The second Amendment.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
What we know it means based on Supreme Court rulings.....

It is a right reserved to the States to form militias

It is an individual right to own firearms.

Further we know that the TYPE of firearm protected by the second is MILITARY style weapons. There is no such thing as an assault rifle, but since everyone likes to use that term, IT is protected by the second.

You don't have to read the second or believe me. The Court has said so.

The purpose of the second is to provide the States with the ability to form militias from able bodied citizens. That Militia is to act as an army. A semi automatic rifle or pistol is the core of the armaments required. As established by the Supreme Court and our Founding fathers.

No ban on "assault" weapons will stand. No Ban on 30 round magazines will stand and no ban on ammunition will stand.

If Congress passes a ban it will go to Court and unless our Supreme Court Justices fail to follow the law and the Constitution it will be overturned.

Further banning their further sale does nothing about the ones already out there. If we are to take our President at his word he wants to confiscate those weapons as well. Can anyone guess where THAT will lead?
What we know it means based on Supreme Court rulings.....

It is a right reserved to the States to form militias

It is an individual right to own firearms.

Further we know that the TYPE of firearm protected by the second is MILITARY style weapons. There is no such thing as an assault rifle, but since everyone likes to use that term, IT is protected by the second.

You don't have to read the second or believe me. The Court has said so.

The purpose of the second is to provide the States with the ability to form militias from able bodied citizens. That Militia is to act as an army. A semi automatic rifle or pistol is the core of the armaments required. As established by the Supreme Court and our Founding fathers.

No ban on "assault" weapons will stand. No Ban on 30 round magazines will stand and no ban on ammunition will stand.

If Congress passes a ban it will go to Court and unless our Supreme Court Justices fail to follow the law and the Constitution it will be overturned.

Further banning their further sale does nothing about the ones already out there. If we are to take our President at his word he wants to confiscate those weapons as well. Can anyone guess where THAT will lead?

We don't allow ordinary citizens to arm themselves with nuclear or biological weapons. The fact is, the line needs to be drawn somewhere.

Seems to me, the Amendment needs amending.
What we know it means based on Supreme Court rulings.....

It is a right reserved to the States to form militias

It is an individual right to own firearms.

Further we know that the TYPE of firearm protected by the second is MILITARY style weapons. There is no such thing as an assault rifle, but since everyone likes to use that term, IT is protected by the second.

You don't have to read the second or believe me. The Court has said so.

The purpose of the second is to provide the States with the ability to form militias from able bodied citizens. That Militia is to act as an army. A semi automatic rifle or pistol is the core of the armaments required. As established by the Supreme Court and our Founding fathers.

No ban on "assault" weapons will stand. No Ban on 30 round magazines will stand and no ban on ammunition will stand.

If Congress passes a ban it will go to Court and unless our Supreme Court Justices fail to follow the law and the Constitution it will be overturned.

Further banning their further sale does nothing about the ones already out there. If we are to take our President at his word he wants to confiscate those weapons as well. Can anyone guess where THAT will lead?

We don't allow ordinary citizens to arm themselves with nuclear or biological weapons. The fact is, the line needs to be drawn somewhere.

Seems to me, the Amendment needs amending.

Go for it... but maybe, just maybe, you might be able to specifically define your term 'assault weapon' for us
What we know it means based on Supreme Court rulings.....

It is a right reserved to the States to form militias

It is an individual right to own firearms.

Further we know that the TYPE of firearm protected by the second is MILITARY style weapons. There is no such thing as an assault rifle, but since everyone likes to use that term, IT is protected by the second.

You don't have to read the second or believe me. The Court has said so.

The purpose of the second is to provide the States with the ability to form militias from able bodied citizens. That Militia is to act as an army. A semi automatic rifle or pistol is the core of the armaments required. As established by the Supreme Court and our Founding fathers.

No ban on "assault" weapons will stand. No Ban on 30 round magazines will stand and no ban on ammunition will stand.

If Congress passes a ban it will go to Court and unless our Supreme Court Justices fail to follow the law and the Constitution it will be overturned.

Further banning their further sale does nothing about the ones already out there. If we are to take our President at his word he wants to confiscate those weapons as well. Can anyone guess where THAT will lead?

We don't allow ordinary citizens to arm themselves with nuclear or biological weapons. The fact is, the line needs to be drawn somewhere.

Seems to me, the Amendment needs amending.

That is the only legal recourse. But the Gun grabbers know that will never get approved. And the second does draw the line at semi automatic rifles and pistols. Fully automatic are ban-able and are only legal in 37 States with a federal license.
What we know it means based on Supreme Court rulings.....

It is a right reserved to the States to form militias

It is an individual right to own firearms.

Further we know that the TYPE of firearm protected by the second is MILITARY style weapons. There is no such thing as an assault rifle, but since everyone likes to use that term, IT is protected by the second.

You don't have to read the second or believe me. The Court has said so.

The purpose of the second is to provide the States with the ability to form militias from able bodied citizens. That Militia is to act as an army. A semi automatic rifle or pistol is the core of the armaments required. As established by the Supreme Court and our Founding fathers.

