The Ugly Face of Evil!

Dear Turzovka:

I am not an anti-Semite and deeply resent your calling me one. Apparently, your intellectual powers are limited so like the Nazis and far too many ignorant Americans, when your mind and intellect fail, you resort to labels and name calling in a futile effort to make your case.

No, I am not anti-Semitic, but what I am is "anti" of what has been done to the world by the Zionists in Judaism's name. I hate the fact that because of Zionism the nation I love, the greatest nation in all of history is no more. I hate the fact that almost 100 million Jews, Muslims, and Christians have died so 8.2 million Jews can live in a desert they stole from someone else. I hate the fact that the establishment of the State of Israel has destabilized the world I live in and destroyed the rule of law among nations. I hate the fact that the creation of the state of Israel has rekindled the Crusades, the 600 years of war to determine who owned and controlled the holy land. And finally, I hate the fact that the world is now embroiled in a war on terror that in all probability will take 600 more years to play out. Now, if you in your ignorance think that I should be chastised and condemned for hating these things, then think that you have a very sick mind that needs all the help it can get. Rest assured that I will pray for your eventual recovery and the salvation of your immortal soul.

Perhaps watching this video will help you on the road to recovery:

I no longer care what you are or what you think.

I think you have a serious problem and I am not going to waste my time debating you. I hope the Lord saves you.
America views itself as a peace loving Christian nation. The irony of this is that we also think war is a legitimate way to achieve a peaceful world. We are the good guys, everyone else is evil, and in order for the good guys to win, we must fight evil. The truth is that we do not fight wars for the sake of goodness, but because war sustains our bankrupt economy, because we wish to dominate and control the world’s resources, and so the State of Israel can continue to exist. Let’s examine the record! We entered and fought WWI on the wrong side of the conflict for no good justifiable reason or goal, we fought WWII because we fought WWI for no good justifiable reason or goal, and now for no good justifiable reason or goal, we are fighting or involved in wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Ukraine, Israel-Palestine, Pakistan, Mexico, Nigeria, and Libya. Adding insult to injury, more than half the weapons used in these wars, by either side, were supplied by us. In light of these truths, it is absurd to hold that America is a peace loving Christian nation. Instead we are a war mongering curse upon all of humanity and if you, as an American, want to gaze upon the ugly face of evil, all you have to do is look in a mirror.

To understand the points made here better, go to and read “A Year of War” written by Ben Norton, Monday, January 4, 2016, which can be found at:
I've personally met Koreans who survived the Japanese occupation the things I've been told about it are horrifying. My Grandfather saw the death camps in Germany.

You are speaking directly from your fourth point of contact
Dear ThunderKiss19:

There is no doubt or anything to dispute about that many of the wars and battles the armed forces of this nation have fought which were honorable and necessary. The overriding concern of those in the armed forces, and indeed most civilians as well, want what is right, proper, and good, not only for the people of this nation, but for all men of honor and good will, no matter what their nationality or which language they speak. That's the good news, the bad news is that because of our "do gooder" world view, we have a very naieve attitude when our leaders beat the drums of war and ask us to fight. For example, the United States had no over-riding interest in who won WWI. Point of fact, it was the Germans who issued a peace proclamation after two years of fighting and if anything, had the United States supported Germany in its peace proclamation, WWI would have ended much sooner saving many both military and civilian lies. But no, this was not to be, because the Rothschild’s cut a deal with England to bring the US in to the war on England’s side if England helped and support establishment of the State of Israel at wars end. The end of it all is that because the Zionist wanted to establish the State of Israel, the United States wrongfully entered WWI on the wrong side. Furthermore, WWI planted the seed of WII and our present war on terror which is not a war on terror at all. Instead, it is a rekindling of the long dead 600 year Crusades for the control of the holy land. Add it up, almost 100 million people have suffered terrible and horrible deaths just so 8.2 million Jews can live in a desert they stole from someone else. We truly live in a mad mad mad mad mad world because of Zionism and it is getting madder every day.
.Dear Namvet:

I wish I understood what you said in your post. I have no idea who or what "big ears" is. Perhaps he is someone with "big ears" or perhaps he is Thunderkiss1965 from a previous post. Additionally, I do not know what he or it is sorry about. The phrase "tuff shit white boy", implies you are Black and harbor an element disdain for White folks. No offense taken! I harbor a lot of disdain for White folks, even though I am white. Where does this leave us? Who the hell knows? In closing, all I can say is thanks for serving and I did my part; US Navy 65-70, F4 Phantoms, USS Forrestal, VF-ll, the Red Rippers. Being a Jet Jock was hazardous to my health. I constantly worried about STD's and it took a toll upon my health.

Have a great day.


