The True Lesson of Charletsville


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Obviously we need to ban automobiles with a low clearance below them so that when people run over protesters they wont get dragged so far.

If only one life gets saved.....
Obviously we need to ban automobiles with a low clearance below them so that when people run over protesters they wont get dragged so far.

If only one life gets saved.....

Better yet...let's ban all protests...since it is obvious that protests just lead to violence......isn't that how the left wing thinks?
Obviously we need to ban automobiles with a low clearance below them so that when people run over protesters they wont get dragged so far.

If only one life gets saved.....

Better yet...let's ban all protests...since it is obvious that protests just lead to violence......isn't that how the left wing thinks?
It would be easier and more effective to ban leftwingers.
Obviously we need to ban automobiles with a low clearance below them so that when people run over protesters they wont get dragged so far.

If only one life gets saved.....

Are you trying to show a shitty side of you that I am unaware of.....? Boy it's coming out loud and clear with your thoughtless comment!
Obviously we need to ban automobiles with a low clearance below them so that when people run over protesters they wont get dragged so far.

If only one life gets saved.....
When it's a Muslim asshole that kills westerners some peoples minimize what happened ( example ,no full name ) but when it's a white CNN actually make it is trademark.... A Breaking News for a few days.
When I was born, my father and most of my uncles were serving in the Armed Forces, in Africa, the Pacific, and Europe. They were fighting ideologies that stated it was just fine to commit murder on those that were different from you. Yesterday, we saw the same kind of people marching and starting violence in Charlottesville. We cannot let these kinds of people influence our government or any other part of our society. When they show up in combat helmets, with weapons, they must be met with law, and with citizens that will not stand for nazis in this nation.
Obviously we need to ban automobiles with a low clearance below them so that when people run over protesters they wont get dragged so far.

If only one life gets saved.....
True lesson here is that you "Conservatives" are pieces of shit. The lesson of Charlottesville is that when a bunch of these nazis show up in combat gear, it is time to shut down their demonstration and arrest them for inciting a riot.
Obviously we need to ban automobiles with a low clearance below them so that when people run over protesters they wont get dragged so far.

If only one life gets saved.....

Better yet...let's ban all protests...since it is obvious that protests just lead to violence......isn't that how the left wing thinks?

That's the plan to ban free speech and we DO NOT want free speech banned no matter how much we hate.

That car was part of the engineered plan to get PROTEST banned it was and has been the plan.
Obviously we need to ban automobiles with a low clearance below them so that when people run over protesters they wont get dragged so far.

If only one life gets saved.....

Are you trying to show a shitty side of you that I am unaware of.....? Boy it's coming out loud and clear with your thoughtless comment!

But you would have been in that crowd to pepper spray someone who supported Trump now wouldn't you.
You would pepper spray the shit out of them right in their face.
Obviously we need to ban automobiles with a low clearance below them so that when people run over protesters they wont get dragged so far.

If only one life gets saved.....

Are you trying to show a shitty side of you that I am unaware of.....? Boy it's coming out loud and clear with your thoughtless comment!

But you would have been in that crowd to pepper spray someone who supported Trump now wouldn't you.
You would pepper spray the shit out of them right in their face.
No, by God, when the nazis started swinging those batons, I would have been there with a quarterstaff. The nazis showed up looking for a fight, and they committed murder before the day was out.
Obviously we need to ban automobiles with a low clearance below them so that when people run over protesters they wont get dragged so far.

If only one life gets saved.....

Are you trying to show a shitty side of you that I am unaware of.....? Boy it's coming out loud and clear with your thoughtless comment!

But you would have been in that crowd to pepper spray someone who supported Trump now wouldn't you.
You would pepper spray the shit out of them right in their face.
No, by God, when the nazis started swinging those batons, I would have been there with a quarterstaff. The nazis showed up looking for a fight, and they committed murder before the day was out.

One guy drove his car into a nuts say that doesn't speak for all muslims when the muslims do it...yet now it means all the left wing, white nationalist fascists are killers.....remember when the muslim drove his truck and killed 89 people and wounded 400...all of you nutters said it didn't represent all muslims...remember that....moron.
Obviously we need to ban automobiles with a low clearance below them so that when people run over protesters they wont get dragged so far.

If only one life gets saved.....

Are you trying to show a shitty side of you that I am unaware of.....? Boy it's coming out loud and clear with your thoughtless comment!

But you would have been in that crowd to pepper spray someone who supported Trump now wouldn't you.
You would pepper spray the shit out of them right in their face.
No, by God, when the nazis started swinging those batons, I would have been there with a quarterstaff. The nazis showed up looking for a fight, and they committed murder before the day was out.

One guy drove his car into a nuts say that doesn't speak for all muslims when the muslims do it...yet now it means all the left wing, white nationalist fascists are killers.....remember when the muslim drove his truck and killed 89 people and wounded 400...all of you nutters said it didn't represent all muslims...remember that....moron.

