The true face of neo-conservatism


Aug 11, 2010
The GOP Sen. from Missouri wants to cut back on the rules and regulations of Child Labor Laws

The GOP governor of Wisconsin wants to virtually eliminate the collective bargaining rights of workers in his state while making himself sole determiner on cutting salaries and benefits

That's right folks! Corporations outsource jobs and want tax breaks to do so, Wall St. gets a bail out for screwing over EVERYONE, but GOPers say that returning to some version Charles Dickens child labor and eliminating workers ability to negotiate their wages and pensions is the solution!

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See, with liberals it's hard to tell the difference in they azz and in they face.
The kansas city link does not worky.

"conservatives" serve corporations very well.
I am not sure why, it must be wanting to run with the big dogs mentality or something.
I much prefer to follow my own nose.
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  • #5
See, with liberals it's hard to tell the difference in they azz and in they face.

Once again folks, when faced with the FACTS, neocon parrots/birthers/oathers/teabaggers/Libertarians and the like just babble like idiots while dodging the issue.
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  • #6
I always turn to a admitted Liberal for info on Conservatism.

Every time.



Willful ignorance is not a defense, Chucky. If you're too much of an intellectual coward to discuss the FACTS, then don't post. If you can't disprove or refute the information in the links I provide, then don't whine like a little neocon bitch or blow smoke, as it's a waste of your time and mine.
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  • #7
The kansas city link does not worky.

"conservatives" serve corporations very well.
I am not sure why, it must be wanting to run with the big dogs mentality or something.
I much prefer to follow my own nose.

I've rebooted the links...they should work now.
The GOP Sen. from Missouri wants to cut back on the rules and regulations of Child Labor Laws

Jane Cunningham thinks child labor laws insult parents | Midwest Voices

The GOP governor of Wisconsin wants to virtually eliminate the collective bargaining rights of workers in his state while making himself sole determiner on cutting salaries and benefits

A 'Dictator' Governor Sets Out to Cut Wages, Slash Benefits and Destroy Public Unions | The Nation

That's right folks! Corporations outsource jobs and want tax breaks to do so, Wall St. gets a bail out for screwing over EVERYONE, but GOPers say that returning to some version Charles Dickens child labor and eliminating workers ability to negotiate their wages and pensions is the solution!


Fuck!!! You are Good!!! You should be Selling Carbon Credits, Man!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
See, with liberals it's hard to tell the difference in they azz and in they face.

Once again folks, when faced with the FACTS, neocon parrots/birthers/oathers/teabaggers/Libertarians and the like just babble like idiots while dodging the issue.

Look, another logical fallacy.

Funny how they seem to come more from the left than the right. I should write a paper on that.
I always turn to a admitted Liberal for info on Conservatism.

Every time.



Willful ignorance is not a defense, Chucky. If you're too much of an intellectual coward to discuss the FACTS, then don't post. If you can't disprove or refute the information in the links I provide, then don't whine like a little neocon bitch or blow smoke, as it's a waste of your time and mine.

Straight to the name calling I see.

I am not willing to discuss anything with you sir.

Posters such as yourself. On Both sides of the political Spectrum. Make post not looking for debate, but for a place to fling insults around, and show us how big you think your cock is.

I'll save my time for People who are actually looking for a debate.

Besides From your posts I have read. I suspect you have no idea what Conservative, or Neo-Conservative means, and you certainly have no idea who I am. I have been a fiscal Conservative who leans liberal on Social Issues my entire life. Even before lefties like yourself latched onto the word Neo-Con because you hoped it would bring back memories of Neo-Nazi :)
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Cunningham, a Republican from St. Louis County, would also repeal the requirement that 14- and-15-year-olds apply for a special permit in order to work. And the state Division of Labor Standards would no longer inspect workplaces tht employ children or require them to keep special records for their youthful employees.

Cunningham is totally pro-business, but this is over the top. Under her proposed legislation, a 12- or-13-year-old could be sent to work full time in Missouri, perhaps under the guise of receiving a home-school education, of which Cunningham is a big supporter.

This bill sounds too Dickensian to go anywhere, but you never know. One ominous sign: Cunningham’s bill is assigned to the Senate’s general laws committee, which is chaired by…Senator Jane Cunningham.

