The San Francisco BOS Declares The NRA a "Domestic Terrorist Group"

except for the muslims who committed mass public shootings at Fort Hood, San bernadino, at Pulse night club...except for them? Or the Asian kid who killed 32 at Virginia Tech?

You have to go back nearly 13 years to find an Asian? Good going, man.

Tell us again how dogs are more dangerous than machine guns... that never gets old.


r the environmental nut job in texas,

One more time. He was a Trump supporting racist. He didn't shoot litterers, HE SHOT MEXICANS!!!
He was sentenced to 6 1/2 years, and it was the jury that dropped the charge from first degree murder to second degree, which the minimum sentence is 20 years probation and no prison time.

Actually, he was elligable for decades in prison, but the judge threw out the 16 counts of assault to only concentrate on the Second Degree murder, and he'll be out in 3 years. Absolutely obscene.

So he got what a person who caused a vehicular homicide usually gets. He didn't get the minimum nor did he get the maximum. Race had nothing to do with it. It's more his service as a police officer that did.

His service as a police officer involved 20 complaints of violating the civil rights of citizens, including a case where he dislocated someone's shoulder during a traffic stop and the city had to pay out $375,000. That's the first time they should have considered firing him... but they didn't.

Airport security can't change you with anything. Why would police be involved when they were never called?

Report of an assault in an airport. Um, yeah, you can bet they were involved. But again... white guy... case was dropped when they figured out it was a publicity stunt.

OJ's case took almost a year in the court system. This would be a one day trial. More money was likely spent doing the investigation than a conviction. There are no witnesses to prepare. He made a serious false police report, and the investigation proves he was lying on several different levels. Hell, they even got a confession out of the two guys who beat him up for money, plus the canceled personal checks he wrote them.

Okay. Here's how you attack that.
REmind everyone how racist the CPD is.
Look at the personnel files of the officers investigating it.
Since it's just the word of the two Nigerians against his, and these guy are co-conspirators, their testimony is questionable, at best.

Now, yeah, if this was a crackhead with a public defender working through a hangover, you'd have a good point. This should only take a day. But he's going to get the best lawyers money could buy.

Hey, did you hear that Felicity Huffman got a whopping 14 days in jail? Yup, guilty as sin, but she got a slap on the wrist.

Not worth the money to be spent... unless you are a racist who is upset about an uppity negro making you look bad.
Actually, he was elligable for decades in prison, but the judge threw out the 16 counts of assault to only concentrate on the Second Degree murder, and he'll be out in 3 years. Absolutely obscene.

The attempt to file other charges was taken to the Ill Supreme Court where they ruled that couldn't be done given the seriousness of the main charge.

His service as a police officer involved 20 complaints of violating the civil rights of citizens, including a case where he dislocated someone's shoulder during a traffic stop and the city had to pay out $375,000. That's the first time they should have considered firing him... but they didn't.

Most of those complaints were investigated and dismissed.

Report of an assault in an airport. Um, yeah, you can bet they were involved. But again... white guy... case was dropped when they figured out it was a publicity stunt.

So tell me, how did the police know about it if no police were called? Are the police psychic over there or something? All he did was make a scene to an airport security guy, and the guard laughed at him. Again, apples and oranges for those who's mind isn't polluted with race obsessions.

Okay. Here's how you attack that.
REmind everyone how racist the CPD is.
Look at the personnel files of the officers investigating it.
Since it's just the word of the two Nigerians against his, and these guy are co-conspirators, their testimony is questionable, at best.

Now, yeah, if this was a crackhead with a public defender working through a hangover, you'd have a good point. This should only take a day. But he's going to get the best lawyers money could buy.

Hey, did you hear that Felicity Huffman got a whopping 14 days in jail? Yup, guilty as sin, but she got a slap on the wrist.

Not worth the money to be spent... unless you are a racist who is upset about an uppity negro making you look bad.

How is their testimony questionable when they were paid with checks that they cashed, that had their signatures on it? There is no question about anything. It's as good as a video recording. Again, most people are not struggling with a race obsession like you are, because race had absolutely nothing to do with this case. These two clowns were coworkers of his, or do you think a jury would find this all coincidence?

The best lawyers in the world are not going to change a judges mind. All they can do is appeal which happens quite frequently in criminal cases. So money has nothing to do with it. It was solidarity between Magella and Jussie and nothing more.

Your mind is a one way street. If this were a white straight actor doing the same thing, and a white AG dismissed this four felony counts, sealed the records, you would be having a shit fit.
Where is that right written?

Oh, wait, are you saying that's an unreasonable expectation?

An expectation and a right are two different things. I know you on the left have an impossible time trying to decipher between the two.

