The Right-Wing Fringe Threatens the Republican Party

The Right-Wing Fringe Threatens the Republican Party

The Right-Wing Fringe IS the Republican Party

"Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the Republican party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them."
Barry Goldwater (R) – Late Senator & Father of the Conservative movement
Great Quote.

Ah. Barry. Oh how he is missed.

One of the last truly great real republicans.


"This is a man who in his own business, before he entered politics, instituted a profit-sharing plan, before unions had ever thought of it. He put in health and medical insurance for all his employees. He took 50 percent of the profits before taxes and set up a retirement plan, and a pension plan for all his employees. He sent monthly checks for life to an employee who was ill and couldn't work. He provided nursing care for the children of mothers who work in the stores. When Mexico was ravaged by the floods from the Rio Grande, he climbed in his airplane and flew medicine and supplies down there.

An ex-GI told me how he met him. It was the week before Christmas during the Korean War, and he was at the Los Angeles airport trying to get a ride home to Arizona, and he said that there were a lot of servicemen there and no seats available on the planes. Then a voice came over the loudspeaker and said, "Any men in uniform wanting a ride to Arizona, go to runway such-and-such," and they went down there, and there was a fellow named Barry Goldwater sitting in his plane. Every day in the weeks before Christmas, all day long, he would load up the plane, fly to Arizona, fly them to their homes, then fly back over to get another load.

During the hectic split-second timing of a campaign, this is a man who took time out to sit beside an old friend who was dying of cancer. His campaign managers were understandably impatient, but he said, "There aren't many left who care what happens to her. I'd like her to know that I care." This is a man who said to his nineteen-year-old son, "There is no foundation like the rock of honesty and fairness, and when you begin to build your life upon that rock, with the cement of the faith in God that you have, then you have a real start!" This is not a man who could carelessly send other people's sons to war. And that is the issue of this campaign that makes all of the other problems I have discussed academic, unless we realize that we are in a war that must be won."

Address on Behalf of Sen. Barry Goldwater, Ronald Reagan, 1964
Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, Simi Valley, CA., p 22-36

Equality, rightly understood as our founding fathers understood it, leads to liberty and to the emancipation of creative differences; wrongly understood, as it has been so tragically in our time, it leads first to conformity and then to despotism.
Barry Goldwater (R) Late Senator & Father of the Conservative movement
The article is from Reason online? Naming that thing "Reason" is equal to the party of tolerance showing just how intolerant they are of others. Especially when a conservative beauty queen expresses her opinion on same-sex marriage that mirrors what Obama himself has said he believes about same-sex marriage. Remember which one was crucified by liberals and their selective outrage with Carrie Prejean but NOT Barack Obama?

logical fallacy much?
Birthers, deathers, people who think Obama is a communist or the anti-Christ.

That right-wing fringe.
Mmmmmmmm....The strawman.....I follow now.....

Not in the least. Remember, these criticisms are coming from the right, not the left.

If the Republicans can be painted as people who think Obama is the anti-Christ, they will have a hard time.
Just because it comes form Reason magazine doesn't mean it's still not a strawman argument.

In fact, I find it a bit of a disappointment that it's from that source.
The article is from Reason online? Naming that thing "Reason" is equal to the party of tolerance showing just how intolerant they are of others. Especially when a conservative beauty queen expresses her opinion on same-sex marriage that mirrors what Obama himself has said he believes about same-sex marriage. Remember which one was crucified by liberals and their selective outrage with Carrie Prejean but NOT Barack Obama?
Just because it comes form Reason magazine doesn't mean it's still not a strawman argument.

In fact, I find it a bit of a disappointment that it's from that source.

I think its bang on.

There are others on the right saying the same thing.

When members of one's own are saying that one's group is veering to far too the edges of sanity, its best to listen.
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Sadly, the republican party is being defined by the fringe. While they could once proudly look at the Reagans, Doles, McCains and be defended by respected right wing pundits like George Will or William F Buckley...

They are now identified as the party of Palin people like Limbaugh, Hannity and Beck are what now pass for intellectuals in the party

They have settled for lowest common denominator and Joe the Plummer is their symbol
People who are part of the Fringe rarely acknowledge, nor even recognize, they are part of the Fringe.

Some even reject there is a fringe altogether.

Says a person who rarely if ever acknowledges that she's a member of the fringe, nor does she recognize that she's part of the fringe...
People who are part of the Fringe rarely acknowledge, nor even recognize, they are part of the Fringe.

Some even reject there is a fringe altogether.

