The top 20% of the income earners in the United States get $35,000 in government assistance while the bottom 20% get $25,000 in government assistance.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
Let me preface this by saying to my conservative friends please don’t get mad at me I’ll vote for the same Candidates as you folks. Donald Trump 2024. I’ve voted for him in 2020. I voted for all the Republican candidates in New York State and they all let me down they lost and it’s getting tiresome it really is getting tiresome to vote for losers. With exception to Mr. Trump we don’t know what happened in the 2020 election.

Let’s look at some of the statistics of the American past … Democrats like John F Kennedy and Lyndon Baines Johnson slashed poverty in half.. But by the time of the 1990s and due to poor work by people like Ronald Reagan , George HW. Bush and Bill Clinton the poverty rate went way up. And we have a lot of problems in the country bc of it.

There are many myths about how low income people on welfare are ruining the system but it’s actually the top 20% of earners and the fact that our middle class has been affectively destroyed. That’s why we have problems in America today because we’ve lost so many of the steel jobs the union jobs ….Today all the best union jobs are with police officers and corrections officers and God bless them they’re all great people. And those are all great jobs. You can make $100,000 a year working a New York State correctional job with overtime. And the people who oppose good paying middle-class jobs, the corrupt employers in our country who have wrecked the middle-class the corrupt government officials should in a democratic way that should have their arms broken ….we should actually have laws like that because we already have a death penalty ….it makes no sense to not have laws where we can take a baseball bat and break corrupt employers arms or at least just take the baseball bat and smash into their arms or legs instead of sending them to some upscale jail for a few years. Again why do we have capital punishment why do we have a death penalty the most severe penalty but yet we don’t have a penalty system where we can just take a baseball bat or an iron club and hit somebody in the arms or legs again with democratic voting do this in a democratic way

This was on NPR radio. Meaning that the top 20% of income earners in the United States including billionaires get $35,000 on average of government assistance through things like the mortgage interest reduction rates and other avenues. While the bottom 20% of Americans people on food stamps including folks on various welfare programs get about $25,000 in government assistance.

We need to learn from Lyndon Baines Johnson and we need to get America back on track. Thank you God bless
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I don't see things like the upper-income's mortgage interest reduction rates and tax breaks as "government assistance." It's not like the government is giving them other people's money that was collected through tax revenue. The government is just allowing those upper-income to keep more of their own money.

But the bottom 20% are given food stamps, rent assistance, and other welfare programs they never paid for, but were rather paid for by other people's money the government collected as taxes.
This was on NPR radio. Meaning that the top 20% of income earners in the United States including billionaires get $35,000 on average of government assistance through things like the mortgage interest reduction rates and other avenues. While the bottom 20% of Americans people on food stamps including folks on various welfare programs get about $25,000 in government assistance.

We need to learn from Lyndon Baines Johnson and we need to get America back on track. Thank you God bless
NPR is a Democrat controlled Woke news network. They are not a credible source of information. The mortgage interest deduction is not "government assistance".
NPR is a Democrat controlled Woke news network. They are not a credible source of information. The mortgage interest deduction is not "government assistance".
Yes and someways you and jgalt are right but there are certain programs at NPR and certain people that they interview who are a pro American and that just happened in the last hour. But like I said there’s other avenues as to how the top 20% of income earners in the United States get government assistance. But you see there’s a lot going on in my post and we have a Lotta problems in this country that we did not have in the American past.
I don't see things like the upper-income's mortgage interest reduction rates and tax breaks as "government assistance." It's not like the government is giving them other people's money that was collected through tax revenue. The government is just allowing those upper-income to keep more of their own money.

But the bottom 20% are given food stamps, rent assistance, and other welfare programs they never paid for, but were rather paid for by other people's money the government collected as taxes.
Some of the reasons why we have a problem with so many Americans on food stamps is because of poor government policy in the 1980s and 1990s brought to us by both Democrats and Republicans.
What do people think about the idea of using some sort of a physical force as a means of a punishment against criminals in the United States ? like people who assault children or people who use violence against women. Again we already have a death penalty. So what do people think about this is it going to far? Of course it will be done with a referendum
Let me preface this by saying to my conservative friends please don’t get mad at me I’ll vote for the same Candidates as you folks. Donald Trump 2024. I’ve voted for him in 2020. I voted for all the Republican candidates in New York State and they all let me down they lost and it’s getting tiresome it really is getting tiresome to vote for losers. With exception to Mr. Trump we don’t know what happened in the 2020 election.

