The Stolen Canaanite Gods of Hebrews/Israelites: El, Baal, Asherah

You do realize that this is supposed to be a serious forum, right?

In the most tragic of his tragedies-----Shakespeare managed to provide comic relief-----the more tragic
the tragedy ----and more RAMBUNCTIOUS the
scenes of comic relief
You do realize that this is supposed to be a serious forum, right?

Yes I do and knowledge is important. Its time to people to wake up. If you can refute anything she says please do, I will be waiting. Perhaps you should look up here credentials.
You do realize that this is supposed to be a serious forum, right?

Yes I do and knowledge is important. Its time to people to wake up. If you can refute anything she says please do, I will be waiting. Perhaps you should look up here credentials.

And Allah was a moon god, and the story of Jesus was taken from a myth as well. What's your point with this video?
You do realize that this is supposed to be a serious forum, right?

Yes I do and knowledge is important. Its time to people to wake up. If you can refute anything she says please do, I will be waiting. Perhaps you should look up here credentials.

"here credentials"

Perhaps you should take an English course first before demanding that others concern themselves with credentials.
You do realize that this is supposed to be a serious forum, right?

Yes I do and knowledge is important. Its time to people to wake up. If you can refute anything she says please do, I will be waiting. Perhaps you should look up here credentials.

"here credentials"

Perhaps you should take an English course first before demanding that others concern themselves with credentials.
Her, ha ha, You know she is correct. Do not pick on the messenger but the message.
You do realize that this is supposed to be a serious forum, right?

Yes I do and knowledge is important. Its time to people to wake up. If you can refute anything she says please do, I will be waiting. Perhaps you should look up here credentials.

And Allah was a moon god, and the story of Jesus was taken from a myth as well. What's your point with this video?

To show who the Hebrew god was.
You do realize that this is supposed to be a serious forum, right?

Yes I do and knowledge is important. Its time to people to wake up. If you can refute anything she says please do, I will be waiting. Perhaps you should look up here credentials.

And Allah was a moon god, and the story of Jesus was taken from a myth as well. What's your point with this video?

To show who the Hebrew god was.
There is only one G-d and whether or not you accept Adoshem is of no import to me. Your hatred of Jews and of Israel and of Zionismus is no secret. Poor you.

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You do realize that this is supposed to be a serious forum, right?

Yes I do and knowledge is important. Its time to people to wake up. If you can refute anything she says please do, I will be waiting. Perhaps you should look up here credentials.

"here credentials"

Perhaps you should take an English course first before demanding that others concern themselves with credentials.
Her, ha ha, You know she is correct. Do not pick on the messenger but the message.

she is correct about what? All she did was elaborate CONJECTURES about the developement of Jewish theology -------Interesting but -----nothing more than mental masturbation.
She is a parlor group masturbator. Sucn intellectual GYMNASTICS are fine----they sharpen the mind------VERY TALMUDIC. Unfortunately they confuse idiots like you
Well according to the logic of this post:
Penelope stole her hair cut from Howdy Doody,
her 12th hamburger from Bob's Big Boy,
and her belly from Honey Boo boo's Mom June.
All these things existed in prior cultures,
the Belly= Buddah, the make up=Ms. Collette Reardon crazy make up lady character on Sat Night's been done thief.
You do realize that this is supposed to be a serious forum, right?

Yes I do and knowledge is important. Its time to people to wake up. If you can refute anything she says please do, I will be waiting. Perhaps you should look up here credentials.

Penelope----can you explain why the intellectual gymnastics of -----what'shername ------so excite you? what do they DO for you?
Well according to the logic of this post:
Penelope stole her hair cut from Howdy Doody,
her 12th hamburger from Bob's Big Boy,
and her belly from Honey Boo boo's Mom June.
All these things existed in prior cultures,
the Belly= Buddah, the make up=Ms. Collette Reardon crazy make up lady character on Sat Night's been done thief.

