The Science of Morality

What about slavery? The Christian god did not say slavery was a moral sin so would you condone slavery today?

You need to look at the Bible in context. For example, when God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son to him, on the surface, this looks immoral and insane. However, if you consider the fact that all pagan religions during that time involved child sacrifice, you would realize that Abraham would not have been shocked by the request. No, it was just business as usual. However, God stops Abraham from sacrificing his son, sending the message to him and the rest of the world that the God of Abraham was different than the pagan gods.

Put in this context, the request was a moral one so as to stop future child infanticide.

As for slavery, what does the Bible say about slavery? In ancient times, slavery was business as usual. But like child sacrifice, God attempted to bring the world up out of slavery as well as child sacrifice to the gods. First, we see Moses delivering the people of Israel from slavery, a clear indication that God views slavery as bad. God then tells the to honor the Sabbath, even slaves within the Hebrew nation, a clear indication that even slaves needed one full day of rest to contemplate their existence rather than being worked into the grave. God then allowed provisions for slaves to be freed about every 7 years, implying again that slavery is bad. Slavery from a Biblical view was a way for people to survive when down and out. You had no tribe to help sustain you in hard times, or family, then you worked for food for a number of years until you were freed and could figure things out. It was not like slavery in the South where people were treated like glorified apes and worked into the grave because they were racially inferior.
I hate to tell you this but Christianity is a religion based on human sacrifice. It stopped at one but it was a human sacrifice nonetheless.

So you admit that your all knowing god could not envision a world without slavery? Your all powerful god could not abolish slavery when we mere mortals managed to?
You have to be 18 to vote. No morality just an age limit.
You have to be a US citizen to vote. No morality just a birth requirement
You have to be 16 to get a driver's license again just an age requirement
You have to pay sales tax no morals just a revenue stream
You have to be 35 to run for president no morality
That is incorrect.

1. You must be an adult to vote. This is because a vote that is uneducated is deemed "bad".
2. Being a US citizen is required because you don't want other countries voting you out of existence. China would vote Xi as the US President if they could vote in the US. That was deemed bad.
3. Again, having children drive is deemed dangerous.
4. Taxation is deemed good because a government has been deemed good and requires money to function.
5. The age thing again. Yea, we covered that.

Try again.
I do not believe morality can be a science because it cannot be objectively quantified or tested. It is and always will be subjectively based.
So you think that the repeated rape of a child cannot be objectively quantified as "bad"? That that judgement must come from a divine source?
That is incorrect.

1. You must be an adult to vote. This is because a vote that is uneducated is deemed "bad".
2. Being a US citizen is required because you don't want other countries voting you out of existence. China would vote Xi as the US President if they could vote in the US. That was deemed bad.
3. Again, having children drive is deemed dangerous.
4. Taxation is deemed good because a government has been deemed good and requires money to function.
5. The age thing again. Yea, we covered that.

Try again.
Nothing to do with morals as I defined them in the OP
No the burning of heretics was religious morality in action
I don't question the fact that certain religions burned their opponents, much like I don't question that the Jewish religious Sanhedrin nailed Jesus to a cross.

Again, the politics of men is what causes such pain and death. Neither the Catholic church nor the Sanhedrin gave a damn about people coming to God, it was all about their worldly power all along.

I do not deny though that you have cult members who join these religions who think they are doing the will of God in the process. Saint Paul, for example, thought that when he murdered Christians, he was doing the work of God, until the road to Damascus where God splained things to him.

The Bible says that the god of this world is satan. That is why Christ never ran for political office, and when the people tried to make him a wordily king after feeding them and healing them, he abandoned them.

God's kingdom is not of this world system, nor can be.

The Founding Fathers were wise to disallow the state to control the church like they did in England.

But today, the Leftists Pope gives sermons on the evils of climate change and building walls rather than the gospel, as he is more concerned bout worldly politics than the affairs of God.

Some things never change.
Nothing to do with morals as I defined them in the OP
You get to define morals? Since when?

Morals place a value system on something whether it is good or bad.

And no, you don't get to tell me what a woman is either.

The only way to serve an all knowing and all-powerful God is through faith because only he has all the answers. Obviously, God does not demand it because you have none.

As for Marx, he would be appalled at the horrific history of Marxism. I really believe that, but the ideology appeals to murderous tyrants because just having a chance at working requires absolute control by the state. That is why they are all drawn to it like a moth to the light, Even Hitler called himself a socialist.

But at the end of the day, they don't give a damn about any ideology, just power, which is why they all break certain tenants of Marxism. But rubes like yourself insist that Marxism just needs to be done right to work, which it never will be as you support future Marxists.

Wash, rinse, repeat.
I'd say "don't be stupid," but why bother.

You will never show anywhere that I've said anything similar to "Marxism done right," ever, on any thread on any board EVER.

Because Marxism is a Utopian dream and like all dreams, a fantasy and I don't follow fantasies.

