The social con Christians must clean up their hypocrisy


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2009
Christian evangelical hypocrisy damages those who are uncertain in faith matters.

My kids are non-religious, mainly because of shit like this. They were both involved in Young Life, including YL summer camp during high school, but both have opted out at this point because they don't believe in anti-gay discrimination. Both have gay/lesbian friends.
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Many of the youngest millennials (now 17 and 18), although they may be spiritual or searching, seem to have no interest in the far right social con version of Christianity.
Many of the youngest millennials (now 17 and 18), although they may be spiritual or searching, seem to have no interest in the far right social con version of Christianity.

I would agree with that. On the other hand, what I have begun to notice is that many of my daughter's circle of friends in the LGBT community of that same age are not interested in the left either. I have heard them comment many times that the left talks a good game but they don't actually do anything to help their cause. They seem to have the opinion of 'a pox on both your houses'. I do not know if that is widespread sentiment within the community or just that circle of friends, but it caught my attention.
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A '. . . pox on both your houses' seems to be right.

They are idealistic if somewhat socially libertarian, it appears. They want change, and the left and right simply do not inspire them.
I would agree with this, as well. They are interested in current affairs, but jaded about both parties and social conservatism.
A '. . . pox on both your houses' seems to be right.

They are idealistic if somewhat socially libertarian, it appears. They want change, and the left and right simply do not inspire them.

That is my reading as well. I enjoy having discussions with my children's friends to see where their generation is heading. I see a lot of fiscally conservative and socially liberal people. Most of them have gone Independent, but some have actually gone to the Republican party which surprised the shit out of me. Their argument is that since they agree with the Republican positions on economics and business policy they can lend support to that and at the same time influence the party's position on social issues from the inside by providing a dissenting voting block that will demand attention from political candidates. It's an interesting strategy. I will be curious to see if it takes hold and what effect it will have over the course of 10 years or so
Is this another I HATE CHRISTIAN THREADS.................

awwww.....................How quaint..........................Has become common place in this country now..............

It's the evil Christians.....................Get off your High Horse......................

TEA PARTY.........................

Taxed enough already......................................

Riddle me this.........................................Our Federal Budget is greater than the GDP of what nations on this earth.....................ENJOY....................
A socially libertarian younger GOP base with concern for conservative economics would be a wonderful thing in the party.
A socially libertarian younger GOP base with concern for conservative economics would be a wonderful thing in the party.
Who hates the GOP? It's the teapers that are messing up, not the mainstream.
All they really need to do is to stop resisting the forces of natural evolution that our species is undergoing..
Once they come to the realization that greed is NOT good, and mankind no longer NEEDS mythological deities to explain their existence, and govern their activities, the problems will be solved..!!
Is this another I HATE CHRISTIAN THREADS.................

awwww.....................How quaint..........................Has become common place in this country now..............

It's the evil Christians.....................Get off your High Horse......................

Wow...Talk about defensive. I am a Christian and I happen to agree with the OP. As Christians we should worry about keeping our own side of the street clean before we start worrying about everyone else. I see the OP as doing nothing more than advancing Paul's advice in 1 Corinthians 5:12 "12 What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside? 13 God will judge those outside..."
Is this another I HATE CHRISTIAN THREADS.................

awwww.....................How quaint..........................Has become common place in this country now..............

It's the evil Christians.....................Get off your High Horse......................

Wow...Talk about defensive. I am a Christian and I happen to agree with the OP. As Christians we should worry about keeping our own side of the street clean before we start worrying about everyone else. I see the OP as doing nothing more than advancing Paul's advice in 1 Corinthians 5:12 "12 What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside? 13 God will judge those outside..."

The OP is about the usual...................Attacking the TEA PARTY and using the theme of attacking Christians.............................

Answer the dang riddle........................I support the TEA Party...............and Conservative values of an out of control Gov't..............................

Keep our own side of the Street Clean......................aka attack the TEA Party who want Fiscal Responsibility and a smaller less intrusive Gov't............

Get real..............this is a normal ATTACK OP.
The eagles of the world just so believe God needs their help to work His wondrous way. And the atheists simply have a clue to anything.

The Tea Party does not represent God or good government, only greed and control of others.
My last post disappears...................................Unsubscribe....................Enjoy your TEA Party bashing.

It's not an attack on Christians. It's not an attack on Christianity itself. It's not even an attack.

It's simply refuting the repressive dogma under which some would oppress others who do not share their beliefs.

In order to march rank and file in the Social Conservative movement, one must, as Pope John Paul once famously said, buy the whole enchilada. Heaven, Hell, salvation, damnation, redemption and condemnation are absolutes many modern people are not subscribing to any more. Choices, free will and freedom have opened up many opportunities Social Conservatism walls up under their righteous dogma.

Perhaps Americans will not subscribe to narrow, restrictive and judgmental thinking. If that irritates the Social Conservatives, then it is clear that the lessons to be learned are on the desks of the Social Conservatives and not on the Americans who crave personal liberty free of dogmatic thinking.

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