The San Francisco BOS Declares The NRA a "Domestic Terrorist Group"

You kinda made mine. Mass stereotypes and max pushing them to the extreme. Not a single fact presented. Again.

The way of the left.

Fuck off.

Mass shooting is a white male thing... angry, angry white males who love guns... We call those people "Republicans".
i never said it wasn't white male. i asked you to prove the shooters politics.

so far you've not done jack shit about it but rant and rave with your emo-driven bullshit and stereotypes.

we call people like you asswhipes.
Really? Then explain how when blacks make it to the suburbs via their own or government, they still participate in serous criminal activity. In fact, we were just talking about your hometown hero Jessie the other day. He follows a long list of black people who made it to riches and still end up in trouble with the law.

Jessie? Do you mean Jussie Smollet?

If he was a white person, the police would have just determined it was a hoax and that would have been the end of the matter.

That's exactly what happened when Morton Downey Jr. faked a hate crime attack on himself and drew a backwards swastika on his forehead. the cops pointed out he faked it, we all had a good laugh at his expense, and that was the end of it.

but some uppity negro fakes a hate crime in a desperate plea for attention. THEN DAMMIT WE NEED TO THROW THE FUCKING BOOK AT HIM!!!!

He didn't file an official police report. Some airport guys looked at the complaint, and that was about it. No expensive investigations, no detectives, nothing.

apple: orange.jpeg
He didn't file an official police report. Some airport guys looked at the complaint, and that was about it. No expensive investigations, no detectives, nothing.

Neo Nazis attacked someone in an airport? You think that wasn't investigated.

Point is, white guy fakes a hate crime, no biggie.
Black guy fakes a hate crime, "WE'RE GOING TO GET THAT BOY!!!!"
He didn't file an official police report. Some airport guys looked at the complaint, and that was about it. No expensive investigations, no detectives, nothing.

Neo Nazis attacked someone in an airport? You think that wasn't investigated.

Point is, white guy fakes a hate crime, no biggie.
Black guy fakes a hate crime, "WE'RE GOING TO GET THAT BOY!!!!"
are you going to actually prove what you said in that all the shooters are republicans? if not just say you were getting lippy and never bother to validate the crap you say.

that much we already know however.
He didn't file an official police report. Some airport guys looked at the complaint, and that was about it. No expensive investigations, no detectives, nothing.

Neo Nazis attacked someone in an airport? You think that wasn't investigated.

Point is, white guy fakes a hate crime, no biggie.
Black guy fakes a hate crime, "WE'RE GOING TO GET THAT BOY!!!!"
show me the outrage from hollywood or the black community about jussie's likes. the OUTRAGE really came to light when the DA got it all removed from his record and just gave him a very small fine. now please show me white people who have faked a crime and gotten this same punishment.

you make up a lot of stereotypical shit but never back it up with real world examples, now do you?
He didn't file an official police report. Some airport guys looked at the complaint, and that was about it. No expensive investigations, no detectives, nothing.

Neo Nazis attacked someone in an airport? You think that wasn't investigated.

Point is, white guy fakes a hate crime, no biggie.
Black guy fakes a hate crime, "WE'RE GOING TO GET THAT BOY!!!!"

No, it wasn't investigated. They looked at the swastika on his head and it was backwards. A person in the rest room with him told the security officer there were no red necks or troublemakers of any kind in the mens room.

There is a difference between making a phony claim and orchestrating a crime such as that pansy did. He paid the guys that beat him up......with a personal check. The detectives found the magazines and news papers the moron cut the letters out of to compose his threatening letter in the garbage container he always used.

If race played any part of this, it was to his advantage as the person that gave him a slap on the wrist and illegally sealed his records was of the same race as him.
San Francisco is the root of terrorism, nourished on the bosom of the entitled to be self righteous in their pursuit, provided they don’t turn on their supporters.
okay, let's have some fun with this.

show me the outrage from hollywood or the black community about jussie's likes.

Why should there be outrage? Frankly, when he was exposed, most decent folks just kind of felt sorry for him. His actions paint him as kind of pathetic.

the OUTRAGE really came to light when the DA got it all removed from his record and just gave him a very small fine.

The outrage from racists, you mean? Frankly, the DA made the right call. Why piss away millions of dollars on a celebrity trial that she would probably lose? Funny thing in America, we don't convict our celebrities of MURDER, must less pranks. Just ask OJ and Robert Blake.