How about Dadoism
Everyone is healthy
Everyone is over 6 ft
Everyone is beautiful, even the dudes
No one needs to eat
No one needs to work

Can I get a follower?!?!?!?!


No, of course not, because Utopian societies are stupid ideas that ignore the faults of humanity.

But believing in and pursuing an impossible Utopian society is both smarter and more believavble than thinking some "all powerful" god has your back.

But fools will be fools.
Enjoy your god.
I will enjoy my sanity.

property rights have nothing to do with the argument.
Wrong. Property rights are fundamental

Because the first hungry person that comes along, is going to steal your food.

We're not dealing with science, we're dealing with human nature. Illogical, capricious, barely predictable except in the sense that we're apex predators.
First, you are a liar.
Second, your "source" doesn't mention Buddhists
Third, sell books on Amazon
Forth, you are still a liar

Show me a single started so Buddhism could spread.
Show me a group tortured and murdered for refusing to accept Buddhism.

Be stupid if you wish but when you're stupid I will point your stupidity out, STUIPID.
Stop your temper tantrum and look at the facts.

How does killing someone increase the quality of their well being?

Christians burned people at the stake all in the name of your god. Do you condone that?

And that fact that some Christians worked against slavery is just proof that they didn't accept what the bible and their god said about slavery. IOW they chose a better path of morality than the god of the bible.

But then again just as many Christians used the bible to excuse their participation in the slave trade.

You don't think it can be agreed upon that some things are better for the well being of people than other things?

Can we agree that the repeated rape of a child is detrimental using the science of medicine, our knowledge of mental health and human development?

Can we agree that stoning people to death for not observing the Sabbath is the better course of action regardless what the bible says?

And again the fact that people don't kill people for not observing the Sabbath is a choice made outside of the divine moral decrees in the Bible shows that people have chosen what they believe is a better way than the one their god dictated to them.

So instead of cherry picking biblical morals why not just realize that we are more than capable of setting our own?
Many believers in scientism have concluded that ridding the earth of “undesirables“ was necessary to increase mankind’s overall well being. I gave you a list. Here are two more: Ernst Haeckel and Lothrop Stoddard.

You seem to dislike Judaism rather than Christianity. You’ll find most of the passages about stoning and enslaving are in the Old Testament. Of course for Christians the New Testament is paramount. Christ famously opposed stoning the woman caught in adultery.

And why did you ignore all my questions?

Please tell me precisely which animals are “conscious beings”. And when exactly does a child in her mother’s womb become conscious?

And what exactly is “well being”? Is it the absence of suffering? Is it achievement? Is it hedonism?

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I don't question the fact that certain religions burned their opponents, much like I don't question that the Jewish religious Sanhedrin nailed Jesus to a cross.

Again, the politics of men is what causes such pain and death. Neither the Catholic church nor the Sanhedrin gave a damn about people coming to God, it was all about their worldly power all along.

I do not deny though that you have cult members who join these religions who think they are doing the will of God in the process. Saint Paul, for example, thought that when he murdered Christians, he was doing the work of God, until the road to Damascus where God splained things to him.

The Bible says that the god of this world is satan. That is why Christ never ran for political office, and when the people tried to make him a wordily king after feeding them and healing them, he abandoned them.

God's kingdom is not of this world system, nor can be.

The Founding Fathers were wise to disallow the state to control the church like they did in England.

But today, the Leftists Pope gives sermons on the evils of climate change and building walls rather than the gospel, as he is more concerned bout worldly politics than the affairs of God.

Some things never change.
Certain religions? Try Christian religions you know the religion you think has the authority on morality.

And if your god's kingdom is not of this world then why is you you think that god is the moral authority on this world?

I don't see how the way we humans treat each other is any affair of any gods.
Many believers in scientism have concluded that ridding the earth of “undesirables“ was necessary to increase mankind’s overall well being. I gave you a list. Here are two more: Ernst Haeckel and Lothrop Stoddard.

You seem to dislike Judaism rather than Christianity. You’ll find most of the passages about stoning and enslaving are in the Old Testament. Of course for Christians the New Testament is paramount. Christ famously opposed stoning the woman caught in adultery.

And why did you ignore all my questions?

Please tell me precisely which animals are “conscious beings”. And when exactly does a child in her mother’s womb become conscious?

And what exactly is “well being”? Is it the absence of suffering? Is it achievement? Is it hedonism?

How many?

And the Abrahamic god rid the earth of almost all life because he was pissed off.

I don't "like" any religions and if you have ever read any of my posts in the religion forum you would know I am extremely critical of Christianity and all other organized religions.

And thank you for asking a relevant question.

Well being can be a bit tough to nail down with an exact definition. It can be like the word health that way. It's a bit of a suitcase term.

But we can agree that some states of beings are far superior than others can't we? Can we agree that some societies are far better to live in than others? Can we agree that a life defined by uncertainty of survival, violence, hunger, pestilence and poverty is worse than another life where there is access to clean food, water, medical care education and a degree of physical safety?

