The Right To Bear Arms

California Bill Would Allow Citizens To Enforce Weapons Ban

A California bill would allow private citizens to go after gun makers in the same way Texas allows them to target abortion providers.

Except that, once again, the right to purchase and own firearms is protected by the US Constitution, where the "right" to kill unborn babies is not, no matter how much you and your lunatic comrades imagine that it is.

I will never understand why you left-idiots keep thinking, "I really want this, so that makes it equivalent to a civil right" is a valid argument. But then, I've never sustained catastrophic brain damage, so I probably don't have the right frame of reference for understanding leftists.
What you describe is socialism, not Communism.

Under Communism there is no state. All things are owned in common. More precisely there is no property. So there would be no farm per se. People would just wander by and plant things for the good of the community. They might or might not stay around and harvest the crops. If they do, they have no more claim to eat that a bum in the gutter does.

In a Marxian fantasy world, people want to toil in the sun without reward because they care about the community. Under the absurd fantasy, there is so much produced by people with no incentive to produce that there is an abundance and no one worries about food or shelter. Free hotels that were built by people who just felt like it provide shelter for all. Free kitchens with cooks who just feel like making and serving food feed everyone. Someone will do the dishes just because they love the community.

That's a myth. This is from Chapter 2 of the Communist Manifesto:

The Communist revolution is the most radical rupture with traditional​
property relations; no wonder that its development involved the most
radical rupture with traditional ideas.​
But let us have done with the bourgeois objections to Communism.​
We have seen above, that the first step in the revolution by the working
class is to raise the proletariat to the position of ruling class to win the
battle of democracy.​
The proletariat will use its political supremacy to wrest, by degree, all
capital from the bourgeoisie, to centralise all instruments of production
in the hands of the State, i.e., of the proletariat organised as the ruling

class; and to increase the total productive forces as rapidly as possible.​

Marx talks about degrees of communism where the state is in the first stages but, even then, he's not talking about the State as above and he's not talking about Socialism. He just assumes that the revolution will lead to a revolutionary government, as has always been the case. In his own fantasy, he talks about the State, as in the revolutionary government, will yield power and give the power to the proletariat (but he still calls them the proletariat, acknowledging that they're always the slaves to their labor) but even then, there is a State - the proletariat organized as the ruling class. Note the use of the word "ruling".

Like all communists, they lie about what Communism is - even Marx did it. But, like all communists, if you read their words you will find that they eventually tell what they're really trying to do.

Sorry, but that obviously was an extremely stupid thing for Burger to say.
Obviously the entire American Revolution was about individual rights, like taxation without representation, and had nothing at all to do with states or state militias.
And the reason we won the American Revolution was because of the number of weapons owned by individuals, not states. I don't think states provided any firearms at all for the American Revolution?
In fact, since there were essentially no police until around 1900, almost always, the main need for firearms was individual.
Not once did state require their armed militia.
Almost always the need for firearms were for individual home defense, from cattle rustlers, and other threats.
I doubt there was much federal need for firearms either. The Civil war, the Mexican wars, etc., likely could and should have just been avoided. They were unnecessary and brutal.
The only valid need for firearms has always only been individual home defense.
We could and probably should completely disarm all levels of government, and only have individual arms.
Nope. He's correct. Study it.

Since this country was born out of armed rebellion by individuals, from a corrupt government, I hardly see how there is any sort of argument that could defend gun control that prevents armed rebellion by the population?
Has there ever been any government that has not gone completely corrupt within 400 years or so?
Don't all governments continually become more corrupt over time?
The actual only possible interpretation of the Bill of Rights is that the first federal gun control law in 1927, and all federal firearm laws that followed, are simply illegal.
The federal government was clearly denied any firearm jurisdiction at all.

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