Missouri senator wants to repeal child labor laws | Midwest Voices


Wonder how many Republicans will defend this? I don't get that party, I just don't.
Empowering individuals always seems to annoy the left. It's very interesting.
The GOP Sen. from Missouri wants to cut back on the rules and regulations of Child Labor Laws

Jane Cunningham thinks child labor laws insult parents | Midwest Voices

The GOP governor of Wisconsin wants to virtually eliminate the collective bargaining rights of workers in his state while making himself sole determiner on cutting salaries and benefits

A 'Dictator' Governor Sets Out to Cut Wages, Slash Benefits and Destroy Public Unions | The Nation

That's right folks! Corporations outsource jobs and want tax breaks to do so, Wall St. gets a bail out for screwing over EVERYONE, but GOPers say that returning to some version Charles Dickens child labor and eliminating workers ability to negotiate their wages and pensions is the solution!


Fuck!!! You are Good!!! You should be Selling Carbon Credits, Man!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

When you stop Intense-ly blowing smoke....maybe you can offer some factual and logical evidence/assertions as to why I'm wrong or if my information is incorrect. If not, I won't take you seriously and just watch you prattle on with your compadres.
See, with liberals it's hard to tell the difference in they azz and in they face.

Once again folks, when faced with the FACTS, neocon parrots/birthers/oathers/teabaggers/Libertarians and the like just babble like idiots while dodging the issue.

Look, another logical fallacy.

Funny how they seem to come more from the left than the right. I should write a paper on that.

Another neocon tactic....don't discuss the information that puts their philosophy and the actions of their leadership in a bad light....change the subject by personally attacking the poster directly and generally.

Small wonder why POS like Walker and Cunningham don't have to intellectually stretch to get these fools to support them.
I always turn to a admitted Liberal for info on Conservatism.

Every time.



Willful ignorance is not a defense, Chucky. If you're too much of an intellectual coward to discuss the FACTS, then don't post. If you can't disprove or refute the information in the links I provide, then don't whine like a little neocon bitch or blow smoke, as it's a waste of your time and mine.

Straight to the name calling I see. If you can't take it, Chucky, don't dish it out....or did you think that your condescending attitude would go unanswered? My statement you will unwittingly validate it here.

I am not willing to discuss anything with you sir. No shit sherlock, I just said as much previously. Yet here you are, Chucky....whining like a little neocon bitch and blowing smoke because Cunningham and Walker have exposed the heinous, callous mindset of the neocon social/political agenda for all to see....and YOU can't defend it without looking foolish.

Posters such as yourself. On Both sides of the political Spectrum. Make post not looking for debate, but for a place to fling insults around, and show us how big you think your cock is.

More smoke from Chucky, folks. To date he CANNOT OR WILL NOT DISCUSS the contents of the opening post of this thread. Instead, Chucky does the neocon shuffle and attacks the poster. What an intellectualy dishonest coward Chucky is (also, Chucky seems to have some latent homosexual angst that he should see a therapist about).

I'll save my time for People who are actually looking for a debate.

So Chucky waste time and effort to tell us that my posts are not worth time and effort to debate...just to waste time and effort to make childish mocking at. Somebody get Chucky some therapy ASAP!

Besides From your posts I have read. I suspect you have no idea what Conservative, or Neo-Conservative means, and you certainly have no idea who I am. I have been a fiscal Conservative who leans liberal on Social Issues my entire life. Even before lefties like yourself latched onto the word Neo-Con because you hoped it would bring back memories of Neo-Nazi :)

So once again, folks....note that Chucky waste a lot of time and space to personally attack me, but he doesn't have the brains or the courage to actually debate the issue at hand.....typical dishonest neocon coward, our Chucky.
Empowering individuals always seems to annoy the left. It's very interesting.

The only individuals empowered here would be employers looking for a cheap labor force. Funny how folk like Avatar seems annoyed when the employees and consumers and citizens actually want some empowerment in the decisions that affect their lives..
The GOP Sen. from Missouri wants to cut back on the rules and regulations of Child Labor Laws

Jane Cunningham thinks child labor laws insult parents | Midwest Voices

The GOP governor of Wisconsin wants to virtually eliminate the collective bargaining rights of workers in his state while making himself sole determiner on cutting salaries and benefits

A 'Dictator' Governor Sets Out to Cut Wages, Slash Benefits and Destroy Public Unions | The Nation

That's right folks! Corporations outsource jobs and want tax breaks to do so, Wall St. gets a bail out for screwing over EVERYONE, but GOPers say that returning to some version Charles Dickens child labor and eliminating workers ability to negotiate their wages and pensions is the solution!


My Tea bag has been in your mouth, I somehow do not think you wanted everyone to know.

So lets get this straight (not a reference to your obsession with my tea bag), your saying that the Governor is going to eliminate laws so that children can be forced to work for the government.