Owning a gun is a constitutional right, government guaranteeing your safety is not. We don't get rid of automobiles and trucks because over 40,000 Americans die in accidents every year.
except for the muslims who committed mass public shootings at Fort Hood, San bernadino, at Pulse night club...except for them? Or the Asian kid who killed 32 at Virginia Tech?

You have to go back nearly 13 years to find an Asian? Good going, man.

Tell us again how dogs are more dangerous than machine guns... that never gets old.

View attachment 279208

r the environmental nut job in texas,

One more time. He was a Trump supporting racist. He didn't shoot litterers, HE SHOT MEXICANS!!!

He didn't support Trump you asshat, and stated so in his writings......he hated illegal immigrants because they damaged the environment, you moron.....he was a left wing green fascist.
The attempt to file other charges was taken to the Ill Supreme Court where they ruled that couldn't be done given the seriousness of the main charge.

Um, no, you are confused. The judge decided he was going to ignore the 16 charges. the AG of the state tried to appeal his abuse of law to the ILSC, but the ILSC backed the judge. The key thing was, the judge abused his power. Then again, this asshole judge bent over backwards to let Van Dyke introduce any bullshit they wanted, gave him a mostly white jury, and they STILL found him guilty because, HEY THERE"S TAPE OF HIM SHOOTING THE KID 16 TIMES WHEN HE WAS LYING ON THE GROUND!!!!!

Now, I'm not complaining that much, because at least this guy was held accountable. we need more of that.

Most of those complaints were investigated and dismissed.

By a corrupt police review board that we've since abolished because of its corruption. Hey, the fact one of those cases involved a payment of $375,000 should have been enough to fire him.

So tell me, how did the police know about it if no police were called? Are the police psychic over there or something? All he did was make a scene to an airport security guy, and the guard laughed at him. Again, apples and oranges for those who's mind isn't polluted with race obsessions.

You know it was in the media, right. You think the cops didn't hear about the media reports and didn't investigate?

How is their testimony questionable when they were paid with checks that they cashed, that had their signatures on it? There is no question about anything. It's as good as a video recording. Again, most people are not struggling with a race obsession like you are, because race had absolutely nothing to do with this case. These two clowns were coworkers of his, or do you think a jury would find this all coincidence?

That only proves he wrote them a check. That check could have been for anything. That Check could have been for personal training services. So if that was your best evidence, I've already shot holes in it.

The best lawyers in the world are not going to change a judges mind. All they can do is appeal which happens quite frequently in criminal cases. So money has nothing to do with it. It was solidarity between Magella and Jussie and nothing more.

This wouldn't have gone in front of a judge, this would have gone in front of a jury of 12 Chicagoan who remembered that Van Dyke got 3 years for slaughtering a kid.

Owning a gun is a constitutional right, government guaranteeing your safety is not.

NO, having a militia is a right... gun ownership is not. Time to stop worrying about what a bunch of slave rapists were thinking 200 years ago and start
Um, no, you are confused. The judge decided he was going to ignore the 16 charges. the AG of the state tried to appeal his abuse of law to the ILSC, but the ILSC backed the judge. The key thing was, the judge abused his power. Then again, this asshole judge bent over backwards to let Van Dyke introduce any bullshit they wanted, gave him a mostly white jury, and they STILL found him guilty because, HEY THERE"S TAPE OF HIM SHOOTING THE KID 16 TIMES WHEN HE WAS LYING ON THE GROUND!!!!!

Now, I'm not complaining that much, because at least this guy was held accountable. we need more of that.

We already have more of that. Every police shooting and complaint is investigated. But as a leftist, you are prone to side with evil, so take the criminals side every time.

By a corrupt police review board that we've since abolished because of its corruption. Hey, the fact one of those cases involved a payment of $375,000 should have been enough to fire him.

I don't know what that case is and not about to look it up, unless you wish to provide a link. But police often have to get rough with people who don't comply or fight with them.

You know it was in the media, right. You think the cops didn't hear about the media reports and didn't investigate?

It doesn't matter if the cops hear about it or not. If you don't call them, they don't come because the matter was handled internally. If a store detective nabs a shoplifter, and the manager or owner decide not to get police involved, it doesn't matter whether another customer seen what happened and called the cops themselves. If you don't need the police, they don't force their authority on you.

That only proves he wrote them a check. That check could have been for anything. That Check could have been for personal training services. So if that was your best evidence, I've already shot holes in it.

Except for the fact the so-called attack was video recorded, so that shoots holes in your theory.

This wouldn't have gone in front of a judge, this would have gone in front of a jury of 12 Chicagoan who remembered that Van Dyke got 3 years for slaughtering a kid.

Joe, there is nobody more racist than you. HTF can you say all black people think alike to the point you "know" what they are going to do? Did you ever consider the possibility of some blacks being honest and have an ounce of integrity to do the right thing?