Long ago------when I was very young----I tutored neighborhood kids who could not pass GEOMETRY------plane geometry-----the simple stuff -----10th grade. Some people simply CANNOT COPE----with LOGICAL or even ----
PSEUDO - LOGICAL systems. GEOMETRY is nothing more than a "semi-logical" system-------
accept this that and the other POSTULATE----and move on to PROVE based on that which is accepted. (as you know ---but re: Penelope----it just does not compute) Do not knock your head against the wall. She is not alone----lots of idiots like her in the world
I can see the jews here hate the truth.

what truth is that ? that Jesus is a dirty fraud? He claimed to be the son of some fake and STOLEN
"god" ? SHEEESH while one is stealing gods---why not steal something like a THOR-----or a
JUPITER and some perverted bitch god-----like
VENUS. ------better yet-----HERA are really vindictive bitch
Well according to the logic of this post:
Penelope stole her hair cut from Howdy Doody,
her 12th hamburger from Bob's Big Boy,
and her belly from Honey Boo boo's Mom June.
All these things existed in prior cultures,
the Belly= Buddah, the make up=Ms. Collette Reardon crazy make up lady character on Sat Night's been done thief.

she cannot do gematria ------or geometry-----so many people cannot.
Well according to the logic of this post:
Penelope stole her hair cut from Howdy Doody,
her 12th hamburger from Bob's Big Boy,
and her belly from Honey Boo boo's Mom June.
All these things existed in prior cultures,
the Belly= Buddah, the make up=Ms. Collette Reardon crazy make up lady character on Sat Night's been done thief.

Long ago------when I was very young----I tutored neighborhood kids who could not pass GEOMETRY------plane geometry-----the simple stuff -----10th grade. Some people simply CANNOT COPE----with LOGICAL or even ----
PSEUDO - LOGICAL systems. GEOMETRY is nothing more than a "semi-logical" system-------
accept this that and the other POSTULATE----and move on to PROVE based on that which is accepted. (as you know ---but re: Penelope----it just does not compute) Do not knock your head against the wall. She is not alone----lots of idiots like her in the world

My goodness, I had a idea that so many Hebrews didn't know the history of Gods. You say you knew geometry at what very young age , like 30 might be young for you, and yet you didn't take ancient history. Good grief.
Well according to the logic of this post:
Penelope stole her hair cut from Howdy Doody,
her 12th hamburger from Bob's Big Boy,
and her belly from Honey Boo boo's Mom June.
All these things existed in prior cultures,
the Belly= Buddah, the make up=Ms. Collette Reardon crazy make up lady character on Sat Night's been done thief.

Long ago------when I was very young----I tutored neighborhood kids who could not pass GEOMETRY------plane geometry-----the simple stuff -----10th grade. Some people simply CANNOT COPE----with LOGICAL or even ----
PSEUDO - LOGICAL systems. GEOMETRY is nothing more than a "semi-logical" system-------
accept this that and the other POSTULATE----and move on to PROVE based on that which is accepted. (as you know ---but re: Penelope----it just does not compute) Do not knock your head against the wall. She is not alone----lots of idiots like her in the world

My goodness, I had a idea that so many Hebrews didn't know the history of Gods. You say you knew geometry at what very young , like 30 might be young for you, and yet you didn't take ancient history. Good grief.

Your comment, Penelope----makes no sense-----Your nun in catholic school taught you THE HISTORY OF GODS??? I am fascinated----what is the "history of gods"????. Did she mention that Jesus is a stolen god------the Hebrews stole him? For that matter----did she mention how one goes about STEALING A GOD?
No I learned it after catechism. We did learn about some saints though. Now you must know where your god came from, the video in post 1 of this thread tells you. You ancient tribe was not monotheistic , the sacrificed to other gods, so you were pagans as well.
No I learned it after catechism. We did learn about some saints though. Now you must know where your god came from, the video in post 1 of this thread tells you. You ancient tribe was not monotheistic , the sacrificed to other gods, so you were pagans as well.

what this or that person did-----does not determine
the form of the religion. --------the mafia kills people and dumps them in the river------but they are still catholics-------so you are shit. The video is a very interesting scholarly analysis based on conjecture-----not fact. The conjecture being based on what this or that person did as recorded in the scriptural writings and reference to such phenomena AS ASHERA Unlike you I did read the bible and ----it is all there------the ASHERA and all. Nothing is hidden from view.
Did you know that the word GOD----is derived from the GERMANIC "GOTT"-----which is THOR------did your idiot nun tell you that you worship THOR everytime you use the word

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