The sane left in Israel


Gold Member
Jun 10, 2015
This was interesting because I usually find it hard to agree with anything that comes from the Israeli left. However Dr. Einat Wilf, former Knesset MP basically concluded most of the topics we encounter here on a daily basis, and I agreed to much of what she said (minding the enlightenment and secularism) - a calm, balanced and humane view of the situation.

The Left of modern Israel is nothing like the left of 40 and 50 years ago. Ben Gurion was a leftist, but he would have banged his head against the wall listening to Zehava Gal'on's left. The old Israeli liberals would have never expelled Jews from anyplace, just because it filmed well. on the contrary, the believed in Zionism and blooming in the free ancestor's lands. The left itself is not bad, they just turned it into a freakshow with their twisted solutions
Dr. Einat Wilf Is an interesting person. I have heard her speak several times. However, there are things that she omitted or glossed over.

Susan Abulhawa is another interesting person. Of course she has a different perspective.

I would love to see an open, televised debate between these two.

Dr. Einat Wilf Is an interesting person. I have heard her speak several times. However, there are things that she omitted or glossed over.

Susan Abulhawa is another interesting person. Of course she has a different perspective.

I would love to see an open, televised debate between these two.

1 min into that video and one can already spot a LIE.
How many recent shooters and stabbers were of mixed reunited Israeli-Palestinian families? Where is there anything balanced explaining the Israeli Jewish position?

More importantly- how is this in anyway related to the topic, except for Your usual trolling with the same anti-Israeli biased videos?
The Left of modern Israel is nothing like the left of 40 and 50 years ago. Ben Gurion was a leftist, but he would have banged his head against the wall listening to Zehava Gal'on's left. The old Israeli liberals would have never expelled Jews from anyplace, just because it filmed well. on the contrary, the believed in Zionism and blooming in the free ancestor's lands. The left itself is not bad, they just turned it into a freakshow with their twisted solutions

It looks like a theater of absurd, the left seems possessed with everything Palestinian and against anything Jewish. However I hope this is only a cliché' and balanced view is going to raise - caring for the rights of Arabs as much as of Jews.
The theatre of the absurd is the oppressor wanting to be treated in a fair way vis-a-vis the oppressed.

The ruling white South Africans of Apartheid South Africa were treated by fellow Christians and Europeans as oppressors of the non-whites. As oppressors of the non-Jews under their control, the ruling Jews of Apartheid Israel/Palestine should be treated in the same way by Christians and Europeans.
The theatre of the absurd is the oppressor wanting to be treated in a fair way vis-a-vis the oppressed.

The ruling white South Africans of Apartheid South Africa were treated by fellow Christians and Europeans as oppressors of the non-whites. As oppressors of the non-Jews under their control, the ruling Jews of Apartheid Israel/Palestine should be treated in the same way by Christians and Europeans.

The only ones who're obsessed with racial arguments here are the pro-Palestinian members who support the wish to see a Judenrein Palestine. However Jews were always living in this land.

All You have is what Dr. Wilf calls "the placard tactic" of preprepared outdated libels. When You're ready to stop shouting the same slogans and actually express Yourself like an intelligent westerner with a mind of his own- it will be much more interesting, otherwise I could just turn Al Jazeera and it would be more balanced than what You claimed above.
No, Jews were not always living on the land, that's Zionist propaganda. When Christianity became the state religion in 380 AD only Christians could reside in Palestine. The bulk of the those practicing Judaism or other religions converted to Christianity in order to continue residing in Palestine. No Jews until 614 AD when the Persians conquered Palestine in 614 AD, Jews were allowed to re-enter as they were part of the Persian Army. When the Romans re-acquired Jerusalem in 628 AD, the Jews were sent packing as they were enemy combatants.

The rest of the story includes the 100+ years of the Latin KIngdom of Jerusalem where no Jews or Muslims were allowed to live in Palestine. Again, no Jews living on the land.

Just facts, son. Inconvenient facts for you.

As far as Judenrein, too late for that. The West made a mess of it with the Balfour Declaration which formalized the colonization of Palestine by Europeans and the expropriation of the land from the native Muslims and Christians. Expropriation which continues today.

What is needed is the conversion of the Apartheid Theological state Israel to a democratic and secular state with equality for all the people that now live under Jew control.
No, Jews were not always living on the land, that's Zionist propaganda. When Christianity became the state religion in 380 AD only Christians could reside in Palestine. The bulk of the those practicing Judaism or other religions converted to Christianity in order to continue residing in Palestine. No Jews until 614 AD when the Persians conquered Palestine in 614 AD, Jews were allowed to re-enter as they were part of the Persian Army. When the Romans re-acquired Jerusalem in 628 AD, the Jews were sent packing as they were enemy combatants.

