The Secret Racist History of the Democratic Party

And the ghetto bigots are politically liberal.....
Really? Where could they be found in the 1850's forward? The Boston or New York slums which were chocker block full of lily white immigrants from Europe at the time along with the other port of entry cities at that time and beyond?
At that time the parties were both very conservative....

No......the lefties are trying to smear Modern American Conservatives with the stain of labeling democrats in the south who owned slaves "conservative" .....that is a lie...

The Modern American Conservative believes in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights...specifically that all men are created equal....something the democrats have never believed.....

Modern American Conservatives are what used to be called "Classical Liberals." But they have to hide the racism of the democrats, then and now, because they need the black they lie and try to smear the people who freed the black slaves and helped them to get their rights as citizens......if the democrats ever lose the black vote..they are finished.

Tell us what wasn't conservative about Southern Democrats.

They were conservatives. They were trying to conserve the slavery of the democrat party.

They are not in any way connected to Modern American Conservatives...which is who you are trying to equate with them...which is a lie.....a vile one at that.

Modern American Conservatives want to conserve the founding ideas....that all men are created equal.....the Constitution and especially the Bill of Rights are what we are trying to conserve....

Modern democrats...are trying to conserve their power over all races...not just blacks.....
Hey Jethro, gimme that their box of matches to light up that straw man! Modern American Conservatism is a euphemism for Modern James Crow Conservatism. Have another glass of that fine vintage of 1861 status quo produced by that distinguished winery, States Rights & Sons of the South!
Really? Where could they be found in the 1850's forward? The Boston or New York slums which were chocker block full of lily white immigrants from Europe at the time along with the other port of entry cities at that time and beyond?
At that time the parties were both very conservative....

No......the lefties are trying to smear Modern American Conservatives with the stain of labeling democrats in the south who owned slaves "conservative" .....that is a lie...

The Modern American Conservative believes in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights...specifically that all men are created equal....something the democrats have never believed.....

Modern American Conservatives are what used to be called "Classical Liberals." But they have to hide the racism of the democrats, then and now, because they need the black they lie and try to smear the people who freed the black slaves and helped them to get their rights as citizens......if the democrats ever lose the black vote..they are finished.

Tell us what wasn't conservative about Southern Democrats.

They were conservatives. They were trying to conserve the slavery of the democrat party.

They are not in any way connected to Modern American Conservatives...which is who you are trying to equate with them...which is a lie.....a vile one at that.

Modern American Conservatives want to conserve the founding ideas....that all men are created equal.....the Constitution and especially the Bill of Rights are what we are trying to conserve....

Modern democrats...are trying to conserve their power over all races...not just blacks.....
Hey Jethro, gimme that their box of matches to light up that straw man! Modern American Conservatism is a euphemism for Modern James Crow Conservatism. Have another glass of that fine vintage of 1861 status quo produced by that distinguished winery, States Rights & Sons of the South!

Word !

For example, who flies into fits at the thought of a nonissue like a black women being put on the $20 bill???? Here's a hint, it's not the democrats !
I don't understand why anyone care what the positions of the Democratic Party were 150 years ago. Things change.

You guys all seem to think it's some epic scandal.
The point is crystal clear. If anyone should be apologizing for's you guys. We had zip to do with it. You act like it's our damned fault you chose to hitch your wagon to a racist party like the Democratic Party.

What are you talking about?

Who has demanded that you apologize for slavery?

The more I'm on here the more ridiculous you folks on the left get. Now you're saying you haven't heard of the push for reparations, and never heard of Social Justice, which is essentially an apology from White America for slavery.

There is no legitimate "push" for reparations, and the fact that you think "social justice" means "apologizing for slavery" is just further proof (as if we needed any) that you've missed the point entirely.
Well, this kind of apology is in the form of a check every month like Native Americans in movies and television.....special treatment when it comes to benefits and privileges. That kind of Social Justice. Spreading the wealth.
You can provide all the facts in the world and those brain-dead dedicated members of this party will claim they are lies. Or, “this was all in the past.” So, if you don't want to know the truth, just pass on by.