We can then correlate those states using medicine, neuroscience, behavioral sciences and we can see what combinations of these different situations do to the person. IMO the best way to do that is the neuroscience avenue because everything about how we relate to the environment can be associated with a state of the brain and nervous system

Religious morality isn't concerned about this life it's focused on an empty promise of the afterlife.

And I'll say it again , the fact that humans even the most devout have chosen to ignore many of the divine moral commands in their own holy books is proof that humans can formulate a better way to live with each other than their own gods could envision.
Wrong. Property rights are fundamental

Because the first hungry person that comes along, is going to steal your food.

We're not dealing with science, we're dealing with human nature. Illogical, capricious, barely predictable except in the sense that we're apex predators.

Why? Where in my argument does it imply you can't own anything?

And human nature is as predictable as the weather.
Certain religions? Try Christian religions you know the religion you think has the authority on morality.

And if your god's kingdom is not of this world then why is you you think that god is the moral authority on this world?

I don't see how the way we humans treat each other is any affair of any gods.
Christ is seen universally as someone who came from God. There is no other religious leader like him in that regard. Everyone wants a piece of him it seems.

But when he walked the earth, he was abandoned and left to die on a cross due to the satanic influence upon world leaders.
Christ is seen universally as someone who came from God. There is no other religious leader like him in that regard. Everyone wants a piece of him it seems.

But when he walked the earth, he was abandoned and left to die on a cross due to the satanic influence upon world leaders.
No he isn't. Words mean things and there is no "universal" agreement on Jesus.

Jews and Muslins don't recognize Jesus as the son of god or as part of a triune god. Adherents to religions other than the Abrahamic religions have no belief that Jesus was divine.
Stop your temper tantrum and look at the facts.

I stand corrected...NOT.

So a single monk who is clearly not following his teachings represents all Buddhists?
Are you really that stupid?

Sure you are.

Since you're ignorant let me help...
Muslims in South Asia have been effectively committing "genocide" against Buddhists for refusing to convert.
See 200 years of Christian history for reference.
Some Buddhists are responding in kind.


Buddhists make up a significant portion of Japan's populace. The choice to support the government at a time of war is no different than Catholics supporting Hitler or Easter Orthodox supporting Putin.
Still that convert or die thing.
It is my contention that morality is an undeveloped scientific discipline.

It is absolutely possible to construct a moral framework using reason and the scientific method alone. There is no need to surrender the study of morality to religions especially when the divine morals of the many gods are questionable at best.

Grossly underdeveloped ... but it is being worked on ... there's been some questions raised about the habit of Middle Schoolers spitting in each other mouths, and science very clearly states this is immoral ... to prevent the spread of infection, we should be avoiding other people's spittle ...

Try legislating that to 12-year-olds ... we'll wait ...

Just a correction of fact ... science is only 500 years old ... humans have always been social animals, and have always needed social rules ... perhaps even further back than Neanderthal ... it's fair to say humans inherited religion from our ape ancestors ... maybe not true, but fair ...

Marriage is gone ... lots of scientific evidence humans are NOT monogamous in the way the Bible teaches us ... "mate for life" is extremely rare among all animals, virtually unknown among mammals ... this whole idea of "one man, one woman, no divorce" is strictly religion ...

The difference is scientific morals are set in stone ... whereas religious morals are a choice ... and we judge each other based on the these choices ... take those choices away and it's Brave New World all over again ...


Scary ... with the overturning of Roe v. Wade ... the government can test your DNA and force you to have an abortion if your genes aren't scientifically perfect ... sucks I'd say ... but that's me, and I have pet blue-green algae, so do judge the source ...
It is my contention that morality is an undeveloped scientific discipline.
Couldn't agree more
It is absolutely possible to construct a moral framework using reason and the scientific method alone. There is no need to surrender the study of morality to religions especially when the divine morals of the many gods are questionable at best.
Again, agree. But I suspect it will prove to be subtle and difficult.
If we define a moral framework as a system of laws that maximize the well being of conscious beings on this planet we can choose the best ways to do that.
At the risk of indulging Darwinist reductionism, I'd define it as: social behaviors that promote the success of the group that adopts them.
Medicine, psychology, neuroscience, sociology and other disciplines can be used to explore and question the subject of morality and I will state that we have been doing this ever since humans have been alive on this earth.

If other scientific disciplines can transcend religion and cultures why can't the discipline of morality?
It can. But we should tread carefully. I think they will be lots of unintended consequences. It will be similar to "fixing" nature.

It's just biochemistry ... just how many ways can carbon, hydrogen and oxygen be combined? ... love, hate, God ... just chemical reactions, nothing more ...

Humans share 50% of their DNA with banana trees ... although that's more of a statement about how advanced banana trees are ... but all this commonality is just basic cellular functions ... all life uses ATP for energy transport, so all life has that DNA coding ...

Easy Peasy ...

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