So why are these libs getting so upset about this one death when thousands of Americans die each year due to their thick headedness on illegal immigration?
Obviously we need to ban automobiles with a low clearance below them so that when people run over protesters they wont get dragged so far.

If only one life gets saved.....

Are you trying to show a shitty side of you that I am unaware of.....? Boy it's coming out loud and clear with your thoughtless comment!

We obviously need to have cars made so that running down people wont be lethal.

Why are you unwilling to save lives?
Obviously we need to ban automobiles with a low clearance below them so that when people run over protesters they wont get dragged so far.

If only one life gets saved.....

Are you trying to show a shitty side of you that I am unaware of.....? Boy it's coming out loud and clear with your thoughtless comment!

But you would have been in that crowd to pepper spray someone who supported Trump now wouldn't you.
You would pepper spray the shit out of them right in their face.
No, by God, when the nazis started swinging those batons, I would have been there with a quarterstaff. The nazis showed up looking for a fight, and they committed murder before the day was out.

One guy drove his car into a nuts say that doesn't speak for all muslims when the muslims do it...yet now it means all the left wing, white nationalist fascists are killers.....remember when the muslim drove his truck and killed 89 people and wounded 400...all of you nutters said it didn't represent all muslims...remember that....moron.
All Muslims that support the radicals are equally guilty of their crimes. Same goes for you and the American Nazis you support. At least Cruz was brave enough to come out with a statement that sounded like a real American.
Obviously we need to ban automobiles with a low clearance below them so that when people run over protesters they wont get dragged so far.

If only one life gets saved.....

Are you trying to show a shitty side of you that I am unaware of.....? Boy it's coming out loud and clear with your thoughtless comment!

We obviously need to have cars made so that running down people wont be lethal.

Why are you unwilling to save lives?
No, you are not funny, asshole.
Obviously we need to ban automobiles with a low clearance below them so that when people run over protesters they wont get dragged so far.

If only one life gets saved.....

Are you trying to show a shitty side of you that I am unaware of.....? Boy it's coming out loud and clear with your thoughtless comment!

But you would have been in that crowd to pepper spray someone who supported Trump now wouldn't you.
You would pepper spray the shit out of them right in their face.
No, by God, when the nazis started swinging those batons, I would have been there with a quarterstaff. The nazis showed up looking for a fight, and they committed murder before the day was out.

One guy drove his car into a nuts say that doesn't speak for all muslims when the muslims do it...yet now it means all the left wing, white nationalist fascists are killers.....remember when the muslim drove his truck and killed 89 people and wounded 400...all of you nutters said it didn't represent all muslims...remember that....moron.
All Muslims that support the radicals are equally guilty of their crimes. Same goes for you and the American Nazis you support. At least Cruz was brave enough to come out with a statement that sounded like a real American.
I agree the guy who plowed those people does not represent all Christians. However, as a supporter of a radical racist organization, he does support their cause and means. Just like a supporter of Islamic State supports that cause and its means.
Obviously we need to ban automobiles with a low clearance below them so that when people run over protesters they wont get dragged so far.

If only one life gets saved.....

Are you trying to show a shitty side of you that I am unaware of.....? Boy it's coming out loud and clear with your thoughtless comment!

But you would have been in that crowd to pepper spray someone who supported Trump now wouldn't you.
You would pepper spray the shit out of them right in their face.
No, by God, when the nazis started swinging those batons, I would have been there with a quarterstaff. The nazis showed up looking for a fight, and they committed murder before the day was out.
You mean they showed up expecting to be assaulted. All the witnesses say the ANTIFA and BLM scum started the violence.
Obviously we need to ban automobiles with a low clearance below them so that when people run over protesters they wont get dragged so far.

If only one life gets saved.....
True lesson here is that you "Conservatives" are pieces of shit. The lesson of Charlottesville is that when a bunch of these nazis show up in combat gear, it is time to shut down their demonstration and arrest them for inciting a riot.
No, that's not the lesson unless you're a brain damaged leftwing douche bag. The lesson is not to allow unpermitted scumbag groups like ANTIFA and BLM to show up and instigate violence. The later two have a long history of instigating violence. The original protesters don't.
When I was born, my father and most of my uncles were serving in the Armed Forces, in Africa, the Pacific, and Europe. They were fighting ideologies that stated it was just fine to commit murder on those that were different from you. Yesterday, we saw the same kind of people marching and starting violence in Charlottesville. We cannot let these kinds of people influence our government or any other part of our society. When they show up in combat helmets, with weapons, they must be met with law, and with citizens that will not stand for nazis in this nation.
You're talking about ANTIFA and BLM, right?

The original protesters were following the law. There's no law against wearing helmets, and the ANTIFA scum were also wearing helmets, in case you didn't notice.

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