The Rich in America are Stealing from the Poor

No the burden of taxation was more on the wealthy now it's more on the middle class and poor

Get your facts straight

Stop being a dumbass and making things up.

Issue Brief 19 Revisiting the High Tax Rates of the 1950s

Executive Summary

In the heated political debate that Americans are having about federal spending and revenue, advocates of higher taxes often cite the 1950s as a Golden Age. Then, it is claimed, the wealthy paid higher federal taxes and the system was fairer. A closer look at the facts, however, does not support this assertion.

In fact:

  • In the 1950s, very few people paid the very high income-tax rates aimed at the wealthiest.

  • Claims that wealthy people paid more taxes rest instead on the assumption that the rich, as stock owners, bore the entire burden of higher corporate taxes of that era. There are good reasons to doubt this assumption about corporate taxes.

  • Even if we leave these assumptions unchallenged, the economy of the 1950s was so different from our own that its tax structure cannot be reproduced today.

  • The most plausible viable paths to higher taxes in today’s economy would render the tax system less fair, not more so.

I believe it is more about influencing public policy decisions through Capitalism than through recourse to any subjective moral values of Socialism not wisely and specifically enumerated by our Founding Fathers.

Would we even have our wars on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror; if, at least the wealthiest, had to pay wartime Tax rates for them. I believe we would not, since we have a Commerce Clause.
Would we even have our wars on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror; if, at least the wealthiest, had to pay wartime Tax rates for them. I believe we would not, since we have a Commerce Clause.

I suspect we would not have a lot of government spending if the American people (at all income levels) were not so stupid and actually understood what the government was using the money for and how it is institutionally wasted and used for corruption.

Of course when you effectively exempt about 50% of voters from having to pay the income tax then they don't really care one way or another, do they? They are too stupid to know that corporate taxes are passed on to the consumers and they pay minimal excise and payroll taxes so they don't really give a shit. They vote their greed rather than what is fiscally responsible.

There are many bad things about a progressive tax. One of them is that it excludes a substantial number of people from paying much or any tax and these people have no stake in good government, especially if they are benefactors of bad government like receiving welfare.
Would we even have our wars on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror; if, at least the wealthiest, had to pay wartime Tax rates for them. I believe we would not, since we have a Commerce Clause.

I suspect we would not have a lot of government spending if the American people (at all income levels) were not so stupid and actually understood what the government was using the money for and how it is institutionally wasted and used for corruption.

Of course when you effectively exempt about 50% of voters from having to pay the income tax then they don't really care one way or another, do they? They are too stupid to know that corporate taxes are passed on to the consumers and they pay minimal excise and payroll taxes so they don't really give a shit. They vote their greed rather than what is fiscally responsible.

There are many bad things about a progressive tax. One of them is that it excludes a substantial number of people from paying much or any tax and these people have no stake in good government, especially if they are benefactors of bad government like receiving welfare.
Income taxes are not the only taxes.

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