The "RINO" Thread

Most moderates describe themselves as fiscally conservative and socially moderate to liberal.

True (great thread by the way [ See: GOP willing to bend on issues after election - Yahoo! News ] as suggested in this link.

Being fiscaly conservative does not mean being pennywise and poundfoolish. By deferring repairs and replacement of critical infrastructure we are setting a dangerous foundation for the future of our great nation. When the roof leaks it maybe too late to stave off other, many times more costly repairs. Besides, what better way to reduce unemployment?
Next, math. According to FoxNews exit polls, moderates were 45% of the electorate in the 2012 Presidential election and voted for Obama over Romney, 56% to 41%. With 130 million Americans voting, that is a deficit of nearly 9 million voters. Obama beat Romney by 5 million votes.

Romney WAS a moderate.

This fact tumbles the RINO house of cards...and should steer the conversation in an entirely different direction.
The problem with the Republican Party is that the Moderates are currently driving the bus and they seem to be acting in concert with the Dems to transform the USA into a failed European Socialist state because they're clearly not interested in winning.

In 2008 Democrats in the Republican Party AKA: Moderate Republicans, ran a pro-Illegal Immigration anti tax cutting rube and got crushed by a Community Agitator pretended to be a fiscal Conservative and political Moderate. Obama campaigned as a bigger Conservative than McCain.

Can you honestly say that Dubya, Juan McCain or Mitt Romney were Conservative ideologues?

I said it before Conservatives must take over the Republican Party and make it a Party of Big Ideas: Entitlement Report, Education Reform, Immigration Reform, pro-Economic Growth. That wins election, that creates the environment for a prosperous nation

You want to be Democrat-Lite, well good riddance

I've been trying for the last several days on various threads to get a right-winger to explain precisely how the party is going to be successful in elections if they are able to rid themselves of "RINOs" and moderates. Seems like a pretty reasonable question.

No luck so far. Maybe this thread will do it.


they cant because they are the Far them that's all that matters....they don't show Moderates or "Rinos" any respect......but they want them to vote like them....
Next, math. According to FoxNews exit polls, moderates were 45% of the electorate in the 2012 Presidential election and voted for Obama over Romney, 56% to 41%. With 130 million Americans voting, that is a deficit of nearly 9 million voters. Obama beat Romney by 5 million votes.

Romney WAS a moderate.

This fact tumbles the RINO house of cards...and should steer the conversation in an entirely different direction.

Romney defies that label; he was - depending on who he thought was listening - a conservative, a liberal or pragmatic (moderate). He was always a Plutocrat.
I voted for Reagan and Daddy Bush four times. Up until that time, I considered the Republicans to be more pragmatic and in touch with the American people

I soured on the GOP in the mid 90s. The Newt Gingrich revolution turned me agaisnt the party. They embraced totalitarianism and refused to negotiate on any issue. They seemed more concerned with enforcing their dogma than doing what was best for the country

Mostly, the party got just plain mean. Scapegoating people who cannot do any better and defending the superwealthy at all costs. Socially, their hardline stands on abortion, welfare, gays and endorsing Christianity was a turnoff.

The party of Clinton became more appealing
Fuck both of the parties...they are the same. Until one actually has the balls to differentiate themselves from the other by being socially liberal and fiscally conservative, fuck 'em.

We are a one-party state because of the ball-less wonders in the White House and the Capitol. One party states have a high failure rate.

Where's Barry Goldwater when I need him?

ETA: and fuck the hypocrites who want the government out of their body, yet want the government to be in control of their health care and vice versa....fucking idiots.
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The problem with the Republican Party is that the Moderates are currently driving the bus and they seem to be acting in concert with the Dems to transform the USA into a failed European Socialist state because they're clearly not interested in winning.

In 2008 Democrats in the Republican Party AKA: Moderate Republicans, ran a pro-Illegal Immigration anti tax cutting rube and got crushed by a Community Agitator pretended to be a fiscal Conservative and political Moderate. Obama campaigned as a bigger Conservative than McCain.

Can you honestly say that Dubya, Juan McCain or Mitt Romney were Conservative ideologues?

I said it before Conservatives must take over the Republican Party and make it a Party of Big Ideas: Entitlement Report, Education Reform, Immigration Reform, pro-Economic Growth. That wins election, that creates the environment for a prosperous nation

You want to be Democrat-Lite, well good riddance

Being fiscaly conservative does not mean being pennywise and poundfoolish.
Next, math. According to FoxNews exit polls, moderates were 45% of the electorate in the 2012 Presidential election and voted for Obama over Romney, 56% to 41%. With 130 million Americans voting, that is a deficit of nearly 9 million voters. Obama beat Romney by 5 million votes.

Romney WAS a moderate.

This fact tumbles the RINO house of cards...and should steer the conversation in an entirely different direction.

Romney defies that label; he was - depending on who he thought was listening - a conservative, a liberal or pragmatic (moderate). He was always a Plutocrat.

I very much agree with that description....but, when he governed...his track record was very socially liberal.

AND he was overwhelming the choice of Republican moderates.

They, more than anyone else, are responsible for his nomination.

To come back and say "well, moderates didn't vote for this guy over Obama...and that's you social conservatives fault." is hypocrisy of the highest order.

And that's where this whole argument falls apart.