This case would have been a great opportunity for Jury Nullification in a city that is STILL upset that a rogue cop shot a black child 16 times and only got three years.

ow please show me white people who have faked a crime and gotten this same punishment.

I already did, with Morton Downey... he faked a crime and got no punishment. He didn't even get a fine.

No, it wasn't investigated. They looked at the swastika on his head and it was backwards. A person in the rest room with him told the security officer there were no red necks or troublemakers of any kind in the mens room.

That kind of sounds like an investigation if you are tracking down witnesses and questioning them.

There is a difference between making a phony claim and orchestrating a crime such as that pansy did. He paid the guys that beat him up......with a personal check. The detectives found the magazines and news papers the moron cut the letters out of to compose his threatening letter in the garbage container he always used.

Um, yeah, so? They both faked hate crimes to advance their careers.. The white guy got off with a laughing at. They are STILL going after the black guy.


If race played any part of this, it was to his advantage as the person that gave him a slap on the wrist and illegally sealed his records was of the same race as him.

No, the advantage was that a person who was the same race as he finally put an end to the witch hunt.

The thing was, the police suspected it was a hoax from the start... but man, they were going to GET THIS BOY. And when Fox didn't want to piss away millions prosecuting a case a black jury would have thrown out because they were all still pissed Van Dyke got a slap on the wrist, (3 years for shooting a kid 16 times), the FOP got all upset they didn't give her their pound of flesh.
The outrage from racists, you mean? Frankly, the DA made the right call. Why piss away millions of dollars on a celebrity trial that she would probably lose? Funny thing in America, we don't convict our celebrities of MURDER, must less pranks. Just ask OJ and Robert Blake.

This case would have been a great opportunity for Jury Nullification in a city that is STILL upset that a rogue cop shot a black child 16 times and only got three years.

If that's what blacks would do, then they are the scum of the earth. You don't give a pass to a guilty man because of something he had nothing to do with. Goes to show you how blacks still can't follow the law even on jury duty.

I already did, with Morton Downey... he faked a crime and got no punishment. He didn't even get a fine.

Because he never filed a police report. Why is it when we point out your many errors, you keep repeating them?

That kind of sounds like an investigation if you are tracking down witnesses and questioning them.

Nobody tracked down anything. He made a scene trying to gain attention when a gentleman overheard it and told of his experience. No investigation, no tracking down of anybody. How would one go about tracking down a person using the rest room as the same time as he did?

Um, yeah, so? They both faked hate crimes to advance their careers.. The white guy got off with a laughing at. They are STILL going after the black guy.


If Jessie (or however he spells it) simply made a claim, the same thing would have happened. He filed a police report. Big difference than just making a scene at an airport. How is it you can't understand the difference? Are you that foreign to our laws in this country?

No, the advantage was that a person who was the same race as he finally put an end to the witch hunt.

The thing was, the police suspected it was a hoax from the start... but man, they were going to GET THIS BOY. And when Fox didn't want to piss away millions prosecuting a case a black jury would have thrown out because they were all still pissed Van Dyke got a slap on the wrist, (3 years for shooting a kid 16 times), the FOP got all upset they didn't give her their pound of flesh.

It's not going to cost the city millions of dollars. WTF do you get that figure from? He's not getting a public defender. He's going to pay his own legal fees. How do you figure a prosecutor and judge are going to cost millions of dollars?
If that's what blacks would do, then they are the scum of the earth. You don't give a pass to a guilty man because of something he had nothing to do with. Goes to show you how blacks still can't follow the law even on jury duty.

No, scum of the Earth is a white judge giving Van Dyke 3 years after a jury convicted him, after watching him shoot a kid 16 times while he was lying on the ground, then hearing a litany of other black people telling them how this officer abused their civil rights.

Giving a pass to a guy playing a dumb prank because they want to stick a thumb in the eye of a corrupt PD, that's just making a statement.

But thanks for bringing the racism.

Because he never filed a police report. Why is it when we point out your many errors, you keep repeating them?

Again, you think the police would just ignore a report of a Neo-Nazi beating people up in an airport. He lied about a hate crime, he got a pass because he was white.

They could have charged him with a crime. Disorderly conduct.

Nobody tracked down anything. He made a scene trying to gain attention when a gentleman overheard it and told of his experience. No investigation, no tracking down of anybody. How would one go about tracking down a person using the rest room as the same time as he did?