One of the most vivid examples of collusion between the KKK and Democratic Party was when Democrat Senator Wade Hampton ran for the governorship of South Carolina in 1876. The Klan put into action a battle plan to help Democrats win, stating: “Every Democrat must feel honor bound to control the vote of at least one Negro by intimidation…. Democrats must go in as large numbers…and well-armed.” An issue of Harper’s Weekly that same year illustrated this mindset with a depiction of two white Democrats standing next to a black man while pointing a gun at him. At the bottom of the depiction is a caption that reads: “Of Course He Wants To Vote The Democratic Ticket!”

Full story with links @ Articles: The Secret Racist History of the Democratic Party

It is a secret to Progressives who only read their own stories and chug their own Kool-Aide. The Ku Klux Klan was begun as the radical branch of the Democrat Party.
You can provide all the facts in the world and those brain-dead dedicated members of this party will claim they are lies. Or, “this was all in the past.” So, if you don't want to know the truth, just pass on by.


One of the most vivid examples of collusion between the KKK and Democratic Party was when Democrat Senator Wade Hampton ran for the governorship of South Carolina in 1876. The Klan put into action a battle plan to help Democrats win, stating: “Every Democrat must feel honor bound to control the vote of at least one Negro by intimidation…. Democrats must go in as large numbers…and well-armed.” An issue of Harper’s Weekly that same year illustrated this mindset with a depiction of two white Democrats standing next to a black man while pointing a gun at him. At the bottom of the depiction is a caption that reads: “Of Course He Wants To Vote The Democratic Ticket!”

Full story with links @ Articles: The Secret Racist History of the Democratic Party
You aren't fooling anyone, and are probably pissing off every black person who reads it and sees right through you.

Those democrat (sic) racists you morons always have to go back more than half a century to find were right wingers. You see, beside being racists, they believed in Jesus, small government, gun rights, low taxes, oppressing minorities under the pretense of "states rights", and hated commies. Sound familiar? They were the WHOLE BAG, not just racists.

And they are Republicans now. Just ask the next guy you see waving or wearing a Confederate flag, retard.



Nope.......the modern racist democrats believe in big government......that is why they stayed the time of democrat owned slaves.....they wanted a smaller central government so they could have complete control over how they treated their black need a big, powerful central government to help them control everyone.....for democrat is all about power......

lol, so the states rights conservatives who owned slaves were liberals?

Are you sure about that?

No...they were democrats.
They were right wing Democrats. That's the big secret you tards always leave out.
You can provide all the facts in the world and those brain-dead dedicated members of this party will claim they are lies. Or, “this was all in the past.” So, if you don't want to know the truth, just pass on by.


One of the most vivid examples of collusion between the KKK and Democratic Party was when Democrat Senator Wade Hampton ran for the governorship of South Carolina in 1876. The Klan put into action a battle plan to help Democrats win, stating: “Every Democrat must feel honor bound to control the vote of at least one Negro by intimidation…. Democrats must go in as large numbers…and well-armed.” An issue of Harper’s Weekly that same year illustrated this mindset with a depiction of two white Democrats standing next to a black man while pointing a gun at him. At the bottom of the depiction is a caption that reads: “Of Course He Wants To Vote The Democratic Ticket!”

Full story with links @ Articles: The Secret Racist History of the Democratic Party
Yes...Southern and Midwestern Democrats started the KKK...everyone knows that. It's not a secret. But I believe all those people are dead. So...if you want to go on about holding today's Democrats responsible for the ones in the late 1800s, you must also be for slave reparations today.
No....they were using States rights to violate the Constitution and the Bill of Rights......not to support them...

You should tell that to your fellow wingnuts here. Talk to Steve McGarrett

Which one is he?
One of yours.

In the meantime, Democrats aren't racist.
In the meantime Democrats are racist, because with a monopoly on the non-white vote comes a monopoly on non-white racism.

Once again, most Democrats are white, not that it matters. But by your logic that would mean the Republican party is VERY racist.
Not really because there are still plenty of redneck idiots who vote Democrat to go along with the Nation of Islam La Raza nutters who seem to be taking over the party.

I remember this one dumbass cart pusher at Walmart who told me he thought Obama was a Muslim and ended up voting for Obama(for the 2nd time)in 2012 because he was a Southern Baptist who hated Mormons. I also know a diehard Democrat dipshit who said she would love to shoot most of the 2016 Republican presidential candidates, and she also said that this country "won't elect another black president for a long time" the day Ben Carson dropped out(and of course she is also an idiot who thinks Trump called all Mexicans rapists and insists he is a racist for saying that).

