The south is still largely the descendants of the confederacy

....That's why they fight so hard to keep the confederate flag flying in the state capitals. The GOP has been getting the votes of the bigots for decades. All right wing groups vote republican. So for Paul Ryan to disavow bigotry in the republican party, is just a big lie. Without the bigot vote, the GOP loses every time. Everybody knows the bigots didn't vote for Obama. And everybody knows the bigots love seeing Obama smeared by the GOP for the last seven years.
But Paul Ryan's declaration has given all of the bigot vote to Trump. And Trump loves having those's the vast majority of republican voters.
But this may be an epiphany to republicans that aren't bigots. There are many already, even in congress, that are threatening to leave the GOP if Trump gets the nomination,...which looks more than probable.
And even a lot of pentagon generals are threatening to resign if Trump becomes POTUS.

The implosion of the GOP could be the greatest thing to ever happen in America.
it's a backward inbred culture

And yet you voted for BIll Clinton. ANd later AL Gore. If you're old enough you voted for JImmy Carter.

YOu are so full of it.
I voted for Ralph Nader four times starting in 1996. Thanks for showing that you are the one full of it.

so, unable to tell the difference between yourself and another leftist.

THat's a real good sheep you are.
While the leadership of the party is trying to promote demographically significant candidates, they are still rife with homophobic, transphobic and religious bigotry.
Could somebody translate this hatefilled spitball?

He is admitting that some of the GOP's candidates are "diverse".

He judges them to be better, because they are minorities.

He thinks that the Establishment is the force trying to shove this down throats of the bigoted rank and file Republican voters.

You know, the way the Establishment was pushing Herman Cain, last election. NOT!
He is admitting that the GOP is trying but has a long, long way to go. The minorities certainly seem to think that based on the overwhelming poll numbers saying they will not vote Trump or GOP.

He also judged them to be better based on being minorities.

That is consistent with the Conventional Wisdom.

And it bigoted and racist.

A candidates worth is not increased by being black or brown.

That minorities think something does not make it so. They do not have some special ability to judge the GOP or TRump because they are minorities.

That type of thinking is also racist.
He judged them to be doing better, not that they were better.

Judging a person's racism based on objective fact and evidence is not racism.
....That's why they fight so hard to keep the confederate flag flying in the state capitals. The GOP has been getting the votes of the bigots for decades. All right wing groups vote republican. So for Paul Ryan to disavow bigotry in the republican party, is just a big lie. Without the bigot vote, the GOP loses every time. Everybody knows the bigots didn't vote for Obama. And everybody knows the bigots love seeing Obama smeared by the GOP for the last seven years.
But Paul Ryan's declaration has given all of the bigot vote to Trump. And Trump loves having those's the vast majority of republican voters.
But this may be an epiphany to republicans that aren't bigots. There are many already, even in congress, that are threatening to leave the GOP if Trump gets the nomination,...which looks more than probable.
And even a lot of pentagon generals are threatening to resign if Trump becomes POTUS.

The implosion of the GOP could be the greatest thing to ever happen in America.

Funny I haven't seen any news reports showing civil disobedience and unrest except in places like Missouri, Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, etc. I didn't realize these were Southern locations. But do carry on exposing your ignorance and bigotry.
You missed Dylann shooting eight blacks in South Carolina? You missed the cop shooting the black in the back in South Carolina? You missed the cop shooting the black in the back in Louisiana? Or the cop shooting the black in Florida? All of them unarmed. BTW, Missouri is a confederate state. I'm sure you'll keep turning a blind eye.

Those were shootings. Those were not episodes of civil disobedience where protesting citizens ran amuck night after night in the streets.
....That's why they fight so hard to keep the confederate flag flying in the state capitals. The GOP has been getting the votes of the bigots for decades. All right wing groups vote republican. So for Paul Ryan to disavow bigotry in the republican party, is just a big lie. Without the bigot vote, the GOP loses every time. Everybody knows the bigots didn't vote for Obama. And everybody knows the bigots love seeing Obama smeared by the GOP for the last seven years.
But Paul Ryan's declaration has given all of the bigot vote to Trump. And Trump loves having those's the vast majority of republican voters.
But this may be an epiphany to republicans that aren't bigots. There are many already, even in congress, that are threatening to leave the GOP if Trump gets the nomination,...which looks more than probable.
And even a lot of pentagon generals are threatening to resign if Trump becomes POTUS.