The Moderates got exactly what and who they wanted.

How exactly is that being "excluded from the party"?
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Romney WAS a moderate.

This fact tumbles the RINO house of cards...and should steer the conversation in an entirely different direction.

Romney defies that label; he was - depending on who he thought was listening - a conservative, a liberal or pragmatic (moderate). He was always a Plutocrat.

I very much agree with that description....but, when he governed...his track record was very socially liberal.

AND he was overwhelming the choice of Republican moderates.

They, more than anyone else, are responsible for his nomination.

To come back and say "well, moderates didn't vote for this guy over Obama...and that's you social conservatives fault." is hypocrisy of the highest order.

And that's where this whole argument falls apart.

The Moderates got exactly what and who they wanted.

How exactly is that being "excluded from the party"?

And that's why the GOP won't go for another moderate. 2016 could be like 2008 in reverse.
Romney defies that label; he was - depending on who he thought was listening - a conservative, a liberal or pragmatic (moderate). He was always a Plutocrat.

I very much agree with that description....but, when he governed...his track record was very socially liberal.

AND he was overwhelming the choice of Republican moderates.

They, more than anyone else, are responsible for his nomination.

To come back and say "well, moderates didn't vote for this guy over Obama...and that's you social conservatives fault." is hypocrisy of the highest order.

And that's where this whole argument falls apart.

The Moderates got exactly what and who they wanted.

How exactly is that being "excluded from the party"?

And that's why the GOP won't go for another moderate. 2016 could be like 2008 in reverse.

The GOP can't even get Republicans to vote for a strict conservative. How do they expect to get all of America to vote for them?
The problem with the Republican Party is that the Moderates are currently driving the bus and they seem to be acting in concert with the Dems to transform the USA into a failed European Socialist state because they're clearly not interested in winning.

In 2008 Democrats in the Republican Party AKA: Moderate Republicans, ran a pro-Illegal Immigration anti tax cutting rube and got crushed by a Community Agitator pretended to be a fiscal Conservative and political Moderate. Obama campaigned as a bigger Conservative than McCain.

Can you honestly say that Dubya, Juan McCain or Mitt Romney were Conservative ideologues?

I said it before Conservatives must take over the Republican Party and make it a Party of Big Ideas: Entitlement Report, Education Reform, Immigration Reform, pro-Economic Growth. That wins election, that creates the environment for a prosperous nation

You want to be Democrat-Lite, well good riddance

Being fiscaly conservative does not mean being pennywise and poundfoolish.

He said he was going to go through the federal budget with a fine-toothed comb. He said he was going to cut the deficit. Back then cut meant reduce, not double
I very much agree with that description....but, when he governed...his track record was very socially liberal.

AND he was overwhelming the choice of Republican moderates.

They, more than anyone else, are responsible for his nomination.

To come back and say "well, moderates didn't vote for this guy over Obama...and that's you social conservatives fault." is hypocrisy of the highest order.

And that's where this whole argument falls apart.

The Moderates got exactly what and who they wanted.

How exactly is that being "excluded from the party"?

And that's why the GOP won't go for another moderate. 2016 could be like 2008 in reverse.

The GOP can't even get Republicans to vote for a strict conservative. How do they expect to get all of America to vote for them?

How much did Romney spend and how much did Santorum spend?
In a few more years, people will start realize that all of the Saint Obama Claus freebies weren't really free.

When the bill for them is due; in the form of increasingly higher taxes and a drastic reduction in social services. :cool:
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And that's why the GOP won't go for another moderate. 2016 could be like 2008 in reverse.

The GOP can't even get Republicans to vote for a strict conservative. How do they expect to get all of America to vote for them?

How much did Romney spend and how much did Santorum spend?


If that is your idea of a conservative candidate then you don't have a prayer

Obama killed Romney by ridiculing him every time he spouted conservative dogma. 47%, party of the rich, anti immigration reform, anti women,anti gay, strict policy on abortion.....all were used to paint Romney as dangerous and out of touch. Romney surged in the polls after he swung to a moderate positiona and people started to see him as not so crazy
Next, math. According to FoxNews exit polls, moderates were 45% of the electorate in the 2012 Presidential election and voted for Obama over Romney, 56% to 41%. With 130 million Americans voting, that is a deficit of nearly 9 million voters. Obama beat Romney by 5 million votes.

Romney WAS a moderate.

This fact tumbles the RINO house of cards...and should steer the conversation in an entirely different direction.

Romney ran on

- cutting taxes
- cutting spending
- increasing defense spending
- closer ties with Israel and a more hard line on Iran
- repeal Obamacare

He also picked as his running mate the guy whose signature item is a radical restructuring of Medicare designed to limit spending on healthcare.

What was moderate about that? That may look moderate to the far right but it looks conservative to everyone else.
The GOP can't even get Republicans to vote for a strict conservative. How do they expect to get all of America to vote for them?

How much did Romney spend and how much did Santorum spend?


If that is your idea of a conservative candidate then you don't have a prayer

Obama killed Romney by ridiculing him every time he spouted conservative dogma. 47%, party of the rich, anti immigration reform, anti women,anti gay, strict policy on abortion.....all were used to paint Romney as dangerous and out of touch. Romney surged in the polls after he swung to a moderate positiona and people started to see him as not so crazy

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