Most white racists don't like either party and they usually choose the most anti-white one out of the 2 because they are idiots.
You can provide all the facts in the world and those brain-dead dedicated members of this party will claim they are lies. Or, “this was all in the past.” So, if you don't want to know the truth, just pass on by.


One of the most vivid examples of collusion between the KKK and Democratic Party was when Democrat Senator Wade Hampton ran for the governorship of South Carolina in 1876. The Klan put into action a battle plan to help Democrats win, stating: “Every Democrat must feel honor bound to control the vote of at least one Negro by intimidation…. Democrats must go in as large numbers…and well-armed.” An issue of Harper’s Weekly that same year illustrated this mindset with a depiction of two white Democrats standing next to a black man while pointing a gun at him. At the bottom of the depiction is a caption that reads: “Of Course He Wants To Vote The Democratic Ticket!”

Full story with links @ Articles: The Secret Racist History of the Democratic Party
You aren't fooling anyone, and are probably pissing off every black person who reads it and sees right through you.

Those democrat (sic) racists you morons always have to go back more than half a century to find were right wingers. You see, beside being racists, they believed in Jesus, small government, gun rights, low taxes, oppressing minorities under the pretense of "states rights", and hated commies. Sound familiar? They were the WHOLE BAG, not just racists.

And they are Republicans now. Just ask the next guy you see waving or wearing a Confederate flag, retard.



Nope.......the modern racist democrats believe in big government......that is why they stayed the time of democrat owned slaves.....they wanted a smaller central government so they could have complete control over how they treated their black need a big, powerful central government to help them control everyone.....for democrat is all about power......

lol, so the states rights conservatives who owned slaves were liberals?

Are you sure about that?

No...they were democrats.
They were right wing Democrats. That's the big secret you tards always leave out.

Nope...they were democrats......Right wing today means you believe in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence...where it says all men are created equal...

Democrats have never believed that and have always resented the Constitution....
I don't understand why anyone care what the positions of the Democratic Party were 150 years ago. Things change.

You guys all seem to think it's some epic scandal.

Nothing has changed really, except the tactics by the Dem party. Minorities have trusted them for decades and things are worse than ever. Minorities have been kept down by the welfare state. Government assuming the role of father has created dysfunction in families, not just minority ones. PP continues to target minorities for abortions to control the population.

The Dems lie today like they lied 150 years ago about what their real motives are. Obama can bring up the centuries old crusades yet the left says Benghazi is ancient history.

If things had changed, it would be history and it wouldn't matter. In this case, given that the mindset and dishonesty in the Dem party remains the same, we simply see history repeating itself over and over. It just looks different because in modern times, the Dems claim it's for the greater good instead of being openly racist.

Racism is still quite evident in the Dem party by way of them insisting that minorities are incapable of survival without nanny government. You guys don't even think they can obtain an ID. That is something a young teen does easily.
Exactly what is supposed to be 'secret' about history?

It's only secret to those who don't know it .. and its only relevant in the modern-era by comparing with how both parties have flipped.

The Republican Party began as an anti-slavery party .. but today, it's the home for racists.

Anyone up for comparing where both parties are today .. especially given the precarious position the Republican Party is in today BECAUSE of its racist strategy known as the 'Southern Strategy" .. which has put them on a path to becoming the Whigs. :0)


Specifically, what have Democrats done to help blacks?

You can provide all the facts in the world and those brain-dead dedicated members of this party will claim they are lies. Or, “this was all in the past.” So, if you don't want to know the truth, just pass on by.


One of the most vivid examples of collusion between the KKK and Democratic Party was when Democrat Senator Wade Hampton ran for the governorship of South Carolina in 1876. The Klan put into action a battle plan to help Democrats win, stating: “Every Democrat must feel honor bound to control the vote of at least one Negro by intimidation…. Democrats must go in as large numbers…and well-armed.” An issue of Harper’s Weekly that same year illustrated this mindset with a depiction of two white Democrats standing next to a black man while pointing a gun at him. At the bottom of the depiction is a caption that reads: “Of Course He Wants To Vote The Democratic Ticket!”