The implosion of the GOP could be the greatest thing to ever happen in America.
I'm a descendant of Cherokee Indians, so screw you and your quack genealogy.

It is quite offensive that you can do nothing but stereotype people who live here in the south.

You get mad when people stereotype Muslims, so why is it okay to do the same to southerners?
"But this may be an epiphany to republicans that aren't bigots."

This is hardly stereotyping. But you know that MOST SOUTHERNERS ARE DESCENDANTS OF THE CONFEDERACY, don't you.
I lived in Alabama when I was a kid. There was a sign at the railroad tracks that said, THERE BETTER NOT BE ANY NI**ERS ON THIS SIDE OF THE TRACK AFTER SUNDOWN. The other side of the track was called ni**er town.
You and I both know that sentiment is still prevalent throughout the south.
BTW, I'm Cherokee and Blackfoot...and I'm very aware of the genocide done to Real Americans, by the white bigots.

I've worked in the SOuth, and socialized with my co-workers. THere was no such segregation.

How long ago was your childhood?
Correll, what is your age?
....That's why they fight so hard to keep the confederate flag flying in the state capitals. The GOP has been getting the votes of the bigots for decades. All right wing groups vote republican. So for Paul Ryan to disavow bigotry in the republican party, is just a big lie. Without the bigot vote, the GOP loses every time. Everybody knows the bigots didn't vote for Obama. And everybody knows the bigots love seeing Obama smeared by the GOP for the last seven years.
But Paul Ryan's declaration has given all of the bigot vote to Trump. And Trump loves having those's the vast majority of republican voters.
But this may be an epiphany to republicans that aren't bigots. There are many already, even in congress, that are threatening to leave the GOP if Trump gets the nomination,...which looks more than probable.
And even a lot of pentagon generals are threatening to resign if Trump becomes POTUS.

The implosion of the GOP could be the greatest thing to ever happen in America.
I'm a descendant of Cherokee Indians, so screw you and your quack genealogy.

It is quite offensive that you can do nothing but stereotype people who live here in the south.

You get mad when people stereotype Muslims, so why is it okay to do the same to southerners?
"But this may be an epiphany to republicans that aren't bigots."

This is hardly stereotyping. But you know that MOST SOUTHERNERS ARE DESCENDANTS OF THE CONFEDERACY, don't you.
I lived in Alabama when I was a kid. There was a sign at the railroad tracks that said, THERE BETTER NOT BE ANY NI**ERS ON THIS SIDE OF THE TRACK AFTER SUNDOWN. The other side of the track was called ni**er town.
You and I both know that sentiment is still prevalent throughout the south.
BTW, I'm Cherokee and Blackfoot...and I'm very aware of the genocide done to Real Americans, by the white bigots.

I've worked in the SOuth, and socialized with my co-workers. THere was no such segregation.

How long ago was your childhood?

I've lived in Pensacola, Florida for over forty years. We have had zero protesting and civil disobedience. Some folks think the South is still the way it was way back in the 1950's and early 1960's. Most of our cities are modern and the people get along with one another. We have no gangs running the streets in Pensacola.
While the leadership of the party is trying to promote demographically significant candidates, they are still rife with homophobic, transphobic and religious bigotry.
Could somebody translate this hatefilled spitball?

He is admitting that some of the GOP's candidates are "diverse".

He judges them to be better, because they are minorities.

He thinks that the Establishment is the force trying to shove this down throats of the bigoted rank and file Republican voters.

You know, the way the Establishment was pushing Herman Cain, last election. NOT!
He is admitting that the GOP is trying but has a long, long way to go. The minorities certainly seem to think that based on the overwhelming poll numbers saying they will not vote Trump or GOP.

He also judged them to be better based on being minorities.

That is consistent with the Conventional Wisdom.

And it bigoted and racist.

A candidates worth is not increased by being black or brown.

That minorities think something does not make it so. They do not have some special ability to judge the GOP or TRump because they are minorities.

