The truth about American gun violence.....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
And here you go...this column points out the truth about A,erican gun violence......the 90s, with Bill Clinton ( the serial rapist) were far more gun violent than the column and find the truth....

Mass Shootings & Theatrical Reactions to Them | National Review Online

Violent crime in the United States is a concentrated phenomenon. Chicago had 407 murders last year, New York had 328, Los Angeles 259, Philadelphia 248. All too high, to be sure, but in 1990 New York had 2,245 murders. In any of those cities — and in practically every big U.S. city excluding Detroit and, possibly, Baltimore — you could spend six months visiting and never see anything that looked like violent crime unless you went looking for it. That’s cold comfort to the poor people in North Philly or South Chicago, but the fact is that even in our cities most Americans are literally miles away from real crime.


Our ordinary crime is largely the result of ordinary failures: failed families, failed schools, failed communities, failed police departments, failed penal institutions, failed parole systems. Even our dramatic crimes are mostly rooted in ordinary failures: those failed families, again, failed mental-health practices, etc. A scary-looking rifle is visually arresting, a fact that tells us something about the weapon, and maybe something about us. It doesn’t tell us anything useful about the actual challenges facing the United States in 2015.

Read more at: Don’t Play the Shooters’ Game, by Kevin D. Williamson, National Review
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But! But! Without controlling the guns you create a hostile work environment for criminals.


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One reason for the lower number of improved trauma care. 30 years ago a .45 to the chest was guaranteed fatal. Now....not as much. Our for profit Healthcare system encourages greedy health care providers to innovate and be the BEST at life saving. And as a result...lives are saved.
Dictators, white separatists/supremists, black panthers, criminals of all walks of life and communists/socialists... And now we can add progressives, love an unarmed society.

Obamas hope and change

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