The Ryan Effect.


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2010
New England
Great running mate choice or the greatest running mate choice?

Back in late August, Obama led Romney on the question of who would handle Medicare better by 8 points in Florida and 10 points in Ohio; now he’s up 15 in Florida and 16 in Ohio. And the problems are especially acute among senior citizens, a group Obama has traditionally struggled with. A month ago, Obama was down 13 points in Florida among people 65 and older; today he’s up 4. On the specific question of Medicare, Obama was down 4 points among Florida seniors in August; today he’s up 5 points. (The Quinnipiac Poll re-shuffled its age-groups between August and September, so you won’t be make apples-to-apples comparisons by eyeballing their crosstabs. But the super-kind people at Quinnipiac re-reshuffled them for me.)

The numbers for Ohio are similar: In August, Obama was down 8 among seniors in the state; today he’s up 1. A month ago Obama was down 6 points among Ohio seniors on the Medicare issue; today he’s up 6. The turnaround here is simply breathtaking.

Nor is the Times/Quinnipiac poll an outlier. Though I haven’t looked at the internal numbers, a set of Washington Post/Kaiser Family Foundation state polls out today shows something similar: Obama up 19 over Romney on Medicare in Ohio, 15 in Florida, 13 in Virginia, and 17 nationally (his largest lead on the question all year). As the Post write-up puts it: “[T]he more voters focus on Medicare, the more likely they are to support the president’s bid for reelection.”
I remain flabbergasted that Romney picked Paul "Ayn Rand" Ryan for his running mate - but I'm glad he did. I just didn't think Romney was quite that dumb. Now I know he is.
I'm glad he chose this fundie froot loop as his running mate.

R's believe that U citizens are stupid. They think we will vote over and over again for such horrors as Reagan and Bush.

Its reassuring that people are pulling away from this nutter Ryan.

Honestly. It gives me hope.
Is this when people say they'll vote for the asshole when polled but don't when they are in the privacy of the voting booth?

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