The truth?


VIP Member
Dec 3, 2008
We can't stand the truth and that truth is:

Every dollar spent on unemployment compensation returns $1.50

Every dollar spent on lowering taxes returns $0.40

Look it up.
We can't stand the truth and that truth is:

Every dollar spent on unemployment compensation returns $1.50

Every dollar spent on lowering taxes returns $0.40

Look it up.

It is no longer unemployment compensation. Call a spade a spade.
It is welfare. Pure and simple...welfare.
And I bet you every single member on this forum knows at least one person who is leaning on unemployment instead of working.
I would wager at least 30% of all who receive it take advantage of it in one way or another.
We can't stand the truth and that truth is:

Every dollar spent on unemployment compensation returns $1.50

Every dollar spent on lowering taxes returns $0.40

Look it up.

That is without question the most stupid thing ever posted anywhere, anytime, by anyone on any topic.

That's my opinion. I could be wrong.

However, by that logic, if the Feds spent every dollar available on unemployment, we would be rolling in dough. I suppose that the guy who exhorts to "look it up" just needs to present a little proof.
We can't stand the truth and that truth is:

Every dollar spent on unemployment compensation returns $1.50

Every dollar spent on lowering taxes returns $0.40

Look it up.


Obviously one cannot deny that most of the money going to unemployment gets put right back into the economy, but I have always had difficulty understanding how one dollar spend becomes an amount greater than it was originally.
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We can't stand the truth and that truth is:

Every dollar spent on unemployment compensation returns $1.50

Every dollar spent on lowering taxes returns $0.40

Look it up.

I've heard this claim before about every dollar spent on unemployment returns $1.50. Nancy Pelosi loves to say shit like this. I think it's pure bullshit myself. If it's really true, then use that concept to rid us of our national debt. A buck is a buck. You can't clone it and you damn sure can't get a $1.50 out of spending a buck. Get fucking real and quit beating the liberal democrats drum.
That is without question the most stupid thing ever posted anywhere, anytime, by anyone on any topic.

That's my opinion. I could be wrong.

However, by that logic, if the Feds spent every dollar available on unemployment, we would be rolling in dough. I suppose that the guy who exhorts to "look it up" just needs to present a little proof.

I also have a hard time with this concept, the multiplier effect. But in at least one meaningful sense it is surely true. Because money is spent more than once and each time it is spent it performs more transactional work.

It is the same relationship that export based industrial output has to the service sector: a slew of secondary economic activity is generated by the influx of money from exported goods multiplying the benefits.

It's the same argument used to endorse cities financing sports arenas.

It is also the basic premise of monetarism. If you force feed the economy with borrowed money the economy will grow enough to more than compensate for the costs of financing that growth.

The problem with all of these examples is that they rely on a model that can't actually work within the frame work of our economy, at least not for everybody all the time. If you view the economy as a closed loop in the present this is impossible. If you assume eternal growth it can work more or less.

Our entire world economy is based on these kind of arrangements. And the trick is that they work, until they don't.
Food stamps offer best stimulus - study - Jan. 29, 2008

The report pointed to expanding unemployment benefits as the program that gets the next biggest bang for the buck. That's because, although the unemployed are already getting checks, they need to spend the money. For every dollar spent here, the economy would see a return of $1.64, Zandi said.

The OP was wrong its 1.64 not 1.50.

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I know, I know, you little cons will be along any minute to spew hate on these pointy headed elite economists and their fancy pants edumacation and and tricky confusing sceince.

There is no amount of court documentation, scientific study and comman sense that will rip your brick lined brains away from the propaganda reports at Fox that allow you to keep backing failed ideas.
I know, I know, you little cons will be along any minute to spew hate on these pointy headed elite economists and their fancy pants edumacation and and tricky confusing sceince.

There is no amount of court documentation, scientific study and comman sense that will rip your brick lined brains away from the propaganda reports at Fox that allow you to keep backing failed ideas.
"Comman" sense says that the money paid to someone to not work comes from someone who is working or paying someone to work....What would those people do with the money, hide it under their mattresses?

But nobody will ever accuse you of having a lick of common sense, so I guess it's all good.
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They are not paid to not work.

Your "common sense" verses science, I pick science

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