The right-wing platform for dummies

Here's an example of the rightwing platform at work.

A quote by a radical rightwinger supporting the government's right to infringe upon the rights of poor people on welfare.

And ALL on OUR DIME? it's about time some State Legislature started the process of reeling in the fraud and deciet by these criminals.

Noone has a right to welfare, so if the government ended the program nobody would have their rights infringed upon.
Poor people suck and are to blame for everything that you might think is wrong with this country. So let's make them even poorer.

Poor people are politically powerless. They don't have any spare money lying around to donate to politcal campaigns. And they're even more powerless because they often don't vote.

Of course, the rich take care of themselves. THEY are plugged in to the political process with plenty of lobbyists to help grease the hands of the decision makers.

And the middle class is much more likely to vote.

Like they say, you know what rolls downhill.

Poor people are not powerless, it costs nothing to vote and by voting the poor person has all the power in the world to change their lives. If you want more welfare in your state, then keep voting the politicians in that give it out like candy, if you want more jobs in your state, vote politicians in that will bring jobs to the state, politicians that will lower corporate taxes enough that businesses wont be afraid to put roots in to create jobs for said poor people.
Poor people control their own destiny, just as we all do. But as long as they keep looking to government to take care of them they will always be poor. Government cannot make you rich, but they can make you poor.

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