Full story with links @ Articles: The Secret Racist History of the Democratic Party

It is a secret to Progressives who only read their own stories and chug their own Kool-Aide. The Ku Klux Klan was begun as the radical branch of the Democrat Party.

Yeah, in that liberal hotbed state of Tennesee !!! Right after the civil war ended !!! Lol!!!
Really? Where could they be found in the 1850's forward? The Boston or New York slums which were chocker block full of lily white immigrants from Europe at the time along with the other port of entry cities at that time and beyond?
At that time the parties were both very conservative....

No......the lefties are trying to smear Modern American Conservatives with the stain of labeling democrats in the south who owned slaves "conservative" .....that is a lie...

The Modern American Conservative believes in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights...specifically that all men are created equal....something the democrats have never believed.....

Modern American Conservatives are what used to be called "Classical Liberals." But they have to hide the racism of the democrats, then and now, because they need the black they lie and try to smear the people who freed the black slaves and helped them to get their rights as citizens......if the democrats ever lose the black vote..they are finished.

Tell us what wasn't conservative about Southern Democrats.

They were conservatives. They were trying to conserve the slavery of the democrat party.

They are not in any way connected to Modern American Conservatives...which is who you are trying to equate with them...which is a lie.....a vile one at that.

Modern American Conservatives want to conserve the founding ideas....that all men are created equal.....the Constitution and especially the Bill of Rights are what we are trying to conserve....

Modern democrats...are trying to conserve their power over all races...not just blacks.....
Hey Jethro, gimme that their box of matches to light up that straw man! Modern American Conservatism is a euphemism for Modern James Crow Conservatism. Have another glass of that fine vintage of 1861 status quo produced by that distinguished winery, States Rights & Sons of the South!

That was Democrat conservatism. Times change.....and so did the Democrats. Republicans pretty much stayed the same. It was never the party of slavery or the party of taking advantage of minorities. That's the Democratic Party. 100%. Always has been and always will be.

The Democratic Party went from being the party of segregation and Jim Crow to the party of "Anyone who doesn't patronize people because of their race is a racist". Regardless of the rhetoric, it's still wrong and immoral.
You can provide all the facts in the world and those brain-dead dedicated members of this party will claim they are lies. Or, “this was all in the past.” So, if you don't want to know the truth, just pass on by.


One of the most vivid examples of collusion between the KKK and Democratic Party was when Democrat Senator Wade Hampton ran for the governorship of South Carolina in 1876. The Klan put into action a battle plan to help Democrats win, stating: “Every Democrat must feel honor bound to control the vote of at least one Negro by intimidation…. Democrats must go in as large numbers…and well-armed.” An issue of Harper’s Weekly that same year illustrated this mindset with a depiction of two white Democrats standing next to a black man while pointing a gun at him. At the bottom of the depiction is a caption that reads: “Of Course He Wants To Vote The Democratic Ticket!”

Full story with links @ Articles: The Secret Racist History of the Democratic Party
Yes...Southern and Midwestern Democrats started the KKK...everyone knows that. It's not a secret. But I believe all those people are dead. So...if you want to go on about holding today's Democrats responsible for the ones in the late 1800s, you must also be for slave reparations today.

No...we are holding todays democrats responsible for these racists...

al sharpton and his national action racists.

La Raza...hispanic racists...

nation of racists... racists...

reverend jeremiah racist.....obama's good personal friend and pastor.....

Rainbow/Push racists....

All of these groups are modern members of the democrat party...all of them are openly and proudly racist......

We don't have to go back to slave owning, racist democrats...we have enough racist democrats today....
I don't understand why anyone care what the positions of the Democratic Party were 150 years ago. Things change.

You guys all seem to think it's some epic scandal.

Nothing has changed really, except the tactics by the Dem party. Minorities have trusted them for decades and things are worse than ever. Minorities have been kept down by the welfare state. Government assuming the role of father has created dysfunction in families, not just minority ones. PP continues to target minorities for abortions to control the population.

The Dems lie today like they lied 150 years ago about what their real motives are. Obama can bring up the centuries old crusades yet the left says Benghazi is ancient history.

If things had changed, it would be history and it wouldn't matter. In this case, given that the mindset and dishonesty in the Dem party remains the same, we simply see history repeating itself over and over. It just looks different because in modern times, the Dems claim it's for the greater good instead of being openly racist.