NO, having a militia is a right... gun ownership is not. Time to stop worrying about what a bunch of slave rapists were thinking 200 years ago and start

Time for you to understand it's those slave rapists that were brilliant enough to construct a document that allowed us to become the greatest country in the world. The courts have ruled on this many years ago. The Constitution guarantees us the right to bear arms.
We already have more of that. Every police shooting and complaint is investigated. But as a leftist, you are prone to side with evil, so take the criminals side every time.

US cops shoot 992 people a year.
British cops kill 2 people a year.

We're doing it wrong.

Lest we forget, we are talking about a case where a police officer shot a kid 16 times, he and his fellow cops lied about the incident, there was a concerted effort to cover it up, including a five million dollar payment to the family of the victim.

I don't know what that case is and not about to look it up, unless you wish to provide a link. But police often have to get rough with people who don't comply or fight with them.

Why are you commenting about it if you are ignorant of the facts?

Except for the fact the so-called attack was video recorded, so that shoots holes in your theory.

Um, no, it wasn't. What was recorded was the two Nigerians buying the stuff they used in a store.

Joe, there is nobody more racist than you. HTF can you say all black people think alike to the point you "know" what they are going to do? Did you ever consider the possibility of some blacks being honest and have an ounce of integrity to do the right thing?

We did have one who tried to do the right thing. She decided a prank wasn't worth any more public resources than had already been spent.

The point is, this was a case where you'd have a great opportunity to send a message about police conduct by acquitting a celebrity. Not worth the embarrasment or money.

Time for you to understand it's those slave rapists that were brilliant enough to construct a document that allowed us to become the greatest country in the world. The courts have ruled on this many years ago. The Constitution guarantees us the right to bear arms.

Please. If the Slave Rapists ended up at the end of ropes, the following would have happened.

America would have gotten a Dominion like Canada, which would have had it's own parlimentary democracy.
Slavery would have ended without a civil war.
We would not have engaged in a war of aggression against Mexico.
And we'd have common sense gun laws where crazy fucks like you aren't walking the street.
US cops shoot 992 people a year.
British cops kill 2 people a year.

We're doing it wrong.

Lest we forget, we are talking about a case where a police officer shot a kid 16 times, he and his fellow cops lied about the incident, there was a concerted effort to cover it up, including a five million dollar payment to the family of the victim.

And it was investigated, the officer held on trail, and sentenced to prison.

Why are you commenting about it if you are ignorant of the facts?

You brought it up, not me.

Um, no, it wasn't. What was recorded was the two Nigerians buying the stuff they used in a store.

And also them walking down the street, Jussie approaching them, then walking away with a noose on his neck which "for some reason" he didn't remove.

We did have one who tried to do the right thing. She decided a prank wasn't worth any more public resources than had already been spent.

The point is, this was a case where you'd have a great opportunity to send a message about police conduct by acquitting a celebrity. Not worth the embarrasment or money.

Not preceding with a felony conviction is not the right thing, that's the wrong thing. This was a $130,000 prank. That's how much manpower and investigation went into it. The right thing to do is hold him accountable for his crime and cost to your city.

By not charging him, it leads to copycat crimes because people will think they can get away with such things with impunity.

Ex-NFL player accused of trashing his 2 businesses to make it look like a hate crime

Please. If the Slave Rapists ended up at the end of ropes, the following would have happened.

America would have gotten a Dominion like Canada, which would have had it's own parlimentary democracy.
Slavery would have ended without a civil war.
We would not have engaged in a war of aggression against Mexico.
And we'd have common sense gun laws where crazy fucks like you aren't walking the street.

You don't know how we would have ended up; perhaps a true democracy which would have kept slavery around into the 20th century.

This country with the thanks to our founders managed to advance more in a couple hundred years than countries that have been around as long as records were kept. Our freedom is owed to that Constitution which protects our rights such as free speech and only legal search and seizures. It's one of the reasons people from those socialized and dictator countries want to come here.

With autocratic control and no Constitution, it's likely we wouldn't be here discussing our government right now. IF caught, hauled away to some secluded prison nobody knows of and God knows what from there.
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except for the muslims who committed mass public shootings at Fort Hood, San bernadino, at Pulse night club...except for them? Or the Asian kid who killed 32 at Virginia Tech?

You have to go back nearly 13 years to find an Asian? Good going, man.

Tell us again how dogs are more dangerous than machine guns... that never gets old.

View attachment 279208

r the environmental nut job in texas,

One more time. He was a Trump supporting racist. He didn't shoot litterers, HE SHOT MEXICANS!!!

