“The Storming of the Capitol”: The four big lies underpinning this story show it was likely a staged event.


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
“The Storming of the Capitol”: The four big lies underpinning this story show it was likely a staged event.

“The Storming of the Capitol”: The four big lies underpinning this story show it was likely a staged event | The Wentworth Report
8 Jan 2021 ~~ By Kit Knightly.

The story we are being told goes as follows:

Yesterday, as Congress was preparing to pass the vote endorsing Joe Biden’s election victory, thousands of violent right-wing thugs stormed the Capitol building.
Acting according to Trump’s wishes, and with his endorsement, these domestic terrorists overran the police barricades in an attempt to overthrow the senate and preserve Trump’s presidency.
Fortunately the police were able to secure the situation, drive the violent rioters out and the democratic process was able to continue.
Not one single part of this story is true. …
1. There was no “storming”. Rather videos show police opening barriers to let the “rioters” in.
In the entrance hall, the “violent thugs” respected the velvet ropes and kept in orderly lines, took a few selfies with the cops, posed for the press and — when the main events were over — they were quietly allowed to leave.
Compare and contrast the police’s treatment of those people inside the capitol, with their later treatment of protesters breaking curfew on the streets.
2. There was no “incitement”. All of Trump’s social media posts on the subject instructed people to “go home” “with peace and love”.

Is that inciting violence?

Twitter and Facebook took the totally unprecedented step of completely removing those posts, and blocked him posting any further. They claimed to be preventing further violence, but it looks more like they concealed Trump’s denunciations of violence.

3. There was no violence. Indeed whether or not Trump “incited” anything is moot, because there was no violence. Disregard the reports of chemical weapons, pipe bombs or IEDs — none of which ever appeared. None of the “rioters” are as yet shown to have hurt anyone.

The only person reportedly killed or injured was a protester allegedly shot by the police. Compare and contrast the attitude of the media to this “violence”, vs the “fiery but mostly peaceful” protests all last summer.

4. The riot ended Trump’s presidency. Although the Congressional session was widely described in the press as the “confirmation vote” for Joe Biden’s election victory, it was actually rather more than that.
VP Mike Pence was chairing a joint-session which intended to allow full speeches from those opposing the election and maintaining there had been fraud.
The violence brought this session to an end prematurely, totally undermined Trump’s legal and procedural challenges and killed any chance he had of overturning the electoral college vote. No sooner was the “attack” over, than many of the Republicans in both houses who were planning to oppose Biden’s election backed-down.
More than that, it seems Trump’s “incitement” of the rioters means he may well be removed from office by enforcement of the 25th amendment, which would end not just this term, but make it illegal for him to run again in the future.
Facebook and Twitter have outright banned him from posting. The press and television pundits are openly accusing him of treason and sedition.
All this in the name of protecting the nation from “neo-nazi thugs” or “white supremacists” or other phantom threats. In the name of “protecting the constitution”, they are tearing it to pieces. In the name of “preventing a coup”, they are carrying one out in front of our eyes.
The Nazis were left wing socialists (they were way up the communal end of the individualism spectrum), and so many of the left’s actions in the last three months come out of the Nazi playbook. Street violence all summer, then the Reichstag fire, followed by the night of the long knives, the big lies, and ever-growing censorship applied by private companies in bed with the government bureaucracy. It’s textbook fascism.

The nazis would stand in drop-jawed, awestruck envy of the Dems.
Now we’re on hair trigger false flag alert. I don’t want to contemplate what the next spark will be.
Pfogressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists have overplayed their hand. Anticipate adjustments with the political rhetoric.
HEY call it “Insurrection” ???
When the 250,000 unarmed Trump Supporters stood around outside, and stayed for a few hours, and then went home?


“Terrorism’ shrieked the demlefty media ...
A few dozen cranks who look to include anarchis/antifa-types easily break into the Capitol Building (during highest security of that place EVER - HOW ? Actually LET IN by the DC POLICE - Incredible NEGLIGENCE or Intentionally Contrived).
Exactly,you totally exposed thelies of the msm media.videos taken show antifa came in vans and the. Police escorted them,there is even a video on Instagram where an antifa member confessed he was paid to pretend to be a trump supporter to incite riots. Expect a certain fascist mod to put this in the conspiracy section sense you exposed the truth.this mod is as bad as Twitter who showed their nazi ways by banning trump.
“The Storming of the Capitol”: The four big lies underpinning this story show it was likely a staged event.