No ban on "assault" weapons will stand. No Ban on 30 round magazines will stand and no ban on ammunition will stand.

If Congress passes a ban it will go to Court and unless our Supreme Court Justices fail to follow the law and the Constitution it will be overturned.

Further banning their further sale does nothing about the ones already out there. If we are to take our President at his word he wants to confiscate those weapons as well. Can anyone guess where THAT will lead?

We don't allow ordinary citizens to arm themselves with nuclear or biological weapons. The fact is, the line needs to be drawn somewhere.

Seems to me, the Amendment needs amending.

The Amendment is just fine. It's the knee-jerk reaction every time white people, especially kids, gets killed that needs to end. Changing the mental health industry in the US is a step in the right direction. Gun control is a buzz word and nothing more.
What we know it means based on Supreme Court rulings.....

It is a right reserved to the States to form militias

It is an individual right to own firearms.

Further we know that the TYPE of firearm protected by the second is MILITARY style weapons. There is no such thing as an assault rifle, but since everyone likes to use that term, IT is protected by the second.

You don't have to read the second or believe me. The Court has said so.

The purpose of the second is to provide the States with the ability to form militias from able bodied citizens. That Militia is to act as an army. A semi automatic rifle or pistol is the core of the armaments required. As established by the Supreme Court and our Founding fathers.

No ban on "assault" weapons will stand. No Ban on 30 round magazines will stand and no ban on ammunition will stand.

If Congress passes a ban it will go to Court and unless our Supreme Court Justices fail to follow the law and the Constitution it will be overturned.

Further banning their further sale does nothing about the ones already out there. If we are to take our President at his word he wants to confiscate those weapons as well. Can anyone guess where THAT will lead?

We don't allow ordinary citizens to arm themselves with nuclear or biological weapons. The fact is, the line needs to be drawn somewhere.

Seems to me, the Amendment needs amending.

I agree.

The bushmaster is a military weapon. Why should that gun be in my gun safe?

As we saw, the man who attacked the school children with a knife in China was not able to kill even one of them. OTOH, one of the children being buried in Conn today was shot 11 times.

The stop gap measures, like arming teachers, are just nonsense. In that case, how would a school guarantee the armed teacher is in the exact place where the shooter enters the school? Or, why would we think that a teacher (or admin, secty, etc) could get the key, unlock the closet, load the gun, point and shoot in the very few seconds it takes to kill a dozen people with one bushmaster? How long before we heard that a child had gotten into the locked closet and gotten the gun?

The other ideas don't make any more sense than that one does and besides, WHO, in their right mind, would want their child in a school where people are actually armed???? I cannot imagine that anyone is THAT clueless.
What we know it means based on Supreme Court rulings.....

It is a right reserved to the States to form militias

It is an individual right to own firearms.

Further we know that the TYPE of firearm protected by the second is MILITARY style weapons. There is no such thing as an assault rifle, but since everyone likes to use that term, IT is protected by the second.

You don't have to read the second or believe me. The Court has said so.

The purpose of the second is to provide the States with the ability to form militias from able bodied citizens. That Militia is to act as an army. A semi automatic rifle or pistol is the core of the armaments required. As established by the Supreme Court and our Founding fathers.

No ban on "assault" weapons will stand. No Ban on 30 round magazines will stand and no ban on ammunition will stand.

If Congress passes a ban it will go to Court and unless our Supreme Court Justices fail to follow the law and the Constitution it will be overturned.

Further banning their further sale does nothing about the ones already out there. If we are to take our President at his word he wants to confiscate those weapons as well. Can anyone guess where THAT will lead?

We don't allow ordinary citizens to arm themselves with nuclear or biological weapons. The fact is, the line needs to be drawn somewhere.

Seems to me, the Amendment needs amending.

The line has been drawn at fully automatic weapons, a citizen can own one but it takes a very expensive license. You can't take away rights just because they're inconvenient or cost a few lives, just ask the abortionist. Hell they base their claim on the nonexistent right to privacy.
What we know it means based on Supreme Court rulings.....

It is a right reserved to the States to form militias

It is an individual right to own firearms.

Further we know that the TYPE of firearm protected by the second is MILITARY style weapons. There is no such thing as an assault rifle, but since everyone likes to use that term, IT is protected by the second.

You don't have to read the second or believe me. The Court has said so.

The purpose of the second is to provide the States with the ability to form militias from able bodied citizens. That Militia is to act as an army. A semi automatic rifle or pistol is the core of the armaments required. As established by the Supreme Court and our Founding fathers.

No ban on "assault" weapons will stand. No Ban on 30 round magazines will stand and no ban on ammunition will stand.

If Congress passes a ban it will go to Court and unless our Supreme Court Justices fail to follow the law and the Constitution it will be overturned.

Further banning their further sale does nothing about the ones already out there. If we are to take our President at his word he wants to confiscate those weapons as well. Can anyone guess where THAT will lead?

We don't allow ordinary citizens to arm themselves with nuclear or biological weapons. The fact is, the line needs to be drawn somewhere.