Let’s look at some of the statistics of the American past … Democrats like John F Kennedy and Lyndon Baines Johnson slashed poverty in half.. But by the time of the 1990s and due to poor work by people like Ronald Reagan , George HW. Bush and Bill Clinton the poverty rate went way up. And we have a lot of problems in the country bc of it.

There are many myths about how low income people on welfare are ruining the system but it’s actually the top 20% of earners and the fact that our middle class has been affectively destroyed. That’s why we have problems in America today because we’ve lost so many of the steel jobs the union jobs ….Today all the best union jobs are with police officers and corrections officers and God bless them they’re all great people. And those are all great jobs. You can make $100,000 a year working a New York State correctional job with overtime. And the people who oppose good paying middle-class jobs, the corrupt employers in our country who have wrecked the middle-class the corrupt government officials should in a democratic way that should have their arms broken ….we should actually have laws like that because we already have a death penalty ….it makes no sense to not have laws where we can take a baseball bat and break corrupt employers arms or at least just take the baseball bat and smash into their arms or legs instead of sending them to some upscale jail for a few years. Again why do we have capital punishment why do we have a death penalty the most severe penalty but yet we don’t have a penalty system where we can just take a baseball bat or an iron club and hit somebody in the arms or legs again with democratic voting do this in a democratic way

This was on NPR radio. Meaning that the top 20% of income earners in the United States including billionaires get $35,000 on average of government assistance through things like the mortgage interest reduction rates and other avenues. While the bottom 20% of Americans people on food stamps including folks on various welfare programs get about $25,000 in government assistance.

We need to learn from Lyndon Baines Johnson and we need to get America back on track. Thank you God bless
Look FDR, you seem like a nice guy but this is next level gaslighting your looking at.

If the rich were getting any kind of subsidies that actually involved taxpayer dollars paying for something, then you would have a good point.
That's not what this is.
Mortgage interest deductions are used by every homeowner with a loan on the property & is not a direct cost to the rest of us.
The fact of the matter is if you got rid of this, home ownership would decline & that would hurt the avg American family much more since owning a home is the best way for them to accumulate wealth.

LBJ's Great Society has been an unmitigated disaster that has destroyed the nuclear black family by incentivizing unmarried households, absent fathers & a declining work ethic combined with a dependence & entitlement mentality.
After untold trillions in spending, they are worse off than they were before this horribly misguided set of govt programs grifted us all.

Ben Franklin had it right way back when

I don't see things like the upper-income's mortgage interest reduction rates and tax breaks as "government assistance." It's not like the government is giving them other people's money that was collected through tax revenue. The government is just allowing those upper-income to keep more of their own money.

But the bottom 20% are given food stamps, rent assistance, and other welfare programs they never paid for, but were rather paid for by other people's money the government collected as taxes.
OP doesn’t know shit about what he is trying to say. He is most likely some kind of closet Democrat.
I’m curious, what are these “other avenues” you speak of?
It was from some professor from Princeton he said on NPR radio it’s through various avenues like tax breaks. But the other gentleman jgalt in this thread said that that’s not a form of government assistance. But it certainly is a form of the government providing a break to people anyway you look at it.

Well at least we’re talking about real issues. And I was very happy to listen to this program on NPR it was a fresh break from all the racial division that they and other left-wing programs engage in.
Look FDR, you seem like a nice guy but this is next level gaslighting your looking at.

If the rich were getting any kind of subsidies that actually involved taxpayer dollars paying for something, then you would have a good point.
That's not what this is.
Mortgage interest deductions are used by every homeowner with a loan on the property & is not a direct cost to the rest of us.
The fact of the matter is if you got rid of this, home ownership would decline & that would hurt the avg American family much more since owning a home is the best way for them to accumulate wealth.