“The Storming of the Capitol”: The four big lies underpinning this story show it was likely a staged event | The Wentworth Report
8 Jan 2021 ~~ By Kit Knightly.

The story we are being told goes as follows:

Yesterday, as Congress was preparing to pass the vote endorsing Joe Biden’s election victory, thousands of violent right-wing thugs stormed the Capitol building.
Acting according to Trump’s wishes, and with his endorsement, these domestic terrorists overran the police barricades in an attempt to overthrow the senate and preserve Trump’s presidency.
Fortunately the police were able to secure the situation, drive the violent rioters out and the democratic process was able to continue.
Not one single part of this story is true. …
1. There was no “storming”. Rather videos show police opening barriers to let the “rioters” in.
In the entrance hall, the “violent thugs” respected the velvet ropes and kept in orderly lines, took a few selfies with the cops, posed for the press and — when the main events were over — they were quietly allowed to leave.
Compare and contrast the police’s treatment of those people inside the capitol, with their later treatment of protesters breaking curfew on the streets.
2. There was no “incitement”. All of Trump’s social media posts on the subject instructed people to “go home” “with peace and love”.

Is that inciting violence?

Twitter and Facebook took the totally unprecedented step of completely removing those posts, and blocked him posting any further. They claimed to be preventing further violence, but it looks more like they concealed Trump’s denunciations of violence.

3. There was no violence. Indeed whether or not Trump “incited” anything is moot, because there was no violence. Disregard the reports of chemical weapons, pipe bombs or IEDs — none of which ever appeared. None of the “rioters” are as yet shown to have hurt anyone.

The only person reportedly killed or injured was a protester allegedly shot by the police. Compare and contrast the attitude of the media to this “violence”, vs the “fiery but mostly peaceful” protests all last summer.

4. The riot ended Trump’s presidency. Although the Congressional session was widely described in the press as the “confirmation vote” for Joe Biden’s election victory, it was actually rather more than that.
VP Mike Pence was chairing a joint-session which intended to allow full speeches from those opposing the election and maintaining there had been fraud.
The violence brought this session to an end prematurely, totally undermined Trump’s legal and procedural challenges and killed any chance he had of overturning the electoral college vote. No sooner was the “attack” over, than many of the Republicans in both houses who were planning to oppose Biden’s election backed-down.
More than that, it seems Trump’s “incitement” of the rioters means he may well be removed from office by enforcement of the 25th amendment, which would end not just this term, but make it illegal for him to run again in the future.
Facebook and Twitter have outright banned him from posting. The press and television pundits are openly accusing him of treason and sedition.
All this in the name of protecting the nation from “neo-nazi thugs” or “white supremacists” or other phantom threats. In the name of “protecting the constitution”, they are tearing it to pieces. In the name of “preventing a coup”, they are carrying one out in front of our eyes.
The Nazis were left wing socialists (they were way up the communal end of the individualism spectrum), and so many of the left’s actions in the last three months come out of the Nazi playbook. Street violence all summer, then the Reichstag fire, followed by the night of the long knives, the big lies, and ever-growing censorship applied by private companies in bed with the government bureaucracy. It’s textbook fascism.

The nazis would stand in drop-jawed, awestruck envy of the Dems.
Now we’re on hair trigger false flag alert. I don’t want to contemplate what the next spark will be.
Pfogressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists have overplayed their hand. Anticipate adjustments with the political rhetoric.
HEY call it “Insurrection” ???
When the 250,000 unarmed Trump Supporters stood around outside, and stayed for a few hours, and then went home?


“Terrorism’ shrieked the demlefty media ...
A few dozen cranks who look to include anarchis/antifa-types easily break into the Capitol Building (during highest security of that place EVER - HOW ? Actually LET IN by the DC POLICE - Incredible NEGLIGENCE or Intentionally Contrived).
  • Thanks
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They staged it and let them in
The LOTUS staged that speech telling them he'd take a walk to the Capitol with them then threw them under the bus as soon as they took him up on his suggestion.

