The Trumpcare Plan or Ryans Plan,for the healthy and wealthy


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
They have raised the limits for getting a credit , a single can get credits if AGI is 75 grand or under, and a couple 150 grand,

now its 97,000 for a family of 4 , and for a couple get subsidies up to Magi of up to 64 grand,

and yet they only pay 4000 credit for 60 and over, yet its going to be 5:1 so take the youngest credit of 2000 and X 5 should be = 10,000 credit for those 60 or over, they can't multiply.

Look how they helped the young healthy and the wealthy.“

The annual tax credit amount is established at $2,000 for an individual under 30, $2500 for those age 30 to 39, $3,000 for those age 40 to 49; $3,500 for those age 50 to 59, and $4,000 for those age 60 and over. The tax credit begins to phase out when a taxpayer’s modified adjusted gross income reaches $75,000 ($150,000 for joint filers) adjusted annually by the consumer price index plus one percentage point for inflation after 2020. It phases out by 10 percent of the excess of the modified adjusted gross income above this amount, so the tax credit would disappear for a 29 year old when income reached $95,000 and for a 60 year old when income reached $115,000.”
Examining The House Republican ACA Repeal And Replace Legislation
Dear Penny,

Please explain why any U.S. taxpayer should subsidize some stranger's health care costs. If you like, you can mention the part of the U.S. Constitution that authorizes such a transfer of wealth.

After you explain that, we can discuss the details.
Dear Penny,

Please explain why any U.S. taxpayer should subsidize some stranger's health care costs. If you like, you can mention the part of the U.S. Constitution that authorizes such a transfer of wealth.

After you explain that, we can discuss the details.

Please tell me why the congressmen HI is subsidized by the taxpayers. Same reason we have Medicare and SS, and also only the wealthy subsidize the ACA , and since most of the wealthy got that way from the backs of working people , they need to subsidize them now. Since so many business owners pay min wage and do not hire full time workers to get out of paying benefits, they can pay with taxes.

US Minimum Wage, Federal, State, Cities, Territorial - US
Dear Penny,

Please explain why any U.S. taxpayer should subsidize some stranger's health care costs. If you like, you can mention the part of the U.S. Constitution that authorizes such a transfer of wealth.

After you explain that, we can discuss the details.

If the government is going to stick their nose in and regulate health insurance companies, they should do a better job at it.

They should be forcing the companies to cover people in every state; thus, increasing the competition, and not forcing minimums on the coverage itself. I should also be able to customize the amount of coverage and deductibles I want like in the car insurance industry. Ex:

-PCP visit (pick co-pay) per stay after (pick deductible) = Company will quote $___ premium for me.
-PCP visit out of pocket after deductible = ____ % of bill = Company will quote $____ premium for me.
-Do you want pediatric dental (Y/N), Do you want preventative services (Y/N) and if so, at what % coverage after deductible?
-Emergency room coverage co-pay (insert option) and then base the premium off of that.
-Out of pocket max (pick amount)

Etc etc.
We have that with the bronze, silver , gold and platinum plan on the exchanges, the issue is the GOP from say one has done everything it can to make sure the ACA does not work. How many times have they tried to repeal it? Constantly and when they took control it was out of Democrats hands. So no improvements were made yet now Ryan says his bill will need tweaking over time and in 3 steps.

I believe the ACA was in the first step, and then then Obama should of told the insurance companies to stay in the exchanges or be fined, (you know like Trump is doing with corps now) and we would of had competition in the exchanges, then the mandates should of been raised to the point it was cheaper to have insurance.

I blame the GOP for this, and while we have 40 in the House called the Freedom Caucus who do not even want credits given, or Medicaid or Medicare. Price was a member of AAPS, the group who tells doctors how to opt out of Medicare.

I can't stand the GOP anymore. Most of them are subhuman, I thought Ryan was bad, but Rand is worst.

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