That type of thinking is also racist.
He judged them to be doing better, not that they were better.

Judging a person's racism based on objective fact and evidence is not racism.

His exacts words were "demographically significant".

That is not judging them on "doing better" that is him clearly saying that they "were better" BECAUSE they are minorities.

And judging someone by their skin color is racism.
....That's why they fight so hard to keep the confederate flag flying in the state capitals. The GOP has been getting the votes of the bigots for decades. All right wing groups vote republican. So for Paul Ryan to disavow bigotry in the republican party, is just a big lie. Without the bigot vote, the GOP loses every time. Everybody knows the bigots didn't vote for Obama. And everybody knows the bigots love seeing Obama smeared by the GOP for the last seven years.
But Paul Ryan's declaration has given all of the bigot vote to Trump. And Trump loves having those's the vast majority of republican voters.
But this may be an epiphany to republicans that aren't bigots. There are many already, even in congress, that are threatening to leave the GOP if Trump gets the nomination,...which looks more than probable.
And even a lot of pentagon generals are threatening to resign if Trump becomes POTUS.

The implosion of the GOP could be the greatest thing to ever happen in America.
I'm a descendant of Cherokee Indians, so screw you and your quack genealogy.

It is quite offensive that you can do nothing but stereotype people who live here in the south.

You get mad when people stereotype Muslims, so why is it okay to do the same to southerners?
"But this may be an epiphany to republicans that aren't bigots."

This is hardly stereotyping. But you know that MOST SOUTHERNERS ARE DESCENDANTS OF THE CONFEDERACY, don't you.
I lived in Alabama when I was a kid. There was a sign at the railroad tracks that said, THERE BETTER NOT BE ANY NI**ERS ON THIS SIDE OF THE TRACK AFTER SUNDOWN. The other side of the track was called ni**er town.
You and I both know that sentiment is still prevalent throughout the south.
BTW, I'm Cherokee and Blackfoot...and I'm very aware of the genocide done to Real Americans, by the white bigots.

I've worked in the SOuth, and socialized with my co-workers. THere was no such segregation.

How long ago was your childhood?
Correll, what is your age?

why do you ask?
Stationed in Meridian and Gulfport MS in the 70s, Texas in the 80s.

Saw more problems with hurricanes than racism
....That's why they fight so hard to keep the confederate flag flying in the state capitals. The GOP has been getting the votes of the bigots for decades. All right wing groups vote republican. So for Paul Ryan to disavow bigotry in the republican party, is just a big lie. Without the bigot vote, the GOP loses every time. Everybody knows the bigots didn't vote for Obama. And everybody knows the bigots love seeing Obama smeared by the GOP for the last seven years.
But Paul Ryan's declaration has given all of the bigot vote to Trump. And Trump loves having those's the vast majority of republican voters.
But this may be an epiphany to republicans that aren't bigots. There are many already, even in congress, that are threatening to leave the GOP if Trump gets the nomination,...which looks more than probable.
And even a lot of pentagon generals are threatening to resign if Trump becomes POTUS.

The implosion of the GOP could be the greatest thing to ever happen in America.

Dems- party of slavery and segregation.
....That's why they fight so hard to keep the confederate flag flying in the state capitals. The GOP has been getting the votes of the bigots for decades. All right wing groups vote republican. So for Paul Ryan to disavow bigotry in the republican party, is just a big lie. Without the bigot vote, the GOP loses every time. Everybody knows the bigots didn't vote for Obama. And everybody knows the bigots love seeing Obama smeared by the GOP for the last seven years.
But Paul Ryan's declaration has given all of the bigot vote to Trump. And Trump loves having those's the vast majority of republican voters.
But this may be an epiphany to republicans that aren't bigots. There are many already, even in congress, that are threatening to leave the GOP if Trump gets the nomination,...which looks more than probable.
And even a lot of pentagon generals are threatening to resign if Trump becomes POTUS.

The implosion of the GOP could be the greatest thing to ever happen in America.