It's an airport, they know everyone who was there...

If Jessie (or however he spells it) simply made a claim, the same thing would have happened. He filed a police report. Big difference than just making a scene at an airport. How is it you can't understand the difference? Are you that foreign to our laws in this country?

Downey committed disorderly conduct in a secure airport facility. Even in the pre-9/11 days, that was kind of a big deal.

Check your privilege, white people.

It's not going to cost the city millions of dollars. WTF do you get that figure from? He's not getting a public defender. He's going to pay his own legal fees. How do you figure a prosecutor and judge are going to cost millions of dollars?

Here's the thing. When you go up against actual GOOD private lawyers, you have to spend hours prepping witnesses. You also have to worry about getting a "Fuhrman" moment, when you find out the officer who collected most of the damning evidence was caught using the N-word when hooking up a suspect.

Hey, how much did LA spend prosecuting the "Slam Dunk" case against OJ? Close to 5 million in 1995 dollars.

Again, not worth the effort for a dumb prank.. unless you are a racist who wants to really make sure we punish some uppity black guy.

Me. I'm satisfied with the guy losing his job, being publically ridiculed and being the subject of a bunch of jokes. I don't need more of my tax dollars pissed away to give him a six month sentence that a black jury will reject to stick a thumb in the eye of the corrupt CPD.
Wrong...asshat....the last two? One was an environmental fascist

No, he was a racist trump supporter... He didn't go out and shoot litterers..


Connect the fucking dots, stupid. When you have 3 years of your Fuhrer demonizing Mexicans, why are you surprised when one of you goes out and shoots a bunch of them?

Moron, he didn't support Trump, and his attack was motivated by his environmental moron.....he hated immigrants because of their impact on the enviroment, you had nothing to do with Trump.

Joey does not care. He knows what he knows, and if you try to show that any of those pesky FACTS contradict what he knows, he gets on his hind legs and shrieks "RACIST!" at the top of his lungs. If that doesn't work, he regurgitates the same bullshit (always garnished with fresh ad hominem personal attacks) over and over, basically filibustering until people get sick of replying to his shit.
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You kinda made mine. Mass stereotypes and max pushing them to the extreme. Not a single fact presented. Again.

The way of the left.

Fuck off.

Mass shooting is a white male thing... angry, angry white males who love guns... We call those people "Republicans".

except for the muslims who committed mass public shootings at Fort Hood, San bernadino, at Pulse night club...except for them? Or the Asian kid who killed 32 at Virginia Tech?

Or the Bernie sanders supporter who tried to kill the republican baseball team, or the environmental nut job in texas, or he Bernie sanders supporter/elizabeth warren supporter who killed people in Dayton.....or the black guy on the long island train, or the D.C snipers...

You are an idiot.
You kinda made mine. Mass stereotypes and max pushing them to the extreme. Not a single fact presented. Again.

The way of the left.

Fuck off.

Mass shooting is a white male thing... angry, angry white males who love guns... We call those people "Republicans".

except for the muslims who committed mass public shootings at Fort Hood, San bernadino, at Pulse night club...except for them? Or the Asian kid who killed 32 at Virginia Tech?

Or the Bernie sanders supporter who tried to kill the republican baseball team, or the environmental nut job in texas, or he Bernie sanders supporter/elizabeth warren supporter who killed people in Dayton.....or the black guy on the long island train, or the D.C snipers...

You are an idiot.

No, he is EVIL, probably the purest, darkest example of evil ever to post here.

Joey is evil on the level of Stalin or Mengele.
No, scum of the Earth is a white judge giving Van Dyke 3 years after a jury convicted him, after watching him shoot a kid 16 times while he was lying on the ground, then hearing a litany of other black people telling them how this officer abused their civil rights.

Giving a pass to a guy playing a dumb prank because they want to stick a thumb in the eye of a corrupt PD, that's just making a statement.

But thanks for bringing the racism.

He was sentenced to 6 1/2 years, and it was the jury that dropped the charge from first degree murder to second degree, which the minimum sentence is 20 years probation and no prison time.

So he got what a person who caused a vehicular homicide usually gets. He didn't get the minimum nor did he get the maximum. Race had nothing to do with it. It's more his service as a police officer that did.

Again, you think the police would just ignore a report of a Neo-Nazi beating people up in an airport. He lied about a hate crime, he got a pass because he was white.