Seems to me, the Amendment needs amending.

The line has been drawn at fully automatic weapons, a citizen can own one but it takes a very expensive license. You can't take away rights just because they're inconvenient or cost a few lives, just ask the abortionist. Hell they base their claim on the nonexistent right to privacy.
So these 26 adults and kids chose guyget shot by this guy?
please stop using abortion to further your argument that you should have your guns.
It might work on a message board but it would be rejected by americans.

You lose the moral high ground when 20 kids are killed! in the fashion they where killed.
What we know it means based on Supreme Court rulings.....

It is a right reserved to the States to form militias

It is an individual right to own firearms.

Further we know that the TYPE of firearm protected by the second is MILITARY style weapons. There is no such thing as an assault rifle, but since everyone likes to use that term, IT is protected by the second.

You don't have to read the second or believe me. The Court has said so.

The purpose of the second is to provide the States with the ability to form militias from able bodied citizens. That Militia is to act as an army. A semi automatic rifle or pistol is the core of the armaments required. As established by the Supreme Court and our Founding fathers.

No ban on "assault" weapons will stand. No Ban on 30 round magazines will stand and no ban on ammunition will stand.

If Congress passes a ban it will go to Court and unless our Supreme Court Justices fail to follow the law and the Constitution it will be overturned.

Further banning their further sale does nothing about the ones already out there. If we are to take our President at his word he wants to confiscate those weapons as well. Can anyone guess where THAT will lead?

We don't allow ordinary citizens to arm themselves with nuclear or biological weapons. The fact is, the line needs to be drawn somewhere.

Seems to me, the Amendment needs amending.

The line has been drawn at fully automatic weapons, a citizen can own one but it takes a very expensive license. You can't take away rights just because they're inconvenient or cost a few lives, just ask the abortionist. Hell they base their claim on the nonexistent right to privacy.

in what court decision was that "line" drawn?

because that sure isn't what heller said.

as for the rightwingnut nonsense about abortion, you're a loon and it's a deflection from the actual issue.
12 thousand Americans killed by guns every year.

I don't think this need to kill is prevalent only in the US but we are the only country who actually legislates the availability of the weapons.
Abortion is legal and using it to further the very sick agenda of keeping guns that are made for the purpose of mass killing is nothing short of obscene.
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A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

there is ample room for interpretation involving both a "regulated Militia" and "the right of the people" as being two separate rights and the respective term Arms and its definition.

there is no doubt the retirement of one of the Republican Justices would precipitate the possibility for just such a ruling.
Second Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2) Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose: For example, concealed weapons prohibitions have been upheld under the Amendment or state analogues. The Court’s opinion should not be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms. Miller’s holding that the sorts of weapons protected are those “in common use at the time” finds support in the historical tradition of prohibiting the carrying of dangerous and unusual weapons. Pp. 54–56

The right wing scotus said we can ban certain arms
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What we know it means based on Supreme Court rulings.....

It is a right reserved to the States to form militias

It is an individual right to own firearms.

Further we know that the TYPE of firearm protected by the second is MILITARY style weapons. There is no such thing as an assault rifle, but since everyone likes to use that term, IT is protected by the second.

You don't have to read the second or believe me. The Court has said so.

The purpose of the second is to provide the States with the ability to form militias from able bodied citizens. That Militia is to act as an army. A semi automatic rifle or pistol is the core of the armaments required. As established by the Supreme Court and our Founding fathers.

No ban on "assault" weapons will stand. No Ban on 30 round magazines will stand and no ban on ammunition will stand.

If Congress passes a ban it will go to Court and unless our Supreme Court Justices fail to follow the law and the Constitution it will be overturned.

Further banning their further sale does nothing about the ones already out there. If we are to take our President at his word he wants to confiscate those weapons as well. Can anyone guess where THAT will lead?

We don't allow ordinary citizens to arm themselves with nuclear or biological weapons. The fact is, the line needs to be drawn somewhere.

Seems to me, the Amendment needs amending.

That is the only legal recourse. But the Gun grabbers know that will never get approved. And the second does draw the line at semi automatic rifles and pistols. Fully automatic are ban-able and are only legal in 37 States with a federal license.

But why ''draw the line?" According to your linear thinking, there is no "constitutional" basis for banning any weaponry at all. So anyone should be allowed to buy and use landmines, RPG's, bazookas, howitzers, cruise missiles, etc. Explain.
Second Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2) Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose: For example, concealed weapons prohibitions have been upheld under the Amendment or state analogues. The Court’s opinion should not be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms. Miller’s holding that the sorts of weapons protected are those “in common use at the time” finds support in the historical tradition of prohibiting the carrying of dangerous and unusual weapons. Pp. 54–56

Second Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The right wing scotus said we can ban certain arms

But where does the Supreme Court find the wording in the Constitution that refers to "historical tradition?" It sounds to me as if the SCOTUS is making shit up for political convenience.
Too bad the incredibly liberal interpretation of the 2nd amendment by conservatives does not extend to their entire idea of what a free society should be. Anything other than guns they have no problem setting arbitrary limits or attacking that right altogether.

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