The rest of the story includes the 100+ years of the Latin KIngdom of Jerusalem where no Jews or Muslims were allowed to live in Palestine. Again, no Jews living on the land.

Just facts, son. Inconvenient facts for you.

As far as Judenrein, too late for that. The West made a mess of it with the Balfour Declaration which formalized the colonization of Palestine by Europeans and the expropriation of the land from the native Muslims and Christians. Expropriation which continues today.

What is needed is the conversion of the Apartheid Theological state Israel to a democratic and secular state with equality for all the people that now live under Jew control.

When You see Sanhedrin or Judges ruling people according to the Jewish law in Israel, You can shout 'THEOCRACY!!".

Until then these are just the same insane slogans that sound exactly like what the extreme left shouts in 'Gays for Hamas' events.
I've been hearing such voices from the Israeli left as well.
Where does such left exist? Articulate and calm...

Does Israel Have a Right to Exist as a Jewish State? - Ali Abunimah on Reality Asserts Itself (3/5)

Does Israel Have a Right to Exist as a Jewish State? - Ali Abunimah on Reality Asserts Itself (3/5)

You can always choose to deny Israelis their right to exist, their right to self-determination.

Your Islamic terrorist heroes in Hamas are always looking for wannabe martyrs, I mean stooges to do their fighting.

Isn't it about time you took one for the cause instead of shamelessly flailing your Pom Poms from behind the safety of a computer keyboard?
Does Israel Have a Right to Exist as a Jewish State? - Ali Abunimah on Reality Asserts Itself (3/5)

You can always choose to deny Israelis their right to exist, their right to self-determination.

Your Islamic terrorist heroes in Hamas are always looking for wannabe martyrs, I mean stooges to do their fighting.

Isn't it about time you took one for the cause instead of shamelessly flailing your Pom Poms from behind the safety of a computer keyboard?

Is name calling all you have?
Does Israel Have a Right to Exist as a Jewish State? - Ali Abunimah on Reality Asserts Itself (3/5)

This video is the catalog of the tactics Dr. Einat Wilf explained about.
The denial of Jews being a people ('it's only religion'), Israel is a "SPARE" country (!!!!), portraying Jews as the majority when they're actually a minority in the ME while trying to forget the million Jews who were expelled from the Arab countries.
You know the presence of the Jews in Palestine started much before Zionism.

I really tried to hear Ali Abunimah- the co founder of Electronic Intifada, but found his words to be exactly what Dr. Einat Wilf was talking about- where is there any balance in his words?

Please next time try to post on the subject, the above isn't even an Israeli as much as "left".
Dr. Ghada Karmi and Dr. Einat Wilf on the fundamentals of the conflict:

Dr. Ghada Karmi and Dr. Einat Wilf on the fundamentals of the conflict:

Israel has the "right" to kick people out of their homes, steal their shit, and kill them if they resist. ~ Dr. Einat Wilf :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

What a nutcase.
Dr. Ghada Karmi and Dr. Einat Wilf on the fundamentals of the conflict:

Israel has the "right" to kick people out of their homes, steal their shit, and kill them if they resist. ~ Dr. Einat Wilf :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

What a nutcase.

Good that You sorted out Your black and white. Now back to reality- The Palestinian Jews were expelled from their homes, stripped of their possessions and were killed by their fellow Arab neighbors for long on that land.

Do You deny Jews have a right to self determination in their homeland?
Dr. Ghada Karmi and Dr. Einat Wilf on the fundamentals of the conflict:

Israel has the "right" to kick people out of their homes, steal their shit, and kill them if they resist. ~ Dr. Einat Wilf :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

What a nutcase.

Good that You sorted out Your black and white. Now back to reality- The Palestinian Jews were expelled from their homes, stripped of their possessions and were killed by their fellow Arab neighbors for long on that land.

Do You deny Jews have a right to self determination in their homeland?

They do not have the exclusive right.
Dr. Ghada Karmi and Dr. Einat Wilf on the fundamentals of the conflict:

Israel has the "right" to kick people out of their homes, steal their shit, and kill them if they resist. ~ Dr. Einat Wilf :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

What a nutcase.

Good that You sorted out Your black and white. Now back to reality- The Palestinian Jews were expelled from their homes, stripped of their possessions and were killed by their fellow Arab neighbors for long on that land.

Do You deny Jews have a right to self determination in their homeland?

They do not have the exclusive right.

Yes they do.

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