Bigly tremendous.
Exactly,you totally exposed thelies of the msm media.videos taken show antifa came in vans and the. Police escorted them,there is even a video on Instagram where an antifa member confessed he was paid to pretend to be a trump supporter to incite riots. Expect a certain fascist mod to put this in the conspiracy section sense you exposed the truth.this mod is as bad as Twitter who showed their nazi ways by banning trump.
Everytime pesky facts like this are exposed that the paid shills hate,they try and laugh off the facts,ever notice that?
  • Funny
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“The Storming of the Capitol”: The four big lies underpinning this story show it was likely a staged event.

“The Storming of the Capitol”: The four big lies underpinning this story show it was likely a staged event | The Wentworth Report
8 Jan 2021 ~~ By Kit Knightly.

The story we are being told goes as follows:

Yesterday, as Congress was preparing to pass the vote endorsing Joe Biden’s election victory, thousands of violent right-wing thugs stormed the Capitol building.
Acting according to Trump’s wishes, and with his endorsement, these domestic terrorists overran the police barricades in an attempt to overthrow the senate and preserve Trump’s presidency.
Fortunately the police were able to secure the situation, drive the violent rioters out and the democratic process was able to continue.
Not one single part of this story is true. …
1. There was no “storming”. Rather videos show police opening barriers to let the “rioters” in.
In the entrance hall, the “violent thugs” respected the velvet ropes and kept in orderly lines, took a few selfies with the cops, posed for the press and — when the main events were over — they were quietly allowed to leave.
Compare and contrast the police’s treatment of those people inside the capitol, with their later treatment of protesters breaking curfew on the streets.
2. There was no “incitement”. All of Trump’s social media posts on the subject instructed people to “go home” “with peace and love”.

Is that inciting violence?

Twitter and Facebook took the totally unprecedented step of completely removing those posts, and blocked him posting any further. They claimed to be preventing further violence, but it looks more like they concealed Trump’s denunciations of violence.

3. There was no violence. Indeed whether or not Trump “incited” anything is moot, because there was no violence. Disregard the reports of chemical weapons, pipe bombs or IEDs — none of which ever appeared. None of the “rioters” are as yet shown to have hurt anyone.

The only person reportedly killed or injured was a protester allegedly shot by the police. Compare and contrast the attitude of the media to this “violence”, vs the “fiery but mostly peaceful” protests all last summer.

4. The riot ended Trump’s presidency. Although the Congressional session was widely described in the press as the “confirmation vote” for Joe Biden’s election victory, it was actually rather more than that.
VP Mike Pence was chairing a joint-session which intended to allow full speeches from those opposing the election and maintaining there had been fraud.
The violence brought this session to an end prematurely, totally undermined Trump’s legal and procedural challenges and killed any chance he had of overturning the electoral college vote. No sooner was the “attack” over, than many of the Republicans in both houses who were planning to oppose Biden’s election backed-down.
More than that, it seems Trump’s “incitement” of the rioters means he may well be removed from office by enforcement of the 25th amendment, which would end not just this term, but make it illegal for him to run again in the future.
Facebook and Twitter have outright banned him from posting. The press and television pundits are openly accusing him of treason and sedition.
All this in the name of protecting the nation from “neo-nazi thugs” or “white supremacists” or other phantom threats. In the name of “protecting the constitution”, they are tearing it to pieces. In the name of “preventing a coup”, they are carrying one out in front of our eyes.
The Nazis were left wing socialists (they were way up the communal end of the individualism spectrum), and so many of the left’s actions in the last three months come out of the Nazi playbook. Street violence all summer, then the Reichstag fire, followed by the night of the long knives, the big lies, and ever-growing censorship applied by private companies in bed with the government bureaucracy. It’s textbook fascism.

The nazis would stand in drop-jawed, awestruck envy of the Dems.
Now we’re on hair trigger false flag alert. I don’t want to contemplate what the next spark will be.
Pfogressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists have overplayed their hand. Anticipate adjustments with the political rhetoric.
HEY call it “Insurrection” ???
When the 250,000 unarmed Trump Supporters stood around outside, and stayed for a few hours, and then went home?


“Terrorism’ shrieked the demlefty media ...
A few dozen cranks who look to include anarchis/antifa-types easily break into the Capitol Building (during highest security of that place EVER - HOW ? Actually LET IN by the DC POLICE - Incredible NEGLIGENCE or Intentionally Contrived).