Dems- party of slavery and segregation.
BWAK! Parrot talk of the right. More fail.
....That's why they fight so hard to keep the confederate flag flying in the state capitals. The GOP has been getting the votes of the bigots for decades. All right wing groups vote republican. So for Paul Ryan to disavow bigotry in the republican party, is just a big lie. Without the bigot vote, the GOP loses every time. Everybody knows the bigots didn't vote for Obama. And everybody knows the bigots love seeing Obama smeared by the GOP for the last seven years.
But Paul Ryan's declaration has given all of the bigot vote to Trump. And Trump loves having those's the vast majority of republican voters.
But this may be an epiphany to republicans that aren't bigots. There are many already, even in congress, that are threatening to leave the GOP if Trump gets the nomination,...which looks more than probable.
And even a lot of pentagon generals are threatening to resign if Trump becomes POTUS.

The implosion of the GOP could be the greatest thing to ever happen in America.
it's a backward inbred culture

And yet you voted for BIll Clinton. ANd later AL Gore. If you're old enough you voted for JImmy Carter.

YOu are so full of it.
I voted for Ralph Nader four times starting in 1996. Thanks for showing that you are the one full of it.

so, unable to tell the difference between yourself and another leftist.

THat's a real good sheep you are.
Typical right wing moron you are, unable to tell the difference between an independent and a democrat. Here's a clue, the dems wouldn't let Nader debate with them.
The flag that flew from the stern of slave ships for about two hundred freaking years was the Union Jack, the French flag and others and later the Stars and Stripes. Lefties love to pin labels on people (something like the yellow star?) but it was the New England states that made money from shipping human cargo. New Jersey only outlawed slavery a scant fifteen years before the Civil War. The (civil) war has been over for about a hundred and fifty years but lefties can't let go of it because it's all they have.
Could somebody translate this hatefilled spitball?

He is admitting that some of the GOP's candidates are "diverse".

He judges them to be better, because they are minorities.

He thinks that the Establishment is the force trying to shove this down throats of the bigoted rank and file Republican voters.

You know, the way the Establishment was pushing Herman Cain, last election. NOT!
He is admitting that the GOP is trying but has a long, long way to go. The minorities certainly seem to think that based on the overwhelming poll numbers saying they will not vote Trump or GOP.

He also judged them to be better based on being minorities.

That is consistent with the Conventional Wisdom.

And it bigoted and racist.

A candidates worth is not increased by being black or brown.

That minorities think something does not make it so. They do not have some special ability to judge the GOP or TRump because they are minorities.

That type of thinking is also racist.
He judged them to be doing better, not that they were better.

Judging a person's racism based on objective fact and evidence is not racism.

His exacts words were "demographically significant".

That is not judging them on "doing better" that is him clearly saying that they "were better" BECAUSE they are minorities.

And judging someone by their skin color is racism.
Once again you are caught by your own words. You are taking the words out of content: they were "is trying to promote demographically significant candidates, they are still rife with homophobic, transphobic and religious bigotry."

It is clear that the writer believes the Party has a long way to go.
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....That's why they fight so hard to keep the confederate flag flying in the state capitals. The GOP has been getting the votes of the bigots for decades. All right wing groups vote republican. So for Paul Ryan to disavow bigotry in the republican party, is just a big lie. Without the bigot vote, the GOP loses every time. Everybody knows the bigots didn't vote for Obama. And everybody knows the bigots love seeing Obama smeared by the GOP for the last seven years.
But Paul Ryan's declaration has given all of the bigot vote to Trump. And Trump loves having those's the vast majority of republican voters.
But this may be an epiphany to republicans that aren't bigots. There are many already, even in congress, that are threatening to leave the GOP if Trump gets the nomination,...which looks more than probable.
And even a lot of pentagon generals are threatening to resign if Trump becomes POTUS.

The implosion of the GOP could be the greatest thing to ever happen in America.

Dems- party of slavery and segregation.
BWAK! Parrot talk of the right. More fail.