Says a person who rarely if ever acknowledges that she's a member of the fringe, nor does she recognize that she's part of the fringe...
If you'd like to post evidence I am a member of a fringe, I'd be more than happy to review it.
Birthers, deathers, people who think Obama is a communist or the anti-Christ.

That right-wing fringe.
Mmmmmmmm....The strawman.....I follow now.....

Not in the least. Remember, these criticisms are coming from the right, not the left.

If the Republicans can be painted as people who think Obama is the anti-Christ, they will have a hard time.

These criticisms are not coming from the Right... they're coming from the Right. This screed is coming from the Left... who are either overtly trying to deceive their audience or who are working from a self-delusion.

Understand that what Toro is projecting here is the the Right is criticising itself, through the suggestion that what it should be: IS LEFT...
From Reason

If moderates, independents, Reagan Democrats, and libertarians are vital to future Republican electoral successes, party leaders might want to try to control the tone of the debate. The Clinton years are instructive. Despite the Lewinsky affair, the shady dealings of Whitewater, sundry "bimbo eruptions," and countless micro-scandals, Bill Clinton left office with a bafflingly high approval rating. University of Washington professor David Domke investigated the cause of Clinton's resilience and found that "conservative attacks on Clinton and the liberal response, which questioned the motives of Republicans, worked together to intensify public support for the president."

After two years of muckraking anti-Clinton journalism, The American Spectator went from 30,000 subscribers to 300,000. As Clinton proved to be a Teflon president, the mania deepened and the magazine accused Clinton of murder, drug smuggling, and cheating at golf. In the end, its star investigative journalist converted to liberalism, those remaining defected to other conservative publications, the magazine collapsed and was relaunched as a technology publication, and the Clinton administration barreled forward. Glenn Beck might pull 2.5 million viewers a day, WorldNetDaily might be clocking 2 million unique visitors a month—impressive, if slightly frightening, numbers—but they would be advised to remember the Spectator.

Thankfully, some Republicans are cottoning on. In a post on Twitter, MSNBC's Joe Scarborough urged his fellow Republicans to "argue the issues," "avoid the insults," and stop "with the conspiracy theories." Republican strategist Patrick Ruffini asked politely if his party could "have [William F.] Buckley back." Writing at, blogger Jon Henke complained recently that "Goldwater and a few Republicans had the integrity and guts to denounce the irresponsible fringe in the fevered swamps of the Right. Today, as far as I can tell, the Republican National Committee works with them."

Extremism in the defense of liberty might not be a vice, but Goldwater's famous comment was not a dog whistle for those who believed fluoridated water was at the heart of a Red Chinese conspiracy (opposing "Soviet imperialism," as he was suggesting, hardly qualified as extremist). As The Washington Post pointed out in 1994, in his later years the former Republican presidential candidate engaged in "frequent denunciations of the religious right and occasional defenses of Bill Clinton," and agitated to allow gays to serve openly in the military.

Ruffini is right that the Republican Party would benefit from another Buckley. But it could also use a leader. How about another Goldwater?

The Hopeless Opposition: As Obama falters, Republicans dither - Reason Magazine

Sadly for this screed... in truth, there is no such thing as a right wing "FRINGE."

The Ideological Right represents the defense, conservation and respect of; and recognition for the Immutable Principles of nature.

The word fringe has a number of contexts... the two relevant contexts are as follows...

outer limit: the outer edge, or something considered to be on the outer edge and not central to an activity, interest, or issue (often used in the plural)
outposts on the fringes of civilization ...

Thus the notion would be that the 'FIRNGE of the right wing, is on the outer limits of the defense of the immutable principles of nature.

The problem is that immutable principles are not subject to interpretation or debate. They are what they are and do what you will in the recognition or rejection thereof... immutable principles will win everytime. Violate them and the reaction from nature will be swift and sure... thus defending them and fighting for the recognition and adherance to them is simple common sense; which seeks to avoid the calamity, chaos and catastrophe common to the rejection of those principles...

That being true... the only alternative for those who reject those principles is to work for a popular consensus and then appeal TO that popular concensus, which bring us to the other context of "Fringe":

less important area: an area of action that is far away from the center of activity or interest in a specific field

Thus the attempt here is to establish the ENTIRETY of the ideological right as being less important... the place where people who are less important hang out... those appealing to those who ar eprone to such fallacious, unsustainable reasoning...

It's just more flaccid nonsense, being advanced by the impotence that is: Left-think.