Alan R. Adaschik
100 Years of Deception
While We Sleep
An Alaskan Adventure
I tend to agree that "we" fought WW1 for no good reason other than the president may have had a stroke and his wife may have been running the country. Does the Salon editorial acknowledge that every major conflict in the bloody 20th century happened during a democrat administration? Its not hard to discern the fact that the first two FDR administrations coincided with the rise of Nazism in Germany but FDR seemed oblivious about foreign policy. All in all it seems that profound ignorant racism played a significant part in the U.S. Navy's negligence that culumated in the Pearl Harbor debacle. Timid little former bean counter senator Harry Truman thanked the USMC for it's uncommon valor during WW2 by comparing the Marines to Stalinist propaganda and stating that he was determined to reduce the Marines to a ceremonial detachment. Ironically it was the Marines that bailed his sorry ass out of the Korean quagmire he created. Thanks to timid Harry Truman's incompetence, the U.S. lost 50,000 Troops in three years of Korea and ended up where we started and the area is still unstable. Another 20th century democrat thought he had a better idea of waging war. Under LBJ's lack of leadership the U.S. won every battle and still lost the Vietnam war. The sissies in Salon (who never served in the Military) ain't got a clue. It ain't about the Military, the Military has done it's job. It's about the incredible incompetence of about a hundred years of democrat party leadership in the U.S. and the liberal media's compliance in the mess. Salon has a right to it's opinion but ironically it is a modern legacy of the drooling idiocy of the liberal media that justified the incompetence that they complain about.
You hit the nail on the head. The US military has done its job. Hat's off to them and God bless. Having said this, I have no idea what the differences between liberals and conservatives are anymore, because the both subscribe to the same traitorous things; Support for the Federal Reserve and its corrupt and Fraudulent monetary system, ever growing and bloated Federal Government, a Constitution less Federal Government, a Federal Government with unlimited rights and privileges, the welfare estate, the nanny state of foreign aide, the use of war and preemptive war as the prime way to solve international problems, the trashing and nullification of our God given inalienable rights, etc. Now if you want to blame the liberals for all this, you have every right to. However, I perceive a more sinister hand behind our dismal state of affairs; The New World order Banksters, aka the old world order, aka the Federal Reserve Bank, who overthrew our government concurrent with passage of the Federal Reserve Act in 1913. What has happed to us did not happen by accident. Instead, it happen according to deliberate well thought plan engineered by the Rothschild Zionists.
And for your information and edification, the well thought out plan prime goal is to destroy the United States of American because the American experiment in Republican Democracy is in opposition to and impossible to co-exist with a New World Order which is a world run by demented criminal Banksters whose only interest in life is to become more rich and powerful at the expense and to the detriment of human kind. The New World Order is the enemy of man and man will never be truly free and independent unless we rid the world of these fraudulent criminals.
Dear Friends and fellow citizens:

I know many of you come to this board out of interest and for the stimulating exchanges you find here. Furthermore, being intelligent, you tend to dismiss much of what is being said as the speculations of people who are playing mind games or if not, have elevators which do not go to the top floor. I have been studying and writing about these issues for over 25 years and while there have been many instances where I have been wrong, through the years, I have honed my beliefs such that, today, I believe I have a clear picture of what has transpired and how it led us to where we are today.

This thread starts by pointing out that Americans bear responsibility for the sorry state the world is in today. Indeed, Americans are dupes and have been played for fools for the past 100 Years. To address this, I wrote my third book "100 Years of Deception". The first chapter of this book entitled “The Overthrow of Our Government”, is about just that; the overthrow our government. Despite how incredible this contention is, I sincerely believe it to be true and also think I do a credible job of demonstrating and establishing why this is the case. Be assured that our government was overthrown and this is not a theory, not speculation, and not a pipedream of some delusional conspiracy nut. The overthrow of our government, is the reality we live with today and everything that is presently happening to this country, is a direct result of this overthrow. It is said that those who forget history are condemned to repeat it again. Americans today, have not forgot our history; they have no idea what it is and as a result, our oppressors are having their way with us.

Chapter 2 of my book, is entitled “How a Private Banking System Works”. This chapter explains how the Federal Reserve Bank, a criminal enterprise and money pump for the con artists who own it, has allowed these demented frauds to siphon off the wealth, resources, and vitality of this nation. These criminals have grown so rich and powerful because of the wealth they stole from us, that they have proclaimed themselves a New World Order. The truth is that Instead of being allowed to lead the world, they should be brought to justice and put in jail for the rest of their lives. The following link will take you to an article written by me entitled, “Economics For Idiots”, which is the basis for Chapter 2 in my book. A careful reading of this article will enable you to discern just how criminal the Federal Reserve Bank is. Unfortunately for the people of this Nation and the rest of the world, it is an unconstitutional crime wrongfully made legal by a vote of Congress.

Economics For Idiots
Okay, let's cut through all the bullshit. If you truly want to know the truth about the State of Israel, then watch this presentation by Miko Peled, entitled, "An Honest Jew Tells the Real Truth About Israel. If you watch this video from beginning to end and still think we should support Zionism, then all of will know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you are not playing with a full deck of cards.


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