The Second Should Be The Center Of Our Fight


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
It truly should because it's the fail safe plan our founders built. Islamic State will NOT attack your home with as much zeal if they think they could get shot.
The second IS what defends you AGAINST any tyranny of ANY party today and well into the future.

Tyranny TRUE tyranny comes at you in small bites, just a little here and a little there because they say it's good for you. Little things like Obama closing the last lead mine in Viburnam Mo. {Buick lead mine}

Tyranny comes at you with mag limits or the amount of ammo you can own or even IF you can own a gun. The result of creepy tyranny can be found in Chicago or New York or Detroit.

ALL loaded with just such out right anti-American social values. Think I am wrong? The Bill of Rights the amendments ARE legally open to ALL unless you live there. So there ARE places in America TODAY where Americans LACK the equal protection of the law.

Still think I am wrong? Well New York one of the biggest anti-gun anti second city ALSO bans large soft drinks. Now I'm NOT saying your right to own a gun affects your ability to buy a soft drink BUT if a government led by ANY party can ban your right to a gun the truly how hard is it to ban a soft drink by size?

Death of your RIGHTS will come by thousands of little everyday rights lost NOT a lone big one. The main target by government IS the lone big one but in order to "train" you they take the little ones here and there.

The second IS the lynch pin to ALL because it backs ALL the others. Could Hitler have killed six million Jews if those six million Jews been armed? NO, he would NEVER have made it outside of Germany and most likely would have been killed there.

Could the United States government with say three million armed DHS agents take a country with three hundred million armed CITIZENS? Again NO. No government be it ours or another could do it. When a Japanese leader was asked "Why not attack the mainland?" The reply was "Because behind EVERY blade of grass there IS a gun".

To you fellow history buffs out there you might recall small parts of Alaska were occupied by Japanese during WW2 until locals {Eskimo's} were armed with AR7s. Guns in the hands of people has always led to people doing the right thing. Guns only in the hands of government has always led to government that does bad things.

Islamic State is coming and countries were CITIZENS are forbidden arms stand as testimony as to what happens. Their sons are killed and their daughters raped. The police arrive AFTER a crime NEVER before one and seldom during one. There is that time frame when it's YOU and THEM.

And seconds tick by like hours as you wait. Now if you democrats truly feel you should NOT own a gun then odds are YOU are correct about YOU but no one else. The second is PERSONAL choice NOT group choice.

There IS a very good term for those who CHOOSE to be unprotected unprepared during civil or social strife. It's called NATURAL SELECTION. It's NOT the biggest Deer mounted on the wall that got him there, it was the dumbest deer that day.

It IS often reported that during the Rodney King riots in LA that hollywood stars called Charlton Heston begging for a gun. He refused. "Why arm them now" he said "When they could have themselves?"

Think on it, meanwhile here's a little Bill Whittle.
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What guns can't you own that you want to own?
Even though my full auto's are FULLY permitted under federal law the state of California will not let me keep them there. In the state of Oregon I own to much ammo and would be breaking that law there.
So that limits me to Az/TX and N.M.

I do gun builds as a hobby.
I love me a nutter who is against states rights! So much fun.
So your in full support of states religious freedom laws right? state rights and all

You shouldn't begin a post with the word "so", dummy. It is so often followed by bullshit. You have no idea what I support.

Also...type "you are" next time. It is less confusing for idiots.
I love me a nutter who is against states rights! So much fun.
So your in full support of states religious freedom laws right? state rights and all

You shouldn't begin a post with the word "so", dummy. It is so often followed by bullshit. You have no idea what I support.

Also...type "you are" next time. It is less confusing for idiots.[/Q
Well are you are you not,it was a question. talk about bull shit
I love me a nutter who is against states rights! So much fun.
So your in full support of states religious freedom laws right? state rights and all

You shouldn't begin a post with the word "so", dummy. It is so often followed by bullshit. You have no idea what I support.

Also...type "you are" next time. It is less confusing for idiots.

Instead of your usual BS, why not answer the man?
What guns can't you own that you want to own?
Even though my full auto's are FULLY permitted under federal law the state of California will not let me keep them there. In the state of Oregon I own to much ammo and would be breaking that law there.
So that limits me to Az/TX and N.M.

I do gun builds as a hobby.
Then what is the proper term?
I love me a nutter who is against states rights! So much fun.
States rights cannot trump the Constitution.

Funny libs find abortion in the Constitution, but deny "shall not be infringed" is in there.
All rights have limitations, or did you not notice that?
No, but I did notice you are a complete idiot.
Time to grow up now then, rights are limited, like abortion (privacy), guns, speech, religion, etc.

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