It claims to respect and recognize the unalienable human rights common to the Immutable Principles... but it rejects the divine authroity on which those rights rests and it rejects the RESPONSIBILTIES WHICH ARE INHERENT IN AND WHICH ARE THE SUSTAINING FOUNDATION OF THOSE RIGHTS... A foundation that without, the Unalienable Right itself, cannot stand. Meaning quite simply that Left-think itself is a LIE; it is a deception that seeks to con the individual into conceding their rights, by default...

Thus, as is nearly always the case... the Left comes in this OP to cast its OWN circumstance upon its opposition. It is the reasoning advanced by the Left which rests well away from the Center of Truth... thus is the fringe cultural element that lies at the base of every cultural ill, common to the US and the whole of Western Civilization.

Sounded vaguely familiar.... you've perverted Deist beliefs to fit your views.
Just because it comes form Reason magazine doesn't mean it's still not a strawman argument.

In fact, I find it a bit of a disappointment that it's from that source.

I think its bang on.

There are others on the right saying the same thing.

ROFL... No there's not... there are Leftists, who prefer to be called' Centrists, who have enrolled in the GOP; who are, due to a lack of sufficient intellectual means to do otherwise, desperate to encourage the Right to be more like the Left.

But only children and FOOLS believe that Conservatives would suggest that their principles be set aside to accomodate a popular consensus.

With Children having the advantage; given their potential to outgrow it.

When members of one's own are saying that one's group is veering to far too the edges of sanity, its best to listen.

Members of 'our own' are not saying it...

But this is an odd time to be taking this stand, given the number of Democrats who are presently standing against Nationalized Healthcare... Given this nonsense you're pushing Toro... If such rested on valid principle; it serves reason that you'd be found making note of this; yet there's not a word from you on this, anywhere to be found.
The only factions of the GOP to worry about are the religious crazys, the squishies, and the neo-cons.

The religious crazys...well...for obvious reasons.

The squishies...because they have no principles to stand on. But then again, that's what being a "moderate" consists of.

The neo-cons...well...for the foreign policy we have now.

What's wrong with opposing the health care policies being proposed now? That's not extremism. In fact...if you want to go with "being with the public," opposing Democratic proposals is the way to go.
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The article is from Reason online? Naming that thing "Reason" is equal to the party of tolerance showing just how intolerant they are of others. Especially when a conservative beauty queen expresses her opinion on same-sex marriage that mirrors what Obama himself has said he believes about same-sex marriage. Remember which one was crucified by liberals and their selective outrage with Carrie Prejean but NOT Barack Obama?

logical fallacy much?


Specifically, to what fallacy are you referring?

(Now understand, I ask this purely to let this idiot demonstrate that she has absolutely NO IDEA what she's talking about. She simply wasn't 'comfortable' with the position; and felt she should say something... but being an idiot, she advanced an ad populum farce, to lament fallacious argument.


Members of 'our own' are not saying it...

I see. So if self-proclaimed right wingers don't think like you, they are not really "right wing."

Sort of like christians who have alternate views, if they look too foreign to the alleged "real Christian," then the person wasn't really a christian in the first place.

I get it.

People who are part of the Fringe rarely acknowledge, nor even recognize, they are part of the Fringe.

Some even reject there is a fringe altogether.

Says a person who rarely if ever acknowledges that she's a member of the fringe, nor does she recognize that she's part of the fringe...
If you'd like to post evidence I am a member of a fringe, I'd be more than happy to review it.


Now do I understand that you're returning to reject that you're in the Fringe... tending towards the demonstration that you do not recognize yourself as being in the Fringe... certainly failing to acknowledge that you're a part of the Fringe... and

Perhaps we should review...

People who are part of the Fringe rarely acknowledge, nor even recognize, they are part of the Fringe.

Some even reject there is a fringe altogether.

Are you challenging my source? Or the validity of the argument advanced by my source? BE SPECIFIC SIS!
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The Right-Wing Fringe Threatens the Republican Party

News flash:

The Right-Wing Fringe IS the Republican Party
Says a person who rarely if ever acknowledges that she's a member of the fringe, nor does she recognize that she's part of the fringe...
If you'd like to post evidence I am a member of a fringe, I'd be more than happy to review it.


Now do I understand that you're returning to reject that you're in Fringe... tending towardds the demonstration that you do not recognize yourself as being in the Fringe... certainly failing to acknowledge that you're a part of the Fringe... and

Perhaps we should review...

People who are part of the Fringe rarely acknowledge, nor even recognize, they are part of the Fringe.

Some even reject there is a fringe altogether.

