The returning vets we all need to fear........

If we were'nt forced to take care of millions of illegals we could take care of our vets.

False dichotomy. One has nothing to do with the other.

According to liberals it does.
They're the one's who think there is a limited supply of wealth and the rich are taking more than their fair share.

Why doesnt that work with the poor?
Mentally wounded on the inside? Most freaking kids see more carnage and murder in movies and video games before they are 15 than Iraq/Afghan Vets saw in real life. I'm not trying to play one conflict against the other but the fact is that Iraqi and Afghan Veterans lived better and had shorter combat histories than any other conflict in history. It dovetails into the democrat party's political agenda to diminish Military heroism and portray American Military heroes and courageous Soldiers as freaking victims.Tim McVeigh was a soldier who was awarded a Bronze star and thanks to the liberal media's concern for the federal police rather than the truth it isn't clear even today about McVeigh's political loyalties or what the hell happened. Marine defector Lee Oswald assassinated JFK and the Country went into a decade long mourning ritual and even fifty years later nobody seems curious about why the CIA would have invited a defector back into the Country. Today we have five (and counting) Police Officers who took the same oath as JFK to defend the Constitution and were assassinated and all we get is insulting junk posts about "returning veterans".
Please don't anyone take this wrongly I am just bring it up for discussion. Could it be that these vets were damaged before they went into the service? I know what the parents are saying but..... We don't even know if he saw combat. Maybe he did that might explain his mental health. But i am not sure how we go from service in Afghanistan to the systematic murder of police officers.
Johnson served as a corporal in the Army Reserve as part of the 284th Engineering Company, and that he deployed to Afghanistan. There are reports that Johnson was a Carpentry and Masonry Specialist (MOS 12W) Army records show he was not a recipient of the Combat Action Badge, which is awarded to soldiers who’ve engaged in direct combat with the enemy.
Parents Of Dallas Shooter Say Son Became ‘Hermit’ After Military Service
“I love my son with all my heart, I hate what he did.”

My company hired a few of these guys a few years back and at the time, nobody really thought about it, but these guys and gals, they're mentally wounded on the inside. This one guy, nice, kind articulate, smart...every single day he wore his camoflage uniform into work, every single day. Nobody thought shit about it......until he ended up killing himself. He hung himself from a tree at his girlfriends house. All the vets we've hired have all since moved shelters, because they couldn't handle the pressures of work and onto God knows where.

These people are among us and unless we as a nation address mental health and gun control...we're just asking for trouble and trouble is what we're gonna get and it doesn't matter who's in the white house.

McVeigh ring a bell!!....another VET!!!

McVeigh never left the military and was working in black ops at the time. He had been chipped as well. Was the Murrah building a "false flag event"? You bet your ass that it was.
McVeigh was a vehicle crewman on a Bradley he was never Special Forces. I believe he was cut during the preparation course SOPC because he couldn't make a forced march.
Parents Of Dallas Shooter Say Son Became ‘Hermit’ After Military Service
“I love my son with all my heart, I hate what he did.”

My company hired a few of these guys a few years back and at the time, nobody really thought about it, but these guys and gals, they're mentally wounded on the inside. This one guy, nice, kind articulate, smart...every single day he wore his camoflage uniform into work, every single day. Nobody thought shit about it......until he ended up killing himself. He hung himself from a tree at his girlfriends house. All the vets we've hired have all since moved shelters, because they couldn't handle the pressures of work and onto God knows where.

These people are among us and unless we as a nation address mental health and gun control...we're just asking for trouble and trouble is what we're gonna get and it doesn't matter who's in the white house.

McVeigh ring a bell!!....another VET!!!

McVeigh never left the military and was working in black ops at the time. He had been chipped as well. Was the Murrah building a "false flag event"? You bet your ass that it was.
McVeigh was a vehicle crewman on a Bradley he was never Special Forces. I believe he was cut during the preparation course SOPC because he couldn't make a forced march.

McVeigh was involved in BLACK ops. He was to infiltrate some militia white supremacy group in Elohoim, Oklahoma because that was to be his cover. The Ryder Truck that allegedly caused that neat carving of the Murrah building oddly did not cause a crater in the spot the truck was parked on. Two different and distinct seismic blasts were detected seconds apart. Had it been an ANFO bomb that caused that, people would not have been able to look for victims for at least an hour without gas masks because the ammonium would have been too strong but yet people were there digging through the rubble within minutes. They also found other unexploded bombs that had to be extracted during the rescue and that caused the rescue teams to stop the search for bodies until they could be removed. Then there was the mysterious death of OfficerTerry Yeakley that was one of the first responders that refused to change his report on what he had witnessed. He was suicided. There were other deaths of people that knew too much as well. I personally met with former Brigadier General Benton Partin that was asked to come and look at the damage. He was one of the officers that were sent by the Pentagon top investigate the bombing in Lebanon in 1983. He is an explosives expert with a very impressive resume. If he says that charges were set on the columns that caused the concrete encased rebar to be powderized cause the PSI of an ANFO bomb could never do that? I am going to go with his assessment.
Good thing VA is on the job taking care of them...thanks obama

Markle, so you think what I wrote about the OKC bombing is "funny"? Want to debate me on this? I have dedicated a lot of personal time on this particular event and I met with a key player that was threatened with losing his pension if he didn't stop talking about it. Bring some game if you want to discuss this. The OKC Murrah building was a collaboration of the CIA, ATF and FBI. It was about marginalizing and demonizing the patriot movement and McVeigh was used as a puppet/patsy. Clinton had a "domestic terrorism" bill that was languishing in a Republican controlled congress and it all goes back to the events at Ruby Ridge, the Branch Davidian massacre and the fact that Michigan had a very powerful militia. OKC was about taking down any opposition to the over reaching tentacles of the "federal gubermint" that was stepping on the rights of the states to govern themselves. Debate me on this event....I fucking dare ya. I live and breathe this stuff.

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