The rights obsession with liberals and Hillary Rotten Clinton, like enough already!!


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
Fox, MSNBC, Rush Limpballs, Hannity, Brietbart, etc...all these far right idiots, would file bankruptcy yesterday, were it not for liberals and the Clintons.....Jim Comey, a republican.....goes before the American public 11 days prior to an election, throws all the odds of the white mop winning to the wind, Trump wins and for 1 year and counting, all the fuck we hear about is Hillary.

These people need liberals, they need a base that hates liberals....even though they run the nation...but its that liberal meat that keeps the doors open for these idiots. And Hillary, until she is in the grave....will be their meal ticket. And if Trump was a democrat doing all the shit he's doing....lets just say, all of these right winged fucks legacy's could enter the 31st century, without any worries of income loss or fans!!
One part of the Right talks about Hillary --> the Left defends her (nevermind that she can defend herself if she feels the need to do so) --> the other part of the Right, the part not talking about Hillary, quietly goes about "f*cking up" everything they can without attracting much scrutiny.

If the Left would just let the Right say whatever they hell they want and not dignify the "stupid sh*t" with a response, the Left would control the conversation. Of course, most of the Left is every bit as rhetorically parochial and puerile as most of the Right, so they don't do that; thus here we are with the Right ragging on Hillary and Left griping about their doing so.

Don't get me wrong, there was a time for doing so, but that time is gone. Let it go and discuss other stuff and the Right will have no choice but to do so too, unless they just want to talk amongst themselves about Hillary, which if they do, fine, let 'em.
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If Hillary Clinton's name quit being involved over EVERY political scandal in the last four decades it would be easy. Chicago still talks about AL Capone and he's been dead for 50 years! Hardened criminals tend to have a LONG after life in American history!
Hey tigerred59

Like what? Be specific. And please, leave out nonsensical conspiracies like Fast and Furious and Born in Kenya.

"Start with Islamic terrorism. Obama’s administration propelled ISIS to the status of an international terrorist network, by pulling out American troops in the Middle East and creating a power vacuum that was readily filled by ISIS. This cancer took birth and grew under Obama."

"Obama not only pardoned traitors, in his zeal to close down Gitmo prison in Cuba he released terrorists back into the civilized world, where many have returned to the battle."

"Only days and weeks before Obama left office, he not only issued a flurry of “midnight regulations” through executive orders, he put 89 of his loyalists into cushy federal jobs, to reward their allegiance to him and make it even tougher for Trump to govern."

"Finally, the next time you read a mainstream media story calling Obama’s administration “scandal-free”, don’t forget Solyndra, the VA, DOJ and IRS scandals, Operation Fast-and- Furious, Benghazi, his Personnel Management hacking breach, private email servers in his State Department, the New Black Panther voter intimidation, and Obama passing his own legislation in violation of constitutional checks and balances."

Cleaning up Obama’s royal messes
Lois Lerner with IRS.
Now it seems FBI.
Holder Attorney General.
He politicized the departments which is against the law.

may not engage in political activity while on duty, in a government office, while wearing an official uniform or while using a government vehicle; EXAMPLE: An employee may not display a political poster, bumper sticker or campaign button in his or her office or in the common areas of a federal building.
OP would be a dangerous ally to rely upon, because of simply being bored, wanting to be entertained. Post #2 uses an argument of the excluded middle, and further down, the thread begins to snap into coherence. Fact is, Clinton mafia collusions with drug traffickers, Chinese Triads, state agents, theologians, pimps, have long-lasting consequences that require the replacement of morning prayers by the pious, fearful and meek, with expose and political discourse that keeps digging deeper and winnowing, to reach the beating core of the pathology.

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