Too bad for Joey that the El Paso shooter put in his own words that this had NOTHING to do with Trump. Oh, and he also supported the vast majority of the leftist agenda. Funny how you can't seem to remember that. As far as your obvious anti-police bias goes, try this. I have friends who are policemen. If they even DRAW their gun, it's pages upon pages of paperwork. Never mind if you actually have to fire the gun. No cop is going out looking to shoot anybody.
except for the muslims who committed mass public shootings at Fort Hood, San bernadino, at Pulse night club...except for them? Or the Asian kid who killed 32 at Virginia Tech?

You have to go back nearly 13 years to find an Asian? Good going, man.

Tell us again how dogs are more dangerous than machine guns... that never gets old.

View attachment 279208

r the environmental nut job in texas,

One more time. He was a Trump supporting racist. He didn't shoot litterers, HE SHOT MEXICANS!!!

Too bad for Joey that the El Paso shooter put in his own words that this had NOTHING to do with Trump. Oh, and he also supported the vast majority of the leftist agenda. Funny how you can't seem to remember that. As far as your obvious anti-police bias goes, try this. I have friends who are policemen. If they even DRAW their gun, it's pages upon pages of paperwork. Never mind if you actually have to fire the gun. No cop is going out looking to shoot anybody.

Leftists politicize everything including tragedies. If a guy is a nut, what difference does it make which party or politics he prefers?

After all, nobody promotes hatred or violence like the left does. They go to our rallies and town halls to start trouble. They attack people for wearing a certain kind of hat. Their leaders tell their constituents to harass Republicans wherever they find them; seek them out and tell them they're not welcomed. They protest and even threaten violence if a conservative gets to speak at a college.
And it was investigated, the officer held on trail, and sentenced to prison.

Only after a lot of people screamed bloody murder and a one year cover up was exposed. Nope, this is not the system working well.

And also them walking down the street, Jussie approaching them, then walking away with a noose on his neck which "for some reason" he didn't remove.

Two guys walking down a street, grainy photos? Really? "No Video of an Assault".

Why would he remove the noose? It's evidence.

You don't know how we would have ended up; perhaps a true democracy which would have kept slavery around into the 20th century.

Nope. We already know what happened. The British Empire banned Slavery in 1830 for the whole Empire. They also banned the slave trade in 1804.

This country with the thanks to our founders managed to advance more in a couple hundred years than countries that have been around as long as records were kept. Our freedom is owed to that Constitution which protects our rights such as free speech and only legal search and seizures. It's one of the reasons people from those socialized and dictator countries want to come here.

No, they want to come here because their countries are poor because we've exploited them for decades. Kind of like the Europeans are dealing with all the people they exploited.

Check your privilege, white people.

With autocratic control and no Constitution, it's likely we wouldn't be here discussing our government right now. IF caught, hauled away to some secluded prison nobody knows of and God knows what from there.

Again, buddy. Canada is a democracy. Australia is a Democracy. The UK is a Democracy... We'd have been just fine without the founding slave rapists... Maybe better. Our record on things like the Native Americans or minorities are much worse than theirs.
Too bad for Joey that the El Paso shooter put in his own words that this had NOTHING to do with Trump. Oh, and he also supported the vast majority of the leftist agenda. Funny how you can't seem to remember that. As far as your obvious anti-police bias goes, try this. I have friends who are policemen. If they even DRAW their gun, it's pages upon pages of paperwork. Never mind if you actually have to fire the gun. No cop is going out looking to shoot anybody.

Um, one more time, dummy. He didn't go out and shoot litterers... he went out and shot Mexicans.

I have friends who are cops, too. And most of them are great guys doing a wonderful job.

And then you have guys like Wilson, like Van Dyke, like Loehmann, etc. They are usually guys with a whole shady record of bad conduct that the police departments covered up, or had been fired by other police departments and picked up by the one where they got their starring moments.

The ironic thing is that the good cops feel a need to protect the bad apples, even though the bad apples make their jobs a lot harder.

Leftists politicize everything including tragedies. If a guy is a nut, what difference does it make which party or politics he prefers?

Well, that's the thing. He was a nut who was encouraged by Trump's rhetoric, and was able to get a gun very easily because Trump does the bidding of the NRA. So, yeah, the fact that Trump enabled him is kind of a big deal.

After all, nobody promotes hatred or violence like the left does. They go to our rallies and town halls to start trouble. They attack people for wearing a certain kind of hat. Their leaders tell their constituents to harass Republicans wherever they find them; seek them out and tell them they're not welcomed. They protest and even threaten violence if a conservative gets to speak at a college.

Or we've just learned that if you passively sit around and let the fascists take over, you end up in a concentration camp. I'm sorry the GOP decided to embrace fascism, but it has.
The US governemnt has killed more people ( including its own citizens) than the NRA so maybe we should declare the US government a terrorist organization

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