The U.S. is a ‘build nothing’ country


Diamond Member
Mar 25, 2017
The U.S. can’t build the things it needs to flourish in the 21st century, and permitting rules and not-in-my-backyard resistance is to blame, a high-profile economist writes.

The latest absurdity was a plan to build student housing in Berkeley being blocked by a court, which said the university had to study whether students themselves were an environmental hazard.

Housing starts still have not recovered to pre-2008 levels and have recently started to deteriorate in the face of surging mortgage rates. Green energy projects, despite ample federal funding, have run into difficulty, which Smith blames on the difficulty in getting parts and materials from China as well as not-in-my-backyard opposition. No green projects have been built after the Inflation Reduction Act allocated $400 billion.

The U.S. is a 'build nothing' country, says economist, earning an endorsement from Elon Musk
not exactly NOTHING, but obviously most? manufacturing has moved over seas so rich businessmen, who donate heavily to republicans, can stop employing Americans at high rates of pay, and make more profits!
About the only industrial base we've had for years that really mattered was centered on energy production. Oil, coal, LNG- these are all plentiful here but DC & the masters to whom they answer wants it shut down.

Almost everything else of consequence has been outsourced overseas, often to our strategic competitors/enemies.
Doing this destroyed the economies of the flyover states the proglodytes loathe, which is fine to them since it doesn't affect them personally & is part of the plan to hobble the US anyway.

In a major war, we would quickly run out of the materials we would need to maintain a technological battlefield advantage & turn the conflict into a meat grinder as our troops no longer have the artillery & close air support capabilities that are the fundamental backbone of our modern war plans.

The UNiparty has destroyed our ability to remain a world power by selling us out for their own ticket on the NWO reset train.
They know this but are desperate to keep the avg lemming gaslighted until too late.
We are a zombie-like imitation of what we were in 2019 but most are still clueless.
not exactly NOTHING, but obviously most? manufacturing has moved over seas so rich businessmen, who donate heavily to republicans, can stop employing Americans at high rates of pay, and make more profits!
So the corrupted unions & over regulation from Dems had nothing to do with this?
What about resident Joe & his promises to end fossil fuels?

This isn't a Dem vs Repub issue as they are both guilty of betraying the people by outsourcing our industrial capacity & the middle class jobs that made America the strongest country on Earth.

The UNiparty works together to keep us divided & distracted while they grow rich & powerful by selling us all out to globalist plans.
not exactly NOTHING, but obviously most? manufacturing has moved over seas so rich businessmen, who donate heavily to republicans, can stop employing Americans at high rates of pay, and make more profits!

I have to hand it to the Democrat Media Bubble Cult leaders.
The nonsense that they feed you and that you all believe is amazing
You all will believe anything, and when real world facts prove your Cult wrong, you simply dismiss the facts because The Cult could never be seen as wrong.
You all are too personally invested in The Cult.
not exactly NOTHING, but obviously most? manufacturing has moved over seas so rich businessmen, who donate heavily to republicans, can stop employing Americans at high rates of pay, and make more profits!
Hmm, wall street seems to disagree.

The U.S. can’t build the things it needs to flourish in the 21st century, and permitting rules and not-in-my-backyard resistance is to blame, a high-profile economist writes.

The latest absurdity was a plan to build student housing in Berkeley being blocked by a court, which said the university had to study whether students themselves were an environmental hazard.

Housing starts still have not recovered to pre-2008 levels and have recently started to deteriorate in the face of surging mortgage rates. Green energy projects, despite ample federal funding, have run into difficulty, which Smith blames on the difficulty in getting parts and materials from China as well as not-in-my-backyard opposition. No green projects have been built after the Inflation Reduction Act allocated $400 billion.

The U.S. is a 'build nothing' country, says economist, earning an endorsement from Elon Musk
A government that becomes so all powerful, so big, so expensive, so meddling, so intrusive, so self important that it presumes to order almost everything involving our lives imposes tens of thousands of laws, rules and regulations that eventually:

1. Drives a whole lot of money and investment out of the country
2. Drives most manufacturing and manufacturing jobs out of the country
3. Discourages oil and gas exploration and expansion
4. Decimates the middle class further widening the gap between rich and poor
5. Makes the country critically vulnerable to other countries who provide much of what we need and could cripple us by withholding it
6. Agencies formed to provide information and advice morph into tyrants where faceless bureaucrats issue countless rules/regs with force of law bypassing the people's elected representatives
7. Unconstitutional funding drives up costs of education and health care to levels the average person cannot afford without significant subsidies that only exacerbate the problem.
8. Is invariably regressive and diminishes liberties, options, choices, opportunity for all but the very rich while eroding the values, mores, customs, traditions that made this the most amazing, greatest nation the world has ever known.

