The true living God

Stop embarrassing yourself.


I'm not the one who started trolling God. How do you like it?
can evil ever be dead that is the point why satan is dead

Unfortunately, all must die for sin and evil to be dead. We live in a fallen world. The evidence is both sides believe in the end of the world, albeit they disagree on how.

explain to us bond, flying without first walking ...

Birds walked and few naturally before dinosaurs haha. God created mature animals so they could populate themselves. It's proof that evolution clouds your already foggy brain.
can christians be allowed to have so dreadful a religion and not be condemned due to insanity ... can evil ever be dead that is the point why satan is dead - can all humanity triumph in good, the answer is yes

Unfortunately, all must die for sin and evil to be dead. We live in a fallen world. The evidence is both sides believe in the end of the world, albeit they disagree on how.

both sides believe in the end of the world -


all must die for sin and evil to be dead.

your post 844 is a good example of both sin and evil, in your case humanity may have to wait for your passing to fulfill the parable of noah, the religion of antiquity for a successful outcome.

evil does still exist with the death of satan their shortcoming no different than any other being that succumbs to depravity with the caveat that evil can be conquered, the word of the Almighty and is required for a spirit to advance to the Everlasting.

Try learning to read. Then maybe you can be real rather than twisting.
I do not read the ramblings of schizzos

You said I was a schizo--you read my words thus making your statement false.
There is no evidence that man has been on the earth for 6044 years


Bible chronology says 6044 years. Oh I am sorry I didn't realize I was talking to a name calling 10 year old.
The bible was written by people with writing instruments that did not appear first on the scene. Go eat some locust and emulate your bible hero's then build an ark and put 2 or everything on it.

Grow up fart you are an embarrassment to all religion

How would you know. Yo
prove it or let the men who say that prove it--neither of you can.
Of course, anyone can prove it by looking up the evidence. A child can prove it. Nobody cares what you think about science, nutball.

How would you know, you neither know God or his religion?
Wow, the darkness rules your life.
Ironically I was thinking the same about you. You have eyes but do not see, ears but do not hear, and a brain that does not think. You don't care a whit what I say but you should prepare some response should your God say the same things to you.

I studied the facts. Not words thrown around by the darkness.
Here's a long, but what I think is a pretty good article on Understanding Evolution: History, Theory, Evidence, and Implications -- Understanding Evolution: History, Theory, Evidence, and Implictions. I, too, believed in evolution at one time.
The primary root source of organic molecules on earth today is plants, which are able to produce organic molecules through the use of solar energy. The plants use photosynthesis to do work to combine carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, and other elements into the molecules needed to create their bodies and make copies of DNA. Non-photosynthetic organisms are not capable of collecting enough raw organic molecules from the environment on their own, so they rely on stealing the products of the work done by the plants. An entire chain of non-photosynthetic organisms has evolved that kill other organisms because it is chemically more efficient to steal the organic molecules from them than it is to collect them themselves. In fact it would be impossible for animals to exist without this theft.

In other words, every organism is a package of organic molecules. Each one of those packages of molecules has been assembled through the work needed to acquire the molecules. When an organism consumes another organism what it is doing, chemically, is taking the work that has been done by that organism.

Life is fundamentally constructed on this process. To claim that a loving god, or an "intelligent designer", created this system is itself beyond belief, unless you believe that the designer of the system is sadistic, cruel, and places no value on life.

Observation of the natural world reveals that the system of life places no value on life. Individuals place value on life. Primarily, individuals place value on their own life, which itself is a product of evolution because individuals that value their own life are most likely to survive and produce offspring, thereby making more copies of their DNA.

from a glance it would seem right down the ally for a bible reader ... except the third paragraph, wherever that came from.

The blanket statement that no transitional links or intermediate forms have been found is just plain false, and has been false since the time that Darwin originally published The Origin of Species. The recent finds of various specimens including Tiktaalik roseae provide examples of fossils with part fins and part feet. There are now over a dozen different kinds of specimens from the Devonian period that show various transitional forms between fish and land animals.

it would not matter if they were never found, the end product not the transition is completed metaphysically then appears physically from parent to offspring in a single instance that reproduces as the end product for the changes over time. transitions are aberrations.

Much of what you discuss is not in argument except that God through his infinite wisdom designed it with his intelligence.

>>so they rely on stealing the products of the work done by the plants.<<

I prefer to look at it like all things exist in relationship to one another. These are examples of competition for resources, but God originally designed it for the plants and animals to co-exist. Today, there is competition for food and survival.

>>In fact it would be impossible for animals to exist without this theft.<<

There is some truth in survival of the fittest and dog-eat-dog world, but that isn't the whole story as Darwin hypothesized. Darwin was proven to be wrong on this and almost everything. Thus, you are wrong.

>>Observation of the natural world reveals that the system of life places no value on life. Individuals place value on life. Primarily, individuals place value on their own life, which itself is a product of evolution because individuals that value their own life are most likely to survive and produce offspring, thereby making more copies of their DNA.

from a glance it would seem right down the ally for a bible reader ... except the third paragraph, wherever that came from.<<

I'd probably agree, I think, if I understand you correctly.

>>The blanket statement that no transitional links or intermediate forms have been found is just plain false, and has been false since the time that Darwin originally published The Origin of Species. The recent finds of various specimens including Tiktaalik roseae provide examples of fossils with part fins and part feet. There are now over a dozen different kinds of specimens from the Devonian period that show various transitional forms between fish and land animals.

it would not matter if they were never found, the end product not the transition is completed metaphysically then appears physically from parent to offspring in a single instance that reproduces as the end product for the changes over time. transitions are aberrations<<

You're being a nit. What I am saying is there aren't enough transitional forms to make a case such as the skulls of homo sapiens and their assumed predecessors. Some are present-day skulls that evos think are old. I've mentioned tailed to tailless monkeys and apes and chimps not being able to hybridize.

I didn't get a chance to rebut this one.
The true living God--- From Moses on up, until this very day. The Israelite religion--teaches, serves, and worships a single being God named-YHWH-or YHVH. This God taught to Jesus his first 30 years, and every bible writer. God did not change. The religion that came out of Rome changed him. No trinity exists. Those are being mislead.
How would you know, you neither know God or his religion?
What does that have to do with anything I said? I swear... A person has to spend 3/4 of his time on this board dealing with idiotic , irrelevant comments....

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