Of course it was staged by Trump groupies. Alex Jones sayd he funded them to the tune of $500.000.
“The Storming of the Capitol”: The four big lies underpinning this story show it was likely a staged event.

“The Storming of the Capitol”: The four big lies underpinning this story show it was likely a staged event | The Wentworth Report
8 Jan 2021 ~~ By Kit Knightly.

The story we are being told goes as follows:

Yesterday, as Congress was preparing to pass the vote endorsing Joe Biden’s election victory, thousands of violent right-wing thugs stormed the Capitol building.
Acting according to Trump’s wishes, and with his endorsement, these domestic terrorists overran the police barricades in an attempt to overthrow the senate and preserve Trump’s presidency.
Fortunately the police were able to secure the situation, drive the violent rioters out and the democratic process was able to continue.
Not one single part of this story is true. …
1. There was no “storming”. Rather videos show police opening barriers to let the “rioters” in.
In the entrance hall, the “violent thugs” respected the velvet ropes and kept in orderly lines, took a few selfies with the cops, posed for the press and — when the main events were over — they were quietly allowed to leave.
Compare and contrast the police’s treatment of those people inside the capitol, with their later treatment of protesters breaking curfew on the streets.
2. There was no “incitement”. All of Trump’s social media posts on the subject instructed people to “go home” “with peace and love”.

Is that inciting violence?

Twitter and Facebook took the totally unprecedented step of completely removing those posts, and blocked him posting any further. They claimed to be preventing further violence, but it looks more like they concealed Trump’s denunciations of violence.

3. There was no violence. Indeed whether or not Trump “incited” anything is moot, because there was no violence. Disregard the reports of chemical weapons, pipe bombs or IEDs — none of which ever appeared. None of the “rioters” are as yet shown to have hurt anyone.

The only person reportedly killed or injured was a protester allegedly shot by the police. Compare and contrast the attitude of the media to this “violence”, vs the “fiery but mostly peaceful” protests all last summer.

4. The riot ended Trump’s presidency. Although the Congressional session was widely described in the press as the “confirmation vote” for Joe Biden’s election victory, it was actually rather more than that.
VP Mike Pence was chairing a joint-session which intended to allow full speeches from those opposing the election and maintaining there had been fraud.
The violence brought this session to an end prematurely, totally undermined Trump’s legal and procedural challenges and killed any chance he had of overturning the electoral college vote. No sooner was the “attack” over, than many of the Republicans in both houses who were planning to oppose Biden’s election backed-down.
More than that, it seems Trump’s “incitement” of the rioters means he may well be removed from office by enforcement of the 25th amendment, which would end not just this term, but make it illegal for him to run again in the future.
Facebook and Twitter have outright banned him from posting. The press and television pundits are openly accusing him of treason and sedition.
All this in the name of protecting the nation from “neo-nazi thugs” or “white supremacists” or other phantom threats. In the name of “protecting the constitution”, they are tearing it to pieces. In the name of “preventing a coup”, they are carrying one out in front of our eyes.
The Nazis were left wing socialists (they were way up the communal end of the individualism spectrum), and so many of the left’s actions in the last three months come out of the Nazi playbook. Street violence all summer, then the Reichstag fire, followed by the night of the long knives, the big lies, and ever-growing censorship applied by private companies in bed with the government bureaucracy. It’s textbook fascism.

The nazis would stand in drop-jawed, awestruck envy of the Dems.
Now we’re on hair trigger false flag alert. I don’t want to contemplate what the next spark will be.
Pfogressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists have overplayed their hand. Anticipate adjustments with the political rhetoric.
HEY call it “Insurrection” ???
When the 250,000 unarmed Trump Supporters stood around outside, and stayed for a few hours, and then went home?


“Terrorism’ shrieked the demlefty media ...
A few dozen cranks who look to include anarchis/antifa-types easily break into the Capitol Building (during highest security of that place EVER - HOW ? Actually LET IN by the DC POLICE - Incredible NEGLIGENCE or Intentionally Contrived).

Who the fuck is “Kit Knightly”. Sounds like the Night Rider car wrote an OP ED.