LBJ's Great Society has been an unmitigated disaster that has destroyed the nuclear black family by incentivizing unmarried households, absent fathers & a declining work ethic combined with a dependence & entitlement mentality.
After untold trillions in spending, they are worse off than they were before this horribly misguided set of govt programs grifted us all.

Ben Franklin had it right way back when

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Thank you I appreciate your postings as well.

I’ve heard this term gaslighting before I’m not really aware of it so that doesn’t apply to my post. My post was a sincere post. And I sincerely believe in the views that I have.

I admire Benjamin Franklin.

Let me say this I don’t recall every detail that was made on the NPR program but these were very informative points. I believe one of them was how during the 1980s the United States government cut “affordable housing programs”. I think about that my friend you have various housing units throughout the country that folks could afford who had a low income level. And I think that that’s a much better idea than just giving people money for nothing like food stamps for example. By the way so many poor white people got food stamps throughout the 20th century.

With affordable housing programs. These Folks were working class individuals they weren’t lazy people.

And I do believe that the United States of America in terms of our civilization in terms of our demographics in terms of our people, in terms of the workforce in terms of every way we can imagine was a much much better country in the 1960s…. than it is today. Look at all the racial division we have today look at how Democrats have betrayed the working class they’re all talking about Black Lives Matter and they’re not actually helping out Black people… they’re not putting forth programs to help bring people out of the lower class and into the middle class.
OP doesn’t know shit about what he is trying to say. He is most likely some kind of closet Democrat.
I am a Democrat long rod. Have a nice day brother.

Don’t get angry with me at least we’re talking about real issues in this thread

I have made this known so many times throughout the form and I just happen to be voting Republican very recently because I believe that the Democratic Party has gotten away from helping the middle class. They’re not even talking about the issues I’m talking about it’s all about race issues and sexuality and other nonsense.

I have a great deal of respect for the Democrats of the 20th century and often they’re called racist by Republicans so that’s all anti-American. It is anti-American that for example Fox News calls the Democratic Party the racist party of the 20th century and I even saw a special on Fox News where they insulted the legacy of Andrew Jackson so those people are anti-American. It was some special on Davy Crockett and they found a way to insult Andrew Jackson and again it was on Fox News …goes to show you that even those folks get it wrong sometimes.
Folks don’t worry the United States government right now is not what it used to be. They don’t care about the middle class anymore they’re always talking about race issues and sex issues …so have no fear the Democratic Party is a disgrace. And I can only hope that the Republicans in the 21st-century start to act like the Democrats of the 20th century.
Thank you I appreciate your postings as well.

I’ve heard this term gaslighting before I’m not really aware of it so that doesn’t apply to my post. My post was a sincere post. And I sincerely believe in the views that I have.

I admire Benjamin Franklin.

Let me say this I don’t recall every detail that was made on the NPR program but these were very informative points. I believe one of them was how during the 1980s the United States government cut “affordable housing programs”. I think about that my friend you have various housing units throughout the country that folks could afford who had a low income level. And I think that that’s a much better idea than just giving people money for nothing like food stamps for example. By the way so many poor white people got food stamps throughout the 20th century.

With affordable housing programs. These Folks were working class individuals they weren’t lazy people.

And I do believe that the United States of America in terms of our civilization in terms of our demographics in terms of our people, in terms of the workforce in terms of every way we can imagine was a much much better country in the 1960s…. than it is today. Look at all the racial division we have today look at how Democrats have betrayed the working class they’re all talking about Black Lives Matter and they’re not actually helping out Black people… they’re not putting forth programs to help bring people out of the lower class and into the middle class.
My apologies, I wasn't saying you were gaslighting, I was strictly talking about your source of info & I appreciate your posts as well.
I've never found NPR to be a reliable & unbiased source.
As a matter of fact, they fired a semi-honest Democrat in Juan Williams for occasionally going against their slanted narrative.

Gas lighting is basically trying to twist things to convince people that what they are seeing isn't the actual truth or even reality. The term actually comes from an old movie.
When the govt & MSM combine to do it in a coordinated fashion (Mockingbird), it becomes a psyop on the population to allow them to fulfill an agenda.