Racism is still quite evident in the Dem party by way of them insisting that minorities are incapable of survival without nanny government. You guys don't even think they can obtain an ID. That is something a young teen does easily.

Ya know what's reeeeeally racist ? Implying that all minorities are on welfare !! Which is what the GOP does all the time !!!!! It's literally one of their talking points .
Can any contemporary Republican answer a simple question? Has political party identity always coincided with political ideology?

Have Republicans always been Conservative as some believe Democrats have always been Liberal?

Can any contemporary Conservative rationalize the Lineralism of Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt?
I don't understand why anyone care what the positions of the Democratic Party were 150 years ago. Things change.

You guys all seem to think it's some epic scandal.

Nothing has changed really, except the tactics by the Dem party. Minorities have trusted them for decades and things are worse than ever. Minorities have been kept down by the welfare state. Government assuming the role of father has created dysfunction in families, not just minority ones. PP continues to target minorities for abortions to control the population.

The Dems lie today like they lied 150 years ago about what their real motives are. Obama can bring up the centuries old crusades yet the left says Benghazi is ancient history.

If things had changed, it would be history and it wouldn't matter. In this case, given that the mindset and dishonesty in the Dem party remains the same, we simply see history repeating itself over and over. It just looks different because in modern times, the Dems claim it's for the greater good instead of being openly racist.

Racism is still quite evident in the Dem party by way of them insisting that minorities are incapable of survival without nanny government. You guys don't even think they can obtain an ID. That is something a young teen does easily.

Ya know what's reeeeeally racist ? Implying that all minorities are on welfare !! Which is what the GOP does all the time !!!!! It's literally one of their talking points .

Yeah...right......tell that to Ben Carson, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Niki Haley, Susanah Martinez, Mia Love............I don't believe that they are on welfare...and they are all part of Republican leadership......,
Can any contemporary Republican answer a simple question? Has political party identity always coincided with political ideology?

Have Republicans always been Conservative as some believe Democrats have always been Liberal?

Can any contemporary Conservative rationalize the Lineralism of Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt?

Democrats are not "liberal"...they simply use that name to disguise who they really are...they are big government no way is that "liberal."
You aren't fooling anyone, and are probably pissing off every black person who reads it and sees right through you.

Those democrat (sic) racists you morons always have to go back more than half a century to find were right wingers. You see, beside being racists, they believed in Jesus, small government, gun rights, low taxes, oppressing minorities under the pretense of "states rights", and hated commies. Sound familiar? They were the WHOLE BAG, not just racists.

And they are Republicans now. Just ask the next guy you see waving or wearing a Confederate flag, retard.



Nope.......the modern racist democrats believe in big government......that is why they stayed the time of democrat owned slaves.....they wanted a smaller central government so they could have complete control over how they treated their black need a big, powerful central government to help them control everyone.....for democrat is all about power......

lol, so the states rights conservatives who owned slaves were liberals?

Are you sure about that?

No...they were democrats.
They were right wing Democrats. That's the big secret you tards always leave out.

Nope...they were democrats......Right wing today means....

Oh, look at that! Suddenly you jump to the present!

Democrat today doesn't meant what it meant a half century ago, retard.

Democrats have never believed that and have always resented the Constitution....
Nope.......the modern racist democrats believe in big government......that is why they stayed the time of democrat owned slaves.....they wanted a smaller central government so they could have complete control over how they treated their black need a big, powerful central government to help them control everyone.....for democrat is all about power......

lol, so the states rights conservatives who owned slaves were liberals?

Are you sure about that?

No...they were democrats.
They were right wing Democrats. That's the big secret you tards always leave out.

Nope...they were democrats......Right wing today means....

Oh, look at that! Suddenly you jump to the present!

Democrat today doesn't meant what it meant a half century ago, retard.

Democrats have never believed that and have always resented the Constitution.... doesn't...back in the democrat slave owning days they wanted to own and control blacks. Today they want to own and control all the races...times and tactics change...the democrat racists don't have to lynch blacks and Republicans....they can simply buy those votes with government hand outs....times change...democrats don't.
It's amazing how hard the retards work on their denial that a great many Democrats were also right wingers 50 years ago.

This is part of the fascinating pathology of a pseudo-con.

Here's another fact, retards. The Republicans up North who were for civil rights were known as liberals! Surprise!

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