The Second American Revolution - We The People

"Second American Revolution" would be a misnomer. The American Revolution was fought against a foreign colonial power who taxed us without giving us representation in their government. The target here is our own government. We're all represented in this government. What I don't understand is why these malcontents who are supposedly so dedicated to the constitution didn't talk about "revolution" during the last administration as well.
"Second American Revolution" would be a misnomer. The American Revolution was fought against a foreign colonial power who taxed us without giving us representation in their government. The target here is our own government. We're all represented in this government. What I don't understand is why these malcontents who are supposedly so dedicated to the constitution didn't talk about "revolution" during the last administration as well.

Yes they did. You're just ignorant. A revolution doesn't have to be against a foreign occupying power. You're adding things to the definition to suit your idiotic purpose.
A few things he said we could all agree on but the tone and rip van winkle aspects of it amaze me. Where were these people the past eight years? Are they all far right republicans or have they all just woken from a deep sleep. Reagan/Gingrich/Bush made this nation a debtor nation, where were they then? Did we see them in the streets then or were they too busy watching Fox pretend news and cheering Jack on 24? TV reflects our dreams and Fox reflects some paranoid dreams.

On the web, in wingnut writing, wingnut radio, wingnut Fox, you see this anti-government stuff, but I never see it in real life. There are nut cases out there but hardly in the numbers one sees on the web etc. And I have seen the local cranks in center city Philly and Washington, but people walk by them and do things that normal people do. They even enjoy the sites and sounds of their government, after all it is theirs.

When Clinton was elected the wingnuts went after him and Hillary from day one. The hatred and propaganda directed at them was at a level similar to now. Clinton was elected in 95, the Oklahoma City bombing occurred in 95. The government then as now was the culprit. It would take a Don DeLillo to do justice to these strange rantings from the right, their bizarre echo chamber, and their affect on some citizens.

You assume that your issues are the issues of the majority of the people, and they simply are not. On the other hand you make that assumption because you discount the issues of the majority of citizens as strange rantings. That comes from paying only attention to and communicating with those in your own social group or political/philosophical community of thought.

One subtle reason you don't necessarily observe what is all around you is that there is such a profound tendency by the chattering classes to ridicule that group, calling them bizarre, wingnuts, rantings, etc that they just move on and rarely publicly speak up, if they know what is good for them.
You got some major shit wrong in your post. Just factually. Either you're practicing selective memory or you are too young to remember so let me refresh you.

I watched to debates in 1980. If you go back and watch them too, you will be treated to Gov. Reagan taking Pres. Carter to task for creating a national debt that was so large that if it were stacked up would reach all the way to the moon. So Reagan had a head start.

Reagan made use a debtor nation that fact is not even debated. I give him some credit as he realized his mistake and had the largest peacetime tax increase in history. A head start is no excuse for voodoo economics and its consequences.

Alex Jones has been around for a long time, saying the same stuff, and he's not a republican, you ignorant dillhole.

Oh it's you, darn, I was going to reply with what are you talking about? But that is too far advanced beyond your insane worldview. Please remember to take your meds or get rest you need it.
You got some major shit wrong in your post. Just factually. Either you're practicing selective memory or you are too young to remember so let me refresh you.

I watched to debates in 1980. If you go back and watch them too, you will be treated to Gov. Reagan taking Pres. Carter to task for creating a national debt that was so large that if it were stacked up would reach all the way to the moon. So Reagan had a head start.

Reagan made use a debtor nation that fact is not even debated. I give him some credit as he realized his mistake and had the largest peacetime tax increase in history. A head start is no excuse for voodoo economics and its consequences.

Alex Jones has been around for a long time, saying the same stuff, and he's not a republican, you ignorant dillhole.

Oh it's you, darn, I was going to reply with what are you talking about? But that is too far advanced beyond your insane worldview. Please remember to take your meds or get rest you need it.

I'm saying Alex Jones has been around for a while. Which word didn't you understand?
You assume that your issues are the issues of the majority of the people, and they simply are not. On the other hand you make that assumption because you discount the issues of the majority of citizens as strange rantings. That comes from paying only attention to and communicating with those in your own social group or political/philosophical community of thought.

One subtle reason you don't necessarily observe what is all around you is that there is such a profound tendency by the chattering classes to ridicule that group, calling them bizarre, wingnuts, rantings, etc that they just move on and rarely publicly speak up, if they know what is good for them.

