The Republicans need someone like Joe Scarborough

Yeah we ran Juan McCain, a Maverick who pretends he's a Republican whenever its time for reelection and still can't believe that Obama might be a Liberal.

How'd that work out for us

Probably would have worked out just fine had he not picked that idiot Palin as a running mate.

Yeah, he could have kept denying the economy was in trouble while we all stood in the soup lines.
Even John McCain admitted he knew ZIP, about the U.S. economy. That's why he kept Phil Gramm around.

Let's watch Chris Matthew's documentary titled 'The Rise of the New Right'....that should be an eye-opener....NOT!!!! I'm going to watch it just to see how this fool portrays his 'enemy'.....LOL!

It will be interesting to see how extreme right wing wackos justify the craziness. Looking forward to hearing how you nuts explain it.

isn't it funny how the girl is in meltdown over joe because he's sane and rational and not a frothing at the mouth loon?
True. There's never been any visual-frothing.

Regarding the scandal over Scarborough's dead intern, one would think that with the expert investigative bloggers we have today, someone would be able to come up with some proof that she was actually "murdered." Just sayin...
Even Joe Scarborough isn't crazy-enough to rely on that, during a campaign.​
I do not share his veiwpoints on many things, but I do see him as someone that can work with the Democrats and someone who is not dogmatic. It appears the GOP is falling prey to many candidates that must believe the Tea party platform, whatever that is...

George Bush worked with Democrats and was not dogmatic. Do you want him back in office?

By "worked with", I assume you mean "lied to in order to get his way"?
MAYBE They'll justify it the same way the anti-war protests justified their actions against our military men and women while they were at war just to bring Bush down.

There were no actions against our military. The actions were in the streets of the USA, protesting the war. It wasn't to bring Bush down, it was to stop the unnecessary war.

But please, don't let the truth get in the way of your twisted world view.

like I said, that IS your alls justification.:eusa_whistle:
I had no idea so many o' you Summer Schoolers would show-up, here.

I do not share his veiwpoints on many things, but I do see him as someone that can work with the Democrats and someone who is not dogmatic. It appears the GOP is falling prey to many candidates that must believe the Tea party platform, whatever that is...

George Bush worked with Democrats and was not dogmatic.
....And, end-up tweaking legislation, after working-with Dems.


[ame=]YouTube - Cafferty: Bush and his signing statements: He's the Decider![/ame]​
I do not share his veiwpoints on many things, but I do see him as someone that can work with the Democrats and someone who is not dogmatic. It appears the GOP is falling prey to many candidates that must believe the Tea party platform, whatever that is...

We don't want to work with Democrats. We don't want MORE government. We like freedom.
Yeah.....we Dems notice all o' you freedom-folks, out there.....running-around, patching keep government outta-your-lives.

I like Joe.

I listen to him every morning before I go to work.

I like him because he blasts both parties. Even his own when he thinks they need it. He has no problem speaking his mind about Barry Boy as well.

I think the Reps could do much worse than Joe Scarborough. Hell. I'd vote for him. LOL
He is a conservative. He is intelligent. I measures his words. He doesn't wear a gun.

The GOP needs to look to someone like Joe, who is not screaming like the far right. The Tea Party is dragging the party farther and farther to the right. It is not going to come out good.

I honestly do not know where he stands on the major issues. From what I have see of "Morning Joe" he seems to be a likable enough guy.
There were no actions against our military. The actions were in the streets of the USA, protesting the war. It wasn't to bring Bush down, it was to stop the unnecessary war.

But please, don't let the truth get in the way of your twisted world view.

like I said, that IS your alls justification.:eusa_whistle:
I had no idea so many o' you Summer Schoolers would show-up, here.


well as we see they let grade schoolers on here. just look at your post.
I like Joe.

I listen to him every morning before I go to work.

I like him because he blasts both parties. Even his own when he thinks they need it. He has no problem speaking his mind about Barry Boy as well.

I think the Reps could do much worse than Joe Scarborough. Hell. I'd vote for him. LOL

I might like him better if he got rid of the blonde airhead who sits next to him.
He is a conservative. He is intelligent. I measures his words. He doesn't wear a gun.

The GOP needs to look to someone like Joe, who is not screaming like the far right. The Tea Party is dragging the party farther and farther to the right. It is not going to come out good.

And why on earth would we listen to you on what who we need to run as a candidate? You want us to lose. So why would we pick the people you choose? That's insanity.

More to the point, if we oppose your viewpoints, which we clearly do, why would we select someone who shares your viewpoints? Why would we pick someone to represent us who doesn't represent us?

You speak like like one of the many voices who are dividers, not uniters. People like you continue to screech that you "want your country back," but the COUNTRY was established as the United States of America, intoning unity among us. Not a WE vs. THEM mentality.
He is a conservative. He is intelligent. I measures his words. He doesn't wear a gun.

The GOP needs to look to someone like Joe, who is not screaming like the far right. The Tea Party is dragging the party farther and farther to the right. It is not going to come out good.

And why on earth would we listen to you on what who we need to run as a candidate? You want us to lose. So why would we pick the people you choose? That's insanity.

More to the point, if we oppose your viewpoints, which we clearly do, why would we select someone who shares your viewpoints? Why would we pick someone to represent us who doesn't represent us?

You speak like like one of the many voices who are dividers, not uniters. People like you continue to screech that you "want your country back," but the COUNTRY was established as the United States of America, intoning unity among us. Not a WE vs. THEM mentality.

Spare us the sermon. we saw all the UNITING by the lefties during the Bush years with the anti-war marchers, the illegal immigrants marching, etc etc.
LOL, don't ya love when the left tries to pick and choose who should be in the Republican party.:lol::lol:

at least Joe isn't beating the shit out of college student asking him a question.

Why is Stephanie such a liar?
I like Joe.

I listen to him every morning before I go to work.

I like him because he blasts both parties. Even his own when he thinks they need it. He has no problem speaking his mind about Barry Boy as well.

I think the Reps could do much worse than Joe Scarborough. Hell. I'd vote for him. LOL

That is my point. I don't think he has any excentrcities such as thinking fluoride is a communist plot or the platform to eliminate social secruity. Scarbourough seems to give all sides a voice on his show. Whether I agree with him or not, a appreciate that.

I usually turn off programs that give one view continuously. That includes some programs on MSNBC and FOX. But Scarborough seems to give equal air time.
He is a conservative. He is intelligent. I measures his words. He doesn't wear a gun.

The GOP needs to look to someone like Joe, who is not screaming like the far right. The Tea Party is dragging the party farther and farther to the right. It is not going to come out good.

Yes, Republicans are DESPERATELY in need of people who are approved of by THEIR POLITICAL OPPONENTS.

One wonders when we will see a thread from Jim about how the Democrats really need someone like Ronald Reagan. Or any other Republican respected by other Republicans. :cuckoo:

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