Truth hurts hence your constant deflecting and name calling.
....That's why they fight so hard to keep the confederate flag flying in the state capitals. The GOP has been getting the votes of the bigots for decades. All right wing groups vote republican. So for Paul Ryan to disavow bigotry in the republican party, is just a big lie. Without the bigot vote, the GOP loses every time. Everybody knows the bigots didn't vote for Obama. And everybody knows the bigots love seeing Obama smeared by the GOP for the last seven years.
But Paul Ryan's declaration has given all of the bigot vote to Trump. And Trump loves having those's the vast majority of republican voters.
But this may be an epiphany to republicans that aren't bigots. There are many already, even in congress, that are threatening to leave the GOP if Trump gets the nomination,...which looks more than probable.
And even a lot of pentagon generals are threatening to resign if Trump becomes POTUS.

The implosion of the GOP could be the greatest thing to ever happen in America.
it's a backward inbred culture

And yet you voted for BIll Clinton. ANd later AL Gore. If you're old enough you voted for JImmy Carter.

YOu are so full of it.
I voted for Ralph Nader four times starting in 1996. Thanks for showing that you are the one full of it.

so, unable to tell the difference between yourself and another leftist.

THat's a real good sheep you are.
Typical right wing moron you are, unable to tell the difference between an independent and a democrat. Here's a clue, the dems wouldn't let Nader debate with them.

Let me try to dumb this down to your level.

He is admitting that some of the GOP's candidates are "diverse".

He judges them to be better, because they are minorities.

He thinks that the Establishment is the force trying to shove this down throats of the bigoted rank and file Republican voters.

You know, the way the Establishment was pushing Herman Cain, last election. NOT!
He is admitting that the GOP is trying but has a long, long way to go. The minorities certainly seem to think that based on the overwhelming poll numbers saying they will not vote Trump or GOP.

He also judged them to be better based on being minorities.

That is consistent with the Conventional Wisdom.

And it bigoted and racist.

A candidates worth is not increased by being black or brown.

That minorities think something does not make it so. They do not have some special ability to judge the GOP or TRump because they are minorities.

That type of thinking is also racist.
He judged them to be doing better, not that they were better.

Judging a person's racism based on objective fact and evidence is not racism.

His exacts words were "demographically significant".

That is not judging them on "doing better" that is him clearly saying that they "were better" BECAUSE they are minorities.

And judging someone by their skin color is racism.
Once again you are caught by your own words. You are taking the words out of content: they were "is trying to promote demographically significant candidates, they are still rife with homophobic, transphobic and religious bigotry."

It is clear that the writer believes the Party has a long way to go.

I took the words IN CONTEXT.

Nothing in your post disputed my points.

Here they are again.

His exacts words were "demographically significant".

That is not judging them on the job the candidates are doing that is him clearly saying that they "were better" BECAUSE they are minorities.

And judging someone by their skin color is racism.
....That's why they fight so hard to keep the confederate flag flying in the state capitals. The GOP has been getting the votes of the bigots for decades. All right wing groups vote republican. So for Paul Ryan to disavow bigotry in the republican party, is just a big lie. Without the bigot vote, the GOP loses every time. Everybody knows the bigots didn't vote for Obama. And everybody knows the bigots love seeing Obama smeared by the GOP for the last seven years.
But Paul Ryan's declaration has given all of the bigot vote to Trump. And Trump loves having those's the vast majority of republican voters.
But this may be an epiphany to republicans that aren't bigots. There are many already, even in congress, that are threatening to leave the GOP if Trump gets the nomination,...which looks more than probable.
And even a lot of pentagon generals are threatening to resign if Trump becomes POTUS.

The implosion of the GOP could be the greatest thing to ever happen in America.

FREEMEN have the right to be bigots.

Bigots have a right to freely associate,

Bigots have a right to open a PRIVATE restaurant, club association and discriminate.

Now , a bigot who holds public office does NOT have a right to discriminate..

Our rights emanate from NATURE'S GOD - so they are extra constitutional and do NOT depend on bureaucrats bigots or otherwise.

These are the words: ""is trying to promote demographically significant candidates, they are still rife with homophobic, transphobic and religious bigotry." The party is trying but is having real problems is what the sentence means.
These are the words: ""is trying to promote demographically significant candidates, they are still rife with homophobic, transphobic and religious bigotry." The party is trying but is having real problems is what the sentence means.
What the cotton picking hell is a "transphobic?" I shore don't like our bus system down here cause its mostly blacks on the buses.

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