Both Democrats and Republicans have participated in all of this, sometimes with good intentions and sometimes not, but too often turn a blind eye to the terrible consequences.

The previous administration was reversing the trend with some good results. The current administration is doubling down on all the policy that creates the worst negatives.
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not exactly NOTHING, but obviously most? manufacturing has moved over seas so rich businessmen, who donate heavily to republicans, can stop employing Americans at high rates of pay, and make more profits!

If you think rich businessmen don't donate heavily to Democrats also then you're shielded in a cocoon of ignorance.
The U.S. can’t build the things it needs to flourish in the 21st century, and permitting rules and not-in-my-backyard resistance is to blame, a high-profile economist writes.

The latest absurdity was a plan to build student housing in Berkeley being blocked by a court, which said the university had to study whether students themselves were an environmental hazard.

Housing starts still have not recovered to pre-2008 levels and have recently started to deteriorate in the face of surging mortgage rates. Green energy projects, despite ample federal funding, have run into difficulty, which Smith blames on the difficulty in getting parts and materials from China as well as not-in-my-backyard opposition. No green projects have been built after the Inflation Reduction Act allocated $400 billion.

The U.S. is a 'build nothing' country, says economist, earning an endorsement from Elon Musk

The southwest has been slowly moving into a water crisis for years. We have the technology and ingenuity to create a pipeline or redirect part of the Mississippi River or any other tributary to supplement the loss of water and refill the dams, but it hasn't happened and will unlikely happen for all the reasons you've stated. China, on the other hand, has reengineered tributaries multiple times when needed and they do it fairly quickly because they just do it.
So the corrupted unions & over regulation from Dems had nothing to do with this?
What about resident Joe & his promises to end fossil fuels?

This isn't a Dem vs Repub issue as they are both guilty of betraying the people by outsourcing our industrial capacity & the middle class jobs that made America the strongest country on Earth.

The UNiparty works together to keep us divided & distracted while they grow rich & powerful by selling us all out to globalist plans.
They blame too high wages for a reason to relocate but people can't live on lower wages unless they work 60 hours per week. It's a lose lose lose proposition.
Our willingness to create billions of dollars and our military are the only things we have that keep us in the game.

If we can't buy stuff from other countries, give other countries money for nothing like Ukraine, and our military were useless. That's all we have to offer anymore.

Even our military might doesn't impress like it used to as we push woke nonsense in the military and as other countries are investing heavily into theirs our militarys new use is to send our equipment to other countries.
The U.S. can’t build the things it needs to flourish in the 21st century, and permitting rules and not-in-my-backyard resistance is to blame, a high-profile economist writes.

The latest absurdity was a plan to build student housing in Berkeley being blocked by a court, which said the university had to study whether students themselves were an environmental hazard.

Housing starts still have not recovered to pre-2008 levels and have recently started to deteriorate in the face of surging mortgage rates. Green energy projects, despite ample federal funding, have run into difficulty, which Smith blames on the difficulty in getting parts and materials from China as well as not-in-my-backyard opposition. No green projects have been built after the Inflation Reduction Act allocated $400 billion.

The U.S. is a 'build nothing' country, says economist, earning an endorsement from Elon Musk

People who say we don't build things are morons who have never spent even two minutes to look up how much we manufacture.


The southwest has been slowly moving into a water crisis for years. We have the technology and ingenuity to create a pipeline or redirect part of the Mississippi River or any other tributary to supplement the loss of water and refill the dams, but it hasn't happened and will unlikely happen for all the reasons you've stated. China, on the other hand, has reengineered tributaries multiple times when needed and they do it fairly quickly because they just do it.
We used to conquer nature. Or give it a good fight. Well, we did. Now we pay people off. And it is massively uneven at that.
People who say we don't build things are morons who have never spent even two minutes to look up how much we manufacture.


Cmon man, don't read every third word. It says: can’t build the things it needs to flourish in the 21st century.

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