There was no violence, no one got hurt, and it was all carried out by Nazi leftists.

This is why we laugh in your face.
Last edited:
“The Storming of the Capitol”: The four big lies underpinning this story show it was likely a staged event.

“The Storming of the Capitol”: The four big lies underpinning this story show it was likely a staged event | The Wentworth Report
8 Jan 2021 ~~ By Kit Knightly.

The story we are being told goes as follows:

Yesterday, as Congress was preparing to pass the vote endorsing Joe Biden’s election victory, thousands of violent right-wing thugs stormed the Capitol building.
Acting according to Trump’s wishes, and with his endorsement, these domestic terrorists overran the police barricades in an attempt to overthrow the senate and preserve Trump’s presidency.
Fortunately the police were able to secure the situation, drive the violent rioters out and the democratic process was able to continue.
Not one single part of this story is true. …
1. There was no “storming”. Rather videos show police opening barriers to let the “rioters” in.
In the entrance hall, the “violent thugs” respected the velvet ropes and kept in orderly lines, took a few selfies with the cops, posed for the press and — when the main events were over — they were quietly allowed to leave.
Compare and contrast the police’s treatment of those people inside the capitol, with their later treatment of protesters breaking curfew on the streets.
2. There was no “incitement”. All of Trump’s social media posts on the subject instructed people to “go home” “with peace and love”.

Is that inciting violence?

Twitter and Facebook took the totally unprecedented step of completely removing those posts, and blocked him posting any further. They claimed to be preventing further violence, but it looks more like they concealed Trump’s denunciations of violence.

3. There was no violence. Indeed whether or not Trump “incited” anything is moot, because there was no violence. Disregard the reports of chemical weapons, pipe bombs or IEDs — none of which ever appeared. None of the “rioters” are as yet shown to have hurt anyone.

The only person reportedly killed or injured was a protester allegedly shot by the police. Compare and contrast the attitude of the media to this “violence”, vs the “fiery but mostly peaceful” protests all last summer.

4. The riot ended Trump’s presidency. Although the Congressional session was widely described in the press as the “confirmation vote” for Joe Biden’s election victory, it was actually rather more than that.
VP Mike Pence was chairing a joint-session which intended to allow full speeches from those opposing the election and maintaining there had been fraud.
The violence brought this session to an end prematurely, totally undermined Trump’s legal and procedural challenges and killed any chance he had of overturning the electoral college vote. No sooner was the “attack” over, than many of the Republicans in both houses who were planning to oppose Biden’s election backed-down.
More than that, it seems Trump’s “incitement” of the rioters means he may well be removed from office by enforcement of the 25th amendment, which would end not just this term, but make it illegal for him to run again in the future.
Facebook and Twitter have outright banned him from posting. The press and television pundits are openly accusing him of treason and sedition.
All this in the name of protecting the nation from “neo-nazi thugs” or “white supremacists” or other phantom threats. In the name of “protecting the constitution”, they are tearing it to pieces. In the name of “preventing a coup”, they are carrying one out in front of our eyes.
The Nazis were left wing socialists (they were way up the communal end of the individualism spectrum), and so many of the left’s actions in the last three months come out of the Nazi playbook. Street violence all summer, then the Reichstag fire, followed by the night of the long knives, the big lies, and ever-growing censorship applied by private companies in bed with the government bureaucracy. It’s textbook fascism.

The nazis would stand in drop-jawed, awestruck envy of the Dems.
Now we’re on hair trigger false flag alert. I don’t want to contemplate what the next spark will be.
Pfogressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists have overplayed their hand. Anticipate adjustments with the political rhetoric.
HEY call it “Insurrection” ???
When the 250,000 unarmed Trump Supporters stood around outside, and stayed for a few hours, and then went home?


“Terrorism’ shrieked the demlefty media ...
A few dozen cranks who look to include anarchis/antifa-types easily break into the Capitol Building (during highest security of that place EVER - HOW ? Actually LET IN by the DC POLICE - Incredible NEGLIGENCE or Intentionally Contrived).

More of the same trash.

Sandy Hook massacre was 'staged', says professor fired by ...
A college professor who claimed that the infamous Sandy Hook school massacre was staged by the US government, has been fired from his post. James Tracy, a tenured associate professor of media...

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