The Swiss Difference: A Gun Culture That Works


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
by Omnibus Dubitandum [Indian blog]

By Helena Bachmann / GenevaDec. 20, 2012



Swiss marksmen shoot at targets over 300 m away during an annual shooting-skills exercise near Bern

Even as the gun-control debate rises again in the U.S. in the aftermath of the horrific school shooting in Newtown, Conn., the gun-loving Swiss are not about to lay down their arms. Guns are ubiquitous in this neutral nation, with sharpshooting considered a fun and wholesome recreational activity for people of all ages.

Even though Switzerland has not been involved in an armed conflict since a standoff between Catholics and Protestants in 1847, the Swiss are very serious not only about their right to own weapons but also to carry them around in public. Because of this general acceptance and even pride in gun ownership, nobody bats an eye at the sight of a civilian riding a bus, bike or motorcycle to the shooting range, with a rifle slung across the shoulder.

More @ Understanding Each Other, Diversity and Dissent: The Swiss Difference: A Gun Culture That Works

Having visited friends in Switzerland, I well remember the calm and orderly lifestyle with very few crimes.

[ame=]Why Switzerland has the Lowest Crime Rate in the World[/ame]
An armed society is a polite society.

Now that is a generalization which begs the question regarding how the US should arm thugs and street gangs. Don't get me wrong, I am not anti gun. I keep mine close at hand due to the fact that where I live is so remote. Law enforcement would never make it. But you can't generalize Switzerland to the US. The depth and breadth of their problems are nothing like our slums, gangs, cultures of violence, and generational poverty. If I recall correctly each citizen owning and knowing how to use weapons is for protection against invasion by another country, and not for law enforcement puroses.
An armed society is a polite society.

"Politeness" of a society does not depend on how heavily it is armed. It depends on its MENTALITY.

From another thread:
The reason US has unprecedented level of mass shootings is in your mentality. As a society you are SICK!
You don't see anything wrong in stomping from country to country destroying nations and murdering masses of people just because you disagree with the way they live, or the way they look. Just because you have the largest military in the world.

Your mentality is based on a notion that might is right = its OK to murder if you can do so.

This attitude filtered down and is applied by you not only on international stage, but also within your society.

And it will not make a difference if tomorrow your officials will take away all your guns. You will continue murdering each other with anything you can get your hands on, because murder starts with mentality. Equally, if tomorrow your officials will decide every US citizen should be armed, your murder statistics will only go up, because more people with mentality "its OK to murder if you can do so" will get access to the weapons.
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The Swiss, to me, are a kind of people everyone should look up 2

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