An example of gaslighting would be telling the world a new virus was out with a 3+% death rate & we had to lock down the world even though it was apparent that it was mostly a bad flu that was deadly for older people & those with comorbidities.
Or paper/cloth masking would stop an airborne virus even though all pre-rona studies proved this wasn't true.

All these welfare/entitlement govt programs have been in existence for decades but the country continues to get worse & the poor get poorer.
But the political class has grown extremely wealthy as the govt power & spending has increased.
Does this sound like it has been successful or a budget busting failure that enriches the elite?

Keep in mind, the govt can never give anyone anything unless they take it from somewhere else first.
The food has to be paid for by someone else as does the housing project & healthcare.
You're robbing Peter to pay Paul. That's a great deal for Paul but it screws over Peter.

Let me ask you a question- is it better to give a man a fish to feed his family or to teach him how to fish so he can provide for them himself?
This is the basic difference between conservatives & those that claim to be "liberals" these days.
The left wants him to keep lining up for his daily fish & the photo op that goes with it.
The right wants to take him fishing & show him how it's done.

I'm all for helping people on a personal basis but I would never presume to force someone else to do the same if they don't want to do it. Like God tells us, it's an individual responsibility.
If you like freewill, you are a conservative.

There's an old saying that is pretty accurate & it goes like this "When you're young & not a liberal, you have no heart. But if you're old and not a conservative, you have no brain."

It's because the older you get, the more you see that equality does not exist in nature & trying to force it is a fools errand.
Some people have more natural abilities & are more likely to rise to the top regardless of circumstances.
Some people are born on top but fall from bad decisions while a poor person may rise because of good choices.
The poor are often poor because they make shit decisions & come from a long line of ancestors that made the same.

Ben Franklin is right in that doing less can often be a net positive as the poor are forced to break the cycle of poverty when they learn to stand on their own feet.
Even if the story was true,

Where did each. $60,000 come from?
That's right
Rich people.
I don't see things like the upper-income's mortgage interest reduction rates and tax breaks as "government assistance." It's not like the government is giving them other people's money that was collected through tax revenue. The government is just allowing those upper-income to keep more of their own money.

But the bottom 20% are given food stamps, rent assistance, and other welfare programs they never paid for, but were rather paid for by other people's money the government collected as taxes.
The interest income break is an opportunity cost the Govt. could use elsewhere so we still pay for it.
Meaning that the top 20% of income earners in the United States including billionaires get $35,000 on average of government assistance through things like the mortgage interest reduction rates and other avenues.
Dude, ever since I have come to this forum, I have been advocating for the end of tax expenditures.

Tax expenditures are $1.4 trillion of annual wealth redistribution UP the food chain.

But you just watch the New Right scream like welfare queens at the very thought of taking away their government tit.
Let’s look at some of the statistics of the American past … Democrats like John F Kennedy and Lyndon Baines Johnson slashed poverty in half.. But by the time of the 1990s and due to poor work by people like Ronald Reagan , George HW. Bush and Bill Clinton the poverty rate went way up. And we have a lot of problems in the country bc of it.
Sorry, but this is a flat-out lie. Worse, you know it is a lie.

"In the decade following the 1964 introduction of the war on poverty, poverty rates in the U.S. dropped to their lowest level since comprehensive records began in 1958: from 17.3% in the year the Economic Opportunity Act was implemented to 11.1% in 1973. They have remained between 11 and 15.2% ever since.[9] It is important to note, however, that the steep decline in poverty rates began in 1959, 5 years before the introduction of the war on poverty."


The poverty rate in 1959 was 22.4%, and in 1965 was 17.3% So the rate had already dropped 23% from 22.4% to 16.5% due to the tax cuts put in place by President Kennedy. At no time did the War on Poverty cut poverty by HALF. Did not happen.


Who drives up the poverty rate? Single women with children who President Johnson rewarded greatly. People may be poor but they are not stupid. When women are rewarded with more benefits if they are single with children, than married with children the decision was simple. Have kids and don't marry. Pre-1960s, the black family unit was one of the strongest. Now it is the weakest with the fewest married couples with kids.



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