the silver lining/chicken salad thead - dems have lost roughly 1,000 seats ever since...


Good guys wear white hats
Aug 23, 2011
Bham, AL
...Obamacare was the main issue

with 49 dems and several unreliable repubs; we can be assure that it will be a primary focal point of 2018

we're going to gain ground in the midterms

book it

The democrats will be losing this seat in 2020 guaranteed and Trump will have the last laugh. Economy is improving, stock market at record highs, illegals crossing the border way down, tax reform coming soon....its looking good for 2018
The democrats will be losing this seat in 2020 guaranteed and Trump will have the last laugh. Economy is improving, stock market at record highs, illegals crossing the border way down, tax reform coming soon....its looking good for 2018
The democrats will be losing this seat in 2020 guaranteed
not if Moore runs again
The democrats will be losing this seat in 2020 guaranteed and Trump will have the last laugh. Economy is improving, stock market at record highs, illegals crossing the border way down, tax reform coming soon....its looking good for 2018
The democrats will be losing this seat in 2020 guaranteed
not if Moore runs again

I can't see Moore running again but I CAN see him suing the backsides off those who have stated calumnies against him. He'll have plenty of time to do that. I'd be selling any shares I have in the WaPo.

The democrats will be losing this seat in 2020 guaranteed and Trump will have the last laugh. Economy is improving, stock market at record highs, illegals crossing the border way down, tax reform coming soon....its looking good for 2018
The democrats will be losing this seat in 2020 guaranteed
not if Moore runs again
I can just imagine in some bizarro universe a Hillary Clinton/Roy Moore ticket for president.
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The democrats will be losing this seat in 2020 guaranteed and Trump will have the last laugh. Economy is improving, stock market at record highs, illegals crossing the border way down, tax reform coming soon....its looking good for 2018
The democrats will be losing this seat in 2020 guaranteed
not if Moore runs again

I can't see Moore running again but I CAN see him suing the backsides off those who have stated calumnies against him. He'll have plenty of time to do that. I'd be selling any shares I have in the WaPo.

He can sue, but then he will have the burden of proving the claims untrue.....he will not have the presumption of innocence as in a criminal trial.
The democrats will be losing this seat in 2020 guaranteed and Trump will have the last laugh. Economy is improving, stock market at record highs, illegals crossing the border way down, tax reform coming soon....its looking good for 2018
The democrats will be losing this seat in 2020 guaranteed
not if Moore runs again

I can't see Moore running again but I CAN see him suing the backsides off those who have stated calumnies against him. He'll have plenty of time to do that. I'd be selling any shares I have in the WaPo.

He can sue, but then he will have the burden of proving the claims untrue.....he will not have the presumption of innocence as in a criminal trial.

That is true, and it will be difficult. But I would a criminal complaint might be on the to do list.

Remember: this IS Alabama..
Reckless disregard for the truth satisfies the “actual malice” test in some states.

May not have to prove malice. I need to think aboudit some more.

Alabama Defamation Law: Legal Primer and Lawyer Contact | Kelly / Warner Law | Defamation Law, Internet Law, Business Law

The democrats will be losing this seat in 2020 guaranteed and Trump will have the last laugh. Economy is improving, stock market at record highs, illegals crossing the border way down, tax reform coming soon....its looking good for 2018
The democrats will be losing this seat in 2020 guaranteed
not if Moore runs again

I can't see Moore running again but I CAN see him suing the backsides off those who have stated calumnies against him. He'll have plenty of time to do that. I'd be selling any shares I have in the WaPo.

He can sue, but then he will have the burden of proving the claims untrue.....he will not have the presumption of innocence as in a criminal trial.

That is true, and it will be difficult. But I would a criminal complaint might be on the to do list.

Remember: this IS Alabama..
Reckless disregard for the truth satisfies the “actual malice” test in some states.

May not have to prove malice. I need to think aboudit some more.

Alabama Defamation Law: Legal Primer and Lawyer Contact | Kelly / Warner Law | Defamation Law, Internet Law, Business Law

It will be interesting if it happens.

APJI 23.10 Fault (Public Figure/Official Plaintiff): Actual Malice. Because the plaintiff is a public figure/official in regard to the statement that is complained of, the plaintiff must prove by clear and convincing evidence that the defendant published the statement that is complained of with actual malice--that is, with knowledge that the statement was false or with "reckless disregard."In determining whether the defendant published in "reckless disregard" of whether the statement that is complained of was false or not, you must not consider whether a reasonably prudent person would have published the statement or would have investigated before publishing; instead, you must be clearly convinced that the defendant in fact entertained serious doubts as to the truth of the statement. Clear and convincing proof involves a degree of belief greater than the usually imposed burden of proof by a preponderance of the evidence. Clear and convincing proof leaves no substantial doubt in your mind. It is proof that establishes in your mind not only that the proposition at issue is probable, but also that it is highly probable.

Defamation Laws in Alabama © - Guides - Avvo

There's that "reckless disregard" again.

And a couple of the police officers testimonies about the fact they were told to protect the teen cheerleaders from him will blow Moore out of court, and open him up for countersuit.

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