My issues? and you know them how? What I wonder at, is why the righties come out of the walls when a democrat is elected, and the last president pretty much screwed everything up, and until there was no way you could even hide from the screw ups, said nothing. You could call this hypocrisy or you could call it a partisanship that cares only about itself and not the health of the nation.
I'm saying Alex Jones has been around for a while. Which word didn't you understand?

From the little I have seen, I can't stand Alex Jones and haven't a clue what the hell you are even referring to him for. Jones seems as nutty as the original nut job in this thread.
You assume that your issues are the issues of the majority of the people, and they simply are not. On the other hand you make that assumption because you discount the issues of the majority of citizens as strange rantings. That comes from paying only attention to and communicating with those in your own social group or political/philosophical community of thought.

One subtle reason you don't necessarily observe what is all around you is that there is such a profound tendency by the chattering classes to ridicule that group, calling them bizarre, wingnuts, rantings, etc that they just move on and rarely publicly speak up, if they know what is good for them.

My issues? and you know them how? What I wonder at, is why the righties come out of the walls when a democrat is elected, and the last president pretty much screwed everything up, and until there was no way you could even hide from the screw ups, said nothing. You could call this hypocrisy or you could call it a partisanship that cares only about itself and not the health of the nation.

I thought lefties were against tyranny too? Freedom and all that? Maybe I'm mistaken.
Yes they did.
Not like they are now. I'm not an Obama fan or anything, but I'm bewildered by how much the lunatic fringe seems to hate him. Most of these fools weren't whining as loudly during Bush's presidency or during the tenure of any of the other constitution-trampling administrations that have been in power since 1933 and earlier. Why the sudden obsession with "revolution"?

You're just ignorant.
You mad?


A revolution doesn't have to be against a foreign occupying power. You're adding things to the definition to suit your idiotic purpose.
I was referring to the American Revolution. Shame on me for assuming that you'd be able to deduce that after reading the thread title and the first couple of words of my post.
You assume that your issues are the issues of the majority of the people, and they simply are not. On the other hand you make that assumption because you discount the issues of the majority of citizens as strange rantings. That comes from paying only attention to and communicating with those in your own social group or political/philosophical community of thought.

One subtle reason you don't necessarily observe what is all around you is that there is such a profound tendency by the chattering classes to ridicule that group, calling them bizarre, wingnuts, rantings, etc that they just move on and rarely publicly speak up, if they know what is good for them.

My issues? and you know them how? What I wonder at, is why the righties come out of the walls when a democrat is elected, and the last president pretty much screwed everything up, and until there was no way you could even hide from the screw ups, said nothing. You could call this hypocrisy or you could call it a partisanship that cares only about itself and not the health of the nation.
You just confirmed it for everyone to see. Your post said all anyone needs to know about your politics being the very air that you breath. Does what you said in your ref'd post sound non-partisan? Does it sound open minded? Objective? Tolerant?
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You just confirmed it for everyone to see. Your post said all anyone needs to know about your politics being the very air that you breath. Does what you said in your ref'd post sound non-partisan? Does it sound open minded? Objective? Tolerant?

I'm not really sure what that means, but if it means I cannot criticize the abject failures of these past thirty years then so be it. Calling a spade a spade is ok in my book. PC can be just a way to hide behind a confusing gloss on what really is happening to the working people in this nation and to the middle class. You know like 'fair and balanced' when it is anything but.

I am reminded of the Madoff case, when people criticized and called into question the ridiculous returns they were criticized, called all sorts of names, but in the end the truth and its harsh reality comes out. So I ask again, where were you guys when Bush was destroying the nation. (sorry I know that is exaggeration but.)
You just confirmed it for everyone to see. Your post said all anyone needs to know about your politics being the very air that you breath. Does what you said in your ref'd post sound non-partisan? Does it sound open minded? Objective? Tolerant?

I'm not really sure what that means, but if it means I cannot criticize the abject failures of these past thirty years then so be it. Calling a spade a spade is ok in my book. PC can be just a way to hide behind a confusing gloss on what really is happening to the working people in this nation and to the middle class. You know like 'fair and balanced' when it is anything but.

I am reminded of the Madoff case, when people criticized and called into question the ridiculous returns they were criticized, called all sorts of names, but in the end the truth and its harsh reality comes out. So I ask again, where were you guys when Bush was destroying the nation. (sorry I know that is exaggeration but.)

