The talk of impeachment makes it impossible to have a fair election in 2020

Oct 5, 2019
The democrat party needs to cease all talks about impeachment and inquiries into President Trump, or President Trump may no no choice but to suspend the elections in 2020 until further notice. Our democracy is under attack by the democrats and their attempted coup. The American people will stand behind President Trump 100% if he decides to suspend the 2020 election until the democrat threat is dealt with. Do not allow the democrats to steal the country and reverse all the progress we've made toward making America great again.

Demand the democrats stop the impeachment process and investigations or else have the elections suspended until further notice. Let's keep America great and free from another tyrannical dictatorship that we suffered under for 8 years during the illegal Obama reign.
I disagree, 2020 will be fair enough, not truly fair, but the outcome will be honored.
The MSM has been hounding Trump since he declared his candidacy, the MSM doesn't matter.
The democrats have been hounding Trump since he won the nomination, it doesn't matter what the democrats do.
Trump beat the CIA deep state coup attempts using foreign intel assets to set him up, the CIA lost
Trump beat the FBI's deep state coup attempts using the Hillary paid for, Russian written, "Steele Dossier" used to illegally spy on Trump via phony FISA warrants, the FBI lost
Trump beats the MSM like a drum every day, the Bidens can brag about their pillaging in videos, and the MSM doesn't care.
Looks like the other democrat candidates will use that to beat Biden, he's not going to be the nominee.
If anything can be said about 2020, its that the US has become more tribal, the MSM is propaganda, polls are worthless, and politics has become a contact sport.

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