The right to work

Who has a greater right to work?

  • Illegal alien union member

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Diamond Member
Jun 25, 2010
On the way to the Dark Tower.
On another thread, I asked a leftist union drone:

Who has a greater right to work -- an American non-union member, or an illegal alien union member?

He refused to answer, so that made his views pretty clear. Let's see how USMB feels about it.
On another thread, I asked a leftist union drone:

Who has a greater right to work -- an American non-union member, or an illegal alien union member?

He refused to answer, so that made his views pretty clear. Let's see how USMB feels about it.

Unions don't give a shit about their workers. All they care about is dues. Money. Extortion.

Which is why they could care less if members are legal or illegals. They get their dues.

American non-union labor is what will free this country. They are the ones with the right to work.
Why does one person have a right to work and no one else?

That is because unions do not want non union people working, UNLESS they pay dues.

Non union workers could care less if others are union members. Do you ever see it the other way around where union members are alright with non union workers?
On another thread, I asked a leftist union drone:

Who has a greater right to work -- an American non-union member, or an illegal alien union member?

He refused to answer, so that made his views pretty clear. Let's see how USMB feels about it.

You don't see any leftists in here trying to answer you this time either. Doya? :lol:
Man i'm just waiting for them to try and Unionize the TSA. Talk about a frightening prospect? Could you imagine these TSA union thugs calling for their Strikes every three months? What a mess. Things could get much worse people.
I personally find phrases like 'right to work' a bit asinine, but if you're physically able to work, by all means you have the right to it.
On another thread, I asked a leftist union drone:

Who has a greater right to work -- an American non-union member, or an illegal alien union member?

He refused to answer, so that made his views pretty clear. Let's see how USMB feels about it.

You don't see any leftists in here trying to answer you this time either. Doya? :lol:

Not a one. I wonder why?

Okay, no, I really don't. :lol:
I personally find phrases like 'right to work' a bit asinine, but if you're physically able to work, by all means you have the right to it.

Unless you are a NON union person applying for a job in a "union shop" and do not want to join the union.
American citizen non-union member. Easy.

Historically, unions were pretty dead-set against open borders. Today's unions should be opposed to amnesty, etc., but fall into the lockstep with the rest of the left on that issue. Political correctness is an altar at which a lot is sacrificed.

Statistic I've heard is that 1/4 of all union households actually vote Republican. I have seen stickers around that say "Not All Union Households are for Obama." Makes me smile!
The premise of the question in the OP is rediculous.

As for whether or not Unions care about non-union workers I can only re-post and point to the facts.

Unions benefit all of America’s workers and strengthen our communities.

Unions today:

Reinforce the middle class and lift up America’s communities. States with higher rates of unionization have lower rates of poverty, crime, and failing schools.

Benefit local economic development. In partnerships with employers, community organizations, and local governments, unions have helped revitalize local economies by saving and expanding family-supporting jobs.

Raise wages for all workers. Studies show that a large union presence in an industry or region can raise wages even for non-union workers.

Fight for all workers’ health and safety. In 2008 the AFL-CIO and the United Food and Commercial Workers sued to get employers to provide personal protective equipment. Now, workers in hazardous jobs which require safety gear—like hard hats or protective glasses—must be provided this equipment, instead of being asked to buy it themselves.

Advocate for increases in the minimum wage and push for living wage ordinances. Unions have been instrumental in efforts to increase the federal minimum wage, state minimum wages and in the successful living wage movement which has already resulted in over 150 local living wage laws nationwide.

Reduce wage inequality. Unions raise wages the most for low- and middle-wage workers and workers without college degrees.
Statistic I've heard is that 1/4 of all union households actually vote Republican. I have seen stickers around that say "Not All Union Households are for Obama." Makes me smile!

And that should shatter any mistaken belief that Union members fall in lock-step with Democrats or even their leadership.
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Have you looked at the average TSA thug in our Airports? Pretty angry & bitter lot no? Now imagine them being Unionized. This prospect should scare the hell out of all common sense thinking Americans.
I personally find phrases like 'right to work' a bit asinine, but if you're physically able to work, by all means you have the right to it.

What does that mean?
" have the right to it"

In the legal sense it means you have the right to "not join or quit a union" and still keep your job if the workers there are represented employees. You only see that in "Right To Work" states.

On the other hand, in "Closed Shop" states joining a union is a condition of employment if the employees are represented.

But even in "Closed Shop" states it still means you have the right to work anywhere you wish though.

That's why the term "Right To Work" is very misleading.
Americans have a duty to work, not a right. Illegal aliens not only do not have a right to work, they have the duty to go home.
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The premise of the question in the OP is rediculous.
No, it's not, for reasons I explained in the OP.
As for whether or not Unions care about non-union workers I can only re-post and point to the facts.

Unions benefit all of America’s workers and strengthen our communities.

Unions today:

Reinforce the middle class and lift up America’s communities. States with higher rates of unionization have lower rates of poverty, crime, and failing schools.

Benefit local economic development. In partnerships with employers, community organizations, and local governments, unions have helped revitalize local economies by saving and expanding family-supporting jobs.

Raise wages for all workers. Studies show that a large union presence in an industry or region can raise wages even for non-union workers.

Fight for all workers’ health and safety. In 2008 the AFL-CIO and the United Food and Commercial Workers sued to get employers to provide personal protective equipment. Now, workers in hazardous jobs which require safety gear—like hard hats or protective glasses—must be provided this equipment, instead of being asked to buy it themselves.

Advocate for increases in the minimum wage and push for living wage ordinances. Unions have been instrumental in efforts to increase the federal minimum wage, state minimum wages and in the successful living wage movement which has already resulted in over 150 local living wage laws nationwide.

Reduce wage inequality. Unions raise wages the most for low- and middle-wage workers and workers without college degrees.

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