You can't find a Bush supporter who supported every single action he took or failed to take.
Put down the broad brush. He fucked up a lot as is Obama. They are politicians.
We the losers, pissed off because our dumbarse candidates were roundly rejected by the American people want to waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not fair! Not fair!!!!!!
Personally, as a libertarian, not a member of the libertarian party, but a true liberal, not what passes for a liberal these days, I find nothing with which to disagree in this video.

Personally as SOME KIND of lbieral, neither do I.

Except of course for the fact that he offers no solutions that are real.

But hey, one cannot blame him for that.

None of us can find solutions that are REAL, can we?

By real I mean solutions that actually have any kind of chance of being implemented.
A few things he said we could all agree on but the tone and rip van winkle aspects of it amaze me. Where were these people the past eight years? Are they all far right republicans or have they all just woken from a deep sleep. Reagan/Gingrich/Bush made this nation a debtor nation, where were they then? Did we see them in the streets then or were they too busy watching Fox pretend news and cheering Jack on 24? TV reflects our dreams and Fox reflects some paranoid dreams.

On the web, in wingnut writing, wingnut radio, wingnut Fox, you see this anti-government stuff, but I never see it in real life. There are nut cases out there but hardly in the numbers one sees on the web etc. And I have seen the local cranks in center city Philly and Washington, but people walk by them and do things that normal people do. They even enjoy the sites and sounds of their government, after all it is theirs.

When Clinton was elected the wingnuts went after him and Hillary from day one. The hatred and propaganda directed at them was at a level similar to now. Clinton was elected in 95, the Oklahoma City bombing occurred in 95. The government then as now was the culprit. It would take a Don DeLillo to do justice to these strange rantings from the right, their bizarre echo chamber, and their affect on some citizens.

You assume that your issues are the issues of the majority of the people, and they simply are not. On the other hand you make that assumption because you discount the issues of the majority of citizens as strange rantings. That comes from paying only attention to and communicating with those in your own social group or political/philosophical community of thought.

One subtle reason you don't necessarily observe what is all around you is that there is such a profound tendency by the chattering classes to ridicule that group, calling them bizarre, wingnuts, rantings, etc that they just move on and rarely publicly speak up, if they know what is good for them.

I have tried discussing Obama's policies and his cabinet appointees with my mother's husband. This man has never been one to listen to other opinions. He fits the mold of the typical Democratic supporter where they speak their mind, then shout you down when it is your turn to speak. This man is so stubborn and thinks everything Obama is doing is great. What I found very amusing was he also applies his shouting down to the TV. I witnessed him watch a news story on the financial crisis and Geithner's plan. As soon as the story turned to Republican House Minority Leader, John Boehner to give his perspective, he yelled at the TV and walked out of the room. So when you have people like this who refuse to even listen to a short counterpoint view on a news network that is already biased towards the Obama administration, I guess I shouldn't be amazed a community organizer got elected to the highest office of the U.S. People can be so stupid.
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Jerry Doyle reported yesterday that today (3/27) Dr. Bob Basso is to meet with Obama (meeting time not specified). Dr. Basso told Jerry he will be the first person he contacts after his meeting. Below is a link to where you can listen to Jerry's radio programs. You can download the player and listen to the streaming audio of Jerry's show. You will notice he has various time slots, with the earliest show starting at 3 PM out of Worchester, MA, WCRN 830 AM radio. I don't know if the later time slots are pre-recorded from earlier.

Jerry Doyle: Radio Station Finder
Obama has seen this video and contacted Mr. Basso and said he was very disturbed by his and invited him to the White House. He told him not to discuss the invitation with anyone.

Sounds like a perfect thread for conspiracy theories.

Yeah... I would agree, given that a conspiracy is the complicit efforts of two or more towards an illicit end... except you want to define conspiracy differently... implying that conspiracy is the realm of the delusional...

I couldn't help but to notice that you opted to avoid this person's argument... one with which you clearly disagree, but instead opted to dismiss the argument as a function of delusion.

Now reason is served by the conclusion that an argument which can only be implied and decidely NOT STATED, is much more likely to be a function of delusion than that to which the implication is responding.

Care to offer a clearly stated, well reasoned, intellectually sound, logically valid argument in response to the argument presented in the video, which was ALL OF THE ABOVE ?

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