, Terrorism and the FALN

Can't let the murder of Americans stand in the way of Clinton political aims.

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