The Governor is proposing a change in law to keep the costs of union-state-employees salaries and benifits under control and you somehow equate that to children will be forced to work for the government.

The only thing being discussed is government, thats all. Nothing more. At that, how come the actual proposal is not being linked to, you wish to discuss what the reporters tell you to think or what the actual proposal is.
The GOP Sen. from Missouri wants to cut back on the rules and regulations of Child Labor Laws

Jane Cunningham thinks child labor laws insult parents | Midwest Voices

The GOP governor of Wisconsin wants to virtually eliminate the collective bargaining rights of workers in his state while making himself sole determiner on cutting salaries and benefits

A 'Dictator' Governor Sets Out to Cut Wages, Slash Benefits and Destroy Public Unions | The Nation

That's right folks! Corporations outsource jobs and want tax breaks to do so, Wall St. gets a bail out for screwing over EVERYONE, but GOPers say that returning to some version Charles Dickens child labor and eliminating workers ability to negotiate their wages and pensions is the solution!


Since I knew that your take on the second link is total bullshit I was pretty sure the first was also. Turns out that there are a couple of points in the article you linked to that I can agree with, and a couple I don't. I would like to see exactly the GOP Senator from Missouri is proposing before i actually make up my mind about what he is saying, but I am still pretty sure you are wrong.

As for your second story, why shouldn't the governor of a state do everything he has to to balance the budget? I know one thing for sure, whenever one side of a debate runs away and hides rather than actually arguing their position, that side is almost always wrong. Since the Democrats in Wisconsin have run away rather than to try and make whatever point they have, and the teachers are taking their students out of class to help them in their protest against the reforms, I can wholeheartedly support the need for them.

Would you be happy if the Young Republicans, for example, shut down schools across the state, and took the students on marches to the union representatives homes to protest their pensions and tenure? Personally, i find them bot despicable, but you think the governor is wrong because he wants to shut down a union that endangers students and thinks they are more important than the voters of the state that want the budget fixed.

Your problem is that you are such a hack you are incapable of seeing that the wave against teachers unions is actually bipartisan. Both sides want this fixed, but you want to keep doing the exact same thing.

On both sides of the aisle, politicians are unhappy with how teachers are compensated, hired and fired, and are eager to introduce reforms. The fiercest opposition to the status quo is coming from fiscally conservative Republicans, who are mixing concerns about their states’ children with the desire to cut spending and shrink the size of government.
They’re pushing against the power that the National Education Association, the American Federation of Teachers and their affiliates have amassed over the course of many decades of political activism and stubborn negotiations in a way that hasn’t been seen since the rise of organized labor in the first half of the 20th century.
What’s remarkable now, however, is how closely some of the Republicans’ complaints mirror those of the Obama administration, whose Race to the Top education initiative includes programs that have long been anathema to the unions, such as merit pay for teachers and giving districts the ability to fire bad teachers.
Obama and Duncan have made clear that their vision for the country’s teachers includes getting tougher on them. “It is time to start rewarding good teachers and stop making excuses for bad ones,” the president said shortly after taking office.

The politics of education upended - Jennifer Epstein -

The politics of education upended - Jennifer Epstein -
Cunningham, a Republican from St. Louis County, would also repeal the requirement that 14- and-15-year-olds apply for a special permit in order to work. And the state Division of Labor Standards would no longer inspect workplaces tht employ children or require them to keep special records for their youthful employees.

Cunningham is totally pro-business, but this is over the top. Under her proposed legislation, a 12- or-13-year-old could be sent to work full time in Missouri, perhaps under the guise of receiving a home-school education, of which Cunningham is a big supporter.

This bill sounds too Dickensian to go anywhere, but you never know. One ominous sign: Cunningham’s bill is assigned to the Senate’s general laws committee, which is chaired by…Senator Jane Cunningham.

Missouri senator wants to repeal child labor laws | Midwest Voices


Wonder how many Republicans will defend this? I don't get that party, I just don't.


The idiot wants parents to be around the entire time any child is working in the entertainment industry, and allow them full access to every place their children go. They cannot work with dangerous animals, or do stunts, or operate machinery, or clean machinery, or work past 7 until they are 14, or 9 after that, or miss school. He must be pro business, otherwise he would trust the business to watch out for the child themselves!

Wait, something I just said didn't make sense. I need to stop reading rdean's posts because his warped worldview is obviously contaminating. I might have to listen to Rush and Glen in order to be cured. talk about the cure being worse than the disease.

You really should take the time to read the bills these people are complaining about.

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