They could have charged him with a crime. Disorderly conduct.

Airport security can't change you with anything. Why would police be involved when they were never called?

It's an airport, they know everyone who was there...

They know every guy who took a piss in a public restroom????

Downey committed disorderly conduct in a secure airport facility. Even in the pre-9/11 days, that was kind of a big deal.

Check your privilege, white people.

You have no idea what disorderly conduct even is.

Here's the thing. When you go up against actual GOOD private lawyers, you have to spend hours prepping witnesses. You also have to worry about getting a "Fuhrman" moment, when you find out the officer who collected most of the damning evidence was caught using the N-word when hooking up a suspect.

Hey, how much did LA spend prosecuting the "Slam Dunk" case against OJ? Close to 5 million in 1995 dollars.

Again, not worth the effort for a dumb prank.. unless you are a racist who wants to really make sure we punish some uppity black guy.

Me. I'm satisfied with the guy losing his job, being publically ridiculed and being the subject of a bunch of jokes. I don't need more of my tax dollars pissed away to give him a six month sentence that a black jury will reject to stick a thumb in the eye of the corrupt CPD.

Wait a minute. What police officer used the N-word? Are you trusting the word of a proven liar? are a lib after all.

OJ's case took almost a year in the court system. This would be a one day trial. More money was likely spent doing the investigation than a conviction. There are no witnesses to prepare. He made a serious false police report, and the investigation proves he was lying on several different levels. Hell, they even got a confession out of the two guys who beat him up for money, plus the canceled personal checks he wrote them.

So what you are doing is making up lies. His records were sealed for three reasons: he was the same race as that fat pig, she had ties to the former Hillary campaign, and his fame on whatever that show was he performed on.

It has nothing to do with spending any money.
okay, let's have some fun with this.

show me the outrage from hollywood or the black community about jussie's likes.

Why should there be outrage? Frankly, when he was exposed, most decent folks just kind of felt sorry for him. His actions paint him as kind of pathetic.

the OUTRAGE really came to light when the DA got it all removed from his record and just gave him a very small fine.

The outrage from racists, you mean? Frankly, the DA made the right call. Why piss away millions of dollars on a celebrity trial that she would probably lose? Funny thing in America, we don't convict our celebrities of MURDER, must less pranks. Just ask OJ and Robert Blake.

This case would have been a great opportunity for Jury Nullification in a city that is STILL upset that a rogue cop shot a black child 16 times and only got three years.

ow please show me white people who have faked a crime and gotten this same punishment.

I already did, with Morton Downey... he faked a crime and got no punishment. He didn't even get a fine.

No, it wasn't investigated. They looked at the swastika on his head and it was backwards. A person in the rest room with him told the security officer there were no red necks or troublemakers of any kind in the mens room.

That kind of sounds like an investigation if you are tracking down witnesses and questioning them.

There is a difference between making a phony claim and orchestrating a crime such as that pansy did. He paid the guys that beat him up......with a personal check. The detectives found the magazines and news papers the moron cut the letters out of to compose his threatening letter in the garbage container he always used.

Um, yeah, so? They both faked hate crimes to advance their careers.. The white guy got off with a laughing at. They are STILL going after the black guy.


If race played any part of this, it was to his advantage as the person that gave him a slap on the wrist and illegally sealed his records was of the same race as him.

No, the advantage was that a person who was the same race as he finally put an end to the witch hunt.

The thing was, the police suspected it was a hoax from the start... but man, they were going to GET THIS BOY. And when Fox didn't want to piss away millions prosecuting a case a black jury would have thrown out because they were all still pissed Van Dyke got a slap on the wrist, (3 years for shooting a kid 16 times), the FOP got all upset they didn't give her their pound of flesh.
so you still can't name the politics of all the shooters.

your shit smells, dude. clean it up.
Okay, this really is getting dumb.

MORE dumb.

EXTRA dumb.

"Even dumber" is certainly on the way, though.

It is San Francisco...

It was once a really nice place to spend a weekend. I spent a few there back in the late '80s, early '90s. Nowadays, I wouldn't go there on a bet. Damn shame...
I grew up in the Bay Area. San Francisco was the best place on the freakin' planet for a first date.

It's very different now, sadly.

Nah, The City (as natives call the City and County of SF) still has the best restaurants, best entertainment and the best vistas if people know where to go and where not to go.

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