Are you challenging my source? Or the validity of the argument advanced by my source? BE SPECIFIC SIS!
That's your evidence I am of the fringe?


Members of 'our own' are not saying it...

I see. So if self-proclaimed right wingers don't think like you, they are not really "right wing."

Sort of like christians who have alternate views, if they look too foreign to the alleged "real Christian," then the person wasn't really a christian in the first place.

I get it.


You can proclaim yourself a Sequoia... and run around advocating for the clear cutting of Sequoias... That doesn't mean that Sequoias are actually out there, advocating for Sequoia suicide.

Christians have many diverse views... but it's unlikely that you'd find too many Christians agreeing that the Church should adhere to a little more evil... to accomodate a broader popular acceptance. Where such was the case; you'd have a first class example of non-Christians suffering the the delusion of evil, for the purposes of undermining the Church.

And no... You don't 'get it...' and it's unlikely that you'll ever 'get it...'
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Sadly for this screed... in truth, there is no such thing as a right wing "FRINGE."

The Ideological Right represents the defense, conservation and respect of; and recognition for the Immutable Principles of nature.

The word fringe has a number of contexts... the two relevant contexts are as follows...

outer limit: the outer edge, or something considered to be on the outer edge and not central to an activity, interest, or issue (often used in the plural)
outposts on the fringes of civilization ...

Thus the notion would be that the 'FIRNGE of the right wing, is on the outer limits of the defense of the immutable principles of nature.

The problem is that immutable principles are not subject to interpretation or debate. They are what they are and do what you will in the recognition or rejection thereof... immutable principles will win everytime. Violate them and the reaction from nature will be swift and sure... thus defending them and fighting for the recognition and adherance to them is simple common sense; which seeks to avoid the calamity, chaos and catastrophe common to the rejection of those principles...

That being true... the only alternative for those who reject those principles is to work for a popular consensus and then appeal TO that popular concensus, which bring us to the other context of "Fringe":

less important area: an area of action that is far away from the center of activity or interest in a specific field

Thus the attempt here is to establish the ENTIRETY of the ideological right as being less important... the place where people who are less important hang out... those appealing to those who ar eprone to such fallacious, unsustainable reasoning...

It's just more flaccid nonsense, being advanced by the impotence that is: Left-think.

It claims to respect and recognize the unalienable human rights common to the Immutable Principles... but it rejects the divine authroity on which those rights rests and it rejects the RESPONSIBILTIES WHICH ARE INHERENT IN AND WHICH ARE THE SUSTAINING FOUNDATION OF THOSE RIGHTS... A foundation that without, the Unalienable Right itself, cannot stand. Meaning quite simply that Left-think itself is a LIE; it is a deception that seeks to con the individual into conceding their rights, by default...

Thus, as is nearly always the case... the Left comes in this OP to cast its OWN circumstance upon its opposition. It is the reasoning advanced by the Left which rests well away from the Center of Truth... thus is the fringe cultural element that lies at the base of every cultural ill, common to the US and the whole of Western Civilization.

People who are part of the Fringe rarely acknowledge, nor even recognize, they are part of the Fringe.

Some even reject there is a fringe altogether.

Says a person who rarely if ever acknowledges that she's a member of the fringe, nor does she recognize that she's part of the fringe...

If you'd like to post evidence I am a member of a fringe, I'd be more than happy to review it.


Now do I understand that you're returning to reject that you're in the Fringe... tending towards the demonstration that you do not recognize yourself as being in the Fringe... certainly failing to acknowledge that you're a part of the Fringe... and

Perhaps we should review...

People who are part of the Fringe rarely acknowledge, nor even recognize, they are part of the Fringe.

Some even reject there is a fringe altogether.

Are you challenging my source? Or the validity of the argument advanced by my source? BE SPECIFIC Sis!

That's your evidence I am of the fringe?



Well gee now... Let's see... I sourced your own words, wherein you defined the traits common to "the Fringe;" I then simply highlighted a person who was demonstrating traits common to "The Fringe," based upon YOUR EMPHATIC ASSERTION, which DEFINED such traits.

Now given that you're the one which defined those traits... and you're the one who exemplifies those traits... it follows that highlighting you demonstrating the traits which YOU DEFINED, would stand as incontrovertible evidence of you demonstrating your 'Fringe' status.
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Does any one else find it hilariously funny that we're getting lectured about the Fringe from Democrats, a Party that votes with Socialist Bernie Sanders 96% of the time and has a President that spend 20 years in a Fringe Black Separatist Church listening to Rev Wrong talk about Greedy White People and how we deserved 9/11?

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